1,896 research outputs found

    Comportamento higiénico de Apis mellifera iberica em células de criação de obreiras artificialmente infestadas com o parasita varroa

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    Este estudo teve como objectivo investigar a resposta de colónias de Apis me/lifera iberica, relativamente a células de obreiras artificialmente infestadas com o parasita Varroa1 com o fim de aplicar os resultados no desenvolvimento de técnicas dirigidas à detecção e selecção de abelhas tolerantes ao parasita. Alvéolos com criação de obreiras de 7 dias após a operculação foram artificialmente infestadas com o parasita Varroa. A resposta higiénica das abelhas, relativamente a estas células/ foi medida num período de 24 horas. As abelhas manifestaram dois comportamentos diferentes. No primeiro/ limparam completamente as células, retirando os ácaros e a cria das abelhas. No segundo, desopercularam e reopercularam os alvéolos, retirando os ácaros, mas a cria permaneceu nas células. O primeiro destes comportamentos foi mais constante e assegura um maior êxito relativamente aos ácaros que se encontram a reproduzir nas células da criação. Os resultados foram analisados com o objectivo de propor futuras técnicas para localizar e seleccionar abelhas tolerantes à Varroose

    Hygienic behaviour of Apis Mellifera Iberica in broad cells artificially infested with varroa mites

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    Este estudo teve como objectivo investigar a resposta de colónias de Apis mellifera iberica, relativamente a células de obreiras artificialmente infestadas com o parasita varroa, com o fim de aplicar os resultados obtidos no desenvolvimento de técnicas dirigidas à detecção e selecção de abelhas tolerantes ao parasita. Alvéolos com criação de obreiras de 7 dias após a operculação foram artificialmente infestadas com o parasita varroa. A resposta higiénica das abelhas, relativamente a estas células, foi medida num período de 24 horas. As abelhas manifestaram dois comportamentos diferentes. No primeiro, limparam completamente as células, retirando os ácaros e as crias das abelhas. No segundo, desopercularam e reopercularam os alvéolos, retirando os ácaros, mas a cria permaneceu nas células. O primeiro destes comportamentos foi mais constante e assegura um maior êxito relativamente à eliminação dos ácaros que se encontrem a reproduzir nas células da criação. Os resultados foram analisados com o objectivo de propor futuras técnicas para localizar e seleccionar abelhas tolerantes à varroose. The objective of this study was to investigate the response of colonies of Apis mellifera iberica, relatively to worker brood cells artificially infested with the varroa mite, with the aim of applying the obtained results in the development of techniques directed to the detection and selection of bees tolerant to the mite. Cells with worker brood, 7 days after operculation were artificially infested with varroa mites. The hygienic behaviour of the bees, relatively to these cells was measured after a period of 24 h. The honeybees demonstrated two different behaviours. In the first, cleaned completely the cells, removing both brood and mites from the cells. In the second, bees uncapped and recapped the cells, removing the mites, but not the brood. The first of these behaviours was more constant than the second and assures a larger success relatively to the removal of the mites reproducing in the brood cells. The results were analysed with the propose of future techniques to localise and select bees tolerant to the mite

    Desarrollo de una API para la descripción y gestión de Servicios Web REST

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    Treball de Final de Màster Universitari en Sistemes Intel·ligents (Pla de 2013). Codi: SIV043. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015En esta memoria se presenta el trabajo de fin de máster que consiste en el desarrollo de una API para la gestión de descripciones de servicios y otra para la monitorización y gestión de servicios. Además, también se ha implementado una interfaz web para utilizar la API de monitorización y gestión de forma amigable. En la memoria se describen los pasos realizados para llevar a cabo el proyecto. En primer lugar se comenta la motivación, se establecen los objetivos, se muestra la planificación y se describen las tecnologías utilizadas. A continuación se realiza un estado del arte sobre la descripción y gestión de servicios web REST. Después, se definen los requisitos que deben cumplir las API y la interfaz y se describe su especificación y diseño. Seguidamente, se explican los detalles de implementación y las pruebas realizadas. Finalmente, se presentan las conclusiones y el trabajo futuro

    Tourist-Cultural Routes and Itineraries in the Official Tourism Portals of the Spanish Autonomous Communities

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    El turismo cultural se ha convertido en las últimas décadas en una alternativa a otras tipologías turísticas, puesto que es necesaria una oferta más complementaria. Esta expansión de la cultura como producto turístico ha propiciado la proliferación de rutas e itinerarios turístico-culturales, potenciados por organismos regionales, nacionales e internacionales. Estas realidades turísticas han generado multitud de definiciones por parte de organismos y autores, dando pie a un debate sobre dos conceptos que, aunque comparten similitudes, pueden considerarse diferentes. En la difusión, creación y reconocimiento de rutas e itinerarios juegan un papel fundamental los diferentes gobiernos autonómicos españoles. En este sentido mediante la creación de páginas web oficiales, las Comunidades Autónomas tratan de dar a conocer su cultura y sus productos turísticos. Por un lado, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los conceptos de ruta e itinerario turístico cultural, y por otro lado se estudiará la difusión de las rutas turísticas y el tratamiento de los itinerarios por parte de las Comunidades Autónomas en sus portales oficiales.In the last decades, cultural tourism has become an alternative to other tourist typologies, since a more complementary offer is necessary. This expansion of culture as a tourism product has led to the proliferation of routes and tourist-cultural itineraries, promoted by regional, national and international organizations. These tourist realities have generated a multitude of definitions by organisms and authors, giving rise to a debate on two concepts that although they share similarities can be considered different. In the diffusion, creation and recognition of routes and itineraries, the different Spanish autonomous governments play a fundamental role. In this sense, through the creation of official websites, the Autonomous Communities try to publicize their culture and their tourism products. On the one hand, the objective of this work is to analyze the concepts of cultural tourism route and itinerary, on the other hand the dissemination of tourist routes and the treatment of itineraries by the Autonomous Communities in their official portals will be studied

    Methodological Proposal for the Elaboration of a Tourist Potential Index Applied to Historical Heritage

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    The proposal and development of tourism projects need previous studies that demonstrate their potential, facilitate the analysis of data and decision making. Since the expansion of tourism in the 1960s, different methodologies have been developed that have sought to study the capabilities of the territories and, in turn, have offered a theoretical framework that supports their results. On the one hand, the objective of this work is to analyze existing models of potentiality and their evolution, and on the other hand, offer an index of potentiality calculation that takes into account physical and human aspects and pay attention to late medieval heritage of the province of Cádiz (Spain

    Hacia un modelo de neuro-responsabilidad: una perspectiva de la responsabilidad social desde el desarrollo humano

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    ABSTRACT The increase of studies arising from neuroscience, based on the technological developments that permit the investigation of cerebral patterns through neuro-imaging, has created a new area of study involving all those fields of study which use the prefix neuro, such as neuro-economy, neuro-marketing, and neuro- social science. This article conducts a revision based on various investigations with the object of presenting social responsibility, conceptually associated with organizational paradigms, in order to suggest an evolutionary tendency typical of human development, called Neuro-responsibility. Key words: Neuro-responsibility, social responsibility, values, evolution, empathy. RESUMEN El auge del estudio desde la neurociencia, con base en el desarrollo tecnológico que permite investigar los procesos cerebrales mediante la neuro-imágen, ha conllevado una nueva área que tras el prefijo neuro abarca áreas de estudio como la neuroeconomía, el neuromarketing y la neurociencia social. Este artículo realiza una revisión basada en diferentes trabajos de investigación con el objetivo de presentar la responsabilidad social, vinculada conceptualmente a paradigmas organizacionales, hacia una propuesta de tendencia evolutiva propia del desarrollo humano, denominada Neuroresponsabilidad. Palabras clave: Neuroresponsabilidad, responsabilidad social, valores, evolución, empatía.

    The value creation wheel applied to a football club: futebol clube de Arouca and the low number of paying members

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    Futebol Clube de Arouca achieved one of the most amazing accomplishments in the history of Portuguese Football by ascending from the lower regional divisions to the First Portuguese Football Division in just seven seasons. However, the number of paying members in the club did not follow the club’s growth, and so, this project intended to solve this problem by understanding the reasons behind it and presenting solutions that can tackle the challenge proposed. This project was addressed using the Value Creation Wheel (Lages, 2016) which was a crucial framework to reach the final solution of creating a Family Pack for members of Futebol Clube de Arouca. This pack gives families the possibility of having different benefits including discounted annual membership fees and lower prices on tickets and club related products

    New policies to professionalize teaching in Higher Education

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    This article presents a review of the new policies of teacher professionalization derived from the new scenario of higher education in the world. The fragmentation of the academic profession, the new roles associated to the management of research, and the role of knowledge in universities, are cornerstones of the discussion which is arising. Finally, the present article addresses the specific scenario of the situation in Europe, and the sharpening of contradictions in academic professionalization, derived from the paradoxes in which Higher Education Institutions operate in the region

    Competence-based professional training

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    La reflexión sobre un enfoque curricular basado en competencias (ECBC) está conectada con la última oleada de reformas escolares en todos los países avanzados, lo que otorga al debate una dimensión de amplitud que nos obliga a buscar referencias para el debate en un marco de internacionalización con una necesidad a la que nunca se había enfrentado el colectivo docente. Y la educación superior no puede escapar a este debate. Así, en este artículo se presenta una reflexión teórica sobre el ECBC, su naturaleza y dificultades de implantación en la Educación Superior, realizándose una propuesta para su desarrollo, relacionada con las finalidades formativas de la enseñanza superior. Se describen tanto los principios didácticos de la intervención docente como los ejes organizativos que permitirían el desarrollo del ECBC en la educación superior.The competency-based curriculum approach (ECBC) is connected with the latest wave of school reforms in all advanced countries and forces us to look for references in the internationalization framework and discuss about something that had never faced the teaching staff. And higher education can't escape this discussion. Thus, this article presents a theoretical rethink on the ECBC, its nature and difficulties of implementation in higher education. Also we perform a proposal for development of the ECBC in higher education. We describe both the didactic principles of the educational intervention as the organizational axes allow ECBC development in higher education