960 research outputs found

    The sources of information of the genealogical tourist: the influence of social networks and genealogical associations

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    The increased demand for genealogical travel to places of family origin in recent years and its consequent economic and social repercussions have justified the aim of this research to obtain the sources of information used by genealogical tourists to prepare for their trip, and the influence that genealogical associations and groups operating on the Internet have on them. For this purpose, a survey was carried out among 223 genealogy enthusiasts who participate in or consult these groups and associations. Through a descriptive statistical analysis of the data obtained, using frequencies and percentages for qualitative variables and means with standard deviations for quantitative variables, this work confirms the outstanding influence that social networks and genealogical associations and groups have on general family history research information, and on specific questions of tourist interest that genealogists receive, and the lesser influence of travel agencies and traditional media. On the other hand, their results support the idea that the main reasons for these tourists to travel are to visit places where their ancestors lived and to research their family history in public archives. All these issues have implications for public cultural and tourism administrations and private sector companies in promoting the provision of historical documentary resources and materials on the internet, as well as the activity of genealogical associations and groups.This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for profit sectors. // Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA

    Long-term population dynamics in a healthy Posidonia oceanica meadow

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    Wide losses of Posidonia oceanica led some authors to suggest this species showed evidence of decline in a global scale. Our aim was to survey the long-term evolution of a healthy and mature meadow of Posidonia oceanica at Tabarca Island (SE, Spanish coast). We surveyed cover and density at three depths (-4, -12 and -20m) and the dynamics at border meadows (erosion fronts vs adjacent edges) by one transect laid from -0,5m to -12m depth. Sexual reproduction as a repair mechanism was tested by monitoring the survival of seedling in five random sites. At each sampling site, sea-bottom roughness was estimated. Density and cover at sampling depths of -12 and -20 m were steady for 22 years (1988-2010), but both descriptors significantly decreased at upper limit (-4m) in 2010. Erosion fronts measured on transect went back -0.87±0.75 m y-1, though this fact was compensated by the progress of its adjacent edges in 0.6±0.69 m y-1. Density of survival seedlings has maintained a steady state for two years after settlement and it was strongly correlated with sea-bottom roughness. Our results suggest P. oceanica meadows of Tabarca Island could have remained stable long-term. But we detected “hot areas”, such as those placed in upper limit or in erosion fronts, where likely a quick decline by natural causes (e.g. waves) was offset by natural repair mechanisms (e.g. settlement of seedlings and vegetative growth).Amplias perdidas de praderas de Posidonia oceanica condujeron a algunos autores a sugerir que esta especie mostraba evidencias de un declive a escala global. Nuestro objetivo fue estudiar la evolución a largo plazo de una pradera madura y sana de Posidonia oceanica de la Isla de Tabarca (costa SE de España). Medimos la cobertura y densidad en tres profundidades (-4, -12 y -20 m) y la dinámica en el borde de la pradera (frentes de erosión frente a los bordes adyacentes) mediante un transepto establecido desde -0,5 a -12 m de profundidad. Se comprobó además, si la reproducción sexual funcionaba como un mecanismo de reparación de las praderas, mediante la monitorización de la supervivencia de plántulas en cinco sitios aleatorios. La rugosidad del fondo marino se estimó en cada sitio de muestreo. Las densidades y coberturas en las profundidades de -12 y -20 m fueron estables durante 22 años (1988-2010); aunque ambos descriptores disminuyeron significativamente en el limite superior (- 4 m), en 2010. Los frentes de erosión retrocedieron en el transepto fijo -0.87±0.75 m a-1, aunque este hecho fue compensado por el progreso de su borde adyacente con 0.6±0.69 m a-1 de nueva pradera. La densidad de las plántulas supervivientes se mantuvo estable durante dos años después de su enraizamiento y se encontró fuertemente correlacionada con la rugosidad del fondo marino. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las praderas de P. oceanica de la isla de Tabarca permanecieron estable durante un largo periodo. Aunque, hemos detectado “áreas calientes”, como aquellas situadas en el límite superior o en los frentes de erosión, donde probablemente un rápido declive causado por causas naturales (por ejemplo olas) fue seguido por mecanismos de reparación natural (por ejemplo asentamiento de plántulas y crecimiento vegetativo)

    Transferencia de pacientes de cuidados paliativos desde el hospital hasta atención primaria: un estudio cualitativo = Transferring palliative-care patients from hospital to community care: a qualitative study

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    Aim: To know the experience of case-manager nurses with regard to transferring palliative-care patients from the hospital to their homes. Design: Qualitative phenomenological study carried out in 2014 2015. Setting: Poniente and Almería health districts, which referral hospitals are Poniente Hospital and Torrecárdenas Hospital, respectively. Participants: A purposive sample comprised of 12 case-manager nurses was recruited from the aforementioned setting. Method: Theoretical data saturation was achieved after performing 7 in-depth individual interviews and 1 focus group. Data analysis was performed following Colaizzi’s method. Results: Three themes emerged: (1) ‘Case-management nursing as a quality, patient-centred service’ (2) ‘Failures of the information systems’, with the subthemes ‘‘patients’’ insufficient and inadequate previous information’’ and ‘‘ineffective between levels communication channels for advanced nursing’’; (3) ‘Deficiencies in discharge planning’, with the subthemes ‘‘deficient management of resources on admission’’, ‘‘uncertainty about discharge’’ and ‘‘insufficient human resources to coordinate the transfer’’. Conclusions: Case-manager nurses consider themselves a good-quality service. However, they think there are issues with coordination, information and discharge planning of palliative patients from hospital. It would be useful to review the communication pathways of both care and discharge reports, so that resources needed by palliative patients are effectively managed at the point of being transferred home

    Eskola 2.0: a complete course. Time for evaluation

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    En el año 2009, se puso en marcha el proyecto de integración de las tecnologías Eskola 2.0. en el País Vasco. Dicho programa, incluido en el programa Escuela 2.0 promovido por el Ministerio de Educación de España, se ha implantado en el tercer ciclo de educación primaria y primero ciclo de Educación Secundaria, digitalizando las aulas con ordenadores portátiles para cada alumno/a y profesor/a, Pizarras Digitales Interactivas y acceso wifi. Desde septiembre del curso lectivo 2009/2010, hemos desarrollado un proceso de investigación-acción participativa, teniendo la posibilidad de vivir desde dentro lo que supone para el profesorado como alumnado llevar adelante dicho programa y la utilización de estos nuevos recursos digitales. En este artículo describimos el proceso de investigación seguido y abordamos el análisis de la implantación del proyecto Eskola 2.0. en un centro escolar de educación primaria de la provincia de Gipuzkoa, desde diferentes perspectivas. Por un lado, los puntos de vista del profesorado, la dirección del centro y una investigadora externa que acompaña tanto la formación como la implementación del proyecto en el aula. Por otro lado, el punto de vista del alumnado, la percepción que tiene de la experiencia vivida, el sentido que le dan a una herramienta y recurso que sobre todo relacionan con el juego y la diversión.Since 2009, in the Basque Country we are immersed in the project Eskola2.0. The project, is included in another project called Escuela 2.0 promoted by the Ministry of Education of Spain. This project, was implanted in the third cycle of primary education and now is been implemented in the first cycle of secondary education. The program consists in digitalizing classrooms with laptops for each student, teacher and whiteboards and wifi access. During the school course 2009/2010, we had been able to know how the teachers and students live the project. When there are material resources like laptops, these, are to be used, but is in the process when we can see the lack of pedagogical and methodological orientation. In this case, the perception of the different people involved in the program is not the same. This article arises from the point of view of teachers, the school direction and an external researcher accompanying the formation and implementation of the project in the classrooms. From the students' point of view, the perception of the program, at first, brings the meaning they give to a tool and resource like a laptop: basically for play and fun

    Representational task formats and problem solving strategies in kinematics and work

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    Previous studies have reported that students employed different problem solving approaches when presented with the same task structured with different representations. In this study, we explored and compared students’ strategies as they attempted tasks from two topical areas, kinematics and work. Our participants were 19 engineering students taking a calculus-based physics course. The tasks were presented in linguistic, graphical, and symbolic forms and requested either a qualitative solution or a value. The analysis was both qualitative and quantitative in nature focusing principally on the characteristics of the strategies employed as well as the underlying reasoning for their applications. A comparison was also made for the same student’s approach with the same kind of representation across the two topics. Additionally, the participants’ overall strategies across the different tasks, in each topic, were considered. On the whole, we found that the students prefer manipulating equations irrespective of the representational format of the task. They rarely recognized the applicability of a ‘‘qualitative’’ approach to solve the problem although they were aware of the concepts involved. Even when the students included visual representations in their solutions, they seldom used these representations in conjunction with the mathematical part of the problem. Additionally, the students were not consistent in their approach for interpreting and solving problems with the same kind of representation across the two topical areas. The representational format, level of prior knowledge, and familiarity with a topic appeared to influence their strategies, their written responses, and their ability to recognize qualitative ways to attempt a problem. The nature of the solution does not seem to impact the strategies employed to handle the problem

    Bacterial Communities in the Rhizosphere of Amilaceous Maize (Zea mays L.) as Assessed by Pyrosequencing

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) is the staple diet of the native peasants in the Quechua region of the Peruvian Andes who continue growing it in small plots called chacras following ancestral traditions. The abundance and structure of bacterial communities associated with the roots of amilaceous maize has not been studied in Andean chacras. Accordingly, the main objective of this study was to describe the rhizospheric bacterial diversity of amilaceous maize grown either in the presence or the absence of bur clover cultivated in soils from the Quechua maize belt. Three 16S rRNA gene libraries, one corresponding to sequences of bacteria from bulk soil of a chacra maintained under fallow conditions, the second from the rhizosphere of maize-cultivated soils, and the third prepared from rhizospheric soil of maize cultivated in intercropping with bur clover were examined using pyrosequencing tags spanning the V4 and V5 hypervariable regions of the gene. A total of 26031 sequences were found that grouped into 5955 distinct operational taxonomic units which distributed in 309 genera. The numbers of OTUs in the libraries from the maize-cultivated soils were significantly higher than those found in the libraries from bulk soil. One hundred ninety seven genera were found in the bulk soil library and 234 and 203 were in those from the maize and maize/bur clover-cultivated soils. Sixteen out of the 309 genera had a relative abundance higher than 0.5% and the were (in decreasing order of abundance) Gp4, Gp6, Flavobacterium, Subdivision3 genera incertae sedis of the Verrucomicrobia phylum, Gemmatimonas, Dechloromonas, Ohtaekwangia, Rhodoferax, Gaiella, Opitutus, Gp7, Spartobacteria genera incertae sedis, Terrimonas, Gp5, Steroidobacter and Parcubacteria genera incertae sedis. Genera Gp4 and Gp6 of the Acidobacteria, Gemmatimonas and Rhodoferax were the most abundant in bulk soil, whereas Flavobacterium, Dechloromonas and Ohtaekwangia were the main genera in the rhizosphere of maize intercropped with bur clover, and Gp4, Subdivision3 genera incertae sedis of phylum Verrucomicrobia, Gp6 and Rhodoferax were the main genera in the rhizosphere of maize plants. Taken together, our results suggest that bur clover produces specific changes in rhizospheric bacterial diversity of amilaceous maize plants.Peer reviewe

    Integration of ICT in collaborative projects through sponsorships digital

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    En la práctica educativa, la fase de la aplicación puntual de las TIC debe dar paso a un estadio de transformación en la que se lideren procesos de mejora y de normalización de su uso en el aula, conforme a un modelo capaz de combinar recursos y medios de distinta naturaleza y formato, revisando y transformando el quehacer docente. En esta línea de reflexión sobre la acción, incardinamos el trabajo de nuestra red de centros de Infantil, generada en torno a una acción formativa que complementa el uso de una plataforma moodle con diferentes herramientas de la tecnología social para sistematizar el intercambio y reconstrucción de experiencias de integración de las TIC. Entre los hitos significativos del proceso podemos destacar los siguientes: • Desarrollo de proyectos de aprendizaje colaborativo intercentros en los que interviene alumnado de Infantil y Primaria. • Revisión de los criterios metodológicos y facilitación de estrategias para salvar obstáculos derivados de la escasez de recursos TIC en las escuelas: pautas para la flexibilización de espacios y tiempos, sistematización de los apadrinamientos digitales como estrategias de tutorización Primaria-Infantil para el uso de la tecnología y diversificación de los agrupamientos. • Integración de herramientas de la tecnología social y optimización del andamiaje entre los participantes para repensar y mejorar la integración de las TIC así como contribuir a la difusión de las experiencias.In the educational practice, the stage of the timely implementation of ICT must give way to a stadium in the transformation processes that lead to improvement and normalization of its use in the classroom, according to a model capable of combining resources and different in nature and format, reviewing and transforming the teaching work. In this line of reflection, on the action dovetailed work of our network of Preschool, generated around a training action that complements the use of a platform moodle with different tools of technology for social milestones of the process we highlight the following: Development projects collaborative learning centres where students spoke of Preschool and Primary. Review of methodological approaches and facilitation strategies to remove obstacles arising from the shortage of ICT resources in schools: guidelines for more flexible spaces and timetables, systematisation of sponsorships as digital strategies and Child tutoring for the use of technology and diversification of the clusters. Integration of tools of social technology and optimiztion of scaffoliding among participants to rethink and improve integration of ICT as well as contribute to the dissemination of experiences

    Design and psychometric analysis of the COVID-19 prevention, recognition and home-management self-efficacy scale

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    In order to control the spread of COVID-19, people must adopt preventive behaviours that can affect their day-to-day life. People’s self-efficacy to adopt preventive behaviours to avoid COVID-19 contagion and spread should be studied. The aim of this study was to develop and psychometrically test the COVID-19 prevention, detection, and home-management self-efficacy scale (COVID-19-SES). We conducted an observational cross-sectional study. Six-hundred and seventy-eight people participated in the study. Data were collected between March and May 2020. The COVID-19-SES’ validity (content, criterion, and construct), reliability (internal consistency and test-retest reliability), and legibility were studied. The COVID-19-SES’ reliability was high (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.906; intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.754). The COVID-19-SES showed good content validity (scale’s content validity index = 0.92) and good criterion validity when the participants’ results on the COVID-19-SES were compared to their general self-efficacy (r = 0.38; p 0.001). Construct validity analysis revealed that the COVID-19-SES’ three-factor structure explained 52.12% of the variance found and it was congruent with the World Health Organisation’s recommendations to prevent COVID-19 contagion and spread. Legibility analysis showed that the COVID-19-SES is easy to read and understand by laypeople. The COVID-19-SES is a psychometrically robust instrument that allows for a valid and reliable assessment of people’s self-efficacy in preventing, detecting symptoms, and home-managing COVID-19