14 research outputs found

    Evaluation and assessment of professional skills in the Final Year Project

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    In this paper, we present a methodology for Final Year Project (FYP) monitoring and assessment that considers the inclusion of the professional skills required in the particular engineering degree. This proper monitoring and clear evaluation framework provides the student with valuable support for the project implementation as well as for improving the quality of the projects, thereby reducing the academic drop-out rate. The proposed methodology has been implemented at the Barcelona School of Informatics at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech. The FYP is structured around three milestones: project definition, project monitoring and project completion. Skills are assigned to each milestone according to the tasks required in that phase, and a list of indicators is defined for each phase. The evaluation criteria for each indicator at each phase are specified in a rubric, and are made public both to students and teachers. Thus, the FYP includes an exhaustive evaluation method distributed throughout the whole project implementation, thereby facilitating project organization for the student as well as providing a clear and homogeneous assessment framework. The methodology for the FYP organization, assessment and evaluation was launched and piloted over two semesters. We believe the experience to be general in the sense that it has been conducted as part of an ICT engineering degree, but may easily be extended to any other engineering degree.Postprint (author’s final draft

    A Paleomagnetic Inspection of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in the Southern Pyrenees

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    Magnetic properties of rocks can be useful for determining paleoenvironmental changes. A dramatic climate change that occurred in the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) modified the environment and, hence, the magnetic properties recorded in the sediments. New paleomagnetic data from marine records of the PETM in the Southern Pyrenean zone displays a variation of the magnetic parameters in four different sections. The magnetic signal reveals a positive excursion of magnetic values starting before the onset of the marly interval of La Faja de las Flores Mb (beginning of the PETM record, Ilerdian) in the Carriata section with a maximum value in the marly interval. A similar magnetic signal is observed in the Bujaruelo section (~10 km south of Carriata at PETM times) that is related directly to the marly interval of Faja de las Flores Mb. However, towards the south, the PETM interval does not appear in the sedimentary record; therefore, in the southern Gallisué section, no magnetic excursion occurs. In the southernmost-studied Entremón section, a positive magnetic excursion occurs in a thin marly interval unrelated to the PETM, and in two lower intervals of the column. All sections were later subjected to deformation during the pyrean orogeny and the three northernmost sections in the regional cleavage front, where pressure solution and remagnetizations have been described. A post-folding remagnetization component is found in the three northern sections

    Nuevo material sintético en prótesis parcial removible. Polioximetileno o resina acetálica

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    Con frecuencia, y debido a la cada vez mayor demanda de estética por parte de los pacientes, la prótesis parcial removible es rechazada por éstos a pesar de ser indicación idónea (extremos libres uni o bilaterales) tanto funcional como económicamente. Una solución a esta situación nos la ofrecen los nuevos materiales plásticos de amplio uso en otras especialidades médicas y de reciente aplicación en el campo de la odontología, concretamente en el ámbito de la prótesis parcial removible. Entre sus ventajas destacan las posibilidades estéticas y su menor índice de abrasión en comparación con los metales usados habitualmente en este tipo de restauraciones protésicas. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una de las aplicaciones de estos materiales en la clínica odontológica en fase experimental

    Nuevo material sintético en prótesis parcial removible. Polioximetileno o resina acetálica

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    Con frecuencia, y debido a la cada vez mayor demanda de estética por parte de los pacientes, la prótesis parcial removible es rechazada por éstos a pesar de ser indicación idónea (extremos libres uni o bilaterales) tanto funcional como económicamente. Una solución a esta situación nos la ofrecen los nuevos materiales plásticos de amplio uso en otras especialidades médicas y de reciente aplicación en el campo de la odontología, concretamente en el ámbito de la prótesis parcial removible. Entre sus ventajas destacan las posibilidades estéticas y su menor índice de abrasión en comparación con los metales usados habitualmente en este tipo de restauraciones protésicas. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una de las aplicaciones de estos materiales en la clínica odontológica en fase experimental

    Estudio experimental del acabado y pulido de la resina acetálica utilizada en prótesis parcial removible

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    En el presente trabajo se presenta un estudio perfilométrico y bajo microscopía electrónica de barrido de la superficie de la resina acetálica utilizada para la elaboración de retenedores estéticos en prótesis parcial removible. Se elaboraron una serie de muestras de acuerdo con las instrucciones del fabricante. Se comprueba un buen acabado de la superficie cuando se desbasta y pule de acuerdo con las normas del fabricante. La rugosidad media es de 1,52 µm, lo que consideramos aceptable

    Hydrometeorological factors determining the development of water table cave patterns in high alpine zones. The Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park, NE Spain

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    This study is focussed on the geomorphological characterization and the processes driving the evolution of the highest karst system in Western Europe, which is located in the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park (PNOMP), in the central-southern Pyrenees. The karst system does not seem to have a well-developed epikarst. The studied area shows a karst network of polygenic branchwork type in the vadose zone. Additionally, the explored karst conduits in the epiphreatic zone show a water table cave pattern that is different to the looping one, which is the expected cave pattern development for a karst located in a mountain zone where a high irregular recharge is expected. We have designed a conceptual recharge model through a multidisciplinary approach, which has included the making of a new detailed geological and hydrogeological map of the study area, morphometric analysis of cavities, tests with fluorescent dye tracers and hydrometeorological monitoring of the karst system associated with the Garcés Spring. This spring, together with the Font Blanca Spring, constitutes the main water discharge point of the hydrogeological system. The conceptual recharge model explains how the observed unexpected cave pattern has developed in this karst

    An inventory of the marine and transitional Middle/Upper Eocene deposits of the Southeastern Pyrenean Foreland Basin (NE Spain)

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    In the southeastern Ebro Foreland Basin, the marine deposits of Lutetian and Bartonian age show excellent outcrop conditions, with a great lateral and horizontal continuity of lithostratigraphic units. In addition, the rich fossil record -mainly larger foraminifers-, provides iostratigraphic data of regional relevance for the whole Paleogene Pyrenean Basin, that can be used for the Middle Eocene biocorrelation of the western Tethys. This contribution is a sedimentary and biostratigraphic synthesis of the basic outcrops and sections of the Lutetian and Bartonian marine and transitional deposits in the southeastern sector of the Ebro Foreland Basin

    An inventory of the marine and transitional Middle/Upper Eocene deposits of the Southeastern Pyrenean Foreland Basin (NE Spain)

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    In the southeastern Ebro Foreland Basin, the marine deposits of Lutetian and Bartonian age show excellent outcrop conditions, with a great lateral and horizontal continuity of lithostratigraphic units. In addition, the rich fossil record -mainly larger foraminifers-, provides iostratigraphic data of regional relevance for the whole Paleogene Pyrenean Basin, that can be used for the Middle Eocene biocorrelation of the western Tethys. This contribution is a sedimentary and biostratigraphic synthesis of the basic outcrops and sections of the Lutetian and Bartonian marine and transitional deposits in the southeastern sector of the Ebro Foreland Basin

    Evaluation and assessment of professional skills in the Final Year Project

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    In this paper, we present a methodology for Final Year Project (FYP) monitoring and assessment that considers the inclusion of the professional skills required in the particular engineering degree. This proper monitoring and clear evaluation framework provides the student with valuable support for the project implementation as well as for improving the quality of the projects, thereby reducing the academic drop-out rate. The proposed methodology has been implemented at the Barcelona School of Informatics at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech. The FYP is structured around three milestones: project definition, project monitoring and project completion. Skills are assigned to each milestone according to the tasks required in that phase, and a list of indicators is defined for each phase. The evaluation criteria for each indicator at each phase are specified in a rubric, and are made public both to students and teachers. Thus, the FYP includes an exhaustive evaluation method distributed throughout the whole project implementation, thereby facilitating project organization for the student as well as providing a clear and homogeneous assessment framework. The methodology for the FYP organization, assessment and evaluation was launched and piloted over two semesters. We believe the experience to be general in the sense that it has been conducted as part of an ICT engineering degree, but may easily be extended to any other engineering degree