643 research outputs found

    Proyecto IVAPTA, estudio y conocimiento de alteraciones en pintura sobre tela. La realidad aumentada aplicada a la conservación

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    IVAPTA, uno de los diez proyectos escogidos en el II Plan Propio de Docencia de la Universidad de Sevilla para su desarrollo. Este proyecto se centra en recopilar, clasificar y poner a disposición de docentes, profesionales o sociedad en general, de forma fácil, amena, novedosa e inmediata, información de calidad sobre los indicadores visuales de alteración presentes en una pintura sobre tela. Lo consigue mediante una aplicación móvil de fácil descarga que nos acerca visualmente las alteraciones de la pieza para poder evaluar el nivel de riesgo que estas representan para la integridad del bien. Te mostramos cómo acceder al recurso; solo necesitas un dispositivo electrónico

    Heart rate recovery normality data recorded in response to a maximal exercise test in physically active men.

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    Background. Despite a growing clinical interest in determining the heart rate recovery (HRR) response to exercise, the limits of a normal HRR have not yet been well established. Purpose. This study was designed to examine HRR following a controlled maximal exercise test in healthy, physically active adult men. Methods. The subjects recruited (n=789) performed a maximal stress test on a treadmill. HRR indices were calculated by subtracting the 1st and 3rd minute heart rates during recovery from the maximal heart rate obtained during stress testing and designated these as HRR-1 and HRR-3, respectively. The relative change in HRR was determined as the decrease in HR produced at the time points 1 min and 3 min after exercise as a percentage of the peak HR (%HRR-1/HRpeak and %HRR-3/HRpeak, respectively). Percentile values of HRR-1 and HRR-3 were generated for the study population. Results. Mean HHR-1 and HHR-3 were 15.24±8.36 bpm and 64.58±12.17 bpm, respectively and %HRR-1/HRpeak and %HRR-3/HRpeak were 8.60±4.70% and 36.35±6.79%, respectively. Significant correlation was detected between Peak VO2 and HRR-3 (r=0.36; p<0.001) or %HRR-3/HRpeak (r=0.23; p<0.001). Conclusions. Our study provides normality data for heart rate recovery following a maximal ergometry test obtained in a large population of physically active men.pre-print166 K

    Study of population in the national atlas of Spain : relevant variables for territorial planning

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    Este artículo presenta la monografía titulada “Demografía" perteneciente al Atlas Nacional de España. Dicha obra tiene como destinatarios a una amplia variedad de usuarios, entre los que cabe destacar aquellos con responsabilidad en la ordenación del territorio. Se ponen de manifiesto dos aspectos metodológicos: por una parte la labor de selección de las variables a representar, entre las que cabe destacar la variación de población, la tasa de autoctonía, la población vinculada y los potenciales de población. Por otra parte se detalla el proceso de diseño cartográfico de mapas que presentan información de contexto codificada mediante la variable visual tamaño y otra principal codificada mediante la combinación de color-valor. El resultado es un compendio cartográfico muy potente que incluye más de trescientos mapas agrupados en nueve bloques temáticos. Tres aspectos convierten a esta obra en un instrumento útil para la ordenación territorial: la utilización de las cifras absolutas como contextualización temática, la selección apropiada de la escala de trabajo y la posibilidad de actualización permanente.This article introduces the monograph entitled “Demography", which belongs the National Atlas of Spain. This work has a wide range of users as recipients, among which it is worth noting those with responsibility in the territory planning. Two methodological considerations are pointed out: On the one hand, the task of selection of variables to be represented, among which population variation, autoctony rate, related population, and population potencials. On the other hand, it is listed the process of cartographic design of maps that show codified context information through: the size visual variable and a main one codified by the hue-value combination. The result is a very powerful cartographic compilation with more than 300 maps grouped in nine thematic sections. Three aspects turn this work into a useful tool for territorial planning: the use of absolute figures as thematic contextualization, the appropriate work scales selection and the possibility of permanent updatingFil: Zúñiga Antón, María. Universidad de ZaragozaFil: Pueyo Campos, Ángel. Universidad de ZaragozaFil: López, María Sebastián. Universidad de ZaragozaFil: Calvo Palacios, José Luis. Universidad de Zaragoz

    Caracterización de los Materiales de Construcción y de los Procesos de Deterioro en los Edificios Históricos. Casos de Estudio en la Provincia de Jaén

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    San Isidoro es uno de los monumentos ubetenses construidos con la llamada Piedra Dorada, calcarenita del Tortoniense Superior que se ha extraído tradicionalmente en la comarca de la Loma. Según la tradición local y los datos de estudios previos, existen dos variedades pertenecientes a la misma facies. Estas son la piedra Viva, bien cementada y con buenas propiedades físico-mecánicas, y la piedra Franca con mayor porosidad y fácilmente alterable.A partir de la metodología seguida en San Isidoro, trataremos de caracterizar la Piedra Dorada de Úbeda y Baeza. De igual forma se intentará identificar y estudiar los distintos morteros de cal, yeso y cemento que han ido empleándose en las diferentes fases de intervención llevadas a cabo en el monumento. El crecimiento de eflorescencias tanto en las fachadas como en el interior acelera el proceso de deterioro de San Isidoro, que hasta el momento estaba estabilizado. Por último, expondremos una síntesis de las principales formas de alteración detectadas, tratando de identificar los agentes que las producen, poniendo estos datos en relación con factores microclimáticos y otros

    Neurobehavioral changes in people with post-stroke aphasia

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    At present, research on neurobehavioral disorders in people with post-stroke aphasia is scarce, especially in Spanish. The objective of this study is to design a new scale on neurobehavioral change, the Scale of Neurobehavioral Affectation in Aphasia (EANA, in Spanish) and to evaluate 14 people affected by chronic post-stroke aphasia (mean age: 51/ DT: 7.2) together with their main informants. At the same time, psychiatric (Neuropsychiatric Inventory, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Stroke Aphasic Depression Questionnaire), cognitive (Mini Mental State examination, Informer Test) and functional instruments (Stroke and Aphaisa Quality of Life Scale and Barthel Index) have been used to provide a multidimensional description of the affected persons. The results show statistically significant neurobehavioral changes in multiple domains. According to the EANA, those affected with post-stroke aphasia communicate with less frequently, show more introversion, shyness, dependence and apathy, behave in a more infantile manner ("makes me grimaces"), in addition to showing heightened anxiety and impulsivity. Finally, the informants report more aggressive acts, both verbal (insults) and physical (throwing objects, hitting both objects as persons), that did not occur before the stroke. According to the psychiatric instruments, many of the affected cope with anxiety, agitation and apathy, as well as mild depression. At a cognitive level, affected individuals show mild to moderate deficits, especially in working memory and temporal orientation. Functionally most individuals maintain a medium-high level of functional independence in daily activities. These findings support the inclusion of recommendations for the routine assessment and management of neurobehavioral changes to help optimize long-term recovery in people with stroke and aphasia.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Meta-analysis: associated factors for the adoption and disclosure of CSR practices in the banking sector

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    This document seeks to identify the associated factors that lead banking institutions to adopt and disclose CSR practices, considering that previous studies show contradictory results. Therefore, is important to integrate the findings from previous research, given the importance of CSR practices for the financial performance and the level of risk of organizations. The study employed the random effect meta-analysis technique, the data analysis was carried out with papers published between 2005 and 2021 and integrates the results of research that has analyzed a total of 6208 observations in 40 countries. The results of the research show a significant positive association between, legitimacy of existence and reputation as associated factors for developing CSR practices, whereas the regulation, the inclusion of foreign board members, and stakeholder relationships have an insignificant positive association as an associated factor with the development of CSR practices. Corporate governance factors have a significant positive relationship with the presence of women on the board and the size of the board. In addition, the board’s independence and the duality of the CEO have an insignificant negative association. This paper provides evidence of the need for research in CSR practices in the banking sector, especially in Latin America where the literature is almost non-existent. In addition, it also shows the need for research on corporate governance factors, especially on how the presence of women on the board influences the development of CSR practices, considering the scarce existing literature that analyses these factors

    La realidad virtual profundizará en el conocimiento de los bienes culturales del monasterio sevillano de San Isidoro del Campo

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    Investigadores del grupo de investigación Conservación del Patrimonio Métodos y Técnicas, conjuntamente con el Secretariado de Recursos Audiovisuales y Nuevas Tecnologías de la Universidad de Sevilla (SAV), están llevando a cabo un proyecto de realidad virtual de las dependencias y bienes culturales del Monasterio de San Isidoro del Campo, en Sevilla. Este proyecto surge con vocación de continuidad, por lo que se estructura en distintas fases. En la primera (curso 2020-21) se abordó la Capilla del Reservado; y, en la segunda, que se está realizando en este curso académico, la sala Capitular. Las siguientes fases abarcarán las distintas dependencias internas y los patios