54 research outputs found

    Valores e comportamento organizacional

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    Phenytoin-Induced Gingival Overgrowth: A Review of the Molecular, Immune, and Inflammatory Features

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    Gingival overgrowth (GO) is a side effect associated with some distinct classes of drugs, such as anticonvulsants, immunosuppressant, and calcium channel blockers. GO is characterized by the accumulation of extracellular matrix in gingival connective tissues, particularly collagenous components, with varying degrees of inflammation. One of the main drugs associated with GO is the antiepileptic phenytoin, which affects gingival tissues by altering extracellular matrix metabolism. Nevertheless, the pathogenesis of such drug-induced GO remains fulfilled by some contradictory findings. This paper aims to present the most relevant studies regarding the molecular, immune, and inflammatory aspects of phenytoin-induced gingival overgrowth

    Technical efficiency and technological heterogeneity in agriculture in the semi-arid and non-semi-arid regions of northeastern Brazil

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    Este estudo busca analisar as diferenças tecnológicas da produção agropecuária entre os municípios situados no semiárido e no não semiárido do Nordeste brasileiro. Utiliza-se o modelo de meta-fronteira tecnológica, proposta por Battese, Rao e O’Donnell (2004) (2004) e O’Donnell et al. (2008), para responder até que ponto essas diferenças regionais influenciam na eficiência da produção. Constatou-se que a hipótese de que os municípios pertencentes ao semiárido e ao não semiárido deparam-se com diferentes oportunidades de produção. Os resultados indicaram que, quando comparadas as duas regiões, o não semiárido possui a maior eficiência técnica média com referência à meta-fronteira573379This study aims to analyze the technological differences in agricultural production between the municipalities in the semiarid and non-semiarid Northeast Brazil. It uses the technological meta-frontier model proposed by Battese, Rao e O'Donnell (2004), and O'Donnell, Rao e Battese (2008), for responding to what extent these regional differences influence the efficiency of production. It was observed that the hypothesis that the municipalities belonging to the semiarid and non-semiarid face with different production opportunities. The results indicated, that comparing both regions, the non-semiarid region has the highest average technical efficiency with reference to meta-frontie

    A review of zoonotic pathogens in Tilapia: Uma revisão sobre patogenos zoonóticos de Tilápia

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    Oreochromis niloticus, or Nile tilapia, is widely consumed. This fish can cause several direct ecological imbalances in addition to transporting several pathogens. Pathogens in tilapia are responsible for several deaths in natural environments and commercial aquaculture, and hense, constitute an economic, social, and sanitary threat. This study gathered information from the literature and identified 18 species of pathogens with zoonotic potential found in tilapia, in addition to mapping the distribution of these fishes in Brazilian natural environments. We found that the most common pathogens involved were bacteria, protozoa, fungi and helminths (Trematoda and Nematoda). In Brazil, we also identified that the introduction of O. niloticus has grown in recent decades, and O. niloticus have been found mainly in the eastern region of the country, overlaying the region with the highest fish population density in Brazil. This work serves as an alert and a guide for planning public health policies to mitigate the possible consequences of the uncontrolled introduction of tilapia in the national territory

    Yield losses in off-season corn crop due to stalk rot disease

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as perdas causadas pelas podridões da base do colmo em híbridos de milho (Zea mays), bem como identificar os principais patógenos causadores da doença, durante a safrinha, no Estado do Tocantins, Brasil. Foram realizados dois ensaios, um com cinco híbridos, em 2015, e outro com quatro, em 2016. Espigas de plantas sadias e doentes foram colhidas em cada parcela, por ocasião da colheita. Foram medidos tamanho de espigas, peso de grãos e espigas, e umidade dos grãos. De cada planta doente, foi retirado um fragmento do colmo com dois a três entrenós, utilizado para identificação e quantificação dos patógenos. Os patógenos mais comuns foram: Fusarium graminearum, Stenocarpella maydis e Macrophomina phaseolina. Todas as variáveis de produtividade foram significativamente menores nas plantas doentes, com perdas médias de 30,6%, em 2015, e de 34,3% em 2016. As maiores perdas são observadas em híbridos com maior relação entre pesos de grãos e espigas.The objective of this work was to assess yield losses due to stalk rot in corn (Zea mays) hybrids, as well as to identify the main pathogenic fungi responsible for the disease during the off-season, in the state of Tocantins, Brazil. Two field experiments were carried out, one with five hybrids, in 2015, and another with four, in 2016. Ears of healthy and stalk rot-infected plants were collected from each plot, at harvest. Ear size, grain and ear weights, and grain moisture content were measured. From each diseased plant, a stalk piece with two to three nodes was removed for pathogen identification and quantification. The most common pathogens were: Fusarium graminearum, Stenocarpella maydis, and Macrophomina phaseolina. All yield parameters were significantly lower in stalk rot-infected plants, with average losses of 30.6%, in 2015, and of 34.3% in 2016. The highest yield losses are observed in hybrids with the highest grain/ear weight ratio

    Self-Refereeing System in Ultimate during the Joint Junior Ultimate Championship in Three Different Divisions—A Different Way to Promote Fair-Play?

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    In ultimate games governed by the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF), all competitors also take on the role of referee. The players discuss disputed calls with each other during the game, and then follow rules designed for these situations to determine how the play continues. The number one rule of the sport is to respect the spirit of the game (SOTG), which encourages competitive play while preserving mutual respect and minimizing the risk of injury. The use of SOTG in ultimate in the framework of self-arbitration as a moral practice aligns well with other tools of critical pedagogy. For this study, the SOTG scores of the WFDF Joint Junior Ultimate Championship (JJUC 2022) were analyzed. A total of 1009 players from 19 countries competed in 434 self-refereed games (29 national teams in the WJUC Under-20 (U20) tournament and 20 teams in the EYUC Under-17 (U17) tournament). All the scores from the individual criteria correlated well with the overall scores, but for the most part, they did not correlate with each other. Our experience with the scoring system has highlighted the importance of participants understanding the meaning of the results and how they may lead to a constructive reflection to improve exceptions, including scores representing fouls and rules knowledge. The findings provide important information for physical education teachers, coaches, and sport consultants and may be of use to design SOTG programs that could foster the experience of sportsmanship and to facilitate the ethical conduct of athletes in either recreative or in competitive contexts


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    As doenças periodontais resultam de resposta inflamatória progressiva do hospedeiro ao acúmulo de placa bacteriana, incluindo os metabólitos no dente e nos tecidos gengivais. Assim, avaliou-se, clinicamente, o periodonto de cães da raça Pastor Alemão, levando-se em consideração presença de tártaro, sangramento à sondagem e mobilidade dentária em animais com sítios saudáveis e com doença periodontal. Para isso, utilizaram-se 29 cães,da raça Pastor Alemão, com idade variando de três a seis anos. Clinicamente, 27 (93,10%) cães apresentavam vários sítios com sintomatologia clínica de doença periodontal e somente dois apresentavam sítios saudáveis. Os dentes mais acometidos foram os molares, os pré-molares e os caninos,com sinais clínicos mais intensos nas superfícies dentárias e maior acúmulo de tártaro e placa bacteriana. Os resultados demonstraram a necessidade de se proceder a uma limpeza preventiva dos dentes, para proporcionar maior saúde para os cães.
 PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Periodonto, cães, dente