3,497 research outputs found

    Statistical Properties and Economic Implications of Jump-Diffusion Processes with Shot-Noise Effects

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    This paper analyzes the Shot-Noise Jump-Diffusion model of Altmann, Schmidt and Stute (2008), which introduces a new situation where the effects of the arrival of rare, shocking information to the financial markets may fade away in the long run. We analyze several economic implications of the model, providing an analytical expression for the process distribution. We also prove that certain specifications of this model can provide negative serial persistence. Additionally, we find that the degree of serial autocorrelation is related to the arrival and magnitude of abnormal information. Finally, a GMM framework is proposed to estimate the model parameters.Filtered Poisson Process, Characteristic Function, Generalized Method of Moments

    Infinity structures and higher products in rational homotopy theory

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    Fecha de Lectura de Tesis: 22 de Marzo de 2018.Rational homotopy theory classically studies the torsion free phenomena in the homotopy category of topological spaces and continuous maps. Its success is mainly due to the existence of relatively simple algebraic models that faithfully capture this non-torsion homotopical information. Infinity structures are algebraic gadgets in which some axioms hold up to a hierarchy of coherent homotopies. We will work particularly with two of the most important of these, namely, A-infinity and L-infinity algebras. The former can be thought of as a differential graded algebra (DGA, henceforth, or CDGA if it is commutative) where the associativity law holds up to a homotopy which is determined by a 3-product whose associativity up to homotopy is again given by a 4-product, and so on. The latter can be seen as a differential graded Lie algebra (DGL, henceforth) where similarly, the Jacobi identity holds up to a homotopy which is determined by a 3-product, and so on. In this work, we use infinity structures to shed light on classical matters of rational homotopy theory, and beyond. When attempting to classify (or, more modestly, just to distinguish) rational homotopy types, one is naturally led to consider secondary operations in homotopy or cohomology. Among these, we focus on the higher Whitehead and Massey products, complementing the usual Whitehead product in homotopy andcup product in cohomology, respectively. These fundamental homotopical invariantsare at the very heart of the theory, but their manipulation can be difficult at times. Infinity structures also classify rational homotopy types and are sometimes more amenable to computations or better adapted to the problem at hand than are the secondary operations. The main achievement of this thesis is the description of the precise relationship between the higher arity operations of an infinity structure governing a given rational homotopy type and the higher products in homotopy and cohomology of it

    Gamificación como estrategia didáctica en estudiantes de Excel en un instituto de educación superior de Lima 2022

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    La investigación realizada, presenta la gamificación como estrategia didáctica en estudiantes de Excel en un instituto de educación superior de Lima. La metodología de investigación se desarrolló mediante un enfoque cualitativo educacional de tipo básica, la cual se centró en el análisis y la resolución de problemas utilizando métodos científicos. La muestra del estudio se efectuó a través del método no experimental, en donde los elementos de estudio se observan en su contexto y transversalidad; y estuvo conformada por 60 estudiantes y 3 docentes del curso de Excel de primer ciclo de la carrera de gestión y negocios de un instituto de educación superior seleccionado para realizar el diagnostico de campo; utilizando diversas técnicas e instrumentos: entrevista a docentes, encuesta a estudiantes y una guía de observación de clases, la cual ayudó a analizar el uso de la gamificación dentro del procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje; así como la situación real del problema de estudio. En esa línea, los fundamentos teóricos, metodológicos y procedimentales, sumado al análisis de datos alcanzados, hicieron posible lograr el objetivo principal, el cual fue comprender la importancia del uso de la gamificación como estrategia didáctica en estudiantes de Excel en un instituto de educación superior de Lima. Aporte que podría generar alternativas dinámicas y didácticas en diferentes espacios educativos mediante el uso de la gamificación para lograr una mejor comprensión, retroalimentación y motivación en el estudiante

    Intestinal microbiota and colorectal cancer

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    Colorectal cancer may be influenced by changes in the intestinal microbiota that affect the mucosa and cause an immune response capable of producing inflammatory effects. Although there are still few studies in this regard, it is necessary to emphasize the need to expand the studies on this topic and to state the usefulness of the new technologies based on metagenomics.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Case study of the intestinal microbiota using the XGN-MBI metagenomic assay

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    The microbiota of the colon and rectum is the most abundant and diverse of the human body, with a density of up to 1-2 kg of weight and a diversity that exceeds a thousand species. Metagenomics can be defined as the application of modern genomic techniques for the direct study of communities of microorganisms in their natural environment The aim of this study is to prove the usefulness of new technologies based on metagenomics, such as the XGN-MBI assay to realize gut microbiota studies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The barley a-thionin promotor is rich in negative regulatory motifs and directs tissue-specific expression of a reporter gene in tobacco.

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    The promoter of the barley α-thionin gene (1.6 kb) fused to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene directs temporally-controled, tissue-specific expression in the endosperm of transgenic tobacco. The nucleotide sequence of this promoter shows negative regulatory motifs which have been functionally analyzed in other gene

    Figurative thought, colour categorisation, and vantage construal in scientific language

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    Research following Vantage Theory (VT) (MacLaury, 1992, 1995, 1997, 2002, 2003) has traditionally focused on general, and occasionally, domain-specific language (e.g. Anishchanka, 2010; Steinvall, 2002, 2011) for modelling colour categorisation, but not on specialised terminology in itself. This research analyses colour categories in the terminology of marine biology in English and Spanish. For this purpose, the study draws on principles from VT and (socio-)cognitive linguistics, including some general premises from cognitive psychology (e.g. Langacker, 1987; Kristiansen, 2008; Plümacher, 2007). Based on a corpus of academic articles and books, this work explores the semantic and cognitive basis of colour, and explains how vantage construal has a bearing on colour dimensions, such as hue, hue distribution, and brightness, when conceptualising and designating sea organisms and processes. The analysis of the terms revealed that figurative thought plays a pivotal role in the formation of specialised concepts through colour attribution both in English and Spanish. The influence of figurative thought is also shown to give rise to inter- and intralingual terminological variation

    Colloidal systems in bone regeneration. Is the size important

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    Poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) is one of the most widely used synthetic polymers for development of delivery systems for drugs and therapeutic biomolecules. Its properties and versatility make it a reference polymer in the manufacturing of nano and microparticles to encapsulate and deliver a wide variety of hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules, including biomolecules such as proteins or nucleic acids that must be released in a controlled way [1]. Delivery of growth factors such as bone morphogenetic proteins, and specially BMP-2, is an attractive therapeutic strategy for bone tissue engineering. However, their administration is problematic due to their short biological half-lives, localized action and rapid clearance. Consequently, its clinical use requires high doses far exceeding its physiological concentration which implies possible side effects and high costs. These barriers might be overcome by developing new delivery systems which allow a better control of the release rate in order to achieve the desired concentrations in specific site and time [2]. With this aim, in this preliminary study we have synthesized PLGA particles with different diameters, from nano (200 nm) to micro scale (12.5 μm) via double emulsion procedure, in order to study the influence of size in the release profile of lysozyme, which has been selected as an appropriate model for BMP2. A physico-chemical characterization of the particles was done, followed by a complete study on the encapsulation efficiency, cumulative protein release and bioactivity of the released enzyme with and without co-encapsulated bovine serum albumin, a protective biomolecule that can prevent protein instability during emulsification process. Additionally, fluorescently labeled lysozyme was used to study the protein distribution and the influence of particle size on the in vitro cellular uptake.Universidad de Málaga. Campus Internacional de Andalucía Tec

    Desempeño de una Red Neuronal Convolucional para Clasificación de Señales de Tránsito

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    El paradigma del Deep Learnig, o Aprendizaje Profundo, se ha beneficiado del incremento de información de la actualidad, así como del notable avance de las Redes Neuronales Convolucionales o CNN’s. En los últimos cinco años, las CNN’s han estado al frente en aplicaciones de reconocimientos de patrones usando imágenes o video, debido a las ventajas que tienen en comparación con otras técnicas; incluso, en algunos casos, llegando a superar la capacidad humana, como se muestra en el trabajo de Graham [2015]. En el presente trabajo se emplean señales de tránsito empleadas en México, para investigar el tiempo de entrenamiento y error de clasificación (desempeño) de una CNN de dos capas de convolución, el entrenamiento y prueba se llevada cabo en un CPU.CONACY

    A Tractable Line-of-Sight Product Channel Model: Application to Wireless Powered Communications

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    We here present a general and tractable fading model for line-of-sight (LOS) scenarios, which is based on the product of two independent and non-identically distributed κ- μ shadowed random variables. Simple closed-form expressions for the probability density function and cumulative distribution function are derived, which are as tractable as the corresponding expressions derived from a product of Nakagami-m random variables. This newly proposed model simplifies the challenging characterization of LOS product channels, as well as combinations of LOS channels with non-LOS ones. Results are used to analyze performance measures of interest in the context of wireless powered communications.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech