6,081 research outputs found

    The Dual Divergence: Growth Successes and Collapses in the Developing World since 1980

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    This paper argues that developing countries’ growth successes and collapses tend to cluster in specific time periods—and that only the existence of a global development cycle can explain this. The cycle reflects the external factors that affect all, or large clusters of developing countries, and thus constrain their growth possibilities. Nonetheless, country-specific factors—particularly patterns of specialization—play a significant role in determining growth dynamics. From this perspective, the paper shows a very large difference between the economic growth of developing countries diversifying into higher technology manufacturing exports and those experiencing success in natural resource intensive sectors.economic growth, divergence, external factors, global development cycle, patterns of specialization, technological intensity of exports

    The commodity terms of trade and their strategic implications for development

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    Although the empirical literature is not unanimous about the existence of a continuous long-term deterioration in the terms of trade for commodities (the original and most common formulation of the Prebisch- Singer hypothesis) and, hence, about the possibility of inferring their future behaviour on this basis, there is a consensus as to the sharp drop in the barter terms of trade, especially from the 1920s on. This paper presents a critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature on the subject and the implications for development strategies.Terms of trade, Economic development

    Psicología Política en el Alcibiades I de Platón

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    The following essay presents a close reading of the Platonic dialogue Alcibiades I. In the text, Socrates is depicted as a young teacher approaching young Alcibiades, a future prominent and hubristic ruler of post-Periclean democratic Athens. In his propadeutic task, Socrates appeals to Alcibiades’ unlimited self-love in order to gain his confdence and attention, rousing his spirited ambition and keen intellect, trying to tempt him into becoming a philosopher. We explore the roots of Alcibiades’ character, his desire for primacy intermingled with his fear of failure. For motives that will be explored in this essay, the mayeutic education of Alcibiades towards the life of wisdom not only failed, but also had undesired political outcomes. Would a more powerful Socrates have been able to procure Alcibiades’ ultimate allegiance? The Alcibiades I sheds light on the roots and potential limitations of the study of Platonic political philosophy.Este ensayo propone una lectura del diálogo platónico Alcibíades I. En el texto, vemos a Sócrates como joven maestro aproximándose al también joven Alcibíades, quien sabemos se convertirá en un prominente y hubristico gobernante de la Atenas democrática post-Periclea. En su tarea propedéutica, Sócrates apela al amor propio ilimitado de Alcibíades con el fn de ganar su confanza y atención, incitando su espíritu de ambición y su agudo intelecto, tratando de tentarlo hacia la vida flosófca. En el texto exploramos las raíces del carácter de Alcibíades, su deseo de primacía enlazado con su temor al fracaso. La educación mayéutica de Alcibíades hacia la vida flosófca no sólo falló, sino que además tuvo indeseables consecuencias políticas. ¿Habría sido un Sócrates más poderoso capaz de procurarse la lealtad última de Alcibíades? El Alcibíades I arroja luz sobre las raíces y limitaciones potenciales del estudio de la flosofía política platónica

    Aplicabilidad de la ecuación de BET a sólidos de textura diversa

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    Words as a construction material in Kafka’s Der Bau

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    La palabra es, y como tal puede ser empleada, una sustancia germinal de la arquitectura: como la línea y la madera, al igual que la piedra y el barro, es un material primario de construcción. La escritura y el dibujo son técnicas constructivas: estados de arquitectura. Con la palabra, pronunciada o grafiada, con los verbos y los sustantivos adecuados pueden alzarse o excavarse arquitecturas habitables, recintos en los que ampararse y postergar el advenimiento inevitable de la muerte. Pues la palabra no es solo el lugar de la memoria: es también el lugar del proyecto y de la puesta en obra, de la ideación y de la ejecución, del registro del proceso que va de la concepción a la extinción. Franz Kafka es uno de los que con su producción, que con sus obras ha demostrado la validez de esta teoría: uno de los que con mayor intensidad se ha afanado en ejercer la arquitectura empleando rigurosa y sobriamente esa abundante y elemental materia ingrávida. Uno de los lugares ejemplares en los que el escritor oficia de arquitecto, de promotor y de obrero que manipula la tierra con sus manos, es el relato inconcluso titulado Der Bau, escrito casi en estado terminal por alguien que sabía que construir, además de en ordenar la materia y en atribuirle una forma a la idea para que pueda ser usada, consiste en hacer visible, en materializar los sueños; que consiste en dar cuerpo, en componer a la luz, en decir lo inédito y lo inaudito.Words are an essential component from which architecture germinates: as lines and timber, like stone and clay, they are primary materials of construction. Writing and drawing are construction techniques: stages of the architectural process. With the precise words, verbs and nouns, habitable architectures might be erected or excavated, rooms in which to find shelter and postpone the inevitable act of death. Words are not only the place of the memory, but also the place of the project and the place of the construction, of the idea and the execution, of the narrative of the building process which begins with conception and leads to extinction and from there commences again. Franz Kafka is among those whose work has demonstrated the validity of this theory: one of those who has been most intensely determined to practice architecture by using with rigour and sobriety this abundant and elementary weightless matter that words are. One of the exemplary places where the writer acts as an architect, a developer and a builder who manipulates the soil with his hands, is the unfinished story entitled Der Bau, written at a terminal stage of life by someone who knew that building, besides organizing the matter and attributing a form to the idea to make it usable, consists of making dreams visible; materializing, composing in the light, saying the unprecedented and the unheard (Trad. R. Fenutría)

    Unexpected similarities within outsiders fictions: The Picaresque novel and the case of The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano

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    Las novedades temáticas y compositivas que aportaron las primeras obras picarescas a la tradición literaria del momento constituyeron una vía alternativa en el asunto y modo de narrar que tendrían gran repercusión posterior para las letras occidentales. A pesar de que la estela de lo picaresco se ha probado para el caso de muchas obras extranjeras, todavía quedan tradiciones pendientes de estudio. Es por ello que el presente artículo se propone analizar de manera comparativa la obra fundacional de las Narrativas de esclavos, The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano, de acuerdo con las características y los rasgos entendidos como picarescos; buscando así establecer un posible panorama de influencias o coincidencias entre ambas tradicionesThe thematic and compositional characteristics provided by the early picaresque fictions into the literary tradition of the moment established an alternative path within the subject and narrative modes that will entail a revolution for Western literature. Although the picaresque trail was proved for many foreign literature creations, there are still to this day some traditions waiting for examination. It is the aim of this essay to analyse from a comparative perspective the foundational text of the Slave Narratives genre, The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano, based upon the recognition of picaresque features that may help provide a literary panorama of influences or coincidences shared by tradition

    Museos y Demonio: algunas versiones de José Saramago en Viaje a Portugal

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    La expresión variable de la futuridad en el español castellonense

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    Sisenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2000-2001