118 research outputs found

    Manual de direito municipal

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 352:34(81) M966

    Influence of pH on cellular growth of Pichia pastoris KM71H by fed-batch process

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    Pichia pastoris is a methylotrophic yeast that can be genetically engineered to express proteins for industrial use. One of the most important advantages of protein expression in P. pastoris is its capability of growing on minimal medium and efficiently secreting heterologous proteins with low secretion levels of endogenous proteins. Operational variables such as pH, temperature, stirring rate, among others, usually affect the microorganism’s growth during the fermentation processes. Therefore, the present work aimed to evaluate the influence of pH on cellular growth of P. pastoris KM71H by fed‐batch process. The fermentation run was carried out in a 1.6 L (total volume) bioreactor, being performed in two phases: In the first stage (24 h), the yeast was batchcultured in BMGH medium; while in the second stage (72 h), it was cultivated by feed‐batch operation with a feeding medium containing 50% glycerol and 12ml/l of trace metal solution. During the overall process, which lasted after 96 h, the aeration and temperature conditions were fixed at 10 ml\L.h, 1.5 vvm and 30°C, respectively. Different pH values were evaluated: 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0. Cellular growth was determined by measuring the fermentation broth UVspectrophotometric absorbance at 600 nm, which was correlated to a calibration curve (dry weight ´ optical density). Glycerol consumption was detected by HPLC analysis. P. pastoris KM71H successfully grew in all the evaluated pH values; but the highest biomass production was observed at pH 5.0 (98.79 g/L). Although P. pastoris is reported as being a microorganism able to grow over a wide pH range (from 3 to 7); it was not observed high cell density of P. pastoris KM71H strain when cultivated at pHs 5.5 and 6.0. High cellular growth is especially important for proteins secretion, as the concentration of product in the medium is roughly proportional to the concentration of cells in culture. Finally, these results reveal the possibility of obtaining high cell density of P. pastoris KM71H by fed‐bach cultivation at pH 5.0, which can be a suitable condition for the yeast application in heterologous proteins production.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico Brazil (CNPq)Improving Skills Across Continents (ISAC ) - Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window (ERASMUS

    The Ingestion and Perspective of Magnesium Consumption by Medicine Students: An Observational Brazilian Study

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    Magnesium is an important nutrient for the organism present in several enzymatic reactions. The reduced daily intake of this mineral (below 310 to 320 mg, for women, and 400 to 420 mg, for men) is associated with several chronic diseases. Thus, based on the hypothesis that medical students have a deficient intake of the mineral, this study sought to examine the intake of macronutrients by medical students at a college in the northwest of São Paulo and their thinking about the importance of the presence of the mineral of the diet. This research is a cross-sectional quali-quantitative study. The data used were obtained through a virtual questionnaire that contained several questions to identify gender, the notion of the importance of correct magnesium intake and the frequency of food consumption. The questionnaire was made available to academics between July and August 2020. The responses to the questionnaire were validated only after acceptance of the informed consent form. Thus, 147 responses were validated, with 92 responses from women and 55 from men. Then, from the amounts of magnesium present in food and the minimum and maximum frequencies of magnesium intake by students, the minimum (male 133.2 mg and female 128.5 mg) and maximum (male 232, 8 and female 229.5) of the daily magnesium intake by the students analyzed and their respective standard deviations, using these data, the Figure of the normal distribution for each type of daily average intake was plotted. Also, an opinion was obtained about the importance of magnesium intake on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being irrelevant and 5 essential) and, from these data, it was observed that those who considered magnesium intake to be irrelevant (3 responses) presented a minimum and a maximum average (57.03 mg / day and 149.4 mg/day, respectively) of daily mineral intake below the 64 that considered it essential (140.06 mg/day and 238 mg / day) day, respectively). Finally, it is noted that the consumption of both sexes of the interviewees is close and both the maximum mean daily magnesium intake resides below the recommended amounts for daily consumption - mainly individuals of the sex but culino, who have a recommended intake value higher daily dose (400 to 420 mg/day) than females (300 to 310 mg). Thus, this data supports the initial hypothesis of the existence of a deficient daily consumption of magnesium by medical students, also, it can be related to a lower importance attributed to the presence of magnesium in the diet to a lower average daily intake

    Problemas no cotidiano do trabalho e sua relação com o cuidado de si e o cuidado do outro

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    The authors analyse daily problems of the nurses’ work and the coping strategies used, building knowledge about self care and care of the others in administrative spaces that emphasize freedom and autonomy, relating this (re)construction process to their health process Starting from semi-structured interviews with nurses of a University Hospital, it was possible to identify problems related to human and material resources, team relationship and nurses’ own characteristics of subjectivity. There is a perception of greater freedom and autonomy related to administration, although the nurses perceive negative aspects about the boundaries of the freedom exercises, with commitment to the care of the otherSe pretendió analisar los problemas del cotidiano del trabajo de enfermeras y estrategias de enfrentamiento, produciendose conocimientos a cerca del cuidado de si y el cuidado del otro, en espacios que preconizan la libertad y la autonomía, relacionando este proceso de (re) construcción a su proceso de salud. A partir de entrevistas semi-estructuradas con enfermeras de un hospital universitario, fué posible identificar problemas relacionados a recursos humanos y materiales, relacionamientos en el equipo y las propias características de subjectividad de las enfermeras. Hay una percepción de mayor liberdad y autonomía en relación a la administración, a pesar de perceberense aspectos negativos cuanto al ejercicio de la liberdad, con comprometimiento del cuidado del otro.Analisam-se problemas do cotidiano do trabalho das enfermeiras e estratégias de enfrentamento, produzindo conhecimentos acerca do cuidado de si e do cuidado do outro, em espaços administrativos que preconizam a liberdade e a autonomia, relacionando este processo de (re)construção ao seu processo de saúde. A partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com enfermeiras de um Hospital Universitário, foi possível identificar problemas relacionados a recursos humanos e materiais, relacionamento na equipe e às próprias características de subjetividade das enfermeiras. Há uma percepção de maior liberdade e autonomia em relação à administração, apesar de perceberem aspectos negativos, quanto aos limites do exercício da liberdade, com comprometimento do cuidado do outro


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    Universidades cada vez mais necessitam ter um gerenciamento profissional, especialmente, objetivando o atendimento às necessidades dos alunos. A lealdade de alunos pode contribuir para a existência de benefícios pessoais, sociais e institucionais. Entretanto, algumas características interferem na lealdade daqueles que buscam serviços na área de educação. Buscando conhecer as características que influenciam na lealdade de alunos universitários, o presente artigo buscou realizar uma pesquisa descritiva e quantitativa com alunos do curso de Administração de uma universidade pública no sul do Brasil. Os resultados indicam que alunos em geral sentem-se leais, e nesta pesquisa as mulheres. Alunos de maior idade tendem e ser mais leais, assim como aqueles que estudaram em escolas públicas e nasceram em outra cidade. A lealdade varia em relação a semestres que o aluno estava cursando

    Desempenho da erva-cidreira (Lippia alba) para características relacionadas à produção de óleos essenciais

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    A Lippia alba (Verbenaceae) é um arbusto produtor de óleo essencial com importantes atividades biológicas, farmacológicas e aromatizantes. Visando o cultivo sustentado de uma nova espécie com potencial econômico, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o desempenho da L. alba para massa de folha fresca (MF), massa de folha seca (MS), sintomas de vírus (SV - Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV), rendimento de óleo essencial (RE) e composição química do óleo (CQ), e avaliar a estabilidade e adaptabilidade fenotípica para o caráter MS. Dez genótipos pertencentes a quatro grupos químicos foram testados em seis experimentos instalados no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, com delineamento em blocos ao acaso e duas plantas por parcela. Em Monte Alegre do Sul e Pindorama, foi utilizado espaçamento de 2,0 x 0,4 x 1,6 m e em Campinas, foram instalados quatro experimentos 1,0 x 0,4 x 0,6 m sob condições distintas de adubação e irrigação. O efeito de genótipo foi significativo para todas as características avaliadas, revelando elevada produtividade de folhas do IAC-16 (citral), RE Yamamoto et al. superior dos quimiotipos linalol e limoneno/carvona e susceptibilidade deste último ao CMV. As oscilações no desempenho dos genótipos nos diferentes experimentos foram de baixa magnitude para os caracteres fitoquímicos (RE e CQ) e nenhuma variação qualitativa foi observada para CQ. Os genótipos IAC-2 (linalol) e IAC-13 (limoneno/carvona) apresentaram-se estáveis para MS e com ampla adaptabilidade, e são recomendados para o início do cultivo da espécie. A presente pesquisa fornece subsídios também para o início de programas de melhoramento genético em L. alba.Lippia alba (Verbenaceae) is a shrub whose essential oil has important biological, pharmacological, and aromatizing properties. To reach the sustained cultivation of new species with economic potential, the present study aimed to evaluate L. alba performance for fresh leaf matter (FM), leaf dry matter (DM), virus symptoms (VS - Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV), oil yield (OY), and oil chemical composition (OC), and to evaluate DM stability and adaptability. Ten genotypes of four chemical groups (chemotypes) were evaluated in six experiments designed as randomized blocks with two plants per plot, over the whole State of São Paulo, Brazil. A 2.0 x 0.4 x 1.6 m spacing was used in Monte Alegre do Sul and Pindorama, while a 1.0 x 0.4 x 0.6 m spacing was used in Campinas, where four experiments were established under different irrigation and fertilization conditions. The genotype effect was significant (p < 0.05) for all traits evaluated, with high leaf productivity of IAC-16 (citral chemotype), best OY means in the linalool and limonene/carvone chemotypes, and susceptibility of the latter chemotype to CMV. The genotype performance oscillations in the six environments were significant for FM and DM, and despite their significance for phytochemical traits (OY and OC), they were of low magnitude. No qualitative variation was detected for OC. The IAC-2 (linalool) and IAC-13 (limonene/carvone) genotypes showed high stability and wide adaptability, and are recommended to establish initial cultivations of this species. This research also indicated genetic sources to start Lippia alba genetic breeding programs

    Giant paraselar aneurysm simulating pituitary tumour

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    Revisamos 7 pacientes com comprometimento da sela turca ao raio X do crânio que apresentavam aneurisma gigante da porção intracavernosa da artéria carótida (6 casos) e aneurisma da artéria comunicante anterior (1 caso). As alterações encontradas foram: cefaléia (7/7), oftalmoplegia complexa interessando III, IV e VI nervos cranianos (5/7) e comprometimento do V nervo (4/7), dor ocular (4/7). Outras alterações encontradas foram: sinais meníngeos (2/7), cegueira unilateral (1/7), hemiparesia (1/7) cacosmia (1/7) e quadrantanopsia bitemporal inferior (1/7). Cinco pacientes com aneurisma da porção intracavernosa da artéria carótida beneficiaram-se com a ligadura progressiva da artéria carótida interna a nível cervical; o outro paciente faleceu antes da realização da operação. O paciente com aneurisma da artéria comunicante anterior foi submetido a clipagem do aneurisma, tendo boa evolução. Baseados neste estudo e em concordância com a literatura, concluímos que o diagnóstico diferencial entre aneurisma localizado na região parasselar e outras patologias dessa área freqüentemente apresenta dificuldade. O diagnóstico definitivo requer a realização de angiografia cerebral. O tratamento cirúrgico, por ligadura da carótida interna na região cervical, é benéfico e quase desprovido de complicações.Seven cases of compromised pituitary fossa at the conventional skull X-ray, who had the final diagnosis of giant aneurysm of the intracavernous portion of the carotid artery (6 cases) and one of the anterior communicant artery, are reported. The main findings were: headache (7/7), complex ophtalmoplegia involving the III, IV and VI cranial nerves (5/7), compromised V cranial nerve (4/7) and eyeball pain (4/7). Other manifestations were: meningeal signs (2/7), unilateral blindness (1/7), hemiparesis (1/7), cacosmia (1/7) and inferior bitemporal quadrantanopsia (1/7). Five patients with intracavernous carotid artery aneurysm showed benefits with progressive occlusion of the internal carotid artery at the cervical level. One died before surgery. The case with anterior communicant artery aneurysm improved after its surgical clipping. Our data, in accord with the literature, support the conclusion that the differential diagnosis of aneurysms in the parasellar egion remains a very difficult task. The accurate final diagnosis requires cerebral angiography and the surgical treatment with progressive occlusion at the cervical portion of the internal carotid artery has a relatively low risk with promising results

    Ruminal degradability of tropical leguminous plants from eastern Amazonia

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate ruminal degradation of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of Cratylia argentea, Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Merrill, and Stylosanthes guianensis ‘Campo Grande’ (EMBRAPA), aged 55 and 75 days, in sheep with rumen cannulas, using the in-situ technique. A factorial design of 3 leguminous plants × 2 ages × 6 incubation times was used, totaling 36 experimental units. The experimental period included 14 days for adaptation to diet and 5 days for data collection. Cratylia at both ages and Flemingia aged 55 days showed the highest “a” fraction values for DM degradability. Cratylia aged 55 days and Stylosanthes at both ages showed the highest “a” fraction values for CP. The highest “b” fraction value for DM was 51.27% for Stylosanthes aged 55 days. This rate was lower for the other leguminous plants, especially for Flemingia at both ages. The “b” fraction values for NDF are considered low for Flemingia, what may be the result of lower ruminal degradation. The highest “c” fraction degradation rate for DM was observed in all leguminous plants studied aged 75 days. The highest “c” fraction value for CP was 14.84% for Stylosanthes aged 75 days. The highest Kd fraction values for DM, NDF, and CP were found in Flemingia. Cratylia, and Stylosanthes aged 75 days presented higher effective degradability (ED) values for DM at 2 and 5%/hour compared to Flemingia at both ages. Cratylia and Stylosanthes had the highest ED values for NDF, regardless of their passage rates. Stylosanthes presented higher ED values for CP at both ages, regardless of its passage rate. The highest DM, NDF, and CP potential degradability (PD) was obtained for Cratylia and Stylosanthes, at both ages. The leguminous plants Cratylia and Stylosanthes can be recommended for use as a protein bank and supplementation for ruminants, whereas, Flemingia macrophylla should not be used as a protein supplement for ruminants, because it contains high levels of fibrous fractions