2,983 research outputs found

    Optimización y paralelización de algoritmo de búsqueda aleatoria para su aplicación en la búsqueda de fuentes MEG

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    El problema inverso de la búsqueda de fuentes MEG consiste en la obtención de la distribución de los dipolos de corriente (fuentes) en el interior de la cabeza de un paciente a partir de las mediciones de campo electromagnético obtenidas en la superficie (magnetoencefalograma, MEG). Para obtener estos datos, en el ámbito científico se utiliza el algoritmo beamforming, comúnmente aceptado, cuyos resultados ofrecen un pequeño margen de error debido a la naturaleza del problema. Esta memoria desarrolla el trabajo realizado para optimizar un algoritmo de búsqueda aleatoria, Solis-Wets, utilizado para investigar la posibilidad de su aplicación en el ámbito científico, en sustitución del anteriormente mencionado, beamforming. También se estudiará la acción de encadenar ambos algoritmos, tomando como datos de entrada del algoritmo Solis-Wets aquellos proporcionados como solución por el algoritmo beamforming con objeto de minimizar el error en el que éste incurre. Esta optimización es necesaria para que la alternativa sea viable debido al tiempo necesario en su ejecución, e incluye el uso de bibliotecas auxiliares, así como la paralelización del código. Para la evaluación del algoritmo se han medido tanto la velocidad de generación de soluciones como el error de la mejor solución tras un número determinado de soluciones generadas. Como variables para esta evaluación se han tomado distintos compiladores, distintas soluciones de partida, precisión de los datos, así como el uso de distintas bibliotecas matemáticas disponibles

    A Non-Stressful Temperature Rise and Greater Food Availability Could Increase Tolerance to Calcium Limitation of Daphnia cf. pulex (Sensu Hebert, 1995) Populations in Cold Soft-Water Lakes

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    Calcium (Ca) is an important driver of community structure in freshwaters. We examined the combined effects of increased temperatures and variations in food quantity on the tolerance to low Ca of Daphnia pulex. The aim was to predict the impact of climate warming on this keystone zooplanktonic species in cold-climate lakes. We conducted a factorial life-history experiment in a clone of North American Daphnia cf. pulex to analyse the interaction effects of a temperature increase (17.5 degrees C-21 degrees C) within their physiological preferred range and expected by climate warming over the next few decades and a narrow Ca gradient (0.25-1.74 mg Ca L-1) under stressful vs. abundant food conditions. We found a striking positive synergistic effect of Ca and temperature on D. pulex reproduction at high food conditions. Although the increase in temperature to 21 degrees C greatly reduced survival, high energy allocation to reproduction at high food levels allowed the population to succeed in poor Ca (<0.25 mg Ca L-1). Results suggest that climate warming and higher food availability will make the populations of many cold and Ca-limited lakes more tolerant to low Ca levels with higher growth population rates, thereby altering zooplanktonic community structures and inducing potential cascading effects on the food web.Organismo Autonomo de Parques Nacionales (Ministerio para la Transicion Ecologica y el Reto Demografico, Spain) PN2017-2403SJunta de Andalucia RNM-12

    Towards the renormalisation of the Standard Model effective field theory to dimension eight: Bosonic interactions I

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    We would like to thank Jorge de Blas for useful discussions. MC and JS are supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant number FPA2016-78220-C3-1/3-P (FEDER), SRA under grant PID2019-106087GB-C21/C22 (10.13039/501100011033), and by the Junta de Andalucia grants FQM 101, A-FQM-211-UGR18 and P18-FR-4314 (FEDER). MC is also supported by the Spanish MINECO under the Ramon y Cajal programme. GG and MR acknowledge support by LIP (FCT, COMPETE2020-Portugal2020, FEDER, POCI-01-0145-FEDER007334) as well as by FCT under project CERN/FIS-PAR/0024/2019. GG is also supported by FCT under the grant SFRH/BD/144244/2019. MR is also supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) under the grant PD/BD/142773/2018.We compute the one-loop renormalisation group running of the bosonic Standard Model effective operators to order v(4)/Lambda(4), with v similar to 246 GeV being the electroweak scale and Lambda the unknown new physics threshold. We concentrate on the effects triggered by pairs of the leading dimension-six interactions, namely those that can arise at tree level in weakly-coupled ultraviolet completions of the Standard Model. We highlight some interesting consequences, including the interplay between positivity bounds and the form of the anomalous dimensions; the non-renormalisation of the S and U parameters; or the importance of radiative corrections to the Higgs potential for the electroweak phase transition. As a byproduct of this work, we provide a complete Green basis of operators involving only the Higgs and derivatives at dimension-eight, comprising 13 redundant interactions.Spanish GovernmentEuropean Commission FPA2016-78220-C3-1/3-P PID2019-106087GB-C21/C22Junta de Andalucia European Commission FQM 101 A-FQM-211-UGR18 P18-FR-4314Spanish MINECO under the Ramon y Cajal programmeLIP (FCT)COMPETE2020-Portugal2020European Commission POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007334Portuguese Foundation for Science and TechnologyEuropean Commission CERN/FIS-PAR/0024/2019 SFRH/BD/144244/2019 PD/BD/142773/201

    VRP model with time window, multiproduct and multidepot

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    With the increase in the transfer of products in supply chains, the organization of routes requires a complex allocation insofar as different environmental variables are considered, and VRP models are an efficient tool for the solution of routing systems of low, medium and high complexity. In this paper, we developed a vehicle routing model with hard time window, multidepot, multiproduct and heterogeneous fleet for the minimization of the distance travelled. We applied the model to a case study of a company that distributes water bottles and bales in which we made a new distribution of delivery schedules by order applied Pareto analysis. We obtained optimal computational results using exact methods in a very short computational time and minimizing the distance to 35.08% of the current route

    Sobre la vulnerabilidad de las economías a la Covid-19: una aproximación empírica

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    During the confinement due to the Covid-19 crisis, economies survived thanks to the available technology and changes of the production model. To study the vulnerability of economies against the challenges of the recovery, in this paper we study the role of some factors related to the development of productive sectors, the use of technology, and the structure of public finances. Using panel data estimations for the European Union, we identify some characteristics that would help economies to boost economic growth. We find that the employment in sectors with a high technological content is the variable that most drives output growthDurante el confinamiento de la población debido a la crisis del Covid-19, las economías han sobrevivido gracias a la tecnología disponible y a cambios en el modelo productivo. Para estudiar la vulnerabilidad de las economías frente a los retos de la recuperación, en este trabajo, estudiamos el papel de algunos factores relacionados con el desarrollo de los sectores productivos, el uso de la tecnología y la estructura de las finanzas públicas. Haciendo uso de estimaciones de datos de panel, para la Unión Europea, identificamos algunas características que ayudarían a las economías a impulsar el crecimiento económico. Encontramos que el empleo en sectores con un alto contenido tecnológico es la variable que más impulsa el crecimiento de la producció

    Inferencias pedagógico-musicales en los Centros de Educación Primaria del Campo de Gibraltar

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    El presente documento parte de una investigación generada desde el año 2015 con los docentes de música de los Centros de Educación Primaria del Campo de Gibraltar. Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa, pretendiendodescubrir la implementación didáctica de las sesiones de música para comprender la actual realidad educativa musical de nuestro entorno. El corpus de la investigación implicó el tratamiento de las dimensiones musicales, de los métodos de pedagogía musical y, de aspectos relevantes de los preceptos legislativos educativos. En consecuencia, se elaboró y administró un cuestionario ad hoc. Como resultados, se confirma la consideración predominante de la expresión vocal e instrumental en la asignatura de música, así como la mayor aplicación de los métodos de Carl Orff, Zoltán Kodàly y Émile Jaques Dalcroze

    Evaluation of a New Dental Implant Cervical Design in Comparison with a Conventional Design in an Experimental American Foxhound Model

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    This is the peer reviewed versión of the following article: "Evaluation of a New Dental Implant Cervical Design in Comparison with a Conventional Design in an Experimental American Foxhound Model ", which has been published in final form at [doi:10.3390/ma11040462],. This article May be used for non-comercial pipotes in accordance with Wiley Terms an Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.Odontologí

    Facilitating the afforestation of Mediterranean polluted soils by nurse shrubs

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    11 páginas.-- 5 figuras.-- 2 tablas.-- Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.07.009.The revegetation of polluted sites and abandoned agricultural soils is critical to reduce soil losses and to control the spread of soil pollution in the Mediterranean region, which is currently exposed to the greatest soil erosion risk in Europe. However, events of massive plant mortality usually occur during the first years after planting, mainly due to the adverse conditions of high irradiance and drought stress. Here, we evaluated the usefulness of considering the positive plant–plant interactions (facilitation effect) in the afforestation of polluted agricultural sites, using pre-existing shrubs as nurse plants. We used nurse shrubs as planting microsites for acorns of Quercus ilex (Holm oak) along a gradient of soil pollution in southwestern Spain, and monitored seedling growth, survival, and chemical composition during three consecutive years. Seedling survival greatly increased (from 20% to more than 50%) when acorns were sown under shrub, in comparison to the open, unprotected matrix. Facilitation of seedling growth by shrubs increased along the gradient of soil pollution, in agreement with the stress gradient hypothesis that predicts higher intensity of the facilitation effects with increasing abiotic stress. Although the accumulation of trace elements in seedling leaves was higher underneath shrub, the shading conditions provided by the shrub canopy allowed seedlings to cope with the toxicity provoked by the concurrence of low pH and high trace element concentrations in the most polluted sites. Our results show that the use of shrubs as nurse plants is a promising tool for the cost-effective afforestation of polluted lands under Mediterranean conditions. Keywordsthe research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement n° 603498 (RECARE), and from the Regional Ministry of Environment (Junta de Andalucía) within the SECOVER and ANASINQUE projects (PGC2010-RNM-5782). M.T.D. was supported by a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral grant awarded to by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. We are grateful to José María Alegre for his help at different stages of the study.Peer reviewe

    Efecto facilitador de matorrales en la forestación de suelos contaminados por elementos traza

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    Póster y comunicación oral presentados en la Sesión 1: Soil conservation and restoration and soil pollution, del citado Congreso, celebrado del 1-4, julio, 2013, en Valencia, España.La forestación de zonas degradadas por la minería es particularmente importante en la cuenca Mediterránea, ya que las perspectivas futuras de cambio global prevén un aumento de los riesgos de erosión y desertificación, lo cual aumentaría la probabilidad de exportar elementos tóxicos a zonas colindantes. La contaminación del suelo por ciertos elementos tóxicos (como algunos elementos traza) puede ser un factor añadido a la dificultad de forestar estas áreas. Durante la última década hemos analizado algunos de los procesos clave para la restauración ecológica de la zona afectada por el accidente minero de Aznalcóllar (Sevilla) en 1998.Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía, a través del proyecto SECOVER.Peer reviewe