802 research outputs found

    Turismo residencial y sostenibilidad: el caso de la costa sur-occidental española

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    La historia reciente de la provincia de Huelva aparece condicionada por la decisión tecnocrática de la instalación, en los años sesenta, de un polo industrial de desarrollo junto a la capital. Durante la década de los noventa, se producen, simultáneamente, una serie de crisis que golpean la economía provincial. Por una parte, el sector industrial se enfrenta a la necesidad de adaptarse a un contexto más competitivo, nuevas normativas europeas, cuestiones sociolaborales, requisitos ambientales… que ponen en peligro su supervivencia. Al mismo tiempo, la crisis de la pesca tradicional afectó profundamente a los municipios de costa. Ante las crisis de estos sectores tradicionales, en las últimas dos décadas surgen la agricultura industrial y el turismo como alternativas de desarrollo. En concreto, los municipios costeros, comienzan a plantearse nuevas fórmulas de desarrollo turístico. El “turismo de calidad y respetuoso con el medio ambiente” aparece como la referencia que orienta las iniciativas municipales, intentando dejar atrás el poco rentable turismo familiar de masas, estacional y residencial, que se había desarrollado hasta los noventa en localidades como Matalascañas o Punta Umbría. La calidad y la sostenibilidad se erigen como el discurso político-empresarial hegemónico para el nuevo desarrollo turístico de la zona

    Formación y competencias en la profesión del sociólogo/a

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    El análisis de la valoración que las personas egresadas en sociología realizan sobre las competencias que obtuvieron en su formación universitaria, y su utilidad percibida en la inserción y trayectoria profesional proporciona evidencias para la discusión sobre la relación entre la profesión y la titulación-formación. A partir de los datos proporcionados por la encuesta sobre "La situación profesional de los titulados y doctores en Sociología y Ciencias Políticas" que se realizó en el año 2014, los resultados muestran que las inserciones profesionales en el ámbito profesional de la sociología se caracterizan por una diversidad de trayectorias. En un mercado profesional donde las fronteras disciplinarias son difusas, cobran relevancia tanto aquellas competencias relacionadas con las capacidades instrumentales y personales, aquellas más específicas de conocimientos disciplinares con una necesaria aplicabilidad de los conocimientos y habilidades de la práctica del trabajo sociológico

    Influence of Wind on Suspended Matter in the Water of the Albufera of Valencia (Spain)

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    Wind significantly influences suspended matter in lakes, especially in shallow lagoons. To know how wind affects the water in Albufera of Valencia, a shallow coastal lagoon, the measured variables of turbidity and transparency have been correlated with the estimates by processing Sentinel-2 satellite images with the Sen2Cor processor. Data from four years of study of winds show that most of them are light to gentle easterly breezes and moderate to fresh westerly breezes. The obtained results show significant correlations between the measured variables and those obtained from the satellite images for total suspended matter and water transparency, as well as with the average daily wind speed. There is no significant correlation between wind and chlorophyll a. Moderate to fresh breezes resuspend the fine sediment reaching concentration values from 100 to 300 mg/L according to satellite data. However, it is necessary to obtain field data for the values of moderate and fresh winds, as for now, there are no experimental data to verify the validity of the satellite estimates

    Discourse analysis of the debate on hydroelectric dam builiding in Brazil

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    In recent years new hydroelectric dam projects in Brazil have led to intense debate across society. A range of different social actors have been engaged in these controversies, all of them deploying different discourses to legitimise their postures. This paper addresses the study of the discourses emerging around this debate in the case of two hydroelectric projects in the Cuenca del Alto Paraná River, and examines the way the multiple arguments emanating from the social actors are grouped together. On the basis of a content analysis of qualitative interviews a factor analysis was carried out to identify the groups of arguments. One of the main outcomes of this analysis highlighted the discursive isolation of a single social group – the people affected by the construction of the dams – in contrast to the other actors, who shared arguments grounded in techno-economic rationales. As opposed to this, those affected by the dam projects used arguments based on their emotions, identities and daily experiences of place; their perspectives were absent from the discourses of other actors

    El patrimonio fotográfico de la Universidad de Salamanca: la creación de una fototeca digital

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    The cultural heritage of the University of Salamanca is very large and it is dispersed in several collections and institutions in University of Salamanca and in other ones. For the development of this work, we have created a team with professors that cover several disciplines (communication and documentation). In this work we explain the digital photo archives, the inventory process of selection of the holdings, the selected metadata for the photographic description, as well as the difficulties and the future lines of work, with the objective of showing how to recover and work with the photographic heritage of the universities.La Universidad de Salamanca tiene un amplio patrimonio fotográfico disperso en distintas colecciones y fondos ubicados en centros pertenecientes a la Universidad y ajenos a ella. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo hemos creado un grupo de investigación multidisciplinar. En la presente ponencia mostraremos el análisis de las distintas fototecas digitales que se encuentran en la red, el proceso de inventario de fondos pertenecientes al patrimonio fotográfico de la Universidad de Salamanca, los elementos elegidos para la descripción fotográfica, así como las líneas de trabajo futuro, con el objetivo de mostrar a otros cómo recuperar y trabajar con el patrimonio fotográfico

    Impacto social y desarrollo: contribuciones y retos desde la experiencia iberoamericana

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    La edición del libro está financiada por la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana, a través del proyecto AICO con referencia 2022-40506P0007

    Preanalytical errors: the professionals’ perspective

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    This study was aimed at understanding the perspective on preanalytical errors from the point of view of the professionals involved in the preanalytical process. A significant contribution of their specialized knowledge and experience in day-to-day practice for identifying these kinds of mistakes, and their most frequent causes, was expected.It seems evident that weaknesses and threats are closely related to institutional organization aspects and the same is true for positive elements (strengths and opportunities). There is also an important appreciation of the staff’s implication. Staff´s opinions should be taken into account by institution managers, as they offer an approach that is different and complementary to the one traditionally applied, which is purely managerial and therefore not sufficient. The results should be complemented with more updated information. Multidisciplinary cooperation must involve not only professionals from different fields but also with different roles, i.e., managers, in order to obtain results that can be used to improve healthcare, save costs and to guarantee patient’s safety. We will continue with this research line investigating the same questions among primary care staff, in order to assess “the other side of the coin” of this problem.This study was partially supported by project Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) grant PIFIS 1099/12 from “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social. Gobierno de España. (Health Ministry, Spanish Government).Yes2015-04-0

    Treatment of real winery wastewater by wet oxidation at mild temperature

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    This study explores the treatment of high-strength real winery wastewater (COD0 ≈ 35 g/L, TOC0 ≈ 11 g/L) by wet oxidation processes. Wet air oxidation (WAO), catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO), H 2O2-promoted CWAO, wet peroxide oxidation (WPO) and catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) were the options tested using different carbon-based catalysts, viz. activated carbon, carbon black and graphite. Their suitability was analyzed in terms of polyphenol, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total organic carbon (TOC) abatement upon 4 h reaction time. The results showed that hydrogen peroxide was the unique oxidant capable of achieving an effective reduction of the organic load. The graphite tested was the most active catalyst, most probably due in great part to its Fe content (0.4 wt.%), resistant to leaching. CWPO with that graphite was tested at different conditions following the evolution of COD, TOC and ecotoxicity. The best results were obtained by using graphite at 5 g/L, the original pH of the wastewater (3.8), 125 °C and the stoichiometric amount of hydrogen peroxide distributed in stepwise additions. Under those conditions, 80% COD and TOC removals with 85% of hydrogen peroxide efficiency were achieved after 4 h reaction time, giving rise to colorless effluents of very low Microtox ecotoxicityThe authors wish to thank the Spanish MICINN for the financial support through the projects CTQ2008-03988/PPQ and CTQ2010-14807. The Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid is also gratefully acknowledged for the financial support through the project S2009/AMB-158

    Screening of antibacterial activity in marine green and brown macroalgae from the coast of Morocco

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    Antibacterial activity of methanolic extracts from 32 macroalgae (13 Chlorophyta and 19 Phaeophyta) from the Atlantic and Mediterranean coast of Morocco were evaluated for the production of antibacterial compounds against Escherichia coliATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, Klebsiella pnomeuniae ATCC 700603 and E. faecalis ATCC 29213. Our results indicate that these species of seaweed collected from the Atlantic and Mediterranean coast of Morocco present a significant capacity of antibacterial activities, which makes them interesting for screening for natural products.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation and Development of the Foreign Ministry (AECID) (A/ 3952/05, A/ 5583/06)

    Graphite and carbon black materials as catalysts for wet peroxide oxidation

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    This study explores the application of non-porous carbon materials, two graphites (G-F, G-S) and two carbon blacks (CB-V and CB-C) as catalysts for wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO). The activity, efficiency and stability of these carbon materials have been evaluated using phenol as target compound. The catalyst screening experiments were carried out batch-wise at CPhenol,0=1g/L, CH2O2,0=5g/L, Ccat=2.5g/L, T=80°C and pH0=3.5. The results allow concluding that CB-C was the most stable catalyst, although it showed a lower oxidation and mineralization activity than G-S and CB-V. Increasing the temperature up to 90°C allowed complete phenol conversion and around 70% TOC reduction with 100% efficiency of hydrogen peroxide consumption upon 20h reaction time at 5g/L CB-C load. As a consequence of the initial oxidation of the carbon surface, the electrochemical properties of CB-C were favorably changed upon CWPO and its catalytic performance was improved from the first to the second use and then maintained upon successive applications in a five-cycle testThe authors wish to thank the Spanish MICINN for the financial support through the projects CTQ2008-03988/PPQ and CTQ2010-14807. The Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid is also gratefully acknowledged for the financial support through the project S2009/AMB-158