1,701 research outputs found

    Recycling of Water Treatment Plant Waste for Production of Soil-Cement Bricks

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    AbstractThe water treatment plants generate large amounts of municipal sludge that must be discarded. A crucial issue is to find an ecological destination for its final disposal. This work studies the possibility of incorporating water treatment plant waste into soil-cement bricks for civil construction. A sample of this waste material was analyzed for chemical composition, X-ray diffraction, particle size, plasticity, and organic matter. Mixtures of soil-cement containing up to 5wt.% of waste as a partial substitute of soil were pressed and cured for 28 days. The effects of the incorporation of the water treatment plant waste were determined by evaluating different physical properties such as compressive strength, apparent density, and water absorption. The results indicated that the water treatment plant waste is a plastic material composed mainly of kaolinite particles. The results also showed that the water treatment plant waste could be used for production of soil-cement bricks, helping to reduce the environmental impacts of the water treatment plants

    Woody species diversity in temperate Andean forests: the need for new conservation strategies

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    Chile has more than half of the temperate forests in the southern hemisphere. These have been included among the most threatened eco-regions in the world, because of the high degree of endemism and presence of monotypic genera. In this study, we develop empirical models to investigate present and future spatial patterns of woody species richness in temperate forests in south-central Chile. Our aims are both to increase understanding of species richness patterns in such forests and to develop recommendations for forest conservation strategies. Our data were obtained at multiple spatial scales, including field sampling, climate, elevation and topography data, and land-cover and spectrally derived variables from satellite sensor imagery. Climatic and land-cover variables most effectively accounted for tree species richness variability, while only weak relationships were found between explanatory variables and shrub species richness. The best models were used to obtain prediction maps of tree species richness for 2050, using data from the Hadley Centre's HadCM3 model. Current protected areas are located far from the areas of highest tree conservation value and our models suggest this trend will continue. We therefore suggest that current conservation strategies are insufficient, a trend likely to be repeated across many other areas. We propose the current network of protected areas should be increased, prioritizing sites of both current and future importance to increase the effectiveness of the national protected areas system. In this way, target sites for conservation can also be chosen to bring other benefits, such as improved water supply to populated areas.Universidad de ChileMinisterio de Planificación y Política Económic

    Comparative bioavailability of two digoxin formulations: determination in human plasma by microparticle enzyme immunoassay

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    The present study was performed to compare the bioavailability of two digoxin 0.25 mg tablet formulation in 30 volunteers of both sexes. The study was conducted open with randomized two period crossover design and a three-week washout period. Plasma samples were obtained over a 144 h interval. Digoxin concentrations were analyzed by a validated microparticle enzyme immunoassay with optical detection by fluorescence. Bioequivalence between the products was determined by calculating 90 % confidence intervals (90 % I.C) for the ratio of AUC0-72h and Cmax values for the test and reference products, using logarithmic transformed data. The 90 % confidence intervals were 86.98-118.33 %, and 84.52–98.76 %, respectively. Since the 90 % confidence intervals for Cmax and AUC0-72h were within the 80-125 % interval proposed by Food and Drug Administration, it was concluded that the two Digoxin formulations are bioequivalent in their rate and extent of absorption.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Comparative bioavailability of two digoxin formulations: determination in human plasma by microparticle enzyme immunoassay

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    The present study was performed to compare the bioavailability of two digoxin 0.25 mg tablet formulation in 30 volunteers of both sexes. The study was conducted open with randomized two period crossover design and a three-week washout period. Plasma samples were obtained over a 144 h interval. Digoxin concentrations were analyzed by a validated microparticle enzyme immunoassay with optical detection by fluorescence. Bioequivalence between the products was determined by calculating 90 % confidence intervals (90 % I.C) for the ratio of AUC0-72h and Cmax values for the test and reference products, using logarithmic transformed data. The 90 % confidence intervals were 86.98-118.33 %, and 84.52–98.76 %, respectively. Since the 90 % confidence intervals for Cmax and AUC0-72h were within the 80-125 % interval proposed by Food and Drug Administration, it was concluded that the two Digoxin formulations are bioequivalent in their rate and extent of absorption.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    RITA: a 1U multi-sensor Earth observation payload for the AlainSat-1

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    The Remote sensing and Interference detector with radiomeTry and vegetation Analysis (RITA) is one of the Remote Sensing payloads selected as winners of the 2nd GRSS Student Grand Challenge in 2019, to fly on board of the 3U AlainSat-1. This CubeSat is being developed by the National Space Science and Technology Center (NSSTC), United Arab Emirates University. RITA has been designed as an academic mission, which brings together students from different backgrounds in a joint effort to apply very distinct sensors in an Earth Observation mission, fusing their results to obtain higher-accuracy measurements. The main payload used in RITA is a Total Power Radiometer such as the one on board the FSSCat mission. With these radiometric measurements, soil moisture and ice thickness will be obtained. To better characterize the extensive Radio-Frequency Interferences received by EO satellites in protected bands, several RFI Detection and Classification algorithms will be included to generate a worldwide map of RFI. As a novel addition to the 3Cat family of satellites and payloads, a hyper-spectral camera with 25 bands ranging from 600 to 975 nm will be used to obtain several indexes related to vegetation. By linking these measurements with the soil moisture obtained from the MWR, pixel downscaling can be attempted. Finally, a custom- developed LoRa transceiver will be included to provide a multi-level approach to in-situ sensors: On-demand executions of the other payloads will be able to be triggered from ground sensors if necessary, as well as simple reception of other measurements that will complement the ones obtained on the satellite. The antennas for both the MWR and the LoRa experiments have been developed in-house, and will span the entirety of one of the 3U sides of the satellite. In this work, the latest development advances will be presented, together with an updated system overview and information about the operations that will be conducted. Results obtained from the test campaign are also presented in the conference

    Praderas de fanerógamas marinas en la bahía de Cádiz: conservación y gestión

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    Comunicación técnicaLa bahía de Cádiz es un humedal costero protegido por figuras de protección nacionales (Parque Natural) e internacionales (LIC, Convención Ramsar) dada su importancia ecológica. La biodiversidad biológica incluye numerosas especies de macroalgas, invertebrados, peces y aves. Un hecho de singular importancia, y poco conocido por las administraciones públicas, es que en este humedal conviven 3 de las 4 especies de fanerógamas marinas, o más estrictamente angiospermas marinas, de Europa. Las praderas de Cymodocea nodosa y Zostera noltii junto con escasos rodales de Zostera marina, proporcionan numerosos servicios ecológicos que están siendo estudiados por el grupo de Estructura y Dinámica de Ecosistemas Acuáticos de la Universidad de Cádiz. Desde hace 15 años hemos desarrollado proyectos tanto nacionales como internacionales en la bahía con el fin de poner en práctica bases ecológicas para la gestión de estas praderas como parte integrante del ecosistema. Estas herramientas abarcan desde un nivel ecofisiológico muy reduccionista (tasas fotosintéticas, incorporación de nutrientes), hasta un nivel más holista (mapas de cobertura, efecto a gran escala de variables ambientales, utilización de información para la estimación de la calidad ecológica de la masa de agua). Las actuaciones desarrolladas incluyen la consolidación de una red de voluntariado (FAMAR) para la recogida y análisis de la información. El trabajo que se presenta resume la información disponible, con series de datos recogidos y analizados durante la última década, para la gestión de las praderas y el estado de conservación de las mismas. Se incluyen además algunas perspectivas para la gestión.Proyecto ECOLAGUNES del programa europeo Interreg del espacio SUDOE (SOE1/P2/F153), proyecto IMACHYDRO, del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CTM2008-00012/MAR), proyectos de excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía FUNDIV (P07-RNM-02516), PAMBIO (P08-RNM-03783) y BAHÍA (P06-RNM0163713 página

    The OTELO survey. A case study of [O III]4959,5007 emitters at <z> = 0.83

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    The OTELO survey is a very deep, blind exploration of a selected region of the Extended Groth Strip and is designed for finding emission-line sources (ELSs). The survey design, observations, data reduction, astrometry, and photometry, as well as the correlation with ancillary data used to obtain a final catalogue, including photo-z estimates and a preliminary selection of ELS, were described in a previous contribution. Here, we aim to determine the main properties and luminosity function (LF) of the [O III] ELS sample of OTELO as a scientific demonstration of its capabilities, advantages, and complementarity with respect to other surveys. The selection and analysis procedures of ELS candidates obtained using tunable filter (TF) pseudo-spectra are described. We performed simulations in the parameter space of the survey to obtain emission-line detection probabilities. Relevant characteristics of [O III] emitters and the LF([O III]), including the main selection biases and uncertainties, are presented. A total of 184 sources were confirmed as [O III] emitters at a mean redshift z=0.83. The minimum detectable line flux and equivalent width (EW) in this ELS sample are \sim5 ×\times 1019^{-19} erg s1^{-1} cm2^{2} and \sim6 \AA, respectively. We are able to constrain the faint-end slope (α=1.03±0.08\alpha = -1.03\pm0.08) of the observed LF([O III]) at z=0.83. This LF reaches values that are approximately ten times lower than those from other surveys. The vast majority (84\%) of the morphologically classified [O III] ELSs are disc-like sources, and 87\% of this sample is comprised of galaxies with stellar masses of M_\star << 1010^{10} M_{\odot}.Comment: v1: 16 pages, 6 figures. Accepted in Astronomy \& Astrophysics. v2: Author added in metadat

    Galaxy classification: deep learning on the OTELO and COSMOS databases

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    Context. The accurate classification of hundreds of thousands of galaxies observed in modern deep surveys is imperative if we want to understand the universe and its evolution. Aims. Here, we report the use of machine learning techniques to classify early- and late-type galaxies in the OTELO and COSMOS databases using optical and infrared photometry and available shape parameters: either the Sersic index or the concentration index. Methods. We used three classification methods for the OTELO database: 1) u-r color separation , 2) linear discriminant analysis using u-r and a shape parameter classification, and 3) a deep neural network using the r magnitude, several colors, and a shape parameter. We analyzed the performance of each method by sample bootstrapping and tested the performance of our neural network architecture using COSMOS data. Results. The accuracy achieved by the deep neural network is greater than that of the other classification methods, and it can also operate with missing data. Our neural network architecture is able to classify both OTELO and COSMOS datasets regardless of small differences in the photometric bands used in each catalog. Conclusions. In this study we show that the use of deep neural networks is a robust method to mine the cataloged dataComment: 20 pages, 10 tables, 14 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics (in press

    Electrochemical and theoretical evaluation of the interaction between dna and amodiaquine: evidence of the guanine adduct formation

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    The electrochemical behavior of the interaction of amodiaquine with DNA on a carbon paste electrode was studied using voltametric techniques. In an acid medium, an electroactive adduct is formed when amodiaquine interacts with DNA. The anodic peak is dependent on pH, scan rate and the concentration of the pharmaceutical. Adduct formation is irreversible in nature, and preferentially occurs by interaction of the amodiaquine with the guanine group. Theoretical calculations for optimization of geometry, and DFT analyses and on the electrostatic potential map (EPM), were used in the investigation of adduct formation between amodiaquine and DNA