3,246 research outputs found

    Optimization of Process Flowsheets through Metaheuristic Techniques

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    This book presents a multi-objective optimization framework for optimizing chemical processes. The proposed framework implements a link between process simulators and metaheuristic techniques. The proposed approach is general, and there can be used any process simulator and any metaheuristic technique. This book shows how to implement links between different process simulators such as Aspen Plus®, HYSYS®, SuperPro Designer®, and others, linked to metaheuristic techniques implemented in Matlab®, Excel®, C++, or other programs. This way, the proposed framework allows optimizing any process flowsheet implemented in the process simulator and using the metaheuristic technique, and this way the numerical complications through the optimization process can be eliminated. Furthermore, the proposed framework allows using the thermodynamic, design, and constitutive equations implemented in the process simulator to implement any process

    Sistemas para la medición, visualización y registro de la radiación solar

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    SE DISEÑÓ UN SISTEMA PARA LA MEDICIÓN DE LA RADIACIÓN SOLARLa luz solar es esencial para la vida, una exposición moderada a la radiación ultravioleta contribuye a la síntesis de vitamina D, pero exponerse mucho puede ser dañino para la piel, ojos y el sistema inmunitario. Uno de los mayores problemas al exponerse al sol es el cáncer de piel. En México ocurren alrededor de 1,000 casos anuales; los estados con mayor registro de muertes por cáncer son: Ciudad de México, Estado de México, Veracruz y Jalisco [1]. De acuerdo con la doctora Minerva Gómez, Presidenta de la Fundación Mexicana de Dermatología (FMD), este tipo de cáncer ocupa el segundo lugar en frecuencia en nuestro país: el primero en el caso de los hombres, y el segundo respecto a las mujeres [2]. La exposición directa al sol es una amenaza para todas las personas, de manera particular para los menores de edad, por ello es importante contar con medidas preventivas oportunas. La idea de este proyecto es proporcionar a las personas información en tiempo real de la radiación solar a la que se exponen, esto mediante dispositivos que permitan medir el nivel de radiación ultra violeta (UV) y mostrar visualmente la mediación. La propuesta realiza mediciones con múltiples sensores, y mediante un algoritmo ad-hoc mejora el nivel de precisión, el algoritmo también determina el correcto funcionamiento de sensores, haciendo al sistema más confiable; adicionalmente, se guarda un registro de las mediciones, lo cual podrá ser útil para análisis a largo plazo. Todo es implementado usando dispositivos de bajo costo

    Virtual research and learning communities in Latin America : The CEVALE2VE case

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    New strategies for the adaptation of higher scientific education to the requirements of the network society are briefly discussed, in particular the pivotal role played by virtual research and learning communities in the Latin American region. The Centro Virtual de Altos Estudios de Altas Energias (CEVALE2VE) is singled out in reference to the virtual graduate course on particle physics that was given at several Venezuelan and Colombian national universities and research institutions during the semesters September 2014 - February 2015 and March 2016 - July 2016. Different course implementation aspects are reviewed to encourage and facilitate similar regional initiatives in the near future.Peer reviewe

    SALMANTICOR study. Rationale and design of a population-based study to identify structural heart disease abnormalities: a spatial and machine learning analysis

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    [EN]Introduction: This study aims to obtain data on the prevalence and incidence of structural heart disease in a population setting and, to analyse and present those data on the application of spatial and machine learning methods that, although known to geography and statistics, need to become used for healthcare research and for political commitment to obtain resources and support effective public health programme implementation. Methods and analysis: We will perform a cross-sectional survey of randomly selected residents of Salamanca (Spain). 2400 individuals stratified by age and sex and by place of residence (rural and urban) will be studied. The variables to analyse will be obtained from the clinical history, different surveys including social status, Mediterranean diet, functional capacity, ECG, echocardiogram, VASERA and biochemical as well as genetic analysis. Ethics and dissemination: The study has been approved by the ethical committee of the healthcare community. All study participants will sign an informed consent for participation in the study. The results of this study will allow the understanding of the relationship between the different influencing factors and their relative importance weights in the development of structural heart disease

    Low-cost Approaches to Follow-up Cardiac Patients in Low-Income Countries using Public Data Networks

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    The main characteristics of three approaches to cardiac care using public data networks are presented. All efforts were addressed to get minimum-cost solutions for low-budget public health systems. The first solution was developed to follow-up arrhythmic patients between medical consultations, setting a more closed patient-physician relationship, and a daily recording of cardiac rhythm changes. It is based on a personal battery-powered device for one-channel ECG recording, minimizing electrode setting and operation complexity. An ECG recording taken daily allows a detailed analysis anytime without the patient’s traveling to a health institution. A second solution was aimed at monitoring high-risk cardiac patients. A 24-h portable device capable of monitoring heart rate and sudden falls, typically associated with cardiac syncope, was developed. When any cardiac event or fall is detected, an urgent message is sent to relatives and the medical emergency care system asking for help. The third system implemented is oriented to the study of different cardiac parameters in people who suffer from heart disease or in those who are prone to suffering from it. Twelve-lead ECG is recorded periodically by each patient and trend graphics reflect ECG parameters strongly associated with cardiac disturbances, such as sudden death and ischemia. This approach allows the detection of the first troubling electrocardiographic deviations, making possible early medical intervention

    A dense neural network approach for detecting clone ID attacks on the RPL protocol of the IoT

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    At present, new data sharing technologies, such as those used in the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, are being extensively adopted. For this reason, intelligent security controls have become imperative. According to good practices and security information standards, particularly those regarding security in depth, several defensive layers are required to protect information assets. Within the context of IoT cyber-attacks, it is fundamental to continuously adapt new detection mechanisms for growing IoT threats, specifically for those becoming more sophisticated within mesh networks, such as identity theft and cloning. Therefore, current applications, such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), and Security Information and Event Management Systems (SIEM), are becoming inadequate for accurately handling novel security incidents, due to their signature-based detection procedures using the matching and flagging of anomalous patterns. This project focuses on a seldom-investigated identity attack—the Clone ID attack—directed at the Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL), the underlying technology for most IoT devices. Hence, a robust Artificial Intelligence-based protection framework is proposed, in order to tackle major identity impersonation attacks, which classical applications are prone to misidentifying. On this basis, unsupervised pre-training techniques are employed to select key characteristics from RPL network samples. Then, a Dense Neural Network (DNN) is trained to maximize deep feature engineering, with the aim of improving classification results to protect against malicious counterfeiting attempts

    Shoc2/Sur8 Protein Regulates Neurite Outgrowth

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    The Shoc2 protein has been implicated in the positive regulation of the Ras-ERK pathway by increasing the functional binding interaction between Ras and Raf, leading to increased ERK activity. Here we found that Shoc2 overexpression induced sustained ERK phosphorylation, notably in the case of EGF stimulation, and Shoc2 knockdown inhibited ERK activation. We demonstrate that ectopic overexpression of human Shoc2 in PC12 cells significantly promotes neurite extension in the presence of EGF, a stimulus that induces proliferation rather than differentiation in these cells. Finally, Shoc2 depletion reduces both NGF-induced neurite outgrowth and ERK activation in PC12 cells. Our data indicate that Shoc2 is essential to modulate the Ras-ERK signaling outcome in cell differentiation processes involved in neurite outgrowth.This work was supported by FIS grant (PI10/00815) to JLO; CIBERNED to MC; SAF2008-01951, Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (CAM) S-SAL-0202-2006-01 and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED) to TI; FIS grant PI12/00775 and ISCIII-RETIC (Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer) RD12/0036/0027 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III to PSG; and FIS grants (PI09/0562 and PI13/00703), ISCIII-RETIC (RD06/0020/0003 and RD12/0036/0021), and the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) to JMR. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    Glioblastoma on a microfluidic chip: Generating pseudopalisades and enhancing aggressiveness through blood vessel obstruction events

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    Background: Glioblastoma (GBM) is one of the most lethal tumor types. Hypercellular regions, named pseudo- palisades, are characteristic in these tumors and have been hypothesized to be waves of migrating glioblastoma cells.These “waves” of cells are thought to be induced by oxygen and nutrient depletion caused by tumor-induced blood vessel occlusion. Although the universal presence of these structures in GBM tumors suggests that they may play an instrumental role in GBM’s spread and invasion, the recreation of these structures in vitro has remained challenging. Methods: Here we present a new microfluidic model of GBM that mimics the dynamics of pseudopalisade forma- tion.To do this, we embedded U-251 MG cells within a collagen hydrogel in a custom-designed microfluidic device. By controlling the medium flow through lateral microchannels, we can mimic and control blood-vessel obstruction events associated with this disease. Results: Through the use of this new system, we show that nutrient and oxygen starvation triggers a strong migratory process leading to pseudopalisade generation in vitro.These results validate the hypothesis of pseudo- palisade formation and show an excellent agreement with a systems-biology model based on a hypoxia-driven phenomenon. Conclusions: This paper shows the potential of microfluidic devices as advanced artificial systems capable of mod- eling in vivo nutrient and oxygen gradients during tumor evolution