300 research outputs found

    Tourism and economic growth: a meta-analysis of panel data studies

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    Although for decades it has been acknowledged that tourism likely contributes to economic growth, theoretical models that consider a causal relationship between both are a recent phenomenon. From a sample of 11 studies based on panel data techniques published through to 2011, and for a total of 87 heterogeneous estimations, a metaanalysis is performed by applying models for both fixed and random effects, with the main objective being to calculate a summary measure of the effects of tourism on economic growth. While the results obtained point to a positive elasticity between economic growth and tourism, the magnitude of the effect was found to vary according to the methodological procedure employed in the original studies for empirical estimations

    Complex interactions in microbial food webs : stoichiometric and functional approaches

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    The food web structure in some high mountain lakes deviates from the established tendency of high heterotrophic bacteria: phytoplankton biomass ratios in oligotrophic ecosystems. Thus, the microbial food web in La Caldera Lake is weakly developed, and bacteria constitute a minor component of the plankton community in terms of abundance, biomass and production. Autotrophic picoplankton is absent, and heterotrophic microbial food web is weakly developed compared to a grazing chain dominated by calanoid copepods and a phytoplankton community mainly composed of mixotrophic flagellates. In order to explain the singular food web structure of this lake, functional, stoichiometric and taxonomical approaches are followed to assess, on various temporal and spatial scales, the relevance of stressful abiotic factors (ultraviolet solar radiation and P-limitation) on the structure and functioning of this ecosystem. P-availability was the main factor controlling the algal biomass whereas bacterial P- limitation was a transient phenomenon. The algae-bacteria relationship was predominately commensalistic. In contrast to algae, full-sunlight radiation had no negative effect on bacterial growth but rather enhanced bacterial dependence on the carbon released by algae. The prevalence of the commensalistic-mutualistic relationship and the development of a more complex microbial food web were related to the stoichiometry of algae and bacteria (N:P ratios). The microbial food web only developed at balanced algal and bacterial N:P ratios, with the appearance of ciliates after a nutrient pulse. However, mixotrophic algae dominated the planktonic community under P-deficit conditions, and they were the main factor controlling bacterioplankton. Their regulatory effect has a dual nature: (i) a resource-based control, where bacteria depend on the photosynthetic carbon released by algae, i.e., a commensalistic interaction ("without you I cannot live"); and (ii) a predatory control, where bacteria is a prey for mixotrophs ("with you I die"). Hence, the niche of microheterotrophs (nanoflagellates and ciliates) is occupied by mixotrophs, and there is a resulting simplification of the planktonic structure. With respect to the carbon cycle, mixotrophic bacterivory constitutes a "by-pass" for the flux of C towards the grazing chain, precluding the development of a complex heterotrophic microbial food web. Mixotrophs thereby improve the energetic transfer efficiency in high mountain lakes through a reduction in the number of trophic levels. Antagonistic effects of UVR x P interactions on the algae-bacteria relationship were caused by an enhancement of dual (resource and predation) control. Based on these results, an alternative model for the flux of C in autotrophic high mountain lakes has been proposed.La estructura de la red trófica en algunos lagos de alta montaña, se aleja de los patrones establecidos para ecosistemas oligotróficos que proponen el predominio de la red trófica microbiana sobre la cadena de pastoreo. Así, en la laguna de La Caldera las bacterias son el componente minoritario de la comunidad planctónica en términos de abundancia, biomasa y producción. El picoplancton autótrofo está ausente y la red microbiana heterotrófica se encuentra escasamente desarrollada frente a una cadena de pastoreo dominada por copépodos calanoides y algas mixotróficas. Para comprender los mecanismos que determinan esta estructura trófica hemos seguido diferentes aproximaciones de análisis: funcional, estequiométrica y taxonómica sobre distintas escalas espaciales y temporales, en relación con los principales factores de estrés abiótico (radiación ultravioleta y limitación por fósforo) que controlan el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas de alta montaña. Nuestros resultados indican que la disponibilidad de fósforo, de forma generalizada, controla la biomasa algal y de manera transitoria la bacteriana, estableciéndose entre ambas comunidades una relación comensalista. La radiación solar completa no afecta negativamente el desarrollo de las bacterias y si el de las algas y potencia la relación de dependencia por el carbono orgánico (comensalismo) entre algas y bacterias. El predominio de la relación comensalista-mutualista y el desarrollo del bucle microbiano esta relacionado con la estequiometría (razón N:P) de algas y bacterias. Así, sólo cuando la razón N:P de algas y bacterias es equilibrada para crecer, un pulso de nutrientes permite el desarrollo del bucle microbiano. En condiciones naturales de déficit de P, sin embargo, existe un predominio de "algas" con metabolismo mixotrófico. Las algas mixotróficas ejercen un efecto regulador dual sobre las bacterias que denominamos Ni contigo ni sin ti, (i) control por depredación, donde las bacterias son consumidas por algas mixotróficas ("contigo me muero"), (ii) control basado en los recursos estableciéndose una relación de dependencia de las bacterias sobre del carbono liberado por las algas ("sin ti no puedo vivir"). La mixotrofia supone un simplificación en la cadena trófica microbiana, donde los mixótrofos ocupan el nicho potencial de nanoflagelados y ciliados. Desde un punto de vista energético implica un cortocircuito en el flujo de energía y un incremento en la eficiencia de transferencia energética en ecosistemas ultraoligotróficos y con alta dosis de radiación ultravioleta (RUV). Los efectos de la interacción entre RUV y pulsos de P tienen un efecto antagónico sobre la interacción alga-bacteria, intensificando la interacción comensal-depredadora. A partir de los resultados obtenidos proponemos un modelo alternativo de flujo de energía para ecosistemas autotróficos de alta montaña

    Reconstrucción de las capturas de la pesquería artesanal en las Islas Canarias (Atlántico Nororiental) desde 1950 hasta 2010

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    Total marine fisheries catches within the exclusive economic zone of the Canary Islands, Spain, were reconstructed to include catches from the various small-scale artisanal fleets and their discards, as well as subsistence, recreational and other unreported catch. Total reconstructed catch was estimated at 38600 t in 1950, increasing to 81200 t in 1985, declining to approximately 43700 t year–1 in the early 2000s, and finally spiking to about 65300 t year–1 by the late 2000s. These catches coincide with a severe depletion of fish stocks, especially those of demersal species, due in part to fishing overcapacity in the artisanal sector, despite attempts to limit effort by the government. Spain only started to report catches to the FAO in 2006, and from 2006 to 2010 reconstructed catch was seven times the reported catch. Nearly 70% of this catch was from the recreational fishing sector, due in part to technological advancements and increased investments in the construction and improvement of secondary ports.Las capturas totales marinas dentro de la Zona Económica Exclusiva (ZEE) de las Islas Canarias (España) fueron reconstruidas incluyendo las capturas procedentes de diferentes flotas artesanales, así como sus descartes, y además la pesca de subsistencia, recreativa y capturas no reportadas. La captura total reconstruida fue estimada en 38600 t anuales in 1950, incrementándose hasta 81200 t anuales en 1985, para posteriormente disminuir a 43700 t·anuales al comienzo de la década del 2000 y finalmente aumentar hasta 65300 t·anuales al final de esa década. Estas capturas coinciden con una disminución acusada de los stocks pesqueros, especialmente de las especies demersales. Este descenso fue debido en parte a la sobrecapacidad del sector artesanal, a pesar de los esfuerzos realizados por el Gobierno para limitarla. A partir del año 2006 se comenzó a reportar para FAO las capturas en el estado español, y las capturas reconstruidas en el período 2006-2010 fueron 7 veces superiores a las capturas reportadas. Aproximadamente el 70% de esta captura proviene del sector pesquero recreativo, debido en parte a los avances tecnológicos y al incremento de las inversiones en la construcción y mejora de recintos portuarios secundarios

    Exploring the effect of tourism on economic growth in the Spanish provinces and autonomous communities, 1999–2008

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    The authors explore the extent to which tourism contributed to the economic growth of the different Spanish provinces and autonomous communities in the period 1999–2008. The results obtained by panel data analysis show that the elasticity of the provincial productivity with respect to tourism is equal to 0.10 when overnight stays of foreign tourists are taken as the indicator of provincial tourism, and 0.11 when total overnight stays are taken as the indicator. The results also show that the elasticity of the productivity of the autonomous communities with respect to tourism is slightly lower than the elasticity of the provincial productivity

    Análisis de la contribución del Turismo nacional y extranjero a la producción en las provincias españolas (1999-2008)

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es contrastar en qué medida el turismo, tanto nacional comoextranjero, contribuye al crecimiento económico de las distintas provincias españolas ycomprobar si las diferencias de turismo provincial son explicativas de las diferencias deVAB entre las distintas provincias y de sus tasas de crecimiento. Los resultadosobtenidos mediante la técnica de datos de panel ponen de manifiesto que el turismocontribuye positivamente a la producción provincial. El diferente nivel turístico deorigen nacional y extranjero explica un 2.8 y un 5.2 por ciento de las diferencias de VAB entre provincias españolas, respectivamente. Y cada tipo de turismo explica en un3.2 por ciento su crecimiento

    Systematic Simplified Simulation Methodology for Deep Energy Retrofitting Towards Nze Targets Using Life Cycle Energy Assessment

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    The reduction of energy consumption in the residential sector presents substantial potential through the implementation of energy e ciency improvement measures. Current trends involve the use of simulation tools which obtain the buildings’ energy performance to support the development of possible solutions to help reduce energy consumption. However, simulation tools demand considerable amounts of data regarding the buildings’ geometry, construction, and frequency of use. Additionally, the measured values tend to be di erent from the estimated values obtained with the use of energy simulation programs, an issue known as the ‘performance gap’. The proposed methodology provides a solution for both of the aforementioned problems, since the amount of data needed is considerably reduced and the results are calibrated using measured values. This new approach allows to find an optimal retrofitting project by life cycle energy assessment, in terms of cost and energy savings, for individual buildings as well as several blocks of buildings. Furthermore, the potential for implementation of the methodology is proven by obtaining a comprehensive energy rehabilitation plan for a residential building. The developed methodology provides highly accurate estimates of energy savings, directly linked to the buildings’ real energy needs, reducing the di erence between the consumption measured and the predictions

    The Effect of Lifestyle Intervention on Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: A Meta-Analysis

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    [EN] The aim of this meta-analysis was to assess the effects of a lifestyle intervention through health education on nutrition, physical activity, and healthy habits on physical and mental health-related quality of life (HRQoL), in adults with metabolic syndrome (MetS). The databases used were PubMed, WOS, and Scopus. The inclusion criteria were: observational, longitudinal and randomized clinical trial (RCT) study designs, adults (both sexes), with at least two criteria of MetS, lifestyle intervention and comparison with a control group, and a measurement of HRQoL with a validated questionnaire. We analyzed the Hedges’ g and SF-36 score. I2 statistics were calculated and possible publication and small study biases were assessed using Egger’s test and funnel plots. Seven RCTs were selected for meta-analysis, based on 637 study participants. Significant improvements were found in the physical dimensions of the HRQoL scores for subjects in the active intervention compared to the group that received general lifestyle information (Hedges’ g 0.61, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.31–0.91). Mental health-related quality of life was also significantly improved in the intervention group compared with the control group (Hedges’ g 0.84, 95% CI = 0.64–1.03). In conclusion, our results suggest that, according to the RCTs selected for this meta-analysis, a lifestyle intervention significantly improves HRQoL in all its domains.SIThis research was funded by Fondo de Investigación para la Salud (FIS), which is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund grant PI17/00532

    Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) Instruments and Mobility: A Systematic Review

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    [EN] Physical function is one of the most important constructs assessed in health-related quality of life (HRQOL), and it could be very useful to assess movement ability from the perspective of the patient. The objective of this study was to compare the content of the domains related to mobility covered by the HRQOL questionnaires based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and to evaluate their quality according to the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) guidance. For this, a systematic review was carried out in the databases Scopus, Web of Science and Science Direct. The inclusion criteria were development and/or validation studies about generic HRQOL measures, and the instruments had to include items related to mobility and studies written in English or Spanish. The comparison of content was performed using the ICF coding system. A total of 3614 articles were found, 20 generic HRQOL instruments were identified and 120 (22.4%) mobility-related items were found. Walking was the most represented category. Low-quality evidence on some measurement properties of the generic HRQOL instruments was revealed. The CAT-Health is a useful questionnaire to be used in rehabilitation due to its psychometric properties and its content.S

    Compositional and structural analysis of engineered stones and inorganic particles in silicotic nodules of exposed workers

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    Background Engineered stone silicosis is an emerging disease in many countries worldwide produced by the inhalation of respirable dust of engineered stone. This silicosis has a high incidence among young workers, with a short latency period and greater aggressiveness than silicosis caused by natural materials. Although the silica content is very high and this is the key factor, it has been postulated that other constituents in engineered stones can influence the aggressiveness of the disease. Different samples of engineered stone countertops (fabricated by workers during the years prior to their diagnoses), as well as seven lung samples from exposed patients, were analyzed by multiple techniques. Results The different countertops were composed of SiO2 in percentages between 87.9 and 99.6%, with variable relationships of quartz and cristobalite depending on the sample. The most abundant metals were Al, Na, Fe, Ca and Ti. The most frequent volatile organic compounds were styrene, toluene and m-xylene, and among the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenanthrene and naphthalene were detected in all samples. Patients were all males, between 26 and 46 years-old (average age: 36) at the moment of the diagnosis. They were exposed to the engineered stone an average time of 14 years. At diagnosis, only one patient had progressive massive fibrosis. After a follow-up period of 8 +/- 3 years, four patients presented progressive massive fibrosis. Samples obtained from lung biopsies most frequently showed well or ill-defined nodules, composed of histiocytic cells and fibroblasts without central hyalinization. All tissue samples showed high proportion of Si and Al at the center of the nodules, becoming sparser at the periphery. Al to Si content ratios turned out to be higher than 1 in two of the studied cases. Correlation between Si and Al was very high (r = 0.93). Conclusion Some of the volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metals detected in the studied countertop samples have been described as causative of lung inflammation and respiratory disease. Among inorganic constituents, aluminum has been a relevant component within the silicotic nodule, reaching atomic concentrations even higher than silicon in some cases. Such concentrations, both for silicon and aluminum showed a decreasing tendency from the center of the nodule towards its frontier