224 research outputs found


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    Surgical Engineering Society conducted a research, the First Review as the pioneers in LATAM, since year 2015, which develops the topic of the latest Medical Robotics technologies created in North América, Europe and Asia, which are imported to apply in the Healthcare System of Peru and Latin America. The robotic systems for surgery, rehabilitation and assistance are presented covering the description of control design and technical specifications. Besides, the patient management using robots is analyzed with diagnosis, prognosis and treatment tools. The process to evaluate the new inventions of robotic devices and bring to the market is introduced where three stages are shown as the following: innovation, regulatory affairs and biomedical application. Moreover, there is a high percentage of population with disability in Latin America, therefore, it is necessary that more biomedical scientists be specialized in robotics to start developing new ideas to improve the patient management. Finally, the new technologies created in Latin America must be affordable, simply and efficient in order to support the healthcare economic situation in the continent and give the best quality standards to improve treatment outcomes on patients.Surgical Engineering Society realizó una investigación, la primera revisión como pioneros en LATAM, desde el año 2015, que desarrolla el tema de las últimas tecnologías de robótica médica creadas en América del Norte, Europa y Asia, que se importan para aplicarlas en el sistema de salud de Perú y América Latina Los sistemas robóticos para cirugía, rehabilitación y asistencia se presentan cubriendo la descripción del diseño del control y las especificaciones técnicas. Además, el manejo del paciente mediante robots se analiza con herramientas de diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento. El proceso para evaluar los nuevos inventos de los dispositivos robóticos y llevarlo al mercado se introduce donde en las tres etapas que se muestran a continuación: innovación, asuntos regulatorios y aplicación biomédica. Además, hay un alto porcentaje de población con discapacidad en América Latina, por lo tanto, es necesario que más científicos biomédicos se especialicen en robótica para comenzar a desarrollar nuevas ideas y mejorar el manejo del paciente. Finalmente, las nuevas tecnologías creadas en América Latina deben ser asequibles, simples y eficientes para apoyar la situación económica de la atención médica en el continente y brindar los mejores estándares de calidad para mejorar los resultados del tratamiento en los pacientes

    One-dimensional dynamics of nearly unstable axisymmetric liquid bridges

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    A general one-dimensional model is considered that describes the dynamics of slender, axisymmetric, noncylindrical liquid bridges between two equal disks. Such model depends on two adjustable parameters and includes as particular cases the standard Lee and Cosserat models. For slender liquid bridges, the model provides sufficiently accurate results and involves much easier and faster calculations than the full three-dimensional model. In particular, viscous effects are easily accounted for. The one-dimensional model is used to derive a simple weakly nonlinear description of the dynamics near the instability limit. Small perturbations of marginal instability conditions are also considered that account for volume perturbations, nonequality of the supporting disks, and axial gravity. The analysis shows that the dynamics breaks the reflection symmetry on the midplane between the supporting disks. The weakly nonlinear evolution of the amplitude of the perturbation is given by a Duffing equation, whose coefficients are calculated in terms of the slenderness as a part of the analysis and exhibit a weak dependence on the adjustable parameters of the one-dimensional model. The amplitude equation is used to make quantitative predictions of both the (first stage of) breakage for unstable configurations and the (slow) dynamics for stable configurations

    Structural basis of the allergenicity to strawberries due to Fra a 1.02

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    Strawberry fruits are highly valued due to their flavor, aroma, and benefits for human health. Despite this, 30% of the population with food hypersensitivity also shows adverse reactions to strawberry (Franz-Oberdorf et al, 2016). The FaFra a 1 protein family, homologs of the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1, is involved in this allergenicity to strawberry. By RNAseq we have identified transcripts for 18 members of the FaFra a 1 family (from 1.01 to 1.18) in strawberry fruits. Although expressed in all tissues analyzed, each family member presents a unique pattern of expression, which suggests functional specialization for each FaFra a 1 protein. FaFra a 1.02 (Fra2 from now on) is the most expressed one in red fruits and is also the most allergenic among the family members tested (Muñoz et al. 2010; Franz- Oberdorf et al, 2016). In order to understand the molecular bases of this allergenicity we crystalized Fra2 and obtained its structure by X-ray diffraction. Fra2 showed a very high structural homology to Bet v 1, and we asked whether the two proteins were recognized by the immune system in a similar way. For this, we generated five different mutant versions of Fra2 in sites described as important for allergenicity in Bet v 1 (Fernandes et al, 2016), and studied their potential allergenicity as well as their crystal structures. Three of the mutants had substitutions in loop 4 (E46R, D48R, E46/48A) and the other two facing the cavity (A141F and Q64W). Compared to Fra2, all the mutants showed a significant reduction in their capacity to be recognized by the serum of patients with allergies to Bet v 1, and their crystal structures revealed conformational changes in the Bet v 1- IgG interaction sites. Together, these results support that Fra2 and Bet v 1 have similar allergenic determinants We hope this research will aid in understanding how human IgGs interact with Fra2 and might help in the development of new cultivars with a lesser allergenic potential.Grants BIO2013-44199R and BES-2014-068723 (MINECO). The authors also acknowledge the support by the Plan Propio from University of Malaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional de Andalucía

    Stability of Liquid Bridges between Equal Disks in an Axial Gravity Field

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    The stability of axisymmetric liquid bridges spanning two equal-diameter solid disks subjected to an axial gravity field of arbitrary intensity is analyzed for all possible liquid volumes. The boundary of the stability region for axisymmetric shapes (considering both axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric perturbations) have been calculated. It is found that, for sufficiently small Bond numbers, three different unstable modes can appear. If the volume of liquid is decreased from that of an initially stable axisymmetric configuration the bridge either develops an axisymmetric instability (breaking in two drops as already known) or detaches its interface from the disk edges (if the length is smaller than a critical value depending on contact angle), whereas if the volume is increased the unstable mode consists of a nonaxisymmetric deformation. This kind of nonaxisymmetric deformation can also appear by decreasing the volume if the Bond number is large enough. A comparison with other previous partial theoretical analyses is presented, as well as with available experimental results

    Pot la psicologia rescatar-se a si mateixa?. Incentius, biaix i replicabilitat

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    En els últims anys la Psicologia està patint internament i externa una crisi important de credibilitat, a la qual tampoc han estat alienes altres ciències, com ara la Medicina o la Biologia. Diversos projectes de ciència de col·laboració suggereixen que una gran part dels resultats de la investigació són difícils de reproduir. Això ve acompanyat d’un conjunt de simulacions i anàlisis quantitatives que situen la quantitat de falsos positius per damunt del 50% del total de dades publicades en la literatura psicològica actual. En aquest breu treball realitzarem una anàlisi actualitzada de la situació i intentarem identificar les causes psicològiques que hi han contribuït. Entre aquestes destaquen, primer, un sistema d’incentius alineat més amb els interessos de promoció de l’investigador que no amb el descobriment i l’extensió d’una ciència transparent, fiable i reproduïble, i, segon, els biaixos individuals en l’elaboració de judicis i en la presa de decisions que afecten de forma generalitzada els éssers humans –investigadors o no–. Acabarem sotmetent a discussió com aquests biaixos, en concordança amb la investigació clàssica sobre biaixos i heurístics, s’acumulen a través dels individus i acaben afectant de forma substancial el projecte col·lectiu de la ciència psicològica. Enumerem també les estratègies que podrien contribuir, si es posaren en pràctica amb èxit, a corregir –en part– la situació i fins i tot estendre’s a altres àrees científiques

    Use-wear analysis on the Early Neolithic blades from Castillejos de Montefrío (Granada)

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    El asentamiento de Castillejos de Montefrío constituye un yacimiento de primer orden para poder comprender el proceso de neolitización y el desarrollo de las primeras comunidades agricultoras y pastoras a lo largo de varios milenios en el sur peninsular. Aunque son muchas las publicaciones y los proyectos de investigación que se han generado a partir de la evidencia arqueológica recogida en este asentamiento, en el presente trabajo mostramos los resultados del análisis traceológico realizado sobre conjunto significativo de láminas –fundamentalmente aquellas que sin estar retocadas presentan huellas de uso– documentado en los niveles pertenecientes cronológicamente al Neolítico Antiguo. La información obtenida de estos estudios revela la importancia de este tipo de utillaje, así como ciertos aspectos sobre las prácticas económicas de estas comunidades prehistóricas.Castillejos de Montefrío (Granada) is an openair site located on the South of the Iberian Peninsula. This settlement is one of the most important sites to understand the neolithization process and the development of first farming societies for several millennia. In this paper we present the results of the use-wear analyses made on a selection of the flint blades (most of them without retouch) from the Early Neolithic levels. Our purpose, through the Traceology, is to recognize some activities developed in the settlement and provide some information about the site function. The results obtained show the importance of this kind of tools and reveal some economical aspects of the first farmers communities settled down in this region.European Research Council ERC-AdG-23056

    Age estimation obtained from analysis of octopus (Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797) beaks: Improvements and comparisons

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    Two methods are currently available for age estimation in octopus beaks. They have been applied to the same specimen from a sample of 30 individuals of Octopus vulgaris caught in central-eastern Atlantic waters. These techniques aim at revealing growth increments in the rostrum sagittal sections (RSS) and lateral wall surfaces (LWS) of octopus upper and lower beaks. Both methods were improved to reduce the time of sample preparation and to enhance the appearance of the increments. For each individual, two independent readings were done for upper and lower beak sections, as well as for the lateral wall surfaces. Vertical reflected light (epifluorescence) and image analysis system were shown to be useful in the observation and analysis of the sequence of increments. Precision of the ageing, increment counts obtained by both techniques, and increment widths were discussed. Using upper beak RSS led to more precise age estimates, whereas preparing LWS was quicker and simpler, and revealed a higher number of increments. Therefore, our study recommends counting growth increments in LWS of beaks to age adult common octopus

    Images of Science Linked to Labwork: A Survey of Secondary School and University Students

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    This paper presents findings about the images of science drawn upon in laboratory work, by upper secondary and university students, in academic streams with a science focus. Data were collected through four written questions, administered to a total of 368 students. The questions all required students to comment on laboratory investigations carried out by research scientists or by science students. We show that students’ reasoning has an epistemological and an ontological dimension, and that it often differs significantly from accepted perspectives on the nature of science. The issue for teaching appears to be showing students what counts (and what does not count) as appropriate reasoning in actual situations. In other words, explicit teaching about the various relationships that can exist between theory and data would transform labwork towards a more critical process that involves making and justifying decisions