1,473 research outputs found

    Diseño de guía informativa del seguro de guarderias y prestaciones sociales "Régimen voluntario y otras percepciones juridicas voluntarias"

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    La finalidad es facilitar la información de manera clara y sencilla respecto a este tema, y de esta manera conozcan los servicios que otorgan, requisitos, trámites, con el propósito de que tengan una visión clara de los beneficios que pueden obtener si están cotizando, así mismo podrán decidir qué es lo que más les conviene antes de emitir un juicio, nuestro ideal radica en fomentar en cada uno de los trabajadores que exijan sus derechos al Instituto asegurador. En consecuencia de lo anterior y para su mejor comprensión, el trabajo está integrado por cuatro capítulos, conclusiones, bibliografía y anexos

    Copépodos (Crustacea: Copepoda) como agentes de control biológico de larvas de mosquitos Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae) en Chiapas, México

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    We identified species of copepods in natural mosquito breeding sites in the region of Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico and compared their predatory ability on first instar larvae of Aedes aegypti and A. albopictus. Four sampling sites were selected: two in the coastal area and two in the bottom of the mountain. Copepods were cultured in the laboratory and identified. The species found were: Mesocyclops pehpeiensis (Hu, 1943), M. longisetus (Thiébaud, 1912), M. brasilianus (Kiefer, 1933), Macrocyclops albidus (Jurine, 1820), Eucyclops leptacanthus (Kiefer, 1956), and E. torresphilipi (Suárez-Morales, 2004). With the exception of E. leptacanthus, all collected species of copepods were successfully cultured in the laboratory. The predation potential was experimentally evaluated using a copepod female adult and 20 first-instar mosquito larvae. The copepod species showed varying percentages of predation, M. pehpeiensis being the one with the greatest predation potential (80% of A. aegypti and 67% A. albopictus per day). Eucyclops torresphilipi showed no differences with respect to the control, so it can be considered as a non-predatory species. Predation tests show that the copepods present in natural mosquito breeding sites have the potential to be used as agents of biological control of mosquito larvae and are a good alternative to be considered in integrated vector management strategies of dengue fever in the region of Soconusco, State of Chiapas, Mexico.Se identificaron las especies de copépodos presentes en sitios de crianza de mosquitos en la región del Soconusco, Chiapas, México, y se evaluó su capacidad depredadora sobre larvas de primer estadio de mosquitos Aedes aegypti y A. albopictus. Se seleccionaron cuatro sitios de muestreo: dos en la zona costera y dos en una zona al pie de montaña. Los copépodos fueron cultivados en el laboratorio e identificados. Las especies encontradas fueron: Mesocyclops pehpeiensis (Hu, 1943), M. longisetus (Thiébaud, 1912), M. brasilianus (Kiefer, 1933), Macrocyclops albidus (Jurine, 1820), Eucyclops leptacanthus (Kiefer, 1956) y E. torresphilipi (Suárez-Morales, 2004). Con excepción de E. leptacanthus,todas las especies de copépodos colectadas fueron cultivadas con éxito en el laboratorio. Experimentalmente se evaluó el potencial de depredación de las especies, usando un copépodo adulto hembra y 20 larvas de mosquitos de primer estadio. Las especies de copépodos presentaron porcentajes variables de depredación, siendo M. pehpeiensis la especie con mayor potencial de depredación (80% con A. aegypti y 67% con A. albopictus, por día). Eucyclops torresphilipi no mostró diferencias con respecto al control, por lo que puede considerarse como no depredadora. Las pruebas de depredación mostraron que los copépodos presentes en los sitios de crianza de larvas de mosquitos tienen potencial para usarse como agentes de control biológico, y que son una buena alternativa a considerar dentro de las estrategias de manejo integrado de vectores del dengue en la región del Soconusco, Chiapas, México

    Detection of malathion in dipterous larvae of forensic importance in northeast Mexico.

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    Acute pesticide poisoning is a global public health problem. In developing countries pesticides cause up to one million cases of poisoning and up to 20,000 deaths annually. In Mexico, it has been reported that due to intoxications by xenobiotics, among them pesticides, 1,400 people die annually. In the present work a method was optimized to detect and quantify malathion in third instar fly larvae (Diptera) that hatched in pork meat, Sus scrofa domesticus, treated with the lethal dose in humans of malathion (60 g/60 kg). A biomass of 1.5 g which was added 1.2 mL of phase, stirred by space 5 min and centrifuged for 10 min at 10.000 rpm. The supernatant was analyzed by HPLC, using a methanol-water phase (70/30). The retention time of malathion was 4.1 min. The detection limit was calculated at 0.301 ppm. The technique and procedure used will serve as an indirect tool to identify the presence of the toxin in a relatively simple way in court case

    Seroepidemiology of infection with Toxoplasma gondii in healthy blood donors of Durango, Mexico

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Toxoplasma gondii </it>(<it>T. gondii</it>) infection in blood donors could represent a risk for transmission in blood recipients. There is scarce information about the epidemiology of <it>T. gondii </it>infection in blood donors in Mexico. Therefore, we sought to determine the prevalence of <it>T. gondii </it>infection and associated socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics in a population of healthy blood donors of Durango City, Mexico.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Four hundred and thirty two blood donors in two public blood banks of Durango City, Mexico were examined for <it>T. gondii </it>infection between August to September 2006. Blood donors were tested for anti-<it>T. gondii </it>IgG and IgM antibodies by using enzyme-linked immunoassays (Diagnostic Automation Inc., Calabasas, CA, USA). Socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics from each participant were also obtained.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty two (7.4%) of 432 blood donors had IgG anti-<it>T. gondii </it>antibodies. Eight (1.9%) of them had also IgM anti-<it>T. gondii </it>antibodies. Multivariate analysis using logic regression showed that <it>T. gondii </it>infection was associated with the presence of cats at home (adjusted OR = 3.81; 95% CI: 1.45–10.01). The age group of 45–60 years showed a significantly higher frequency of <it>T. gondii </it>infection than the group of 25–34 years (p = 0.02). Blood donors without education had a significantly higher frequency of infection (15.8%) than those with 13–19 years of education (4.5%) (p = 0.04). Other characteristics of blood donors including male gender, consumption of undercooked meat or blood transfusion did not show an association with infection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of <it>T. gondii </it>infection in healthy blood donors of Durango City, Mexico is lower than those reported in blood donors of south and central Mexico, and is one of the lowest reported in blood donors worldwide. <it>T. gondii </it>infection in our blood donors was most likely acquired by contact with cats. Prevalence of infection increased with age and decreased with educational level.</p

    Effects of Switching from Stavudine to Raltegravir on Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in HIV-Infected Patients with HIV/HAART-Associated Lipodystrophy Syndrome (HALS). A Clinical and Molecular Study

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    HIV-1/HAART-associated lipodystrophy syndrome (HALS) has been associated with exposure to stavudine (d4T) through mitochondrial dysfunction. We performed a 48-week study to assess the effects of switching from d4T to raltegravir (RAL) on metabolic and fat molecular parameters of patients with HALS. Forty-two patients with HALS and a median exposure to d4T > 7 years were switched to RAL and followed for 48 weeks. Fasting metabolic tests, HIV RNA, CD4 cell count, and fat measured by DEXA were obtained at baseline and week 48. mtDNA and gene transcripts for PPAR gamma, adiponectin, cytochrome b, Cox IV, TNF alpha, MCP-1 and CD68 were assessed in paired subcutaneous fat tissue biopsies. Lipid parameters, fasting glucose, insulin, and HOMA-IR did not change significantly. Whole body fat (P = 0.0027) and limb fat mass (P<0.0001) increased from baseline. Trunk/limb fat ratio (P = 0.0022), fat mass ratio (P = 0.0020), fat mass index (P = 0.0011) and percent leg fat normalized to BMI (P<0.0001) improved after 48 weeks. Relative abundance of mtDNA, expression of PPAR gamma, adiponectin, Cyt b, and MCP-1 genes increased, whereas Cox IV, TNF alpha, and CD68 did not change significantly from baseline. Switching from d4T to RAL in patients with HALS is associated with an increase in limb fat mass and an improvement in markers of adipocyte differentiation and mitochondrial function in SAT

    Casos de Seguridad en el Trabajo y Ambiente

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    Este primer volumen del libro «Casos de Seguridad en el Trabajo y Ambiente» editada por los docentes de la Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial de la UNMSM, inaugura la primera serie de nuestra publicación. Nos propusimos dar a conocer fundamentalmente las investigaciones y una selección de casos, elaborados y desarrollados, en el dictado de los diferentes cursos, que tienen relación con el tema. En la presente selección de casos y lecturas, se recogen materiales teóricos prácticos, en los cuales se realiza: estudio de casos, su contenido y las actividades a desarrollar en los casos. Como es natural, el presente libro «Casos de Seguridad en el Trabajo y Ambiente» surge con la finalidad básica de dar a conocer los resultados de los estudios de casos de investigación realizados en el campo de la Ingeniería, con énfasis en las especialidades de Ingeniería en Seguridad, Salud en el Trabajo y Medio Ambiente. El presente libro servirá para que el estudiante o el profesional pueda profundizar en los aspectos teóricos y metodológicos del estudio de caso, así como proveer al docente, casos modelos de estudio, en los cuales se realiza una integración de diversas disciplinas