3,916 research outputs found

    Uma interface de gestão distribuída da ferramenta MORE

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaCom o constante crescimento do volume de tráfego, a amostragem do mesmo é um passo crucial para obter medições de redes escaláveis, abrangendo múltiplos desafios. Uma grande variedade de cenários previsíveis de amostragem exige uma visão modular das componentes de amostragem e suas caraterísticas, fundamentadas numa arquitetura consistente. Articular o ambiente de medição, o modelo de informação necessário e a estratégia de amostragem adequada é o principal problema para alcançar uma solução de amostragem eficiente. Para ajudar a resolver este problema, foi proposta uma flexível framework de Monitorização Optimizada de Redes e Serviços de Comunicações (MORE), baseada numa arquitetura em camadas e numa taxonomia de técnicas de amostragem existentes, distinguindo as suas características internas, capaz de combinar as características identificadas. No entanto, a gestão das configurações da respetiva framework, quando em larga escala, pode ser um processo demorado e complexo. Neste sentido, este projecto tem por objectivo o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação que permita efetuar a gestão de configurações de uma topologia distribuída de monitorização baseada na framework MORE. Esta aplicação deve ter por base uma solução padronizada de comunicação entre a entidade de gestão e os pontos de medição.With the steady growth of network traffic volumes, sampling is a crucial technique for achieving scalable network measurements, which involves multiple chailenges. The large variety of predictable sampling scenarios requires a modular view of sampling components and characteristics, sustained by a consistent architecture. Articulating the measurement environment, the required information model and the most suitable sampling strategy is the main problem to reach an efficient sampling solution. To help solving this problem, a flexible framework for optimizing the monitoring of networks and services (Monitorização Optimizada de Redes e Serviços de Comunicações - MORE) has been proposed [Silva et ai. (2013a)]. This framework is based on a layered architecture and on a taxonomy of existing sampling techniques, being able to combine theidentified sampling characteristics. However, managing and configuring MORE in large scale networks can be a long and complex process. In this context, the main objective of the present work is to develop an application for managing the configuration of a distributed monitoring topology based on MORE. This application relies on normalized solutions for ruling the interaction between the management entity and the measurement points

    Separation of Hexane Isomers in ZIF-8 by Fixed Bed Adsorption

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    The performance of porous metal organic framework ZIF-8 in the separation of all five hexane isomers (nC6, 2MP, 3MP, 23DMB, 22DMB) is evaluated through a series of multicomponent breakthrough adsorption experiments, at the temperatures of 373, 423, and 473 K and up to total hexane isomers pressure of 0.5 bar. The reported data show for all experiments the following sorption hierarchy: nC6 ≫ 2MP > 3MP ≫ 23DMB > 22DMB. At the temperature of 373 K and total hydrocarbon pressure of 0.5 bar the mixture loading of hexane isomers can go up to 2.15 mol·kg-1. In addition, at the same temperature the selectivities measured by the ratio of the loadings between linear plus monobranched (nC6, 2MP, 3MP) relatively to the dibranched (23DMB, 22DMB) isomers range between 34-55. The results also show that the sorption of nC6 is equilibrium based in contrast with the sorption of branched isomers which is kinetically controlled. The dibranched isomer 22DMB is practically excluded from the framework followed closely by 23DMB. The adsorption equilibrium experimental data are modeled by the Sips isotherm and the breakthrough data are simulated through a mathematical model developed in Matlab code using the method of lines (MOL), the results being in qualitative agreement. From the numerical simulations it was found that diffusivity of the branched paraffins in ZIF-8 is 2 orders of magnitude lower than for the linear nC6, and that the diffusivity of the dibranched paraffins is three times lower than for the monobranched ones. This work shows that ZIF-8 has the ability to purely separate the linear nC6 from its branched isomers and partially separate mono- from dibranched isomers if proper experimental conditions are setup, the result being important for the octane upgrade of gasoline.We acknowledge financial support from (1) Project ref POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016517 (PTDC/QEQ-PRS/3599/2014) funded by FEDER through COMPETE2020 and FCT; (2) AIProcMat@N2020 Advanced Industrial Processes and Materials for a Sustainable Northern Region of Portugal 2020, with the reference NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000006, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and (3) by Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006984 Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM funded by ERDF through COMPETE2020, Programa Operacional Competiti-vidade e Internacionalização (POCI), and by national funds through FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Industry energy optimization: A case study in a biodiesel production site

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    This paper presents a case study of heat exchanger network (HEN) retrofit with the objective to reduce the utilities consumption in a biodiesel production process. Pinch analysis studies allow determining the minimum duty utilities as well the maximum of heat recovery. The existence of heat exchangers for heat recovery already running in the process causes a serious restriction for the implementation of grassroot HEN design based on pinch studies. Maintaining the existing HEN, a set of alternatives with additional heat exchangers was created and analysed using some industrial advice and selection criteria. The final proposed solution allows to increase the actual 18 % of recovery heat of the all heating needs of the process to 23 %, with an estimated annual saving in hot utility of 35 k(sic)/y

    Evaluation of Nosocomial Infection Risk Using a Hybrid Approach

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    Nosocomial infections have severe consequences for the patients and the society in general, being one of the causes that increase the length of stay in healthcare facilities. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to be preventive, being aware of how probable is to have that kind of infection, although it is hard to do with traditional methodologies and tools for problem solving. Therefore, this work will focus on the development of a decision support system that will cater for an individual risk evaluation tool with respect to catch nosocomial infections. The Knowledge Representation and Reasoning procedures used will be based on an extension to the Logic Programming language, allowing the handling of incomplete and/or default data. The computational framework in place will be centered on Artificial Neural Networks. It may be emphasized that in addition to the nosocomial infections risk evaluation, it is provided the Degree-of-Confidence that one has on such a happening

    Social media and public administration : social sentiment analysis about the performance of the Brazilian Federal Government

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    Este estudo procurou identificar como a análise de sentimento, baseada em textos extraídos de mídias sociais, pode ser um instrumento de mensuração da opinião pública sobre a atuação do governo, de forma a contribuir para a avaliação da administração pública. Trata-se de um estudo aplicado, interdisciplinar, exploratório, qualitativo e quantitativo. Foram revisadas as principais formulações teóricas e conceituais acerca do tema e realizadas demonstrações práticas, utilizando-se uma ferramenta de mineração de opinião que proporcionou precisão satisfatória no processamento de dados. Para fins de demonstração, foram selecionados temas que motivaram a realização da onda de protestos que envolveu milhões de pessoas no Brasil em junho de 2013. Foram coletadas, processadas e analisadas, aproximadamente, 130 mil mensagens postadas no Facebook e no Twitter sobre esses temas em dois períodos distintos. Por meio dessa investigação, observou-se que a análise de sentimento pode revelar a opinião polarizada dos cidadãos quanto à atuação do governo.This study sought to identify as sentiment analysis, based on texts taken social media can be a measuring instrument of public opinion on the government’s performance in order to contribute to the evaluation of public administration. This is an applied study, interdisciplinary, exploratory, qualitative and quantitative. The main theoretical and conceptual formulations on the subject were reviewed and conducted practical demonstrations using an opinion mining tool which provided satisfactory precision in data processing. For demonstration purposes, themes were selected that motivated the wave of protests involving millions of people in Brazil in June 2013. They were collected, processed and analyzed approximately 130,000 messages posted on Facebook and Twitter on these topics in two distinct periods. Through this analysis, it was observed that the sentiment analysis can reveal the polarized opinions of citizens about the government’s performance

    Influência da política de combate às alterações climáticas no rendimento do agricultor açoriano

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    A secção UAciência é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.As mudanças climáticas, bem como a segurança alimentar são alvos da politica ambiental da União Europeia para os próximos anos. A recente proposta de política agrícola visa a integração e implementação da política ambiental e acrescenta uma nova medida: o “greening”. Esta medida quantifica as áreas de diversidade, como floresta e de pastagem permanente. […]. As diferentes politicas em discussão na europa, estudadas por Perez Dominguez et al. num trabalho apresentado em 2012), conduzem todas elas a elevadas reduções nas emissões de metano. Para Portugal, a aplicação de uma taxa por tonelada de emissão, seria a medida com maior impacto económico. O trabalho descrito neste texto apoia-se nestes resultados para avaliar as consequências de tais reduções no rendimento do produtor de leite na RAA. […].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Influence of Extrafloral Nectaries on Arboreal Ant Species Richness in Tree Communities

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    Studies investigating the role of resource availability in the species richness patterns can elucidate ecological processes and contribute to conservation strategies. In this study, we test two hypotheses: i) arboreal ant species richness increases with abundance of extrafloral nectaries-bearing trees; and ii) arboreal ant species richness increases with the diversity of extrafloral nectaries-bearing trees. We used data of ant sampling and tree inventories from 30 plots of Brazilian Cerrado. Arboreal ant species richness was positively influenced by the proportional abundance of extrafloral nectaries-bearing trees, total tree density and total tree diversity. There was no effect of species richness of extrafloral nectaries-bearing trees. Coefficient of determination of proportional abundance of extrafloral nectaries-bearing trees was larger when compared to coefficient obtained using tree density as explanatory variable. These results suggest that variation in arboreal ant species richness is better explained by extrafloral nectaries-bearing tree abundance than total tree density. Generalist foraging behavior of sampled ant species may explain their association with proportional abundance of extrafloral nectariesbearing trees and their non-significant relation with proportional richness of extrafloral nectaries-bearing tree species. Extrafloral nectaries-bearing trees abundance may be a specific estimate of the amount of food resource available in plots. Thus, this is a more specific way to quantify which resources may explain variation of the arboreal ant species richness in tree communities. We hope these results will be helpful to understanding the local variation in ant species richness and as criteria to biodiversity conservation

    Mediação de conflitos socioambientais : o caso do complexo industrial portuário de Suape

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    Orientador : Prof. Me. Marcos Pupo ThiesenMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Especialização MBA em Gestão AmbientalInclui referênciasResumo : Este trabalho reuniu informações diversas, a fim de elaborar recomendações mais efetivas para as comunidades inseridas nos conflitos socioambientais no território de Suape, tendo como objetivo, além das recomendações, a caracterização da região do Complexo Industrial Portuário de Suape nos aspectos econômicos, sociais, políticos, ambientais, culturais e históricos; e a identificação dos conflitos e atores envolvidos. Como metodologia foi utilizada a pesquisa em trabalhos científicos, noticiários, sites e documentos legais sobre os aspectos relacionados ao tema, a fim de analisar as informações extraídas e compará-las com os objetivos da presente pesquisa. Em sua maioria, os conflitos dessa ordem se iniciam por disputas sobre um território, cujo uso e ocupação não foram discutidos, como foi o caso da chegada dos empreendimentos industriais no Complexo, provocando uma série de mudanças socioambientais e culturais na região, retirando comunidades de pequenos agricultores e pescadores artesanais de seus territórios, sem a devida consideração por esses atores nas etapas de planejamento estratégico. Para a resolução desse problema, faz-se necessária a presença do Estado como mediador e provedor de direitos e não como um agente de parcialidade para a parte dominante

    Importância da horticultura para a segurança alimentar em Cabo Verde. Estudo de caso na Ilha do Fogo

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaThe agriculture in Cape Verde is characterized by low and irregular productivity and it can not produce more than 20% of the food needs of the country, where food insecurity and poverty are closely linked to the weakness of the productive base. The horticulture is considered as one of the most profitable, with an important role in food security and the familie´s budget. The main purpose of this present dissertation is the study of the importance of horticulture in the families’ income and food security, through vegetables sale and consumption. A case study was made of the families with and without horticultural production in Fogo island in Cape Verde and it was proved that the households with irrigation have a highly superior annual income than the households without irrigation, and that horticulture had a remarkable contribution to that of that income. In terms of nutrition it was proved that within household’s facilities with irrigated land results in a higher caloric consumption towards those without irrigation. It was also proved that household’s facilities with irrigated land results in a more diversified nourishment, either by the daily frequency of vegetables and/or fruit consumption as well as respective consumption per capita