666 research outputs found

    Projecto de Intervenção: Criação de uma Sala de Informática

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    O trabalho que se apresenta enquadra-se na elaboração de um projecto de intervenção intitulado “criação de uma sala de informática”. Esse projecto será implementado na Escola do Ensino Básico Integrado de Achada Leitão. Foi orientado pelo Dr. Pedro António Moreira Monteiro e é apresentado como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de licenciatura em Supervisão e Orientação Pedagógica pela Universidade de Cabo Verde. O objectivo fundamental desse projecto consiste em promover a melhoria no processo ensino- aprendizagem na Escola Básica de Achada Leitão. Constitui, igualmente, o objectivo do mesmo, promover o uso do computador como instrumento de apoio às matérias e aos conteúdos programáticos, além da função de preparar os alunos para uma sociedade “informatizada”

    Contributo para uma formação contínua centrada nas necessidades dos professores do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico na área de Ciências da Natureza

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Educação, especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica em Ensino das Ciências da Natureza.A presente investigação insere-se no grupo de pesquisas realizadas na área de Formação Contínua (FC) de professores e pretende contribuir para a implementação de uma FC adequada às reais necessidades de formação dos professores do 1º ciclo na área das Ciências da Natureza. O principal objectivo que norteou a sua realização foi: - Analisar a adequação da FC realizada pelos Centros de Formação das Associações da Escolas (CFAE’s) às necessidades e características da formação desejada pelos professores do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1ºCEB). Como se trata de um estudo exploratório relativamente às necessidades de FC, consideramos igualmente oportuno orientar o estudo no sentido da prossecução dos seguintes objectivos complementares: - Identificar a percepção dos professores do 1º CEB relativamente aos aspectos em que se deve centrar a FC dos CFAE’s, às motivações e limitações sentidas pelos professores para frequentar as acções de FC e às metodologias de diagnóstico das necessidades de FC no âmbito das CN. - Averiguar da possível influência das variáveis sexo e distrito nas necessidades de FC dos professores do 1º CEB, nas características da FC desejada, nos aspectos em que se deve centrar a FC dos (CFAE’s), nas motivações e limitações para a frequência de FC e nas metodologias de diagnóstico das necessidades de FC no âmbito das CN. De forma a atingir estes objectivos, recolheram-se dados a partir da aplicação de um questionário a uma amostra de 88 professores do 1º CEB dos distritos de Bragança e Vila Real e de investigação documental relativa a 509 acções de FC no âmbito das CN, realizadas no período de 1997 a 2002, em 13 CFAE’s dos mesmos distritos. Os dados recolhidos foram submetidos a tratamento estatístico com recurso ao programa SPSS, versão 10.0. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a seguinte principal conclusão: - A FC realizada nos CFAE’s dos dois distritos em estudo não vai de encontro às necessidades de FC na área de CN manifestadas pelos professores da amostra no que diz respeito aos temas da especialidade em CN nem aos temas da metodologia das CN. Não apresenta adequação com as principais motivações dos professores para frequentar FC, nem com a modalidade de formação por eles mais desejada. O aspecto onde se verificou maior adequação entre a formação oferecida pelos CFAE’s e as preferências dos professores foi no número de níveis de ensino a contemplar pelas acções de formação.The following research relates to the Continuous Training (CT) of teachers and intends to contribute towards the implementation of an adequate CT which addresses the real needs of primary school teacher training in the field of Nature Sciences. The main objective of this study has been the following: - To analyze the adequacy of CT carried out by the Training Centres of the Associations of Schools (TCAS) in relation to the needs and characteristics of the training desired by the primary school teachers. As it constitutes an exploratory study in relation to the needs of CT, we find it equally opportune to guide the research towards the pursuit of the following complementary goals: - To identify how primary school teachers perceive what aspects the CT carried out by the TCAS should focus on, the motivating factors and limitations felt by the teachers who attend these CT sessions and the methodologies of diagnostics of the CT needs in the field of Nature Sciences. - To investigate the possible influence of the variables of gender and district in the CT needs of primary school teachers, in the characteristics of the CT desired, in the aspects in which the CT carried out by the TCAS should focus on, in the motivating factors and limitations for attending the CT and in the methodologies of diagnosing the needs of CT in the field of Nature Sciences. In order to achieve these goals, data was collected by means of a questionnaire distributed to a sample of 88 primary school teachers in the districts of Bragança and Vila Real and by analyzing documents related to 509 CT sessions in the field of Nature Sciences carried out during a period from 1997 and 2002, in 13 Training Centres of the same districts. The data compiled was then submitted to statistical analysis by using the SPSS program, version 10.0. The results that have been obtained point towards the following main conclusion: The CT carried out in the TCAS of both districts being studied do not match the training needs in Nature Sciences which were pointed out by the teachers involved in the study sample, neither in relation to the topics of Nature Sciences nor in the topics of methodologies of the CT. It does not match the main motivating factors of teachers for attending the CT, nor the type of training desired by them. The aspect which comes closer to matching the training provided by the TCAS and the teachers’ preferences is the number of teaching levels involved in the training sessions

    Wind Risk Assessment in Urban Environments: The Case of Falling Trees During Windstorm Events in Lisbon

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    Trees bring many benefits to the urban environment. However, they may also cause hazards to human population, being the major causes of injuries and infrastructural damage during strong wind events. In the city of Lisbon, strong winds rather frequently result in tree falls, depending on the season and meteorological conditions. This paper presents a methodology to analyse tree damage due to strong wind events in urban environments. Each occurrence has been recorded by the Lisbon Fire Brigade and Rescue Services (Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa - RSBL). Information provided by RSBL relating to the period of 1990-2005 was considered along with hourly wind speed and direction, species, fitossanitary conditions and urban parameters. To ensure that the fallen trees were caused by strong winds, only days with three or more occurrences of fallen trees were selected. It was found that in summer, northerly winds are responsible for 11% of tree falls, with winds from other directions (west, southwest and south) responsible for 5%. From autumn to spring, perturbed weather conditions originating from the west, southwest and south are responsible for 84% of fallen trees. The majority of tree falls occurred when wind speed surpassed 7 m/s in the six hours prior to their fall. Some recommendations to the Civil Protection Agency and the Fire Department are presented to improve the mission of collecting information. This research is a contribution to the assessment of wind risk in Lisbon

    Wind risk assessment in urban environments: the case of falling trees during windstorm events in Lisbon

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    Trees bring many benefits to the urban environment. However, they may also cause hazards to human population, being the major causes of injuries and infrastructural damage during strong wind events. In the city of Lisbon, strong winds rather frequently result in tree falls, depending on the season and meteorological conditions. This paper presents a methodology to analyse tree damage due to strong wind events in urban environments. Each occurrence has been recorded by the Lisbon Fire Brigade and Rescue Services (Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa - RSBL). Information provided by RSBL relating to the period of 1990-2005 was considered along with hourly wind speed and direction, species, fitossanitary conditions and urban parameters. To ensure that the fallen trees were caused by strong winds, only days with three or more occurrences of fallen trees were selected. It was found that in summer, northerly winds are responsible for 11% of tree falls, with winds from other directions (west, southwest and south) responsible for 5%. From autumn to spring, perturbed weather conditions originating from the west, southwest and south are responsible for 84% of fallen trees. The majority of tree falls occurred when wind speed surpassed 7 m/s in the six hours prior to their fall. Some recommendations to the Civil Protection Agency and the Fire Department are presented to improve the mission of collecting information. This research is a contribution to the assessment of wind risk in Lisbon

    On the Use of Thermal Properties for Characterizing Dimension Stones

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    The use of dimension stones in architecture and civil engineering implies the knowledge of several mechanical, physical, and chemical properties. Even though it has been usual practice to measure physical and mechanical properties of dimension stones the same is not true for thermal properties such as thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat capacity, and heat production. These properties are particularly important when processes related with heating and cooling of buildings must be considered. Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat capacity are related with the way thermal energy is transmitted and accumulated in stones; heat production has to do with the amount of radioactive elements in the rocks and so with the environmental impact of radioactivity and public health problems. It is important to start to measure on a routine basis those four thermal properties in rocks and, in particular, in dimension rocks so that their application can be improved and optimized. With this is mind three sets of different rock types (granites, limestones, and marbles) were collected to measure the thermal conductivity, the thermal diffusivity, and the specific heat capacity with the objective of characterizing them in terms of those properties. Since the same set of rocks has also been studied for other physical properties, a correlation amongst all the measured properties is attempted. For each rock type several samples were used to measure the thermal conductivity, the thermal diffusivity, and the specific heat capacity, and average values were obtained and are presented. As an example, for granites the thermal conductivity varies between 2.87 and 3.75 W/mK; for limestones varies between 2.82 and 3.17 W/mK; and for marbles varies between 2.86 and 3.02 W/mK. It is hoped that measuring thermal properties on dimension stones will help to better adequate them to their use in civil engineering as well as to adequate their use in terms of a CE product

    A new approach to numerical algorithms

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    In this paper we developed a new Lanczos algorithm on the Grassmann manifold. This work comes in the wake of the article by A. Edelman, T. A. Arias and S. T. Smith, “The geometry of algorithms with orthogonality constraints

    Preliminary studies of the palygorskite deposit from Figueiró do Campo (Soure, Portugal)

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    [Abstract]The technical characteristics of miocenic palygorskite rich-sediments from an area near Figueiró do Campo (Soure, Portugal) are presented. The deposit is probably the most promising area in Portugal concerning palygorskite as a resource. In this first study we evaluate three samples collected in the bottom, medium and top levels of the deposit. The samples has 58-79 % in weight under 63 μ and the average particle size in the fraction < 63 μ has 0.2 to 2.2 μ in size. DRX data revealed that the fraction < 63 μ are 26-34 % quartz, 4-6 % Fe oxide and 61-70 % palygorskite. The fraction < 2 μ is 89-93 % palygorskite, 4-8 % quartz, 3-4 % Fe oxide and 0-3 % caolinite. The palygorskite fibbers were observed in MEV and average 344 nm (length) and 31 nm (thickness). From FRX analysis we obtain the following compositions: 69-60 % SiO2, 11-17 % Al2O3, 7.5-5.1 % MgO and 3.6-6.6 % Fe total. CTC are in the range 7.2-11.2 meq/100g, and the pH between 6.0 94 António Moura, José Lopes Velho e Willy Alves CAD. LAB. XEOL. LAXE 38 (2015) and 7.1. The moisture are between 9.21 and 15.08 %. Oil and water sorption are respectively in the range 69-100 % and 75-134 %. Einlehner abrasivity is between 11 and 80 mg in the fraction < 63 μ, and 1.2- 1.9 mg in the fraction < 2 μ.In the overall results do not exclude the possibility of a feasible exploitation. It is thus essential to proceed with a geophysical study (to determine the thickness and form of the deposit) and with boreholes exploration in order to get fresh samples from the interior of the mineralized level. The deposit was probably formed in a restricted basin filled with alkaline waters and the palygorskite precipitated from solutions satured with silica and magnesium although we cannot preclude a formation after an esmectite precursor

    Turismo sénior: hábitos, motivações e necessidades do turista sénior contemporâneo

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    A presente dissertação incide sobre o Turismo Sénior, um segmento em crescimento, quer por via do aumento da esperança de vida, quer por via do decréscimo da natalidade. Previsões recentes calculam que em 2050, pela primeira vez, o número de idosos no mundo será maior que o número de crianças menores de 15 anos. Portugal não foge a esta regra: a evolução demográfica recente em Portugal caracterizou-se por um aumento do peso dos grupos etários seniores e uma redução da população jovem e ativa. É, por isso, um segmento que apresenta um elevado potencial económico. Por outro lado, apesar do potencial de crescimento, verifica-se que, tanto os agentes económicos que integram a indústria turística, como a comunidade académica, não têm dado a atenção que o tema parece merecer. De facto, o envelhecimento ativo contemporâneo e a influência que este facto terá no setor do turismo, bem como os benefícios que o turismo pode trazer para a melhoria da qualidade vida da população sénior, são aspetos que importa acompanhar e compreender. Neste sentido, a investigação desenvolvida procura analisar os hábitos, preferências e necessidades do turista sénior com mais de 55 anos, nas diversas fases da experiência turística, desde o planeamento da atividade turística até ao seu regresso a casa. A metodologia utilizada teve por base uma investigação quantitativa, através de um tipo de pesquisa essencialmente descritivo, assente na aplicação de 118 questionários a pessoas com mais de 55 anos de idade. Os resultados obtidos permitem destacar informação relevante para os diversos operadores turísticos e sensibilizar esses mesmos agentes para a responsabilidade social de adaptar serviços e recursos turísticos às necessidades específicas dos turistas seniores, bem como para as oportunidades de negócio associadas a essas adaptações