69 research outputs found

    Surveillance System of Industrial Robot Arm

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    Import 03/11/2016Práce se zabývá návrhem dohledového kamerového systému schopného trvalého nasazení v průmyslových podmínkách. Účelem systému je zaznamenávat pomocí kamer pohyb robotického ramene, u kterého dochází k nežádoucím chybovým situacím a poškození výrobku. Synchronizace záznamu s pracovními cykly robota zajišťuje signál z řídicího PLC. Kromě výběru vhodného hardwaru z oblasti strojového vidění obsahuje práce také návrh softwaru pro PC v programovacím jazyce LabVIEW a popis systémové integrace jednotlivých komponent. Následuje rozbor testování a ladění, především odstranění potíží spojených s trvalým provozem a zatížením velkým objemem obrazových dat.This work deals with design of camera surveillance system capable of permanent operation in industrial environment. The purpose of system is to record movement of robot arm, because its malfunction causes damage of products. Signal from master PLC is used to synchronize records with robot arm operation cycles. Thesis contains choice of suitable machine vision hardware, software implementation for PC platform in LabVIEW programming language and description of system integration of all components. Subsequently testing and debugging is described with special focus at solving problems followed from permanent operation and processing of large amount of visual data.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Laboratory Demonstration Devices for Virtual Instrumentation Education

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    Import 05/08/2014Cílem práce bylo navrhnout a zkonstruovat sadu přípravků pro výuku virtuální instrumentace. Jedná se o přípravek s mikrokontrolérem a LCD displejem využívající platformu Arduino, jehož účelem je simulovat testované zařízení. Dále přípravek se senzory jako je například digitální teploměr, ultrazvukový dálkoměr nebo hodiny reálného času komunikující po sběrnici I2C. Třetí přípravek je osazen krokovým motorem, modelářským servomotorem a senzory pro zavedení zpětné vazby. Ke všem prvkům na přípravcích vznikly rovněž vzorové aplikace v LabVIEW, které demonstrují možnosti použití ve výuce. Program pro kontrolér vznikl ve vývojovém prostředí pro Arduino.The target of this work was to design and build a set of laboratory devices for education of virtual instrumentation. First is device with microcontroller and LCD display based on Arduino platform, which serves as the device under test. The second laboratory device contains several types of sensor such as digital thermometer, ultrasonic rangefinder or real time clock. The clock module uses I2C bus for communication. The third device is equipped with stepper motor and servomotor including sensors for feedback. For all components on laboratory devices were made example applications in LabVIEW to illustrate how to use them in education. Program for microcontroller was written in development environment for Arduino platform.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    The interest of visitors to protected natural areas in \u27green\u27 accommodation

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    The development in tourism should be done within the framework of environmentally friendly tourism. A part of environmentally friendly tourism is the development of "green" hotels. The main objective of this study was to investigate the extent to which visitors to the protected natural areas are interested in "green" hotels. It was conducted on a sample of visitors to ten protected natural areas in the Czech Republic. The results reveal a low interest for this type of accommodation. Pro-environmental orientation of visitors is comparable to other areas. Relaxation is the most participated activity among these visitors. Non-parametric regression with the normal distribution of dependent variable and Log Function was used to identify predictors of such an interest. A higher degree of interest was identified among the environmentally oriented visitors. A higher degree of interest was also identified among bicycle tourists, gamekeepers, anglers (who are gamekeepers at the same time) and female anglers. A higher interest in environmentally friendly accommodation is generally higher among female tourists rather than among male tourists. Those categories have identified the main target segments (each distinct one from another) of the potential creation of the supply of such an accommodation in vulnerable areas

    Characterization of ultra-thin tungsten layers

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    Atomic force microscopy and surface resistivity measurement were used for characterization of ultra-thin tungsten layers deposited on purified silicon with 200 nm thermic silicon dioxide substrate. Radio-frequency magnetron sputtering was used for tungsten deposition. © Research India Publications


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    The aim of this article is to identify the level of environmental knowledge of visitors to interpretive trails. Specifically, this research investigates the factors that influence potential differences in the environmental knowledge of visitors to interpretive trails and to the surrounding protected areas. Only some visitors to protected areas also visit interpretive trails. They tend to be more environmentally conscious and have higher levels of environmental knowledge than all visitors to protected areas. It should be noted that visitors who have more environmental knowledge are also those who have the greatest interest in the surrounding environment. It, therefore, follows that interpretive trails are visited by those with an interest in them, not by visitors to protected areas as a whole. Secondly, visiting interpretive trails contributes to visitors’ knowledge, but this potential contribution has no effect on visitors who lack prior knowledge and are the intended targets of environmental-awareness education on the trails. Based on the number of environmentally conscious visitors, interpretive trails, in their present condition, do not make any significant contributions to environmentally friendly tourism in protected areas.Cilj je rada utvrditi razinu ekološke informiranosti posjetitelja poučnih staza za samostalni obilazak u zaštićenim područjima. Radom se žele utvrditi faktori koji potencijalno utječu na pretpostavljene razlike između ekološke informiranosti posjetitelja poučnih staza i posjetitelja zaštićenog područja općenito. Poučne staze ne posjećuju svi posjetitelji zaštićenog područja. Oni koji ih posjećuju predstavljaju ekološki osvješteniji dio populacije. Radi se o posjetiteljima koji posjeduju višu razinu ekološke informiranosti od ostalih posjetitelja zaštićenog područja. Bolje informirani posjetitelji pokazuju i veće zanimanje za prirodni okoliš. U radu se zaključuje da poučne staze posjećuju ljudi koji za njih iskazuju posebno zanimanje, a ne svi posjetitelji određenom zaštićenom području. Nadalje, zaključuje se da dok posjećivanje poučnih staza doprinosi znanju posjetitelja, taj doprinos ipak nema većeg utjecaja na posjetitelje koji već ne posjeduju neko prethodno znanje. Odnosno, nema većeg utjecaja na one kojima su poučne staze zapravo primarno namijenjene, s obzirom da im je cilj povećati ekološku svijest upravo tih posjetitelja. Konačno, s obzirom na broj ekološki osviještenih posjetitelja, zaključuje se da poučne staze u svom sadašnjem obliku značajno ne doprinose ekološkom turizmu u zaštićenim područjima.Das Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, den Grad der Umweltkenntnisse der Besucher von Lehrpfaden und besonders die Kohärenz der Faktoren festzustellen, die die möglichen Unterschiede zwischen diesen Besuchern und Besuchern in geschützten Zonen generell beeinflussen. Es wurde festgestellt, dass Lehrpfade nicht von “allen Besuchern geschützter Zonen” in Anspruch genommen werden, sondern eigentlich nur von einigen davon. Diejenigen, die Lehrpfade besuchen, stellen den umweltbewußteren Teil der Population dar. Ihre Umweltkenntnisse liegen auf einer höheren Stufe als die Umweltkenntnisse der Besucher von geschützten Zonen generell. Wir müssen bedenken, dass die Besucher mit besseren Kenntnissen diejenigen sind, die mehr Interesse an der Umwelt haben. Daraus folgt, dass Lehrpfade von Leuten besucht werden, die sich dafür interessieren und nicht von Leuten, die geschützte Zonen als solche besuchen, Zweitens trägt der Besuch eines Lehrpfades den Kenntnissen der Besucher bei, aber ein solcher potentieller Beitrag hat keinen Effekt auf Besucher, die keine Kenntnisse haben und für die die Lehrpfade in erster Linie gedacht sind, im Sinne, dass sie das Umweltbewusstsein der Besucher stärken. Die Lehrpfade in ihrem jetzigen Zustand tragen nicht wesentlich zur Ausweitung des (was die Anzahl der umweltbewussten Besucher betrifft) sanften Tourismus in den geschützten Zonen bei

    Design of scanning system for mechanoscopic analysis

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    The work deals with hardware and software proposal of a system suitable for control and visualization of scanning process based on resistivity measurement. Three axis positioning system with conductive contact probe is utilized. The user application was created in MATLAB programming environment. Important part of the design represents the definition of requirements, choice of the appropriate tools, functions and structures needed for reliable realization. Proposed user application allows setting key parameters of the measurement, appropriate method of data acquisition as well as performing online 3D visualization of measured data. The functionality of the application is verified via measurement of a several selected samples. Results of these measurements are also presented

    Emergence of Centralized (Collective) and Decentralized (Individual) Environmentally Friendly Solutions during the Regeneration of a Residential Building in a Post-Socialist City

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    Our paper deals with a micro-study of one residential building in the city center of Brno (Czech Republic) where we strived to identify and better understand the main factors behind the successful implementation of environmentally friendly solutions during the regeneration process. We followed the unique, complicated, and often conflictual story of the regeneration (conducted during the years 2010-2020) of the residential building, which was originally built in the 1930s. In total, 18 solutions were discussed-all four solutions on the state level of centralization were realized, only two of six solutions on the building level of centralization were materialized, and six of eight decentralized solutions were realized during the regeneration process. In the field of energy savings requiring high investments, a significant dominance of centralized solutions (on the state level) was identified. Centralized solutions on the building level such as heat pumps or solar panels were not realized. In the area of waste management and care for community greenery (that did not require large investments), we see as the most beneficial the promotion of decentralized solutions in the form of community-funded communal composting or the planting of new greenery. The formation of various regeneration options, which is discussed in detail, appeared as an integral instrument for dealing with conflicts among residents during the planning phase

    Changes in the structure of the regional agricultural production (South Bohemian region)

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    Ekologické zemědělství vykazuje celosvětově růstový trend. Stalo se organickou součástí agrární produkce nejenom ve vyspělých zemích, ale i v zemích tzv. třetího světa. Zde se pak rozvíjí hlavně ve spojení s projekty fair trade. Také EU podporuje tuto oblast alternativní agroenvironmentální produkce. V mnoha zemích se podíl ekologického zemědělství na zemědělské půdě pohybuje nad 10% a to včetně zemí bývalého východního bloku. ČR aktivně podporuje ekologickou produkci. Její podíl na zemědělské půdě již přesáhl 11,5 %. Předmětem výzkumu je bioprodukce v jihočeském regionu, cílem pak vymezení základních změn v její struktuře v období let 2008-2011, a to konkrétně ve vazbě na změny v dotační podpoře. Rozšíření jednotlivých ekologicky obhospodařovaných ploch pozitivně koreluje s navýšením dotací v rámci Programu rozvoje venkova 2007-2013. Zároveň současné dotace do EZ ovlivňují diverzitu zemědělských plodin.The organic farming shows growth trend all over the world. It became an integral part of the agricultural production not only in the developed countries, but also in the so called Third World countries. In the latter countries, the organic farming develops mainly in connection with the fair trade projects. The share of the organic farming in the agricultural land is in many countries above 10%, including the Central and Eastern European countries. The Czech Republic actively supports the organic production. The share of the Czech organic farming in the agricultural land has overpassed 11.5%. The paper deals with organic production in the South Bohemian Region. The aim is to determine main changes in the structure of the organic production in the period 2008-2011, specifically in connection with the changes in the subsidy policy. The increase of individual organically farmed areas correlates positively with the increase of subsidies set up within the Programme of rural development 2007-2013. At the same time, it is obvious that those subsidies affect the diversity of the agricultural crops

    The importance of vulnerable areas with potential tourism development: a case study of the Bohemian forest and South Bohemia tourism regions

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    The significance of the vulnerability of nature-rich areas with high development potential for tourism was studied using three types of data: 1) spatial distribution of tourist attractions, 2) the appeal level of these attractions, and 3) the number of visitors. The Bohemian Forest and South Bohemia were chosen as study areas. Nine types of landscape spatial appeal were identified in the study area. Two most important types were defined based on their appeal where there are rare relic features in the natural environment dominated by the presence of peat bogs and natural habitats with scrub undergrowth or virgin forests. These types were also found in the areas with the greatest potential for tourism development. However, these areas are also the most important from the point of view of nature conservation and landscape protection in Central Europe