1,292 research outputs found

    Interest in STEM disciplines and teaching methodologies : perception of secondary school students and preservice teachers

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    The paper addresses the lack of interest that Secondary Education students display towards the academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). From the pedagogical standpoint, the origin of this problem may lie largely in the way these subjects have predominantly been taught, i.e. using expository strategies. The aim of this paper is twofold: first, to examine the retrospective perception that preservice teachers recall about the methodologies used for teaching STEM disciplines, coupled with analysis of the value these teachers give to a number of innovative activities used to encourage interest among their future students. A second objective was to compare those perceptions with a sample of high school students' assessment of the actual activities their teachers used in STEM disciplines. Our results revealed the predominance of traditional teaching activities in both teachers and students, although the perception of this is slightly lower among students. Practical and applied activities in laboratories and first-hand knowledge of technoscientific work were perceived as the most interesting activities, although teachers used these less frequently than other activities. Conclusions are aligned with the achievement of a range of varied and innovate learning opportunities seeking a more engaging way of teaching STEM.L'article aborda la manca d'interès que els estudiants d'educació secundària mostren perles disciplines acadèmiques de ciència, tecnologia, enginyeria i matemàtiques (STEM).Des del punt de vista pedagògic, l'origen d'aquest problema pot situar-se en gran manera en la forma com tradicionalment s'ha tendit a ensenyar aquestes matèries. És a dir, mitjançant un predomini d'estratègies expositives. L'objectiu d'aquest article és doble: primer, examinar la percepció retrospectiva que els docents en formació recorden sobre les metodologies utilitzades per ensenyar les disciplines STEM, juntament amb l'anàlisi del valor que aquests docents donen a un seguit d'activitats innovadores que s'utilitzarien per encoratjar l'interès dels seus futurs estudiants. El segon objectiu va comportar comparar aquestes percepcions amb l'avaluació d'una mostra d'estudiants de secundària sobre les activitats que els seus mestres feien servir en les disciplines STEM. Els resultats revelen un predomini de les activitats d'ensenyament tradicionals tant en mestres com en estudiants, lleugerament menys percebudes pels estudiants. Les activitats pràctiques i aplicades en laboratoris i el coneixement de primera mà de la feina tecnocientífica s'han percebut com les activitats més interessants, encara que els seus professors les utilitzaven amb menys freqüència que altres activitats. Les conclusions estan alineades amb l'assoliment d'una gamma d'oportunitats d'aprenentatge variades i innovadores que busquen una forma més atractiva d'ensenyar STEM.El artículo aborda la falta de interés que los estudiantes de educación secundaria muestran hacia las disciplinas académicas de ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM). Desde el punto de vista pedagógico, el origen de este problema puede estar en gran medida en la forma tradicional en que predominantemente se han enseñado estas materias, es decir, utilizando estrategias expositivas. El objetivo de este artículo es doble: primero, examinar la percepción retrospectiva que los docentes en formación recuerdan sobre las metodologías utilizadas para enseñar las disciplinas STEM, junto con el análisis del valor que estos docentes dan a una serie de actividades innovadoras que se utilizarían para alentar el interés de sus futuros estudiantes. El segundo objetivo fue comparar esas percepciones con la evaluación de una muestra de estudiantes de secundaria sobre las actividades que sus maestros usaban en las disciplinas STEM. Nuestros resultados revelaron el predominio de las actividades de enseñanza tradicionales tanto en maestros como en estudiantes, ligeramente menos percibidas por los estudiantes. Las actividades prácticas y aplicadas en laboratorios y el conocimiento de primera mano del trabajo tecnocientífico se percibieron como las actividades más interesantes, aunque sus profesores las utilizaban con menos frecuencia que otras actividades. Las conclusiones están alineadas con el logro de una gama de oportunidades de aprendizaje variadas e innovadoras que buscan una forma más atractiva de enseñar STEM

    Factors of well-being of youth with complex medical conditions from the experience of hospitalization and convalescence: A pilot study

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    Well-being in children with a complex medical condition (CMC) impacts the way they view and communicate with their immediate environment as well as their development, and it is thus necessary to inquire about the contextual issues and different needs that a CMC car- ries. This pilot study aimed to identify factors of pediatric well-being from the experience of hospitalization and convalescence of youth with CMC and their caregivers, in a cross-sec- tional analysis using a selective methodology complemented by an indirect observational methodology. We analyzed the quality of life and well-being of youth with CMC using a vali- dated KINDLR questionnaire. We collected 35 surveys: 11 from youth with CMC and 24 from caregivers from Spain. We focused the analysis on sociodemographics, well-being perceptions, and coping strategies variables. The results show that children aged between 3 and 6 years and their caregivers scored physical well-being the lowest out of all dimen- sions of well-being, and they scored family well-being the highest. Moreover, youth between the ages of 7 and 17 years and their caregivers scored school-related well-being the lowest. Coping strategies to deal with stressful situations differ between children and caregivers. While children mainly engage in social withdrawal, caregivers engage in cognitive restruc- turing and expressing emotions. However, we did not find a relationship between coping strategies and well-being perceptions. These results highlight the need to facilitate commu- nication spaces with both families and health professionals where the voice of children is considered

    Analysis of the presence of sustainability in Higher Education Degrees of the Spanish university system

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    This paper analyzes the extent to which sustainability is present in the curricula of the 16 Education Degree programs belonging to the EDINSOST project: 6 Early Childhood Education Degrees, 7 Primary Education Degrees, 2 Pedagogy Degrees and 1 Social Education Degree. The results obtained suggest that sustainability is present in all Degrees, but not uniformly so. A great disparity is observed in the number of subjects that develop sustainability, with an average of 22.63 subjects per Degree. The competency most present is the ‘ Application of ethical principles related to the values of sustainability in personal and professional behaviors, ’ while the least present is ‘ Sustainable use of resources and prevention of negative impacts on the natural and social environment. ’Sustainability is not developed uniformly in the different universities either. Three universities (UAM, UCA and UIC) develop sustainability competencies at 100%, while others such as the USAL do so at only 50

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    Las competencias en sostenibilidad como argumento –o algo más- para formar en el presente

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    Al hilo de lo indicado en la ponencia desde el comienzo: “urge un compromiso inmediato y a largo plazo que gravite sobre el conocimiento científico y tecnológico, pero éticamente guiado, de los retos que deben encauzar el desarrollo sostenible”, marcamos algunas líneas, conceptuales y competenciales, por las que encauzar el pensamiento y la acción educativa. Presentamos formas de justificar el Desarrollo Sostenible en Teoría de la Educación, y maneras de concretarlo a través de un mapa de competencias en sostenibilidad en la Educación Superior para las titulaciones de educación

    Non-Invasive Forehead Segmentation in Thermographic Imaging

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    The temperature of the forehead is known to be highly correlated with the internal body temperature. This area is widely used in thermal comfort systems, lie-detection systems, etc. However, there is a lack of tools to achieve the segmentation of the forehead using thermographic images and non-intrusive methods. In fact, this is usually segmented manually. This work proposes a simple and novel method to segment the forehead region and to extract the average temperature from this area solving this lack of non-user interaction tools. Our method is invariant to the position of the face, and other different morphologies even with the presence of external objects. The results provide an accuracy of 90% compared to the manual segmentation using the coefficient of Jaccard as a metric of similitude. Moreover, due to the simplicity of the proposed method, it can work with real-time constraints at 83 frames per second in embedded systems with low computational resources. Finally, a new dataset of thermal face images is presented, which includes some features which are difficult to find in other sets, such as glasses, beards, moustaches, breathing masks, and different neck rotations and flexions