321 research outputs found

    ¿Para qué acumulas? Gestionar los recursos no utilizados ante una recesión económica generalizada

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    Research to date has shown that a company can accumulate slack resources for a variety of reasons. But how do managers use this excess of resources in a general economic crisis? This study aims to ascertain how companies apply these resources when faced with a financial crisis and economic meltdown, in order to provide answers to the underexplored questions regarding the ways in which firms consume their slack resources. Through the analysis of a sample of 449 Spanish industrial companies during the 2006-2017period, and the application of Latent Growth Modelling, the evolution of the different slack and performance indicators is observed for the identification of disparate behaviour between companies with high and lowinitial endowments of slack resources. The results also show that each type of slack serves a differentpurpose and, therefore, their consumption or use shows clear divergences.Las investigaciones realizadas hasta la fecha han demostrado que una empresa puede acumular un exceso de recursos por diversas razones. Pero, ¿cómo utilizan los directivos este exceso de recursos en una crisis económica generalizada? Este estudio pretende averiguar cómo aplican las empresas estos recursos cuando se enfrentan a una crisis financiera y a un colapso económico, con el fin de dar respuesta a las cuestiones poco exploradas sobre las formas en que las empresas consumen sus recursos holgados. Mediante el análisis de una muestra de 449 empresas industriales españolas durante el periodo 2006-2017, y la aplicación de la Modelización Latente del Crecimiento, se observa la evolución de los distintos indicadores de holgura y rendimiento para la identificación de comportamientos dispares entre empresas con altas y bajas dotaciones iniciales de recursos de holgura. Los resultados también muestran que cada tipo de holgura sirve a un propósito diferente y, por tanto, su consumo o utilización muestra claras divergencias

    Assessing the effect of public subsidies on firm R&D investment: a survey

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    This survey examines the empirical literature on the relationship between public R&D subsidies and private R&D investment over the past five decades. The survey reveals a considerable heterogeneity of empirical results that cannot be explained fully by methodological issues. We aim to provide further explanations of the possible causes of that heterogeneity. In particular, we emphasise a set of issues that, in our view, are critical to understanding the potential effect of public R&D subsidies on private R&D spending. Special attention is paid to the dynamic aspects and composition of firm R&D, the constraints faced by the firm (such as financial constraints), and the amount and source of public subsidies. None of these issues have been investigated in depth. We formulate a set of research assumptions to guide future empirical research in this field.This study was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Projects: ECO2012-31358, ECO2012-36775, and ECO2010-21473), Cátedra Iberdrola for Research in Business Management and Organization at Rey Juan Carlos University, and UNIR Research at International University of La RiojaPublicad

    Performance evaluation and limitations of a vision system on a reconfigurable/programmable chip

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    This paper presents a survey of the characteristics of a vision system implemented in a reconfigurable/programmable chip (FPGA). System limitations and performance have been evaluated in order to derive specifications and constraints for further vision system synthesis. The system hereby reported has a conventional architecture. It consists in a central microprocessor (CPU) and the necessary peripheral elements for data acquisition, data storage and communications. It has been designed to stand alone, but a link to the programming and debugging tools running in a digital host (PC) is provided. In order to alleviate the computational load of the central microprocessor, we have designed a visual co-processor in charge of the low-level image processing tasks. It operates autonomously, commanded by the CPU, as another system peripheral. The complete system, without the sensor, has been implemented in a single reconfigurable chip as a SOPC. The incorporation of a dedicated visual co-processor, with specific circuitry for low-level image processing acceleration, enhances the system throughput outperforming conventional processing schemes. However, time-multiplexing of the dedicated hardware remains a limiting factor for the achievable peak computing power. We have quantified this effect and sketched possible solutions, like replication of the specific image processing hardware. © J.UCS.This work has been partially funded by project FIT-330100-2005-162 of the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. The work of F. J. Sánchez-Fernández is supported by a grant of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.Peer Reviewe

    Evolution of equity norms in small-world networks

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    The topology of interactions has been proved very influential in the results of models based on learning and evolutionary game theory. This paper is aimed at investigating the effect of structures ranging from regular ring lattices to random networks, including small-world networks, in a model focused on property distribution norms. The model considers a fixed and finite population of agents who play the Nash bargaining game repeatedly. Our results show that regular networks promote the emergence of the equity norm, while less-structured networks make possible the appearance of fractious regimes. Additionally, our analysis reveals that the speed of adoption can also be affected by the network structureSpanish MICINN Projects CSD2010-00034 SimulPast CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 , TIN2008-06464-C03-02 and DPI2010-16920, and by the Junta de Castilla y León, References BU034A08 and GREX251-200

    Performance evaluation and limitations of a vision system on a reconfigurable/programmable chip

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    This paper presents a survey of the characteristics of a vision system implemented in a reconfigurable/programmable chip (FPGA). System limitations and performance have been evaluated in order to derive specifications and constraints for further vision system synthesis. The system hereby reported has a conventional architecture. It consists in a central microprocessor (CPU) and the necessary peripheral elements for data acquisition, data storage and communications. It has been designed to stand alone, but a link to the programming and debugging tools running in a digital host (PC) is provided. In order to alleviate the computational load of the central microprocessor, we have designed a visual co-processor in charge of the low-level image processing tasks. It operates autonomously, commanded by the CPU, as another system peripheral. The complete system, without the sensor, has been implemented in a single reconfigurable chip as a SOPC. The incorporation of a dedicated visual co-processor, with specific circuitry for low-level image processing acceleration, enhances the system throughput outperforming conventional processing schemes. However, timemultiplexing of the dedicated hardware remains a limiting factor for the achievable peak computing power. We have quantified this effect and sketched possible solutions, like replication of the specific image processing hardware

    Improving Delivery Probability in Mobile Opportunistic Networks with Social-Based Routing

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    There are contexts where TCP/IP is not suitable for performing data transmission due to long delays, timeouts, network partitioning, and interruptions. In these scenarios, mobile opportunistic networks (MONs) are a valid option, providing asynchronous transmissions in dynamic topologies. These architectures exploit physical encounters and persistent storage to communicate nodes that lack a continuous end-to-end path. In recent years, many routing algorithms have been based on social interactions. Smartphones and wearables are in vogue, applying social information to optimize paths between nodes. This work proposes Refine Social Broadcast (RSB), a social routing algorithm. RSB uses social behavior and node interests to refine the message broadcast in the network, improving the delivery probability while reducing redundant data duplication. The proposal combines the identification of the most influential nodes to carry the information toward the destination with interest-based routing. To evaluate the performance, RSB is applied to a simulated case of use based on a realistic loneliness detection methodology in elderly adults. The obtained delivery probability, latency, overhead, and hops are compared with the most popular social-based routers, namely, EpSoc, SimBet, and BubbleRap. RSB manifests a successful delivery probability, exceeding the second-best result (SimBet) by 17% and reducing the highest overhead (EpSoc) by 97%.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sphaerosporella brunnea (Alb. et Schwein.) Svrcek et Kubicka, un discomicete con incidencia en la truficultura e interés forestal

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    Sphaerosporella brunnea (Alb. et Schwein.) Svrcek et Kubicka, a cup-shaped ascomycete related with truffle cultures and afforestation. A casual finding of Sphaerosporella brunnea in some greenhouses from Spain, growing in connection with several ectomycorrhizal plants, is reported. These plants were experimentally inoculated with low level inoculum of Tuber melanosporum. Sphaerosporella brunnea is described and illustrated, and its negative role in truffle cultures and its possible utilization in burned are as recovery is emphasized.Se da cuenta del hallazgo casual, en unos viveros españoles de Sphaerosporella brunnea, formando micorrizas con plantas diversas, las cuales habían sido inoculadas experimentalmente con niveles bajos de Tuber melanosporum. Se describe e ilustra esta especie, al tiempo que se destaca su papel negativo en la truficultura y su posible utilización en la recuperación de áreas incendiadas

    Sphaerosporella brunnea (Alb. et Schwein.) Svrcek et Kubicka, un discomicete con incidencia en la truficultura e interés forestal

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    Se da cuenta del hallazgo casual, en unos viveros españoles de Sphaerosporella brunnea, formando micorrizas con plantas diversas, las cuales habían sido inoculadas experimentalmente con niveles bajos de Tuber melanosporum. Se describe e ilustra esta especie, al tiempo que se destaca su papel negativo en la truficultura y su posible utilización en la recuperación de áreas incendiadas.Sphaerosporella brunnea (Alb. et Schwein.) Svrcek et Kubicka, a cup-shaped ascomycete related with truffle cultures and afforestation. A casual finding of Sphaerosporella brunnea in some greenhouses from Spain, growing in connection with several ectomycorrhizal plants, is reported. These plants were experimentally inoculated with low level inoculum of Tuber melanosporum. Sphaerosporella brunnea is described and illustrated, and its negative role in truffle cultures and its possible utilization in burned are as recovery is emphasized

    Two-pore channel 2 (TPC2) modulates store-operated Ca2+ entry

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    AbstractTwo-pore channels (TPCs) are NAADP-sensitive receptor channels that conduct Ca2+ efflux from the intracellular stores. Discharge of the internal Ca2+ pools results in the activation of store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE); however, the role of TPCs in the modulation of SOCE remains unexplored. Mammalian cells express three TPCs: TPC1, TPC2 and TPC3, a pseudogene in humans. Here we report that MEG01 and HEK293 cells endogenously express TPC1 and TPC2. Silencing TPC2 expression results in attenuation of the rate and extent of thapsigargin (TG)-evoked SOCE both in MEG01 and HEK293 cells, without having any effect on the ability of cells to accumulate Ca2+ into the TG-sensitive stores. Similarly, silencing of native TPC2 expression reduced thrombin-induced Ca2+ entry in MEG01 cells. In contrast, silencing of TPC1 expression was without effect either on TG or thrombin-stimulated Ca2+ entry both in MEG01 and HEK293 cells. Biotinylation analysis revealed that TPC1 and TPC2 are expressed in internal membranes. Finally, co-immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that endogenously expressed TPC2, but not TPC1, associates with STIM1 and Orai1, but not with TRPC1, in MEG01 cells with depleted intracellular Ca2+ stores, but not in resting cells. These results provide strong evidence for the modulation of SOCE by TPC2 involving de novo association between TPC2 and STIM1, as well as Orai1, in human cells