623 research outputs found

    Trust and Privacy Solutions Based on Holistic Service Requirements

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    The products and services designed for Smart Cities provide the necessary tools to improve the management of modern cities in a more efficient way. These tools need to gather citizens’ information about their activity, preferences, habits, etc. opening up the possibility of tracking them. Thus, privacy and security policies must be developed in order to satisfy and manage the legislative heterogeneity surrounding the services provided and comply with the laws of the country where they are provided. This paper presents one of the possible solutions to manage this heterogeneity, bearing in mind these types of networks, such as Wireless Sensor Networks, have important resource limitations. A knowledge and ontology management system is proposed to facilitate the collaboration between the business, legal and technological areas. This will ease the implementation of adequate specific security and privacy policies for a given service. All these security and privacy policies are based on the information provided by the deployed platforms and by expert system processing

    SensoTrust: trustworthy domains in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based on wearable devices are being used in a growing variety of applications, many of them with strict privacy requirements: medical, surveillance, e-Health, and so forth. Since private data is being shared (physiological measures, medical records, etc.), implementing security mechanisms in these networks has become a major challenge. The objective of deploying a trustworthy domain is achieving a nonspecific security mechanism that can be used in a plethora of network topologies and with heterogeneous application requirements. Another very important challenge is resilience. In fact, if a stand-alone and self-configuring WSN is required, an autosetup mechanism is necessary in order to maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of security issues or faulty hardware. This paper presents SensoTrust, a novel security model for WSN based on the definition of trustworthy domains, which is adaptable to a wide range of applications and scenarios where services are published as a way to distribute the acquired data. Security domains can be deployed as an add-on service to merge with any service already deployed, obtaining a new secured service

    The Influence of Communication Range on Connectivity for Resilient Wireless Sensor Networks Using a Probabilistic Approach.

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of thousands of nodes that need to communicate with each other. However, it is possible that some nodes are isolated from other nodes due to limited communication range. This paper focuses on the influence of communication range on the probability that all nodes are connected under two conditions, respectively: (1) all nodes have the same communication range, and (2) communication range of each node is a random variable. In the former case, this work proves that, for 0menor queepsmenor quee^(-1) , if the probability of the network being connected is 0.36eps , by means of increasing communication range by constant C(eps) , the probability of network being connected is at least 1-eps. Explicit function C(eps) is given. It turns out that, once the network is connected, it also makes the WSNs resilient against nodes failure. In the latter case, this paper proposes that the network connection probability is modeled as Cox process. The change of network connection probability with respect to distribution parameters and resilience performance is presented. Finally, a method to decide the distribution parameters of node communication range in order to satisfy a given network connection probability is developed

    Resilient Wireless Sensor Networks Using Topology Control: A Review

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) may be deployed in failure-prone environments, and WSNs nodes easily fail due to unreliable wireless connections, malicious attacks and resource-constrained features. Nevertheless, if WSNs can tolerate at most losing k − 1 nodes while the rest of nodes remain connected, the network is called k − connected. k is one of the most important indicators for WSNs’ self-healing capability. Following a WSN design flow, this paper surveys resilience issues from the topology control and multi-path routing point of view. This paper provides a discussion on transmission and failure models, which have an important impact on research results. Afterwards, this paper reviews theoretical results and representative topology control approaches to guarantee WSNs to be k − connected at three different network deployment stages: pre-deployment, post-deployment and re-deployment. Multi-path routing protocols are discussed, and many NP-complete or NP-hard problems regarding topology control are identified. The challenging open issues are discussed at the end. This paper can serve as a guideline to design resilient WSNs

    Variability of the temporary sequence of the kinetic chain of the handball throw

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    Se pretende analizar la variabilidad intraindividual de los lanzamientos en apoyo desde nueve metros y en presencia de un portero. La muestra se compone de cuatro lanzadores y siete porteros de la primera división española. A partir de las fuerzas de reacción se registró el movimiento de los porteros, y los lanzamientos mediante técnicas de vídeo 3D. La variabilidad en los patrones de movimiento engaña al portero y reducen el tiempo de movimiento. La cadena cinética utilizada responde a una secuencia temporal P-D, orientada a reducir el estrés excesivo en la articulación del hombro. La inercia del tronco permite reducir el tiempo de ejecución y elegir el instante de inicio de lanzamiento según las acciones del portero.The aim is to analyze the intraindividual variability of the throw in support realized from nine meters and in presence of a goalkeeper. Four throwers and seven goalkeepers from first Spanish division took part. From the forces of reaction proceeding from the platform, was registered the beginning of the movement of the goalkeeper, whereas the model of the throwing was using video 3D. The variability in the movement pattern faked the goalkeepers and reduced the time of movement. The kinetic chain is a temporary sequence P-D orientated to reducing the excessive stress in the joint of the shoulder. The inertia of the trunk reduced the time of execution and choose the instant of throwing depending on the goalkeeper

    Firefighter and victims protecting solution based on wireless body area network nodes

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    Interconnectivity between Web systems and sensor networks is used to provide smart services for the Internet of Things. These services are based on data collection and processing to obtain useful information about the supervised environment. With this information it is possible to provide smart services, but some of them must be considered as protected by the legislation regarding privacy of personal data. In order to face this issue, security and privacy mechanisms must be used. So as to deal with the limited resources in sensor networks, these mechanisms must be as lightweight as possible to preserve the enough Quality of Service. However, these mechanisms must fulfill security and privacy requirements defined by the regulations. This paper describes a Wireless Body Area Network application providing services to protect firefighter work in hazardous environments. The firefighter wears a special shirt with sensors embedded. These sensors are able to monitor not only the firefighter health status, but also they can be connected to external sensors in order to monitor the health status of the victims. These external sensors are part of the equipment carried by the firefighter to face the emergencies and save lives. Thus, they are able to obtain external medical aid

    Tratamiento de las fracturas complejas de fémur mediante enclavado intramedular encerrojado de Brooker-Wills

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    Se realiza un estudio retrospectivo de 19 pacientes con fracturas complejas de fé- mur tratados mediante el clavo bloqueado de Brooker-Wills. La causa más frecuente de dichas fracturas fueron los accidentes de tráfico. Hubo lesiones asociadas en el 63% de los casos. El tiempo medio de seguimiento fue de 27 meses. Nuestros resultados han sido evaluados mediante los criteros de Thorensen, obteniendo un 84% de resultados favorables. Hubo problemas técnicos intraoperatorios en 8 pacientes, la mayoría debidos a la penetración de la cortical femoral distal por una de las aletas. Todas las fracturas consolidaron. La mayor ventaja de este clavo la encontramos en la sencillez del bloqueo distal, lo cual supone una menor exposición a la radiación y un acortamiento del tiempo quirúrgico.A retrospective study of 19 patients with complex fermoral fractures treated with the Brooker-Wills interlocking intramedullary nail is reported. The traffic-accident was the most common cause of these fractures. Associated injuries were found in 63% of cases. The mean time follow-up period was 27 months. Results were assessed according to Thorensen's criteria. We found excellent or good results in 84% of these patients. There were intraoperative technical problems without clinical complications in 8 patients, most of them due to distal femoral cortex penetration with the pins. Union occurred in all fractures. The greatest advantage of this nail comes from the easy insertion of distal pins, providings less exposition to radiation and a shorter operative tim

    Caracterización diatomológica en tres cuerpos de agua de los humedales de Jilotepec-Ixtlahuaca, Estado de México

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    The taxonomic and environmental characteristics of the diatom flora found in three bodies of water in the wetlands of Jilotepec-Ixtlahuaca, Estado de Mexico are described. Six samplings were made (January-October, 2001). Benthic and planktonic diatoms growth were collected.The samples were analyzed with a Light Microscope (LM) and a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). 45 species and 3 infraspecific taxa belonging to 32 genera were identified. Aulacoseira granulata, Cymbella affinis, Gomphonema acuminatum, G. angustatum, Pinnularia microstauron, Synedra ulna y Stephanodiscus niagarae were the dominat species. Craticula halophila, Cymatopleura solea, and Neidium iridis were rare species. Epithemia turgida, Eunotia curvata and Rhopalodia sp. were species specific to the permanent pond. Achnanthes pinnata, Cyclostephanos dubius, Eunotia faba and Planothidium ellipticum are new records for theTrans Mexican Volcanic Belt. We found a living population of S. niagarae from wetlands, suggesting that this species had once a much wider distribution towards the southern region of North America. 89% of the species were limnophilous with an indifferent and rheophilous tendency. 67% of the taxa were associated to the diversity of substrates and did not exhibit marked seasonality. Species richness was higher during dry season. Craticula halophila, Encyonema caespitosum, Frustulia vulgaris y Sellaphora pupula were found during the rainy season. All of the species were found to be meso-eurytherms with temperate affinity. pH was slightly basic (7.8), 65% of the species were alkaliphilous. Eunotia faba, acidophilous-circumneutral, Eunotia curvata and Surirella tenera circumneutral-indifferent. Stephanodiscus niagarae in association with Aulacoseira granulata, Fragilaria capucina and F. crotonensis showed a tendency to eutrophic condition. All of the species were characterized as being from freshwater and oligohalobous. Results from environmental analysis show that the water from study area has a low mineral contentSe representa la caracterización taxonómica y ambiental de las diatomeas de tres cuerpos de agua de los humedales de Jilotepec-Ixtlahuaca, Estado de México, a partir de seis muestreos (enero-octubre de 2001). Se colectaron crecimientos algales bentónicos y planctónicos. Los taxa se estudiaron con microscopio de luz y electrónico de barrido. Se identificaron 45 especies y 3 variedades de diatomeas distribuidas en 32 géneros. Aulacoseira granulata, Cymbella affinis, Gomphonema acuminatum, G. angustatum, Pinnularia microstauron, Synedra ulna y Stephanodiscus niagarae fueron especies dominantes. Por el contrario Craticula halophila, Cymatopleura solea y Neidium iridis fueron raras. Epithemia turgida, Eunotia curvata y Rhopalodia sp. fueron particulares del charco permanente. Achnanthes pinnata, Cyclostephanos dubius, Eunotia faba y Planothidium ellipticum son nuevos registros para la FVTM. La presencia de S. niagarae amplia su distribución como especie viviente hacia el sur de Norte América. El 89% de las especies fueron limnófilas, con tendencia a indiferentes y a reófilas. El 67% de los taxa estuvieron asociados con la diversidad de sustratos y no manifestaron marcada estacionalidad. La riqueza de especies fue mayor durante la época de secas. Craticula halophila, Encyonema caespitosum, Frustulia vulgaris y Sellaphora pupula se encontraron en época de lluvias. Todas las especies fueron meso-euritermales con afinidad templada. El pH fue ligeramente básico (7.8), el 65% de las especies fueron alcalífilas. Eunotia faba, acidófila-circumneutral, E. curvata y Surirella tenera circumneutral-indiferentes. Stephanodiscus niagarae en asociación con Aulacoseira granulata, Fragilaria capucina y F. crotonensis, indican una tendencia a condiciones eutróficas. Todas las especies son características de agua dulce y oligohalobias. Los resultados de las variables ambientales medidas indicaron que el agua del área de estudio es poco mineralizada

    ATP synthase subunit alpha and LV mass in ischaemic human hearts

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction plays a critical role in the development of ischaemic cardiomyopathy (ICM). In this study, the mitochondrial proteome in the cardiac tissue of ICM patients was analysed by quantitative differential electrophoresis (2D‐DIGE) and mass spectrometry (MS) for the first time to provide new insights into cardiac dysfunction in this cardiomyopathy. We isolated mitochondria from LV samples of explanted hearts of ICM patients (n = 8) and control donors (n = 8) and used a proteomic approach to investigate the variations in mitochondrial protein expression. We found that most of the altered proteins were involved in cardiac energy metabolism (82%). We focused on ATPA, which is involved in energy production, and dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, implicated in substrate utilization, and observed that these molecules were overexpressed and that the changes detected in the processes mediated by these proteins were closely related. Notably, we found that ATPA overexpression was associated with reduction in LV mass (r = −0.74, P < 0.01). We also found a substantial increase in the expression of elongation factor Tu, a molecule implicated in protein synthesis, and PRDX3, involved in the stress response. All of these changes were validated using classical techniques and by using novel and precise selected reaction monitoring analysis and an RNA sequencing approach, with the total heart samples being increased to 24. This study provides key insights that enhance our understanding of the cellular mechanisms related to the pathophysiology of ICM and could lead to the development of aetiology‐specific heart failure therapies. ATPA could serve as a molecular target suitable for new therapeutic interventions