3,036 research outputs found

    Intervención en psicología del deporte : un caso de remo de alta competición

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    This paper describes the implementation of a sole intervention with a female international rower. Due to an attention deficit, this rower commits a technical error which leads to reduced performance, caused by an incorrect alignment of the boat in both training and competition situations. The aim of this procedure, on which little has been written in Spanish and only a few articles have come out in English, is to correct this error by using concentration strategies that can be applied to rowers. The procedure is implemented by using a device to redirect the rower's concentration. From a theoretical point of view, and in the light of the results of the intervention implemented, this proves very useful since it provides a very clear solution to the problem and improves performance level. Although the A-B design might be considered weak from the methodological point of view, it can be justified insofar as it involves both the athlete as well as the correction of the error, which is the objective of implementing the procedure

    Double or nothing: red flag symptoms of critical carotid stenosis, a case report

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    Abstract Background Detailed knowledge of every possible manifestation of Internal Carotid Artery (ICA) disease is important. For improving detection and a timely adoption of secondary prevention procedures or treatments. Transient oculomotor nerve palsies have been described associated with stenosis or occlusion of the ICA. Case presentation We described a patient that develop a sequential combination of transient monocular loss of vision followed by binocular diplopia secondary to an unstable atherosclerotic preocclusive stenosis of an internal carotid artery previously treated with radiotherapy. Conclusions The peculiar sequence of transient monocular vision that give rise later into a transient binocular diplopia (double or nothing) should be kept in mind as a possible manifestation of critical stenosis of ICA

    Anfípodos en sedimentos de cuevas submarinas del Sur de la Península Ibérica: diversidad y distribución ecológica

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    The present study explores the amphipod assemblages of six marine caves on the Mediterranean coast of southern Spain. Replicate samples were taken both inside and outside each marine cave in order to characterize the amphipod fauna and the physicochemical properties of the sediment. As a result, 44 amphipods species were identified. The high number of species found in a relatively limited area highlighted the richness of the Alboran Sea fauna, which is mainly due to the mixture of species from different biogeographic areas. Harpinia genus was the dominant amphipod taxa inside marine caves and Perioculodes longimanus was also very abundant in the caverns. On the other hand, external communities were dominated by Siphonoecetes sabatieri, Metaphoxus fultoni and Photis longipes. There was a high degree of variability in both the internal and the external stations. Only the external station situated at low-medium depth showed a relatively homogeneous amphipod assemblage. The structure and behaviour of soft-bottom communities inside marine caves is difficult to predict because their environmental conditions depend on a particular combination of factors such as topography, depth and orientation. Therefore, no constant patterns were observed for species richness, Shannon diversity and abundance of amphipods in marine caves in comparison with open habitats. According to canonical correspondence analysis, sediment granulometry, organic matter and nitrogen concentration were the parameters that best explained the distribution of amphipods. Species were also classified by their tolerance to environmental pollution according to criteria followed by the Azti Marine Biotic Index and the BENTIX index. The great abundance of sensitive species at both the internal and external stations indicates the good ecological quality of the soft bottom studied. However, the suitability of biotic indices in marine caves should be tested in future studies.En el presente trabajo se estudia la fauna de anfípodos presente en el sustrato blando de seis cuevas submarinas de la costa Mediterránea del sur de España. Con el objetivo de caracterizar tanto la comunidad biótica como las características físico-químicas del sedimento, se tomaron muestras de sedimento a la salida y en el interior de las cuevas submarinas. Como resultado, se identificaron un total de cuarenta y cuatro especies de anfípodos diferentes. Este elevado número de especies encontrado en un área relativamente limitada pone de manifiesto la riqueza faunística del Mar de Alborán, la cual se atribuye principalmente a la mezcla de especies de diferentes áreas biogeográficas. El género Harpinia fue el taxón dominante en el interior de las cuevas, junto con Perioculodes longimanus. Por otro lado, la comunidad en las zonas externas estaba dominada por Siphonoecetes sabatieri, Metaphoxus fultoni y Photis longipes. Se observó un alto grado de variabilidad tanto en las estaciones internas como externas. Solo las estaciones externas situadas a profundidades bajas-medias mostraron una fauna relativamente homogénea. La estructura y el comportamiento de las comunidades que habitan los sustratos blandos en el interior de cuevas submarinas es difícil de predecir, ya que las condiciones ambientales dependen de sus particulares características en cuanto a topografía, profundidad y orientación. Por ello, no ha podido extraerse ningún patrón constante de la comparación de comunidades internas y externas para el número de especies, diversidad de Shannon o abundancia de anfípodos. La granulometría y los porcentajes de materia orgánica y nitrógeno en el sedimento fueron los parámetros que mejor explicaban la distribución de los anfípodos, de acuerdo con los resultados del análisis CCA. Las especies también fueron clasificadas en base a su tolerancia a la polución ambiental, siguiendo los criterios establecidos por los índices AMBI y BENTIX. La gran abundancia de especies sensibles refleja el buen estado ecológico de los sedimentos estudiados. Sin embargo, la aplicabilidad de los índices bióticos en cuevas submarinas debería ser testada en futuros estudios.Financial support for this work was provided by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project CGL 2011-22474, internal reference 2011-707). It was cofinanced by FEDER funds of the European Union and by the Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (Project P11-RNM-7041)

    Los caprélidos (Crustacea: Amphipoda) del estrecho de Gibraltar y su utilidad como bioindicadores marinos

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    Los caprélidos son pequeños crustáceos marinos que viven asociados a algas e invertebrados marinos principalmente. Aunque son fundamentales en las redes tróficas marinas y sirven de alimento a muchas especies de peces, han sido muy poco estudiados. El laboratorio de Biología Marina ha desarrollado en los últimos años un estudio exhaustivo de las comunidades de caprélidos del Campo de Gibraltar. Se han descrito 10 especies nuevas para la ciencia y seis nuevas citas para el estrecho de Gibraltar ascendiendo hasta 28 el número de especies conocidas para el Campo de Gibraltar. La mayoría de las especies de caprélidos se han encontrado sobre algas e hidrozoos, aunque algunos se han encontrado asociados al sedimento. En cuanto al modo de alimentación, existen especies filtradoras, depredadoras y depositívoras y se concluye que la estrategia alimentaria está claramente relacionada con el comportamiento de sujección al sustrato (posición erguida versus paralela). Se ha observado canibalismo en la especie Phtisica marina y cuidado parental de los juveniles en Pseudoprotella phasma . Al carecer de fase larvaria planctónica, los caprélidos tienen limitada la capacidad de dispersión. Se ha demostrado también el valor de los caprélidos como bioindicadores; estudiando la comunidad de caprélidos puede conocerse, sin necesidad de realizar costosos análisis fisicoquímicos, la calidad ambiental de las zonas costeras

    Intervención psicológica en los juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe - Mayagüez 2010

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    Suplemento de artículos seleccionados con revisión del Congreso Andaluz de Psicología de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (13 : 2011 : Sevilla). Editores : José Carlos Caracuel ; Rocío Bohórquez.This paper presents an intervention model for major sports events, during which it is normally not easy for significant numbers of psychologists to work with similar intervention strategies. The importance of these Games to Puerto Rico -the event organizer - periodization of the event, academic formation of the psychologists intervening in the project as well as the different phases in it are explained. Direct and indirect interventions are presented along with field experiences to increase their relevance. The multidisciplinary scope of the programme shows the importance of including a variety of agents in the event, which goes beyond individual work with athletes

    Redescription of Caprella hirsuta Mayer, 1890 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidea) from the Strait of Gibraltar

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    Caprella hirsuta Mayer, 1890 is redescribed based on specimens collected from the Strait of Gibraltar (Southern Spain-Northern Africa) during a study of the amphipod fauna from these coasts. Careful examination of these caprellids revealed differences with the previous descriptions, mainly the structure of gnathopod 2, pereopods and abdomen

    Controlador caché para la gestión de imágenes en OpenNebula [Mejoras para la gestión interna de clouds privados]

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es proporcionar al ecosistema de OpenNebula un nuevo sistema de gestión de imágenes de máquinas virtuales mediante el módulo de “Transfer Manager”. Vimos que los diferentes gestores de transferencias de imágenes virtuales de OpenNebula se comportaban de la misma forma con aquellas imágenes que habían sido desplegadas por un host con anterioridad que con aquellas que nunca hubieran desplegado. Es decir, un host que siempre utilizaba una imagen tardaba lo mismo que un host que utiliza diferentes imágenes. Nuestro proyecto resuelve dichos tiempos incluyendo un completo sistema de gestión de memoria caché, centralizado en servidor, para el almacenamiento de imágenes en nodos y gestión de aquellas imágenes que se vayan a desplegar con más frecuencia en diferentes hosts, para ello se utilizan un conjunto configurable de políticas de reemplazo que indicarán qué imágenes son susceptibles de abandonar la caché debido a la falta de espacio. Con este sistema se pretende minimizar el tiempo de despliegue de las máquinas, de forma que el impacto en el usuario final a la hora de solicitar una imagen sea menor. Por otro lado, se elimina la congestión que pueda tener la red tanto a nivel general como en picos de solicitudes de máquinas virtuales. Por todo lo anterior, nuestra intención es ayudar a la comunidad de OpenNebula aportado una nueva perspectiva en el manejo de imágenes. El diseño del “plugin” se ha realizado de forma que sea ampliamente configurable y extensible, proporcionando facilidad hacia futuras implementaciones tanto para la realización de extensiones para nueva políticas de reemplazo y como para mejoras en su diseño. [ABSTRACT] The objective of this project is to provide the ecosystem of OpenNebula a new system image management of virtual machines using the module "Transfer Manager". We saw that the different managers of virtual image transfers of OpenNeubla behave the same way with images that had deployed before by a host that with those who had never deployed. That is, a host who always use the same image spend the same time that a host that uses different images. Our project resolves these times including a complete management system centralized server cache for storing images on management node images that are to be deployed more often in different hosts, this will use a configurable set of replacement policies that indicate which images are likely to leave the cache due to lack of space. This system aims to minimize deployment time machine, so that the impact on the end user when requesting an image is less. On the other hand, removes congestion network may have both general and peaks of applications of virtual machines. For all these reasons, we intend to help the community of OpenNebula provided a new perspective in the management of images. The design of the "plugin" has been made so that it is highly configurable and extensible, providing ease to future implementations for both completion of extensions for new and replacement policies to design improvement

    Management System for Harvest Scheduling: The Case of Horticultural Production in Southeast Spain

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    This article analyzes the programming of farm production, understood not only as the choice among several crops, but also as their temporal distribution. The empirical study takes as a reference the horticultural sector in southeast Spain, since this area constitutes the highest concentration of small-scale farm production in Europe, where the climatic conditions allow the possibility of several harvests in year-round production, as well as several alternative crops. Firstly, we study the production programming for an individual farmer, under the assumption that their decisions do not affect the balance of market prices. In this case a modified Markowitz model is used for the scheduling of crop marketing. Secondly, we study the sales arrangements for a farming-marketing cooperative, under the assumption that their sales volume is such that the entity is capable of altering the market balance. A model of monthly revenues and margins is proposed, and the results show a clear improvement in both margins and revenues if the harvest is programmed in this way

    Retail price rigidity in perishable food products: a case study

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    Why are retailers less likely to vary sale prices of food products when the price paid to the farmer falls than when it rises? As far as perishable goods are concerned, this behavior is usually related to the retailer’s bargaining power. With a view to analyzing the question in greater depth, this study presents a simplified framework considering an ideal scenario in which the retailer wishes to maintain balanced profits due to external pressures or other factors, such as a competitive distribution market. In the face of changing supply, the price-fixing decision of the distributor may also depend on the risk, measured by the relationship between demand elasticity and variable costs, as a result of uncertainty in consumer response to price variations. The simulation of these scenarios is carried out taking as reference the Spanish tomato market. The results of these applications allow to see that despite a relaxation of bargaining power, price asymmetry is not avoided. This work shows the difficulty for suppliers and retailers to reach agreements which could result in competitive advantages

    Intensive Horticulture in Almería (Spain): A Counterpoint to Current European Rural Policy Strategies

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    Much of the recently published literature in Europe on rural development tends to focus on de-agrarianization and multifunctionality in rural livelihoods as a way to generate employ- ment and incomes. This paper analyses the case of Almería (Spain), an exception to this general rule. Almería, once one of the poorest Spanish provinces, has become the most affluent province in Andalusia and ranks now about average in Spain. This fast growth rate was achieved thanks to the development of intensive horticulture and its processes of change from the 1970s to the present day, due to the factors reviewed in the present study.This success story is a counterpoint to current European rural development strategies that consider the promotion of agriculture a mistake and advocate instead the economic diversification of farms