413 research outputs found

    Forest Fires and Remote Sensing

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    Multi-species anthropology: brief theoretical perspectives from anthropocentrism to the acceptance of the non-human subjectivity

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    The present article aims — albeit briefly — to reflect about the theoretical origins and development of multi-species anthropology. Our brief “journey” has its starting point in the paradigm of the human exceptionalism and the anthropocentric view of the relationship between human beings and the rest of the natural world. This gaze, having constituted the central paradigm of the origins of the anthropological discipline, is the result of profoundly western ways of looking at and interpreting the world and the diversity it contains. Traditional dualisms such as nature-culture are based on it, which justified the distinct treatment of the non-Western “other”. In turn, the end of this paradigm emerged as the result of the modernity rise up questions such as the mediatization of environmental issues. In this context, a new area of research emerged, the Human-Animal Studies (HAS), as coined by DeMello, despite other designations used by different research areas (e.g. anthrozoology). In this new area of investigation, relationships with other animals are seen as co-constructed, interdependent and relational, just like ecosystems themselves, and are inside a new line of thought: an Anthropology beyond humanity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Remote sensing in teaching meteorology

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    Se presentan algunas consideraciones sobre el papel que la teledetección puede jugar en la enseñanza de la Meteorología, así como la situación actual de esta docencia en España y en los países de nuestro entorno.This paper presents some reflexions about the role of remote sensing in teaching Meteorology. The use of meteorological satellites in education is reviewed in different western countries as well as in Spain

    Diseño y análisis de una estructura de costos por ruta interprovincial de pasajeros para la toma de decisiones operativas en la Empresa de Servicios Transportes Pasamayo SRL

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    En la presente investigación se diseñó una estructura de costos, la cual facilitó el manejo y la identificación de los importes incurridos para el servicio de transporte de pasajeros interprovinciales de la empresa TRANSPORTES PASAMAYO SRL. Debido a que en la actualidad las empresas de este sector no cuentan con una contabilidad de costos, en la cual le permita identificar con exactitud el costo total de su servicio; así como información fundamental para la toma de decisiones. Se estableció como objetivo general diseñar y analizar una estructura de costos por ruta interprovincial de pasajeros que contribuirá a la mejora de toma de decisiones operativas en la empresa TRANSPORTES PASAMAYO SRL; de la ciudad de Chiclayo. Las técnicas que se han utilizado en la investigación es la observación donde empleamos el análisis documental, además se aplicó el instrumento de la entrevista al personal de la empresa. Como resultado se obtuvo que la empresa en estudio, no utilizaba un sistema de costeo, que le permitiera identificar sus costos y gastos; ni analizar y optimizar sus recursos; en consecuencia, no obtener información que le sea útil a la alta dirección como respaldo para la toma de decisiones. Se concluyó que, al utilizar esta estructura de costos personalizada, la empresa ha podido obtener un detalle de los costos que incurren en las distintas rutas donde presta su servicio

    The ancestral selection graph for a Λ\Lambda-asymmetric Moran model

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    Motivated by the question of the impact of selective advantage in populations with skewed reproduction mechanims, we study a Moran model with selection. We assume that there are two types of individuals, where the reproductive success of one type is larger than the other. The higher reproductive success may stem from either more frequent reproduction, or from larger numbers of offspring, and is encoded in a measure Λ\Lambda for each of the two types. Our approach consists of constructing a Λ\Lambda-asymmetric Moran model in which individuals of the two populations compete, rather than considering a Moran model for each population. Under certain conditions, that we call the ``partial order of adaptation'', we can couple these measures. This allows us to construct the central object of this paper, the Λ\Lambda-asymmetric ancestral selection graph, leading to a pathwise duality of the forward in time Λ\Lambda-asymmetric Moran model with its ancestral process. Interestingly, the construction also provides a connection to the theory of optimal transport. We apply the ancestral selection graph in order to obtain scaling limits of the forward and backward processes, and note that the frequency process converges to the solution of an SDE with discontinous paths. Finally, we derive a Griffiths representation for the generator of the SDE and use it to find a semi-explicit formula for the probability of fixation of the less beneficial of the two types

    The ratio of two general continuous-state branching processes with immigration, and its relation to coalescent theory

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    We study the ratio of two different continuous-state branching processes with immigration whose total mass is forced to be constant at a dense set of times. These lead to the definition of the Λ\Lambda- asymmetric frequency process (Λ\Lambda-AFP) as a solution of to an SDE. We prove that this SDE has a unique strong solution which is a Feller process. We also calculate a large population limit when the mass tends to infinity and study the fluctuations of the process around its deterministic limit. Furthermore, we find conditions for the Λ\Lambda-AFP to have a moment dual. The dual can be interpreted in terms of selection, (coordinated) mutation, pairwise branching (efficiency), coalescence, and a novel component that comes from the asymmetry between the reproduction mechanisms. A pair of equally distributed continuous-state branching processes has an associated Λ\Lambda-AFP whose dual is a Λ\Lambda-coalescent. The map that sends each continuous-state branching process to its associated Λ\Lambda-coalescent (according to the former procedure) is a homeomorphism between metric spaces

    Numerical tooth contact analysis of gear transmissions through the discretization and adaptive refinement of the contact surfaces

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    The tooth contact analysis (TCA) is an important resource for the design of gear drives. This widely used analysis provides the contact pattern, contact path and the function of transmission errors that are directly related to the performance of the gear set. In this work, a new geometric approach for the TCA is proposed. This approach is general, deterministic and independent from the type or alignment status of the gears. It is based on the discretization of the contact surfaces of the reference teeth pair and on a geometrically adaptive refinement to solve the contact problem and to compute the instantaneous contact area for each position of the gear set along the gearing cycle. The new algorithm demonstrated to be versatile, robust and efficient through different test cases, obtaining accurate results with a relatively low computational cost.The authors express their deep gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) for the financial support of research project ref. DPI2013-47702-C2-2-P

    El allanamiento y la afectación al derecho a la inviolabilidad del domicilio, según sentencias de Corte Suprema, 2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar de qué manera el allanamiento afecta el derecho a la inviolabilidad del domicilio, explorándose dos categorías; allanamiento del domicilio y derecho a la inviolabilidad del domicilio, considerándose cinco sentencias emitidas por la corte suprema para conocer los criterios de los jueces para pronunciarse por la afectación al derecho a la inviolabilidad del domicilio. Esta investigación es de enfoque cualitativo, de tipo básico, diseño teoría fundamentada, empleándose las técnicas de análisis documental y la entrevista, con la participación de diez abogados especialistas en derecho penal. Los resultados permitieron arribar a la conclusión de que, el allanamiento realizado por la policía, afecta el derecho a la inviolabilidad del domicilio, al deformar la autorización de la persona que lo habita y la flagrancia de delito los cuales, de acuerdo a la Constitución, no requieren de orden judicial. En ese sentido, se recomendó capacitar al personal de la Policía Nacional de Perú para evitar allanamientos que afecten el derecho a la inviolabilidad del domicilio