693 research outputs found

    An Extension of NDT to Model Entity Reconciliation Problems

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    Within the development of software systems, the development of web applications may be one of the most widespread at present due to the great number of advantages they provide such as: multiplatform, speed of access or the not requiring extremely powerful hardware among others. The fact that so many web applications are being developed, makes grotesque the volume of information that it is generated daily. In the management of all this information, it appears the entity reconciliation problem, which is to identify objects referring to the same real-world entity. This paper proposes to give a solution to this problem through a web perspective. To this end, the NDT methodology has been taken as a reference and has been extended adding new activities, artefacts and documents to cover this problem.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Entity Identification Problem in Big and Open Data

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    Big and Open Data provide great opportunities to businesses to enhance their competitive advantages if utilized properly. However, during past few years’ research in Big and Open Data process, we have encountered big challenge in entity identification reconciliation, when trying to establish accurate relationships between entities from different data sources. In this paper, we present our innovative Intelligent Reconciliation Platform and Virtual Graphs solution that addresses this issue. With this solution, we are able to efficiently extract Big and Open Data from heterogeneous source, and integrate them into a common analysable format. Further enhanced with the Virtual Graphs technology, entity identification reconciliation is processed dynamically to produce more accurate result at system runtime. Moreover, we believe that our technology can be applied to a wide diversity of entity identification problems in several domains, e.g., e- Health, cultural heritage, and company identities in financial world.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2013-46928-C3-3-

    A quality management based on the Quality Model life cycle

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    Managing quality is a hard and expensive task that involves the execution and control of processes and techniques. For a good quality management, it is important to know the current state and the objective to be achieved. It is essential to take into account with a Quality Model that specifies the purposes of managing quality. QuEF (Quality Evaluation Framework) is a framework to manage quality in MDWE (Model-driven Web Engineering). This paper suggests managing quality but pointing out the Quality Model life cycle. The purpose is to converge toward a quality continuous improvement by means of reducing effort and time.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-20057-C03-02Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN 2010-12312-EJunta de Andalucía TIC-578

    Improving NDT with Automatic Test Case Generation

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    The model-driven development defi nes the software development process as a set of iterations to create models and a set of transformations to obtain new models. From this point of view, this paper presents the enhancement of a model- driven approach, called navigational development techniques (NDT), by means of new models and transformations in order to generate test cases. It also states some conclusions from the research work and practical cases in which this approach was used.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-20057-C03-02Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN 2010-12312-

    A Model-Driven Approach for Business Process Management

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    The Business Process Management is a common mechanism recommended by a high number of standards for the management of companies and organizations. In software companies this practice is every day more accepted and companies have to assume it, if they want to be competitive. However, the effective definition of these processes and mainly their maintenance and execution are not always easy tasks. This paper presents an approach based on the Model-Driven paradigm for Business Process Management in software companies. This solution offers a suitable mechanism that was implemented successfully in different companies with a tool case named NDTQ-Framework.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2010-20057-C03-02Junta de Andalucía TIC-578

    A framework and tool to manage Cloud Computing service quality

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    Cloud Computing has generated considerable interest in both companies specialized in Information and Communication Technology and business context in general. The Sourcing Capability Maturity Model for service (e-SCM) is a capability model for offshore outsourcing services between clients and providers that offers appropriate strategies to enhance Cloud Computing implementation. It intends to achieve the required quality of service and develop an effective working relationship between clients and providers. Moreover, quality evaluation framework is a framework to control the quality of any product and/or process. It offers a tool support that can generate software artifacts to manage any type of product and service efficiently and effectively. Thus, the aim of this paper was to make this framework and tool support available to manage Cloud Computing service quality between clients and providers by means of e-SCM.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RJunta de Andalucía TIC-578

    Challenges for the Adoption of Model-Driven Web Engineering Approaches in Industry

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    Model-driven web engineering approaches have become an attractive research and technology solution for Web application development. However, after 20 years of development, they have attracted little attention from the Industry due to the mismatch between technical versus research requirements. In this joint work between academia and industry, the authors present the current problems of using these approaches in scale and provide guidelines to convert them into viable industry solutions.Ministerio de ciencia e Innovación TIN2016-76956-C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Behavior patterns in hormonal treatments using fuzzy logic models

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    Assisted reproductive technologies are a combination of medical strategies designed to treat infertility patients. Ideal stimulation treatment has to be individualized, but one of the main challenges which clinicians face in the everyday clinic is how to select the best medical protocol for a patient. This work aims to look for behavior patterns in this kind of treatments, using fuzzy logic models with the objective of helping gynecologists and embryologists to make decisions that could improve the process of in vitro fertilization. For this purpose, a real-world dataset composed of one hundred and twenty-three (123) patients and five hundred and fifty-nine (559) treatments applied in relation to such patients provided by an assisted reproduction clinic, has been used to obtain the fuzzy models. As conclusion, this work corroborates some known clinic experiences, provides some new ones and proposes a set of questions to be solved in future experiments.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956- C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Los procesos en gestión de calidad: un ejemplo en un centro educativo

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    Los procesos de calidad se caracterizan por ser acciones con un principio y un final claros y determinados. La norma UNE_EN ISO 9000-2000 señala que proceso es “el conjunto de actividades mutuamente relacionadas o que interactúan, las cuales transforman elementos de entrada en resultados”. La Junta de Castilla y León (2004) entiende por proceso cualquier secuencia de acciones interrelacionadas entre sí que se ordenan para dar servicio al usuario o cliente y que contribuyen a crear valor añadido en la organización en la que se desarrollan. Realmente lo que ocurre es que no se conoce bien lo que pasa en el “intermedio”, es decir el núcleo de los procesos. En este artículo se presenta la conceptualización, el desarrollo y la puesta en práctica de un proceso para alcanzar la calidad y se propone un proceso concreto en orden a su planificación, actualización, revisión y evaluación. Aunque cada organización puede planificar e implementar los procesos de la forma que estime conveniente, la ejemplificación de los mismos pretende facilitar nuevos diseños procesuales, su priorización, su selección, y su puesta en práctica para llegar a la evaluación de los mismo

    QuEF (Quality Evaluation Framework) for Model-Driven Web Methodologies

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    QuEF (Quality Evaluation Framework) is an environment for the assessment of Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) methodologies. This approach is oriented towards the evaluation, through objectives measures, of the quality of MDWE methodologies in a specific environment. Given the high number of methodologies available and proposed over recent years, it has become necessary to define objective evaluation tools to enable organizations to improve their methodological environment and help designers of web methodologies to design new effective and efficient tools, processes and techniques. Since methodologies are constantly evolving, the need may arise not only to evaluate the quality but also to find out how it can be improved and how the quality improvement process could be optimized in order to reduce costs.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-67843-C06_03Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007- 30391-