1,628 research outputs found

    O Papel da Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental para Adoção de Medidas Compensatórias

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    This article aims to analyze the relationship between Environmental Impact Assessment - EIA, and Countervailing Measures that have been adopted in the environmental licensing. Through methodological critical analysis of legislation and adoption of compensatory measures for environmental licensing, it was identified imperfections, since, often, there is no link between the adopted compensatory measures and impacts verified in the EIA. Besides the compensatory measures arising from legal provision - SNUC, APP, Atlantic forest, mining and cavities - is practice in environmental licensing to impose others, translated into conditions which have no legal basis or causal relationship with the impacts identified.Este artigo analisa a relação entre a Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental - AIA e as Medidas Compensatórias que vem sendo adotadas no procedimento de Licenciamento Ambiental. Através da análise crítico metodológica da legislação e a observação de medidas compensatórias em processos de licenciamento ambiental, foram identificadas falhas, uma vez que, não raro, observa-se ausência de nexo causal entre as medidas compensatórias e os impactos verificados na AIA. Além daquelas decorrentes de previsão legal –SNUC, APP, mata atlântica, mineração e cavidades, observa-se a imposição de outras, traduzidas em condicionantes, que não possuem base legal nem nexo causal com os impactos identificados

    Computerized evaluation by digital photography, an evaluation resource for Global Postural Reeducation

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    O trabalho é descrito por meio de fotografia digital, utilizando-se marcadores esféricos e reflexivos fixados em pontos anatômicos pré definidos, possibilitando a análise através de um programa de computador, denominado Fisiologic, que ao processar as fotos digitais, fornece coordenadas x e y dos marcadores corporais em pixels, sendo que estas coordenadas servem para gerar valores dos segmentos corporais utilizando a forma geométrica analítica. Relato aqui o caso de uma paciente com comprometimento postural, submetida ao método da Reeducação Postural Global, onde foi realizada avaliação fisioterapêutica e posteriormente fotografada e analisada antes e após a 21ª sessão. O programa apresentou resultados satisfatórios em relação à análise postural no acompanhamento dos segmentos corporais da paciente em estudo, bem como demonstraram os exames radiológicos. Concluiu-se portanto, ser este um método eficaz de avaliação na Reeducação Postural Global.The work is described by means of digital photography with the use of reflexive spherical markers attached to pre-defined anatomical points, enabling analysis through a computer program, denominated Fisiologic. The processing of digital photos, provides de coordinates x and y of the corporal markers in pixel, being that these coordinates serve to create values of corporal segments utilizing the analytical geometrical form. I report here the case of a patient with compromised posture, submitted to Global Postural Reeducation . A physiotherapeutic evaluation was performed initially and later the patient was photographed and data was analysed before and after 21st session. The computerized evaluation by digital photography showed satisfactory results as did the radiologic exams. Thus we conclude that this is an useful evaluation method of Global Postural Reeducation

    Ventilação controlada mecânica em cavalos com o emprego de vecurônio

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos metabólicos e respiratórios da administração de vecurônio em cavalos submetidos a ventilação controlada e compará-los àqueles que permaneceram em respiração espontânea. Foram empregados vinte animais hígidos alotados em dois grupos experimentais. Todos os animais foram pré-medicados com romifidina (100 mi g/kg IV) sendo a anestesia induzida com a associação de tiletamina-zolazepam (2 mg/kg IV) e a manutenção realizada com halotano. Os animais do grupo I permaneceram em respiração espontânea enquanto os animais do grupo II receberam vecurônio na dose de 0,1 mg/kg IV sendo submetidos a ventilação controlada mecânica. A administração do vecurônio não promoveu qualquer alteração significativa da freqüência ou ritmo cardíaco, pressão venosa central ou pressão arterial. No atinente aos animais que permaneceram em respiração espontânea, não houve qualquer diferença em relação a estes parâmetros quando comparados aos dos animais que permaneceram em respiração espontânea. Os animais que receberam o vecurônio apresentaram valores inferiores de PaCO2 e valores normais de pH em relação aos animais do grupo I. A duração de ação do vecurônio foi de 12,83 ± 1,72 minutos. Após o término da administração do halotano, os animais do grupo II retornaram à ventilação espontânea em 6,09 minutos demonstrando valores de PaCO2 da ordem de 50,78 mmHg. Não houve necessidade de reversão farmacológica do bloqueador e a qualidade da recuperação foi semelhante nos dois grupos. Frente aos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que o emprego de ventilação controlada mecânica e vecurônio em eqüinos é factível e isenta de efeitos adversos, sendo portanto indicada nesta espécie.The purpose of this study was to investigate the metabolic and cardiorespiratory effects of the administration of vecuronium under controlled mechanical ventilation versus spontaneous ventilation in horses. Twenty healthy horses scheduled to elective surgery were randomized and assigned in two groups. All animals were pre-medicated with romifidine (100 mu g/kg iv), anesthesia was induced with an association of tiletamine-zolazepam (2 mg/kg iv) and was maintained with halothane. Animals of group I remained in spontaneous ventilation without muscle relaxation while group II received vecuronium (0.1 mg/kg IV) and was submitted to controlled mechanical ventilation. Vecuronium administration did not cause any significant change of heart rate or rhythm, central venous pressure and arterial pressure. With the animals that remained under spontaneous ventilation, no differences were observed in these parameters. The animals that received vecuronium showed lower values of PaCO2 and normal values of pH in relation to the spontaneous ventilation group. Vecuronium duration was 12.83 ± 1.72 minutes. After halothane discontinuation the weaning time in group I I was 6.09 minutes with mean final PaCO2 values of 50.78 mmHg. There was no need of pharmacological reversion of vecuronium effect and recovery from anesthesia was similar in the two groups. In conclusion, the use of mechanical controlled ventilation and vecuronium in horses is easily performed, does not induce further cardiovascular depression and should be employed in equines undergoing major operations

    Flow analysis and modeling of the lake água preta: water source of the Belém metropolitan area

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    The natural conditions of water resources can be modified with the unsustainable use of them. For example, in Belém, capital of Pará State, Água Preta Lake has a history of degradation jeopardize the drinking water supply in Belém. Thus, the main contribution of this work is to develop a study on modeling hydrodynamic study of Água Preta Lake. Such study is carried through the bathymetric of 2009 performed with an ADCP. The bathymetry and substrate data that composes the Lake and its boundary. The bathymetry data are used to construct the digital elevation model, with the coordinates x, y and z in UTM; while the composition of the substrate is used for the determination of the Manning coefficient. The coordinates x, y, z and Manning coefficient are used in the hydrodynamic model. This one is the classic model of Saint-Venant. In this case, a vertical integration is applied to the three-dimensional equations of Navier-Stokes for incompressible flow with outline conditions, of bottom and of liquid and solid surface, included. Thus, the problem becomes two-dimensional (2D) and the values obtained for velocities are medium in the vertical direction. The velocities are the input data for the many models, such as pollutant dispersion sediment transport and aquatic fauna and flora habitats. Thus,besides of hydrodynamic model explains the patterns of flow in the lake, it can be employed for the others models of the Lake Água Preta.Indisponível

    Primary Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma in a Cow

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    Background: Primary neoplasms of the respiratory tract are rare in cattle, and they present with nonspecific clinical signs and are usually found at post-mortem. Pulmonary adenocarcinoma of the acinar type is uncommon, and information about this neoplasm in cattle is scarce. This paper aims to describe the clinical, laboratory, and pathological findings in a cow with this neoplasm.Case: A 10-year-old, adult, mixed-breed Holstein cow weighing 300 kg was referred to the Garanhuns Cattle Clinic of the Campus of Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil, with a history of decreased appetite, tiredness, weight loss, and difficulty in breathing for two months. The animal had been treated at the farm of origin with enrofloxacin, florfenicol, and flunixin meglumine. The animal’s appetite improved, but no improvement in the respiratory symptoms was observed. On examination at our center, the cow was in an orthopedic position, with neck extension and elbow abduction; and it remained in a recumbent position. The cow had neutrophilia, normochromic normocytic anemia, and hyperfibrinogemia. The body condition score (BCS) was 1 (BCS ranges from 1 to 5), and the cow had moderate enophthalmia, serous secretions in nostrils, tachycardia, and tachypnea. It also had increased breathing intensity; increased breath sounds in the cranial regions of both lungs; areas of reduced breath sounds in the medial portions of the lungs; intermittent wheezing in the cranial region of the left lung medially and in the cranial region of the right lung medially; intermittent crepitations in the cranial region of the right lung medially; reduced thoracic expansion; and expiratory dyspnea. Pulmonary ultrasonography revealed hyperechogenic multifocal structures in both lungs. In view of the severe clinical condition and unfavorable prognosis, the owner opted for euthanasia. Necropsy revealed that there was a significant amount of yellow fluid in the thoracic cavity, and the cut surfaces of the lungs were covered with fibrin and pleural adhesions. The lungs had irregular surfaces with multifocal nodules of various sizes and firm consistency. The texture of the cut nodules was solid, and the nodules had a yellowish color. Histologically, the pulmonary nodules were composed of neoplastic cells. They were pleomorphic, infiltrative epithelial cells with little cytoplasm; large and spherical nuclei with abundant euchromatin; occasional anisokaryosis; visible nucleolus; and numerous mitotic figures. Results of anti-cytokeratin immunohistochemistry were strongly positive for cytokeratin in the lungs and lymph nodes. Discussion: The diagnosis of acinar pulmonary adenocarcinoma was based on clinical, laboratory, histopathological, and immunohistochemical findings. Clinical signs and lung ultrasound suggested a severe respiratory disease. Pulmonary tumors are usually solid, and they show areas of central necrosis that resemble granulomas. However, the histopathological findings in the current case were compatible with a primary pulmonary neoplasm. Primary pulmonary neoplasms, although rare, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of weight loss, cachexia, and respiratory symptoms in adult cattle. The morphological pattern and the strong immunoreactivity on immunohistochemical examination were conclusive for a diagnosis of a primary pulmonary adenocarcinoma of the acinar type because these tumors specifically contain cytokeratin

    Participação de um agente adrenérgico não peptídico na ação inotrópica positiva da fração polar da Bryopsis pennata

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    As algas marinhas representam uma rica fonte de compostos bioativos, algumas delas precursoras de ferramentas farmacológicas e de substâncias potencialmente úteis para o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos. A macroalga Bryopsis pennata, Cloroficea pertencente à ordem Caulerpales, sin. Bryopsidales é uma espécie tropical encontrada em diversos costões rochosos. Essa espécie produz uma defesa química tóxica para organismos herbívoros e potencial de se tornar invasiva e dominante em condições ambientais favoráveis. Este trabalho é uma investigação do efeito cardiotônico da fração polar da B. pennata .O cultivo, em ambiente controlado destituído de contaminantes, foi realizado no intuito de comparar seus efeitos com os efeitos da alga coletada. O efeito cardiotônico cronotrópico positivo em tiras ventriculares de anuros ficou fortemente evidenciado nos testes com frações polares de algas coletadas e cultivadas, não apresentando diferenças significativas entre as frações. O propranolol antagonizou o efeito cardiotônico e enzimas endopeptidases não reagiram com a fração polar da B. pennata. Testes bioquímicos demonstraram que a fração com efeito cardiotônico é de caráter ácido e apresenta peso molecular menor que 10.000 daltons.Marine algae are a rich source of bioactive compounds and some of them have shown to be useful for the development of new pharmacological tools and medicines. Bryopsis pennata, (Clorofícea, Caulerpales, sin. Bryopsidales) is a marine algae that can be found in the Southeastern Brazilian coast and elsewhere. The species produces a toxic chemical defense to the herbivorous organisms and possesses a potential to become invasive and dominant in favorable environmental conditions.The present study is about the investigation of the cardiotonic effect of the polar extract of B. pennata. The cultive in laboratory without any contaminants was made to compare studies performed with the collected algae extracts and the ones cultivated effect. The cardiotonic effect in the anurou's ventricular strips was strongly unequivocal when it was tested with the polar extracts from the collected and cultivated algae. The propranolol antagonized polar effects of these algae and the endopeptidase enzyme did not change the effects of polar extracts of Bryopsis pennata. Biochemical tests showed that the polar fraction presenting the inotropic cardiac activity weighs less than 10.000 Daltons and has an acid character

    Cumarinas substituídas, processo de produção de tais cumarinas e composições contendo as mesmas

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    Em 25/10/2016: Anuidade de pedido de patente de invenção no prazo ordináriDepositadaA presente invenção se refere a cumarinas substituídas que possuem a capacidade de emitir luz fluorescente quando iluminadas por comprimentos de onda compreendidos na faixa do ultravioleta. Também se refere ao processo de produção de tais cumarinas substituídas, bem como apresenta composições contendo tais cumarinas substituídas, em especial composições contendo tais cumarinas e solventes e/ou adjuvantes voláteis. Tais composições podem ser utilizadas em objetos de grande valia para seu dono, de modo que seu uso possa facilitar a identificação de tais objetos

    Short-term preservation of canine preantral follicles : effects of temperature, medium and time

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    The use of the large pool of preantral follicles is a promising alternative to provide high numbers of fertilizable oocytes to reproductive biotechnology. This issue is particularly important to canids, since current rates of success of in vitro techniques using oocytes are very limited, and many species within this family are threatened by extinction. The aim of this study was to evaluate effects of temperature, medium and time on morphology and viability of canine preantral follicles during short-term preservation. Canine ovaries were cut into fragments which were incubated in 0.9% NaCl solution or in minimum essential medium (MEM) at 4, 20 or 38 °C for 2, 6, 12 or 24 h. Afterwards, preantral follicles were analyzed by histology, transmission electron microscopy and viability testing using trypan blue, calcein-AM and ethidium homodimer-1. Percentages of morphological normal and viable follicles were maintained similar to control (time 0 h) after incubation in 0.9% NaCl at 4 or 20 °C for up to 6 h and at 38 °C for 2 h. Using MEM, such preservation was possible for 12 h at 4 or 20 °C, and for 6 h at 38 °C. These results indicate that preservation of canine preantral follicles might be better accomplished through hypothermic (4 or 20 °C) storage in MEM, which ensures maintenance of morphology and viability for up to 12 h

    Physical exercise as a preventive procedures inflammation of aging

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    Ao longo do processo de envelhecimento observa-se complexa remodelagem do sistema imunitário. Estas alterações estão associadas ao desenvolvimento de patologias responsáveis por grande parte da mortalidade em população idosa. Recentemente, a prática regular de atividades físicas tem sido proposta como intervenção não-medicamentosa com amplos benefícios sobre a regulação de processos decorrentes da imunossenescênia. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho revisou e discutiu estudos que abordam a ação de mediadores pró-inflamatórios crônicos e possíveis ações do exercício físico como agente antiinflamatório. Baseado nos resultados de estudos na literatura sugere-se que, em conjunto, a interleucina-6 (IL-6) e o fator de necrose tumoral-α (TNF- α) são as principais citocinas associadas à aterosclerose, sarcopenia e déficits cognitivos. Embora os mecanismos não sejam totalmente elucidados, o exercício reduz a atividade de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e aumenta a liberação de substancias anti-inflamatórias.During the aging is observed complex remodeling of immune system. These changes are associated with the development of diseases responsible for much of the mortality in the elderly. Recently, the regular practice of exercise has been proposed as an intervention non-medication with broad benefits on regulation processes arising from Immunosenescence. In sense, this paper reviewed and discussed studies addressing the action of pro-inflammatory mediator's chronic and possible actions of physical exercise as anti-inflammatory agent. Based on the results of studies in the literature suggest that, together, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) are the main cytokines associated with atherosclerosis, sarcopenia and cognitive deficits. Though mechanisms are not fully elucidated, the Exercise reduces the activity of pro-inflammatory and increases the release of anti-inflammatory substances

    Phytosociological survey of weed plants in soybean culture in the Gurguéia Valley

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    Phytosociology is a set of ecological assessment methods that aim to provide a view of plant species distributions within a plant assemblage. The objective of the current study was to identify and quantify the plants designated as weeds in a glyphosate-resistant soybean crop, using a phytosociological survey of a conventional planting system on the Fazenda Agrosantos (09°27’4124.4” S and 45º01’00.4” O), Vale do Gurguéia, Monte Alegre municipality Piauí state, Brazil. The site lies at a mean altitude of 652 m. Field collections were made 15 days after initial soya planting. For sampling, a 0.40 x 0.40 m quadrat was used, thrown randomly twenty times within the experimental area. Weeds were identified and quantified using the sum of the samples obtained from the quadrat samples. Plants that lay within the quadrat were identified, counted and collected for identification, which was carried out by comparison with specialist bibliographies and weed identification manuals. Evaluated variables were: frequency, density, abundance, relative frequency, relative density, relative abundance and species importance value index. In the soybean cultivation area, 60% of the sampled species were Eudicotyledons, and a total of 8 botanical families and 10 weed species were identified. The species Cenchrus echinatus, Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schult, Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Zea mays L showed the highest values for the analyzed variables, and should therefore be of special attention to soybean producers in the region of Vale da Gurguéia, Piauí, Brazil