2,778 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Quasinormal Frequencies for Black Holes in Non-Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes

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    The exact computation of asymptotic quasinormal frequencies is a technical problem which involves the analytic continuation of a Schrodinger-like equation to the complex plane and then performing a method of monodromy matching at the several poles in the plane. While this method was successfully used in asymptotically flat spacetime, as applied to both the Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrom solutions, its extension to non-asymptotically flat spacetimes has not been achieved yet. In this work it is shown how to extend the method to this case, with the explicit analysis of Schwarzschild de Sitter and large Schwarzschild Anti-de Sitter black holes, both in four dimensions. We obtain, for the first time, analytic expressions for the asymptotic quasinormal frequencies of these black hole spacetimes, and our results match previous numerical calculations with great accuracy. We also list some results concerning the general classification of asymptotic quasinormal frequencies in d-dimensional spacetimes.Comment: JHEP3.cls, 20 pages, 5 figures; v2: added references, typos corrected, minor changes, final version for JMP; v3: more typos fixe

    Efficiency tests in the Iberian stock markets

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    This paper investigates the efficiency of the two major stock indexes of the Iberian Peninsula, the Portuguese Stock Index (PSI-20) and the Spanish Stock Index (IBEX-35). We used daily data from January 1993 to September 2001 for the Portuguese stock index and daily data from October 1990 to September 2001 for the Spanish stock index. Serial correlations, unit root tests and variance ratio tests are used to test the efficiency of these two stock indexes. Although the complementary of these tests, we used all of them to get a higher robustness of the conclusions. We examined serial correlation coefficients for successive stock index changes to test whether they are statistically equal to zero to establish the random walk nature of stock indexes. The augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test are used to test the null hypothesis that the series has a unit root and the variance ratio tests are used to examine the random walk hypothesis for the series of these two stock indexes. The results of the serial correlations, unit root tests and variance ratio tests provide ambiguous evidence for the random walk hypothesis. The empirical evidence from the unit root tests do not reject the efficient market hypothesis for the two stock indexes, while the results from the variance ratio tests and serial correlations do.stock indexes, market efficiency, unit roots

    Valores e Expectativas dos Professores-Estag

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    Estágio Profissional é um momento de excelência de formação e reflexão. Particularmente corresponde a uma etapa fundamental na formação profissional dos professores. As suas expectativas são por vezes claramente ambiciosas, ou até mesmo desajustadas, pelo que a interferência das variáveis de formação e do contexto assume um papel de crucial importância no enquadramento do professor em estágio. Este momento assume particular interesse na formação dos professores por ser uma etapa de convergência, de confrontação entre os saberes "teóricos" da formação inicial e os saberes "práticos" da experiência profissional e da realidade social do ensino (Piéron, 1996). É necessário sabermos mais sobre as expectativas e os valores que os professores-estagiários revelam antes, durante e após o processo de formação Estágio Profissional. Como entendem o valor do seu desempenho nas diferentes áreas da intervenção profissional. Perceber as suas insuficiências e competências na vida quotidiana do professor-estagiário. Sentir quais são as suas necessidades de formação complementar da formação inicial, reflectindo estas preocupações no quadro da análise e avaliação curricular que continuamente deverá ser efectuada

    A study on Moodle's performance

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    Learning Management Systems (LMS) are essential tools to the modern teaching institutions. Moodle is an open source LMS, widely used by open and distance teaching universities, as well as support to face to face courses. There are almost 40,000 registered Moodle sites, all over the world. Moodle can be installed in a wide range of environments: operating systems (Linux, Windows), supporting databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, ...), and hardware. This paper addresses the issue of Moodle’s performance within different environments, and under different loads. What is worth changing and what isn’t to improve performance? When load increases, what should be changed in order to obtain the largest performance gain? To answer these questions, it is important to subject the application, in a test environment, to the real conditions of use. In order to do it, we use historical data on the use of Moodle in Universidade Aberta. Several Moodle instances will be subject to different load levels and the resulting performance will be measured. It is difficult to estimate instantaneous load, even in a working site, where users’ habits are known. The number of users is an easier question to address and may be estimated by the number of teachers and students that will be using the LMS. So, in order to estimate future load, we present a conversion method according to the present level of use in this university

    Implementação de ferramentas específicas ao Modelo Pedagógico da UAb na Plataforma Moodle

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    Encontro realizado em Lisboa na Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e em Coruche no Observatório do Sobreiro e da CortiçaMostra-se como foi testada e adaptada a plataforma de e-learning Moodle na Universidade Aberta, de forma a por um lado suportar um elevado fluxo de estudantes, e por outro lado a implementar o Modelo Pedagógico da universidade aberta. A plataforma não ficou um sistema isolado, foi desenvolvida uma integração com o portal académico, outro sistema essencial ao funcionamento da universidade, facilitando o trabalho de docentes e funcionários que teriam de outra forma uma sobrecarga de tarefas que poderia comprometer o sucesso do modelo pedagógico. A comunidade Moodle não ficou sem contribuições nossas. Dois blocos de utilidade geral foram desenvolvidos em software aberto e disponibilizados no site oficial do Moodle. Explica-se primeiramente de que forma implementámos no Moodle o nosso Modelo Pedagógico, de forma simples e eficiente, resultando em mais de uma centena de docentes o tenha aplicado sem problemas. Segue-se a apresentação de um estudo de performance que fizemos à plataforma de forma a assegurar que esta tinha capacidade de resposta para o número de estudantes e nível de utilização que necessitamos. Como resultado, poucas foram as alturas em que docentes e estudantes deram pela plataforma, tendo estado em baixo apenas 2 vezes em todo o ano. Passamos de seguida a descrever a integração entre o Moodle e o Portal Académico, em que minimizamos as complicações e não necessitámos de alterar qualquer uma das aplicações. Esta integração não compromete qualquer das aplicações em futuros upgrades. Terminamos a apresentação com a descrição das duas ferramentas desenvolvidas em software aberto para a comunidade Moodle, uma de carácter mais visivel, informando "on-the-fly" o nível de utilização da plataforma, e outra de interesse para administradores, de forma a serem detectadas possíveis situações anómalas, antes que dêm problemas

    Strong cosmic censorship: The nonlinear story

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    A satisfactory formulation of the laws of physics entails that the future evolution of a physical system should be determined from appropriate initial conditions. The existence of Cauchy horizons in solutions of the Einstein field equations is therefore problematic, and expected to be an unstable artifact of General Relativity. This is asserted by the Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture, which was recently put into question by an analysis of the linearized equations in the exterior of charged black holes in an expanding universe. Here, we numerically evolve the nonlinear Einstein-Maxwell-scalar field equations with a positive cosmological constant, under spherical symmetry, and provide strong evidence that mass inflation indeed does not occur in the near extremal regime. This shows that nonlinear effects might not suffice to save the Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. v2: Matches published versio

    Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

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    Supplemental information by the authors of the article "Problems and prospects of hybrid learning in Higher Education"N/

    The emergence of the exciting new Web 3.0 and the future of open educational resources

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    There is a general idea that video games can teach skills that are important in today’s society, namely: analytical thinking, construction of hypotheses, development of strategies, creativity, team building, multitasking, decision making and problem solving. This idea frequently extends to situations that involve some kind of stress and require fast decisions. On the other hand, there is a perception that e-learning can benefit from video games, specially because they can make complex subjects more interesting and are able to cope with up-and-coming learning profiles. Avatar-based worlds, such as Second Life, possibly will provide for a richer, more effective and more enjoyable experience for students. The materialization of the so-called Web 3.0 (Second Life, Divvio, Joost and VRML/X3D worlds) following the mainstream collaborative and social Web 2.0 (MySpace, Pandora, YouTube), seems to be marked by this mix of humanlike avatars, intelligent agents and rich multimedia features that live happily within interactive 3D environments. No matter how interesting this may be for education, more research and practical experience are needed to make clear which features of games and 3D worlds are more important for nowadays learning and in what ways we can test students on the skills they actually learn. This paper investigates emergent experiences involving multimedia, video games and 3D environments freely available on the Web, and explores new ways to make e-learning more effective in the future realm of Open Educational Resources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Open and distance learning: does it (still) matter?

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    The evident standardization of Information Technology (IT) in education, by way of the widespread adoption of robust and dependable Learning Management Systems (LMS), has made distance learning courses possible and easy to mount, even in institutions or universities that had no previous experience in online education. However, based on evidence gathered through the ODL-NET Experience project, we were able to identify major usability problems, quite a number of user difficulties and many LMS limitations. The results of the study show that technology is the solution, on one hand, and that technology is [still] the problem, so the saying technology matters is up to date, even if it represents only one component of a complex blend, involving others like educational organizations, learning content, pedagogical strategies, etc.A estabilização evidente das Tecnologias de Informação (TI) na educação, por via da adopção generalizada de Sistemas de Gestão da Aprendizagem (LMS) robustos e seguros, tornou possível e fácil implementar cursos de aprendizagem a distância, até mesmo em instituições ou universidades que nunca tiveram experiência prévia de ensino online. Porém, baseados em dados recolhidos através do projecto ODL-NET Experience, pudemos identificar problemas de usabilidade relevantes, várias dificuldades ao nível do utilizador e muitas limitações de LMS. Os resultados do estudo mostram que a tecnologia é a solução, por um lado, mas que a tecnologia é (ainda) o problema, pelo que a tecnologia continua a ser um tema relevante, mesmo se representa só uma das componentes da mistura complexa que abarca as organizações educacionais, os conteúdos de aprendizagem, as estratégias pedagógicas, etc.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estimation of the remaining useful life of hydro generators

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    O monitoramento da condição dos geradores é muito desejável para uma operação confiável de uma usina hidrelétrica. As atividades de manutenção podem ser programadas para evitar falhas inesperadas que podem levar a meses ou anos de máquinas paradas sem geração. Estudos indicam que o isolamento do estator é a principal causa de falha do gerador. Nesse sentido, a base da metodologia proposta é o monitoramento do estado atual do sistema de isolamento do estator de hidrogeradores. Testes de descarga parcial nos enrolamentos do estator são aplicados para acessar a condição de isolamento. Um algoritmo para estimar a vida útil remanescente é a principal contribuição deste trabalho. Esta estimativa é baseada em avaliações estatísticas de hidro-geradores e na condição real do sistema de isolamento do estator. Testes de envelhecimento acelerado em amostras de estator com ampla aquisição de variáveis são realizados para entender o processo de envelhecimento. O algoritmo proposto é testado em casos simulados e em dados reais de um ensaio de ciclo térmico, no qual foi observado a ruptura do isolamento.Agência 1The monitoring of generators’ condition is very desirable for a reliable operation of a hydropower plant. Maintenance activities can be scheduled to avoid unexpected failures that can lead to months or years of machines stopped without generation. Studies indicate that stator insulation is the leading cause of generator failure. In this sense, the proposal methodology’s base is the monitorization of the actual health stage of the stator insulation system of hydro generators. Partial discharge tests in stator windings are applied to access the insulation condition. An algorithm to estimate the remaining useful life is the main contribution of this work. This estimation is based on both statistical evaluations of hydro generators and the stator insulation system’s actual condition. Accelerated aging tests in stator specimens with wide variables acquisition are performed to understand the aging process. The proposed algorithm is tested in simulated cases and real data from a thermal cycle test, which observed an insulation breakdown