3,345 research outputs found

    Attitudes of students of a health sciences university towards the extension of smoke-free policies at the university campuses of Barcelona

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess attitudes towards the extension of outdoor smoke-free areas on university campuses. METHODS: Cross-sectional study (n=384) conducted using a questionnaire administered to medical and nursing students in Barcelona in 2014. Information was obtained pertaining to support for indoor and outdoor smoking bans on university campuses, and the importance of acting as role models. Logistic regression analyses were performed to examine agreement. RESULTS: Most of the students agreed on the importance of health professionals and students as role models (74.9% and 64.1%, respectively) although there were statistically significant differences by smoking status and age. 90% of students reported exposure to smoke on campus. Students expressed strong support for indoor smoke-free policies (97.9%). However, only 39.3% of participants supported regulation of outdoor smoking for university campuses. Non-smokers (OR=12.315; 95% CI: 5.377-28.204) and students ≥22 years old (OR=3.001; 95% CI: 1.439-6.257) were the strongest supporters. CONCLUSIONS: The students supported indoor smoke-free policies for universities. However, support for extending smoke-free regulations to outdoor areas of university campuses was limited. It is necessary to educate students about tobacco control and emphasise their importance as role models before extending outdoor smoke-free legislation at university campuses

    MIRACLE’s hybrid approach to bilingual and monolingual Information Retrieval

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    The main goal of the bilingual and monolingual participation of the MIRACLE team at CLEF 2004 was testing the effect of combination approaches to information retrieval. The starting point is a set of basic components: stemming, transformation, filtering, generation of n-grams, weighting and relevance feedback. Some of these basic components are used in different combinations and order of application for document indexing and for query processing. Besides this, a second order combination is done, mainly by averaging or by selective combination of the documents retrieved by different approaches for a particular query

    Desarrollo de una herramienta informática para la determinación de las condiciones de protección contra incendios en edificaciones de uso industrial

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    [ES] En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de una herramienta informática para la determinación de las condiciones de protección contra incendios en edificaciones de uso industrial. En la primera parte se analiza el desarrollo de la ingeniera contra incendios en la historia. Primero se llevará a cabo un análisis global del desarrollo de la ingeniera contra incendios para después llevar a cabo este análisis prestando especial atención en el desarrollo de la normativa contra incendios de la historia reciente de España. La segunda parte se centra en el desarrollo de la herramienta informática que aquí se presenta. En esta segunda parte se presenta de manera detallada todos los mecanismos con los que cuenta esta herramienta para determinar las condiciones de protección contra incendios en edificaciones industriales. La tercera parte consiste en la aplicación de la herramienta informática en dos casos prácticos. Esta aplicación práctica tiene el fin de llevar a cabo la comprobación del correcto funcionamiento de la herramienta para casos concretos en naves dedicadas a diferentes actividades industriales.Gracias a esta aplicación práctica se comprobará la utilidad de la herramienta informática aquí desarrollada. Finalmente se realiza un estudio económico para el desarrollo de la herramienta informática, el cual se lleva a cabo presentando dos posibles escenarios.Sánchez Martínez, JC. (2017). Desarrollo de una herramienta informática para la determinación de las condiciones de protección contra incendios en edificaciones de uso industrial. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/78759.TFG

    Didactic Unit Hearing and Language

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    Los alumnos del primer curso de Educación Primaria se encuentran en el proceso de perfeccionamiento y ampliación del lenguaje, por tanto, es necesario realizar una serie de actividades y proyectos lúdicos para fomentar el lenguaje tanto oral como escrito. Además, debemos puntualizar que, en esta etapa, el desarrollo del lenguaje presenta una gran diversidad evolutiva. La finalidad no es otra que estimular la comunicación, fomentando y desarrollando los procesos de producción y comprensión del lenguaje y, construyendo así, el conocimiento desde la propia experiencia y del entorno próximo y cercano.The students of the first year of Primary Education are in the process of improvement and expansion of the language, therefore, it is necessary to carry out a series of activities and playful projects to promote both oral and written language. In addition, we must point out that, at this stage, the development of language presents a great evolutionary diversity. The purpose is simply to stimulate communication, promoting and developing the processes of production and understanding of language and, thus, building knowledge from one's own experience and from the near and near environment

    Emotional control in the second year of Primary Education as a measure to prevent disruptive behavior

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    En edades tempranas los alumnos no suelen tener los instrumentos necesarios para expresar de forma correcta la emoción que sienten, la tristeza puede convertirse entonces en causa de desmotivación o la ira y el enfado en conductas disruptivas en el aula. Por lo tanto, el buen funcionamiento de un aula requiere crear situaciones, instrumentos o recursos para propiciar la expresión de esas emociones, de forma pausada, buscando alternativas a través de un diálogo constructivo donde se practique la escucha activa. En ocasiones, el profesorado considera esta problemática como algo pasajero y no da la importancia que debería tener.At early ages students do not usually have the necessary instruments to express correctly the emotion they feel, sadness can then become a cause of demotivation or anger and anger in disruptive behavior in the classroom. Therefore, the proper functioning of a classroom requires creating situations, instruments or resources to promote the expression of those emotions, slowly, seeking alternatives through a constructive dialogue where active listening is practiced. Occasionally, the teacher considers this problem as temporary and does not give the importance it should hav

    miraQA: Initial experiments in Question Answering

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    We present the miraQA system that constitutes MIRACLE first experience in Question Answering for monolingual Spanish and has been developed for QA@CLEF 2004. The architecture of the system is described and details of our approach to Statistical Answer Extraction based on Hidden Markov Models are presented. One run that uses last year question set for training purposes has been submitted. The results are presented together with ideas for improvement

    On-Surface Hydrogen-Induced Covalent Coupling of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons via a Superhydrogenated Intermediate

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    The activation and subsequent covalent coupling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of great interest in fields like chemistry, energy, biology, or health, among others. However, this is not a trivial process. So far, it is based on the use of catalysts that drive and increase the efficiency of the reaction. Here, we report on an unprecedented method in which the dehydrogenation and covalent coupling is thermally activated in the presence of atomic hydrogen and a surface. This mechanism, which requires of the superhydrogenation of the PAHs, has been characterized by high-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and rationalized by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. This work opens a door toward the formation of covalent, PAH-based, macromolecular nanostructures on low-reactive surfaces, thus facilitating its applicability.Comment: This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 licens

    Physical and hydraulic properties of porous concrete

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    [Abstract:] The work presented includes a review of the state of art of porous concrete. Its purpose is to evaluate the potential use of porous concrete in constructions where the level of surface runoff justifies it. A review of the literature presented here has been necessary where parameters of special consideration have been defined in the dosage of permeable mixtures. The study includes the definition of porous concrete in terms of its main components: cement, coarse aggregate, water, additives, and sand, in little or no quantity, to cause the generation of an effective content of interconnected voids that allow rapid storm drainage. Given the reports of variables of high incidence in the mechanical behavior of porous concrete (resistance/permeability relationship), an investigation is warranted to synthesize the effects of the variables in the preparation of the mixture: water–cement ratio, granulometry, and morphology of the aggregates, compaction pressure, and curing techniques, among others. Likewise, the protocols for the characterization of porous concrete and additional aspects relevant to support the experimental phase are exposed, constituting a reference or anchor point for developing technologies associated with the manufacture of this material and the possibilities of its implementation in constructions

    4-Dimensional deformation part model for pose estimation using Kalman filter constraints

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    [EN] The goal of this research work is to improve the accuracy of human pose estimation using the deformation part model without increasing computational complexity. First, the proposed method seeks to improve pose estimation accuracy by adding the depth channel to deformation part model, which was formerly defined based only on RGB channels, to obtain a 4-dimensional deformation part model. In addition, computational complexity can be controlled by reducing the number of joints by taking into account in a reduced 4-dimensional deformation part model. Finally, complete solutions are obtained by solving the omitted joints by using inverse kinematic models. The main goal of this article is to analyze the effect on pose estimation accuracy when using a Kalman filter added to 4-dimensional deformation part model partial solutions. The experiments run with two data sets showing that this method improves pose estimation accuracy compared with state-of-the-art methods and that a Kalman filter helps to increase this accuracy.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was partially financed by Plan Nacional de I + D, Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologa (FEDERCICYT) under the project DPI2013-44227-R.Martínez Bertí, E.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Ricolfe Viala, C. (2017). 4-Dimensional deformation part model for pose estimation using Kalman filter constraints. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 14(3):1-13. https://doi.org/10.1177/1729881417714230S11314

    Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system: A theoretical framework proposal

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    The purpose of this paper is to understand, with an emphasis on the psychological perspective of the research problem, the consumer's adoption and use of a certain web site recommendation system as well as the main psychological outcomes involved. The approach takes the form of theoretical modelling. Findings: A conceptual model is proposed and discussed. A total of 20 research propositions are theoretically analyzed and justified. Research limitations/implications: The theoretical discussion developed here is not empirically validated. This represents an opportunity for future research. Practical implications: The ideas extracted from the discussion of the conceptual model should be a help for recommendation systems designers and web site managers, so that they may be more aware, when working with such systems, of the psychological process consumers undergo when interacting with them. In this regard, numerous practical reflections and suggestions are presented