5,176 research outputs found

    Empirical analysis of the influence of voters and politicians in the public choice of Portuguese municipalities universidade portucalense

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    When estimating a specification combining different influences on local public choice, three public issues of different ideological attributes were compared for two periods of Portuguese local government intervention: the beginning and the ending of one electoral cycle. The most exciting results of the paper are the significance of ideology at local level and the decline of its importance in the ending of the electoral cycle. There is also some evidence on the political influence of interest groups, especially in low visible issues. On the general issue, majority is also influent and fiscal illusion is found. Some preliminary panel data results including two electoral cycles are analyzed. JEL CLASSIFICATION: H42; H73; R51 KEYWORDS: Median Voter; Interest Groups; Ideology; Local Government, Opportunistic Political Cycle

    Empirical analysis of the influence of voters and politicians in the public choice of Portuguese municipalities universidade portucalense

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    When estimating a specification combining different influences on local public choice, three public issues of different ideological attributes were compared for two periods of Portuguese local government intervention: the beginning and the ending of one electoral cycle. The most exciting results of the paper are the significance of ideology at local level and the decline of its importance in the ending of the electoral cycle. There is also some evidence on the political influence of interest groups, especially in low visible issues. On the general issue, majority is also influent and fiscal illusion is found. Some preliminary panel data results including two electoral cycles are analyzed. JEL CLASSIFICATION: H42; H73; R51 KEYWORDS: Median Voter; Interest Groups; Ideology; Local Government, Opportunistic Political Cycl

    Automatic OSPF Topology map generation using information of the OSPF database

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    Nowadays, different technologies provide support to different areas of our diverse lifestyles around the world. Highly reputable companies are doing important research on the connectivity of multiple devices to the different types of network. The open Short Path First Protocol (OSPF) is one of the most widespread routing protocols in communications. Through experience, it has been demonstrated that this protocol usually has flaws, either by causes outside the protocol or by configuration, so network administrators should monitor and revise the operation of that protocol. Generally, when you start tracking a network already deployed that uses the OSPF routing protocol, there is very little documented information or even, none of the existing topology, not only because of the dynamism of this connectivity protocol, but also because of the lack of documentation of the installation itself. This project proposes the development of a tool for the generation of a map of the topology of a simple area of the OSPF routing protocol, which will facilitate the establishment of an OSPF area's topology documentation.Keywords: Network logical topology, OSPF, network modelling and mapping

    Sobre el pintor de cámara Santiago Morán el Viejo (1571-1626)

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    From several published news and other unpublished ones, pieces of information and facts concerning Santiago Morán old and his namesake son, including their date and place of birth and death, as well as the relations with the former’s master, Pantoja de la Cruz, considering the office Chamber painter and vicissitudes of the Florentine painting from the Descalzas Reales in Valladolid, are presented

    Integro-differential equations for option pricing in exponential LĂ©vy models

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    Mestrado em Matemática FinanceiraThis dissertation discusses under which conditions we can express the function that represents the option price as the solution of a certain partial integro-differential equation (PIDE) in a exponential Lévy model. The main difference between this case and the Black Scholes case is that there is a non-local term in the equation, which makes the analysis more complicated. Also, we discuss under which conditions we can obtain a Feynman-Kac formula for the case of a pure jump process and discuss the conditions under which option prices are classical solutions of the PIDEs. When such conditions are not verified, we consider the concept of viscosity solutions which only requires that the function representing the option price is continuous. Continuity results for option prices of barrier options are presented for some types of Lévy processes. In addition, we show the same continuity results for processes of finite variation and with no diffusion component. Also, we present some examples in which the function that represents the option price is discontinuous. Moreover, we present a numerical scheme that gives the price of an European put option for the Variance Gamma process. This finite difference scheme was initially proposed by Cont and Voltchkova, to solve numerically the associated PIDE.Este trabalho discute sob que condições se pode expressar a função que representa o preço de uma opção como solução de uma determinada equação integro-diferencial parcial num modelo exponencial de Lévy. A grande diferença entre o caso aqui considerado e o de Black-Scholes é que existe na equação um termo não local, o que faz com que a análise seja mais complexa. Também é discutido sob que condições se pode obter a fórmula de Feynman Kac para o caso de um processo de saltos puros e sob que condições o preço de uma opção é solução clássica de uma equação integro-diferencial. Quando tais condições não são verificadas, considera-se o conceito de solução de viscosidade, que apenas exige que a função que representa o preço da opção seja contínua. Para alguns tipos de processos de Lévy são apresentados resultados de continuidade para os preços de opções barreira. Para além disso demonstram-se os mesmos resultados para processos de variação finita e sem componente de difusão. Também são apresentados alguns exemplos em que a função que representa o preço da opção é descontínua. É apresentado um esquema numérico que permite obter o preço de uma opção de venda Europeia para o caso do processo "Variance Gamma". Este esquema de diferenças finitas foi proposto inicialmente por Cont e Voltchkova para resolver numericamente a equação integro-diferencial parcial associada
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