49 research outputs found

    Upgrade do Simulador da Linha de Produção Flexível do Laboratório de Automação

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    Este projeto consiste em melhorar o funcionamento do simulador do laboratório de Automação e acrescentar novas funcionalidades

    Escolha de caracteres para o melhoramento genético em erva-mate por meio de técnicas multivariadas.

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    The present study was carried out to estimate some genetic parameters and apply the principal components technique as a support for selection of several traits in erva-mate. Heritability estimates were significant for most of the evaluated traits suggesting possibility of great genetic gains with simple selection techniques. The shaft height trait showed high coefficient of variation, low heritability and low correlation with the other ones. Beside that, this trait showed to have the lowest contribution to the total variation of the data, as demonstrated by principal components, and could be discarded. Plant height and crown diameter, on the other hand, accounted for the most part of the detected variation.O objetivo deste trabalho foi aplicar a técnica dos componentes principais como suporte para a seleção de caracteres em erva-mate, bem como estimar parâmetros genéticos. Os resultados indicaram ser possível obter sucesso com a seleção para os caracteres avaliados, haja vistos que as herdabilidades foram de magnitude média a alta. O caracter altura do fuste foi o que apresentou maior coeficiente de variação, menor herdabilidade e menor coeficiente de correlação com os demais. Por meio dessa técnica, observou-se que a altura do fuste foi a que menos contribuiu para a variação dos dados, sendo passível de descarte. Verificou-se que os caracteres altura da planta e diâmetro da copa podem representar de maneira satisfatória a variação ocorrida

    Avaliação e seleção precoce para crescimento de Pinus taeda

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of different methods of selection in growth traits and early selection. Individual total height and stem diameter at 30 cm above the ground in close-spaced early genetic evaluation at 16 months were assessed. In a 84 month sib cohort, as a comparison, height and diameter at breast height were evaluated. Phenotypic and genetic parameters for height and diameter were estimated for 48 open-pollinated families of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) planted in Southern Brazil using an individual tree model. In this retrospective study, the indirect selection was of similar effectiveness as direct selection in stem diameter (93%) and less effective in height (78%). The two-stage successive culling process was 16% (height) and 28% (diameter) more efficient than the direct selection. The combined selection enhanced the accuracy of mature selection and increased expected genetic gain for diameter. Selecting 20 parents with the highest breeding values predicted by BLUP, at 16 and 84 months, attained a genetic gain of 7.6% and 8.1% in stem diameter. The strong age-age genetic correlation indicated that diameter was highly correlated to genetic level which implies that growth at 84 months could be improved by early selection of diameter at 16 months. This will provide quicker genetic gains by offering improved seeds earlier.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de diferentes métodos de seleção quanto aos caracteres ligados ao crescimento do fuste e o potencial da seleção precoce de genitores. Em 48 progênies de meios-irmãos de Pinus taeda L., foi medido o diâmetro do fuste a 30 cm e a 1,30 m do solo, aos 16 e 84 meses de idade, além da altura total. As progênies foram cultivadas em espaçamento tradicional e reduzido. Os componentes de variância, parâmetros e valores genéticos aditivos foram obtidos a partir de um modelo de análise individual. A seleção indireta foi de eficiência similar à direta quanto ao diâmetro (93%) e menor quanto à altura (78%). A seleção seqüencial foi 16% (altura) e 28% (diâmetro) mais eficiente que a seleção única. A eficiência da seleção combinada foi maior em relação a direta para diâmetro. Vinte genitores selecionados por valores genéticos aditivos quanto ao diâmetro, aos 16 e 84 meses, aumentaram a média em 7,6% e 8,1%, respectivamente. A alta magnitude da correlação genética no que diz respeito ao diâmetro entre idades revelou que esse caráter, avaliado aos 16 meses de idade, prediz o crescimento aos 84 meses. Isso reduz custos de avaliação de progênies, antecipa o desbaste de genitores e a oferta de sementes melhoradas


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro multiplication of Eremanthus incanus axillary buds in the presence of PVP additives and activated charcoal under the interaction of different sucrose and agar concentrations. Explants containing axillary buds were inoculated in MS culture medium to evaluate the effect of 0.8 g L-1 of PVP and 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 g L-1 of activated charcoal. The results of the addition of 0, 15, 30, and 60 g L-1 of sucrose combined with concentrations of 6 and 10 g L-1 of agar in MS medium were also evaluated. The number and quality of emitted shoots were evaluated after 30 and 60 days. The addition of PVP to the culture medium was more efficient than the use of activated charcoal in the multiplication of the species. The presence of sucrose is indispensable for developing the shoots well, and the use of a lower concentration of agar favors the development of quality shoots. The best results for shoot multiplication were obtained using 30 g L-1 sucrose and 6 g L-1 agar. PVP, activated charcoal, agar and sucrose are important components in the culture medium and alter the in vitro multiplication of Eremanthus incanus.The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro multiplication of Eremanthus incanus axillary buds in the presence of PVP additives and activated charcoal under the interaction of different sucrose and agar concentrations. Explants containing axillary buds were inoculated in MS culture medium to evaluate the effect of 0.8 g L-1 of PVP and 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 g L-1 of activated charcoal. The results of the addition of 0, 15, 30 and 60 g L-1 of sucrose combined with concentrations of 6 and 10 g L-1 of agar in MS medium were also evaluated. The number and quality of emitted shoots were evaluated after 30 and 60 days. The addition of PVP to the culture medium was more efficient than the use of activated charcoal in the multiplication of the species. The presence of sucrose is indispensable for developing the shoots well, and the use of a lower concentration of agar favors the development of quality shoots. The best results for shoot multiplication were obtained using 30 g L-1 sucrose and 6 g L-1 agar. PVP, activated charcoal, agar and sucrose are important components in the culture medium and alter the in vitro multiplication of Eremanthus incanus


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    This work had as objective to identify the profile of the sugar-cane production in the municipal district of Morretes through the collection of data in ten properties sampled. In Morretes the main purpose of the sugar-cane is the production of the fire-water, being like this, a questionnaire was applied to the producers through interviews during the months of November and December of 2006 to identify the producers and the techniques used in the cultivation of the cane, as well as the aptitude of each producer, characterizing like this the profile of the sugar-cane production. Among the appraised producers were observed that there is the prevalence of small areas with the cultivation of the sugar-cane due to the difficulty of control of the harmful plants and maintenance of the sugar-cane with the crop and fertilization. The fertilization is accomplished mainly through the use of input of vegetable source or animal manure, not using chemical fertilizers. With relationship to the labor an absence of the children of producers exists acting as enterprising and innovative in the cultivation activity and processing of the sugar-cane in the municipal district.Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar o perfil da produção de cana-de-açúcar no município de Morretes através da coleta de dados em dez propriedades amostradas. Em Morretes a principal finalidade da cana-de-açúcar é a produção da cachaça, sendo assim, foi aplicado um questionário aos produtores através de entrevistas durante os meses de novembro e dezembro de 2006 para identificar os produtores e as técnicas utilizadas no cultivo da cana, bem como o perfil e a aptidão de cada produtor, caracterizando assim o perfil da produção de cana-de-açúcar. Dentre os produtores avaliados observou-se que há o predomínio de pequenas áreas com o cultivo da cana-de-açúcar devido à dificuldade de controle das plantas daninhas e manutenção do canavial com a colheita e adubação. A adubação é realizada principalmente através da utilização de insumos de fonte vegetal ou esterco animal, não utilizando adubos químicos na maioria das propriedades. Com relação à mão-de-obra existe uma ausência dos filhos de produtores atuando como empreendedores e inovadores na atividade de cultivo e processamento da cana-de-açúcar

    Avaliação genética em erva-mate pelo procedimento BLUP individual multivariado sob interação genótipo x ambiente

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    The objectives of this paper were to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters and to predict breeding values for parents and provenances of Ilex paraguariensis. Eight provenances with 164 progenies were evaluated on three sites (Ivaí, PR, Guarapuava, PR and Rio Azul, PR) for the trait leaf weight (LW). All the variance components, parameters and breeding values were obtained by REML/BLUP (restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction) procedure at the individual level, through multivariate analysis involving the three sites. The individual strict sense heritabilities for the trait LW were 0.15 in Ivaí, 0.62 in Guarapuava and 0.23 in Rio Azul, demanding more sophisticated selection methods in Ivaí and Rio Azul. The provenance effect was significant in Ivaí and Rio Azul, with intraclass phenotypic correlation of 0.13 in Ivaí and 0.09 in Rio Azul. The provenances were more stable across sites than progenies with genetic correlation of 0.95 between the sites Ivaí and Rio Azul. Genetic values for all provenances and parents in all sites were predicted for the trait LW. The best provenances are Barão de Cotegipe, Quedas do Iguaçu, Cascavel and Ivaí.Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estimar parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos e realizar a predição de valores genéticos de matrizes e procedências de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis). Foram avaliadas 164 progênies de oito procedências, em três locais (Ivaí, PR, Guarapuava, PR e Rio Azul, PR), em relação ao caráter produção de massa foliar (PMF). Os componentes de variância, parâmetros genéticos e valores genéticos foram estimados pelo procedimento REML/BLUP individual (máxima verossimilhança restrita/melhor predição linear não viciada), realizando a análise multivariada para os três locais. Os coeficientes de herdabilidade individual, no sentido restrito, para o caráter PMF foram 0,15 em Ivaí, 0,62 em Guarapuava e 0,23 em Rio Azul. A baixa magnitude desses coeficientes em Ivaí e Rio Azul demanda a utilização de métodos de seleção que utilizem todos os efeitos aleatórios do modelo estatístico. O efeito de procedências foi significativo em Ivaí e Rio Azul, com correlação fenotípica intraclasse de 0,13 em Ivaí e de 0,09 em Rio Azul. As procedências apresentaram correlação genética de 0,95 entre os locais Ivaí e Rio Azul. Nesses locais, as procedências foram mais estáveis nos diferentes ambientes do que as progênies. Foram preditos os valores genéticos em relação a todas as procedências e matrizes em todos os locais quanto ao caráter avaliado. As melhores procedências são Barão de Cotegipe, Quedas do Iguaçu, Cascavel e Ivaí

    Sucupira‑preta micropropagation through axillary buds

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de reguladores de crescimento, aditivos antioxidantes, tipo de explantes e intensidade de cobertura de mudas aclimatizadas, na micropropagação de sucupira‑preta (Bowdichia virgilioides) por meio de gemas axilares. Os explantes foram cultivados para a multiplicação em meio de cultura básico WPM, suplementado com concentrações de benzilaminopurina (BAP). No alongamento, os tratamentos foram combinações de ácido naftalenoacético (ANA) e BAP adicionadas ao meio. Para o enraizamento, as brotações foram colocadas em meio com concentrações de ácido indolbutírico, ou em meio com combinações dos aditivos polivinilpirrolidona e carvão ativado, em diferentes concentrações de ANA. As plantas foram transplantadas para copos de plástico, com substrato, e cobertas com saco de polietileno. Posteriormente, esses sacos foram retirados, ou perfurados, ou não retirados, o que constituiu os tratamentos de pré‑aclimatização in vitro. A aclimatização ex vitro foi realizada após o período de pré‑aclimatização in vitro. A sucupira‑preta apresentou melhor micropropagação com emprego de: segmentos cotiledonares e 0,3 mg L-1 de BAP, na multiplicação; 0,3 mg L-1 de ANA e 0,03 mg L-1 de BAP, no alongamento; e carvão ativado (2,0 mg L-1), no enraizamento e na pré‑aclimatização in vitro, com uso de cobertura de plástico transparente em torno da muda.The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of growth regulators, antioxidant additives, type of explants, and coverage intensity of acclimatized seedlings in the micropropagation of sucupira‑preta (Bowdichia virgilioides) through axillary buds. Explants were cultured for multiplication on WPM medium, supplemented with concentrations of benzylaminopurine (BAP). In the elongation phase, treatments consisted of naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and BAP combinations added to the medium. For rooting, shoots were inoculated in medium containing concentrations of indolbutyric acid or combinations of the additives polyvinylpyrrolidone and charcoal, in different NAA concentrations. Plants were transplanted to plastic cups with substrate, and covered with polyethylene bags. Later, the bags were withdrawn, or perforated, or not withdrawn, which constituted the in vitro pre‑acclimatization treatments. Ex vitro acclimatization was carried out after the period of in vitro pre‑acclimatization. Sucupira‑preta had the best micropropagation using: cotyledon segments and 0.3 mg L-1 BAP, for multiplication; 0.3 mg L-1 NAA and 0.03 mg L-1 BAP, for elongation; and 2,0 mg L-1 activated carbon for rooting and for the in vitro pre‑acclimatization, with the use of a transparent plastic cover around seedling


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    ABSTRACT So far, the commercial production of Eremanthus incanus seedlings has been performed with seeds without any genetic control. Thus, we propose two experiments to examine seed-trees' effect on their descendants via the seminal in the nursery phase and verify the correlation between the variables. We installed the first experiment in a greenhouse and evaluated seedling emergence weekly for 42 days. At the exit of the greenhouse, at 60 days, we estimated survival. We conducted the second experiment in a shade house and, later, in full sun. We evaluated seedlings' height, diameter, and survival at 90, 120, 150, and 180 days after sowing. At 180 days, we quantified shoot, root, and total dry matter weight and calculated the Dickson Quality Index (DQI). The effects of E. incanus seed-trees on their descendants via the seminal were significant for emergence, growth characteristics, and seedling quality. The seedling survival rate at the greenhouse exit was high for all seed-trees, ranging from 72.2% to 97.2%. All seed-trees showed greater biomass allocation in the shoots of the seedlings, with this proportion being more pronounced in some of them. Although not significant, the correlation estimates between the emergence rate and the other traits were all positive. The correlations between height, diameter, dry mass, and DQI were significant and positive, from moderate to high magnitude. Due to its nondestructive nature, the diameter can be considered the most suitable practical indicator to evaluate the quality of E. incanus seedlings. Our results substantially contribute to implementing more effective conservation and breeding strategies, helping to understand the behavior of E. incanus in Campos Rupestres environments regarding seedling production and recovery of ecosystem services

    Organic matter composition and paleoclimatic changes in tropical mountain peatlands currently under grasslands and forest clusters

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    Tropical peatlands are important ecosystems for Planet Earth, as they store large amounts of carbon and water. A better understanding of the impact of vegetation type and altitude in content, composition, and rate of accu mulation of organic matter is key for assessing the current role of such environments. This study evaluated fibric and soluble fractions as well as the lignocellulosic and the isotopic compositions of the peat organic matter from four tropical mountain peatlands located at different altitudes of the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The peatlands are currently under grasslands and forest clusters. Samples of peat under both vegetation types were collected and analyzed for organic matter fractions, cellulose, and lignin (van Soest method), as well as carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Different depths were chosen for radiocarbon dating of se lected samples. The organic matter of peatlands currently under grasslands and forest clusters presented dif ferences in soluble fractions, lignocellulosic composition, and δ13C values. Multivariate analyses allowed grouping the peatlands by altitude and vegetation type. The chronological succession of grassland and forest clusters in tropical mountain peatlands was influenced by altitude and was related to paleoclimatic changes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    An 8x8 balanced lattice, with 9 repetitions and 6 plants per plot, performing a total of 3,456 plants (64 half-sib progenies of erva-mate - Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil. - distributed among 5 populations from different sites in the States of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul), was set up at the Canguiri farm of UFPR. The distances between plants and rows were 1,6 m and 2,5 m respectively. The aim of this trial is to genetically improve these populations as well as to develop other studies considered important for the culture. The traits evaluated were mortality rate at the age of 4 and 12 months, and plant height at 12 months, from the date the trial was set up. The results showed that mortality rate at 4 months was not affected by progenies nor by populations. At twelve months, on the other hand, some progenies and mainly populations showed a higher mortality rate. Significant effects for plant height were detected for populations and progenies within them. Barão de Cotegipe site showed the highest individual narrow sense heritability, the highest average for plant height, and the lowest mortality rate.No final de julho de 1997 foi montado, na Estação Experimental do Canguiri/UFPR, um experimento com erva-mate, latice 8x8 (64 progênies de meios irmãos originadas de cinco procedências), com nove repetições balanceadas e seis plantas por parcela, perfazendo um total de 3456 plantas, num espaçamento de 1,6 m entre plantas e 2,5 m entre fileiras. Por se tratar de uma espécie perene, os objetivos deste experimento são enfocados em um longo prazo, durante o qual pretende-se promover o melhoramento genético desta espécie, bem como desenvolver outros estudos de importância para a sua exploração. Os caracteres analisados foram taxa de mortalidade aos quatro e 12 meses da data de plantio e altura de planta aos 12. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a distribuição de mortalidade aos quatro meses não foi influenciada por progênies ou procedências. Aos 12 meses, entretanto, houve evidências de maior suscetibilidade à mortalidade de certas progênies e, principalmente, procedências. Efeitos significativos, para o caráter altura de planta, foram observados para procedências e progênies dentro destas. Estimativas da herdabilidade no sentido restrito e no nível de indivíduos variaram entre as procedências. As progênies de Barão de Cotegipe, além de apresentarem a menor taxa de mortalidade, mostraram também a maior média e a maior variância genética aditiva para o caráter altura de planta