4 research outputs found

    Data from: Biomass resilience of Neotropical secondary forests

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    Land-use change occurs nowhere more rapidly than in the tropics, where the imbalance between deforestation and forest regrowth has large consequences for the global carbon cycle1. However, considerable uncertainty remains about the rate of biomass recovery in secondary forests, and how these rates are influenced by climate, landscape, and prior land use2, 3, 4. Here we analyse aboveground biomass recovery during secondary succession in 45 forest sites and about 1,500 forest plots covering the major environmental gradients in the Neotropics. The studied secondary forests are highly productive and resilient. Aboveground biomass recovery after 20 years was on average 122 megagrams per hectare (Mg ha−1), corresponding to a net carbon uptake of 3.05 Mg C ha−1 yr−1, 11 times the uptake rate of old-growth forests. Aboveground biomass stocks took a median time of 66 years to recover to 90% of old-growth values. Aboveground biomass recovery after 20 years varied 11.3-fold (from 20 to 225 Mg ha−1) across sites, and this recovery increased with water availability (higher local rainfall and lower climatic water deficit). We present a biomass recovery map of Latin America, which illustrates geographical and climatic variation in carbon sequestration potential during forest regrowth. The map will support policies to minimize forest loss in areas where biomass resilience is naturally low (such as seasonally dry forest regions) and promote forest regeneration and restoration in humid tropical lowland areas with high biomass resilience.,Above-ground biomass of Neotropical secondary forests databaseThis database is the product of the 2ndFOR collaborative research network on secondary forests. The database contains aboveground biomass data (in Mg/ha) for 1334 secondary forest plots differing in time since abandonment. The plots belong to different chonosequence studies in the Neotropics. For a description of the database, see Poorter et al. 2016. Biomass resilience of Neotropical secondary forests. Nature doi:10.1038/nature16512.Aboveground biomass 2ndFOR database.cs


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    TesisObjetivo: Determinar las caracterĂ­sticas del tratamiento sindrĂłmico de flujo vaginal. MetodologĂ­a: El tipo de investigaciĂłn es sustantiva, nivel descriptivo y diseño descriptivo simple. Se trabajĂł con una muestra censal de 30 gestantes que desarrollaron sĂ­ndrome de flujo vaginal resultados: Las caracterĂ­sticas encontradas en la edad fue edad mĂ­nima 17 años y la mĂĄxima 40 años, la mayorĂ­a presentĂł 23 años., el 53% son convivientes. SegĂșn el grado de instrucciĂłn, el 60% de las gestantes tienen primaria, el 47% son amas de casa, el 87% procede del ĂĄrea rural. Dentro de las caracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nicas el 67% de las gestantes tienen abundante secreciĂłn, las caracterĂ­sticas de las secreciones vaginales son el 67% presentan aspecto leche cortada, el 33% mal olor. Y los sĂ­ntomas identificados fueron 60% disuria y prurito vulvar. Se encontrĂł que el 60% de las gestantes atendidas tienen como diagnostico presuntivo trichomona y cĂĄndida. Las complicaciones encontradas fueron: amenaza de parto prematuro 60%, amenaza de aborto 27%. La respuesta al tratamiento sindrĂłmico de flujo vaginal en gestantes el 73% de las gestantes se suministrĂł el Metronidazol y al 87% con Clotrimazol. ConclusiĂłn: El tratamiento sindrĂłmico de flujo vaginal con medicamentos resulto que el 83% de las gestantes fue efectivo y el 17% de las gestantes no fue efectivo. Palabras claves: SĂ­ndrome de flujo vaginal, tratamiento y gestantes

    Above-ground biomass of Neotropical secondary forests database

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    This database is the product of the 2ndFOR collaborative research network on secondary forests. The database contains aboveground biomass data (in Mg/ha) for 1334 secondary forest plots differing in time since abandonment. The plots belong to different chonosequence studies in the Neotropics. For a description of the database, see Poorter et al. 2016. Biomass resilience of Neotropical secondary forests. Nature doi:10.1038/nature16512

    Biomass resilience of Neotropical secondary forests

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