2,901 research outputs found

    A computer formulation for the analysis on continuous non prismatic folded plate structures of arbitrary cross-section

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    A computer solution to analyze nonprismatic folded plate structures is shown. Arbitrary cross-sections (simple and multiple), continuity over intermediate supports and general loading and longitudinal boundary conditions are dealt with. The folded plates are assumed to be straight and long (beam like structures) and some simplifications are introduced in order to reduce the computational effort. The formulation here presented may be very suitable to be used in the bridge deck analysis

    Evolución de los métodos de cálculo de láminas plegadas. Una aportación al análisis de estructuras no prismáticas

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    Se describen someramente las más importantes técnicas de cálculo de estructuras láminas plegadas, y se realiza una comparación entre los métodos analíticos, en particular los procedimientos armónicos y los numéricos. Entre estos últimos, que hacen posible el tratamiento de situaciones reales que se encuentran en la práctica profesional, se expone uno original que permite englobar dentro de un mismo análisis matricial y, por tanto, dentro de un mismo programa de computador, estructuras muy diversas: no prismáticas, con sección transversal múltiple, con apoyos intermedios y con diversos tipos de continuidad transversal. En los ejemplos estudiados se comprueba la bondad de los resultados obtenidos y la excelente eficiencia computacional, en comparación con otros métodos numéricos más universales, que se muestran inadecuados para estos tipos particulares de estructuras

    The moderator role of Gender in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT): A study on users of Electronic Document Management Systems

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    Venkatesh et al. [1] tried to integrate predictability capabilities from the different existing models of technology acceptance. This produced the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). This comprehensive model resulted in the identification of common aspects. It proposed several constructs with a greater explanatory power and analyzed moderating drivers, such as age, Gender, experience and voluntariness of use. By doing so, UTAUT identifies three major drivers of behavioral intention: performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence. On the other hand, facilitating conditions and behavioral intention were identified as determinant factors of actual use [1]. In addition to previous considerations about UTAUT, empirical research has scarcely analyzed the moderating role of Gender [2]. This is why this paper particularly aims to fill this gap. Hofstede [3] describes strength, competitiveness and guidance for material success as social roles linked to male values, whilst modesty, tenderness, sensitivity and concern for the quality of life are values associated with women. With respect to UTAUT, existing studies have shown that performance expectancy positively influences behavioral intention more strongly for men (cf. [4], [5], [6] and [7]). Moreover, it has been observed that effort expectancy positively influences behavioral intention more strongly for women (cf. [4], [5] and [6]), while social influence positively affects behavioral intention more strongly for women (cf. [5], [7] and [8]). In our research, with the aim of testing the moderating effects of Gender, a sample of 2,175 users of Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) in Portuguese municipalities was used. Taking into account that Gender is a categorical variable, we have adopted a multi-group or multi-sample analysis [9] -dividing the sample into two groups (male = 748; female = 1,427) and estimating each group of observations separately. Before comparing the groups, an analysis of the measurement invariance was carried out to make sure that the construct measures were invariant between both groups [10]. Once the metric invariance had been assessed, we carried out a set of multi-group analyses –interpreting statistically-significant differences in path coefficients as moderating effects. On the one hand, the parametric approach considering both equal variances and different variances has been used [11, 12]. On the other hand, we have applied non-parametric approaches exemplified by the permutation test [13], and Henseler’s PLS multi-group analysis [10, 12, 14]. This study notes slight differences in the results of the aforementioned methods. As a result, the moderating effect of Gender on the relation between performance expectancy and behavioral intention showed that this relationship is stronger among men than women. Finally, a discussion on the implications of Gender as a moderator for the UTAUT model is included

    Determinants of User Acceptance of a Local eGovernment Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)

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    On numerous occasions the significant value of the investments involved in the development of eGovernment and the expectations of governmental information systems use do not correspond to the rate of effective use. This scenario makes it difficult to justify the development of electronic government by governments and local authorities among its citizens. It is therefore important to understand the factors that influence the employees' intention of using governmental information systems. With the aim of understanding the determining factors of using an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) in the context of Portuguese municipalities, this study develops an empirical analysis using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model, (Venkatesh et al., 2003). This model's application for information systems research in the governmental context has a weak expression and is unique in EDMS research. This empirical research follows a realist and positivist approach. Data was collected from a survey answered by 2,175 employees of Portuguese municipalities (EDMS users). Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used to test the model proposed. The results showed that Intention to Use is positively affected by Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions. With respect to the EDMS Use, the results showed that it is positively influenced by Intention to Use and Facilitating Conditions. The main result indicates that EDMS users believe that the use of this information system will help them to obtain performance benefits in their work. However, the increasing use of EDMS is not very influenced by the system's perceived ease of use. In short, this study provides a contribution to the Information Systems Acceptance and Adoption literature in local eGovernmental contexts. In addition, our contribution empirically tests the model for implementation in governmental organizations and provides a better understanding of the adoption and use of an EDM


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    Trabajo descriptivo de tesina acerca del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de inglés en sexto grado de primaria pública en el municipio de PapalotlaLa presente está enfocada al análisis del proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje de la asignatura lengua extranjera, impartida en sexto grado de primaria pública en el municipio de Papalotla, ubicado en el Estado de México, lo cual se relaciona con el Programa Nacional de Inglés aplicado en escuelas de educación primaria y constituida con base en una organización completa. Entonces, el objetivo de este trabajo fue Describir los factores vinculados en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la materia de inglés en sexto grado de primaria pública “Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla” del municipio de Papalotla, Estado de México. Como resultado pudimos observar que la transferencia de conocimiento del idioma en el nivel educativo sexto grado de la primaria publica “Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla” es muy bajo, puesto que al no ser parte de las materias curriculares del mismo, el tiempo de impartición de esta y el material de apoyo es mínimo y carente de recursos complementarios. Sin embargo, es importante recalcar los esfuerzos por la implementación de esta catedra, así como de factores externos a la unidad académica como la biblioteca digital. En este trabajo, por primera vez, se describen las relaciones del proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje con el aprendizaje particular de la materia de Ingles

    Effects of cardiorespiratory exercise on cognition in older women exposed to air pollution

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    The aim was to analyze the effects of cardiorespiratory exercise and air pollution on cognition and cardiovascular markers in four groups of older women: the active/clean air group (AC), the active/polluted air group (AP), the sedentary/clean air group (SC), and the sedentary/polluted air group (SP). Active groups performed a training task based on progressive walking. Prior to and after the experiment, the following parameters were assessed: cognition, by Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE); maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), estimated by the Six-Minute Walk Test (6mWT); heart rate (HR); and oxygen saturation (SpO2). There were significant differences (p < 0.05) between the AC and the SP in all the MMSE dimensions except “Registration”, and in all the physiological variables (VO2max, SpO2, HR). Aerobic exercise may be a protective factor against the effects that pollution have on cognition and on the mechanisms of oxygen transport

    Libre software role in edutainment robotics market

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    Some of the most succesful products in the market of robots for edutainment have made manufactures realize that software for controlling the robots is one of the key elements of the success. Some of them have also conclude that libre software is the best way to produce, maintain and distribute their software. This paper will summarize the fundamentals of the libre software model and their benefits for the edutainment robot market as well as some examples of companies currently supporting i

    Free Trade and Pollution in the Manufacturing Industry in Mexico : A Verification of the Inverse Kuznets Curve at a State Level

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    There has been a long debate about the effects that free trade has on pollution. Most empirical analysis on this topic has focused at the national level. The objective of this study is to see if there is a relationship between the pollution generated by the manufacturing industry in each of Mexico’s 32 states and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This was done via panel data regression models using information on pollution, income, and degree of trade from each of the states for the years 1993 and 2000. The pollution index level was constructed using the Industrial Pollution Projection System from the World Bank. In general we found a positive relationship between trade liberalization and pollution caused by manufacturing. Furthermore, we found that income and pollution follow the relationship expressed in the Environmental Kuznets Curve.Free Trade, Pollution in manufacturing industry, Environmental Kuznets Curve, State-level data

    La negociación como elemento para la generación de valor en sectores con interdependencia operativa, caso del sector de telecomunicaciones en México

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    La presente investigación se desarrolló con el objeto de conocer la forma en que los participantes de sectores con interdependencia operativa, específicamente en el caso del mercado de telecomunicaciones en México, negocian entre sí. En este tipo de empresas, que se clasifican como parte de sectores con interdependencia operativa, los participantes pueden tener diferentes roles cuando negocian con la misma empresa, tales como proveedores, clientes, competidores o coopetidores. La negociación en este tipo de sectores tiene características que la hacen ser distinta con respecto a negociaciones entre compañías de sectores en donde cada uno está atado a su cadena de valor de forma independiente, por lo que su contacto normalmente es de competidor. A partir de una investigación de campo se obtuvieron resultados concluyentes que ofrecen respuestas a los porqués de la validez o no de ciertos modelos de negociación entre integrantes de sectores con características de interdependencia operativa