46 research outputs found

    Atazanavir-Based Therapy Is Associated with Higher Hepatitis C Viral Load in HIV Type 1-Infected Subjects with Untreated Hepatitis C

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    Comunicación cortaWe assessed the relationship between atazanavir (ATV)-based antiretroviral treatment (ART) and plasma hepatitis C virus (HCV) viral load in a population of HIV/HCV-coinfected patients. HIV/HCV-coinfected patients who received ART based on a protease inhibitor (PI) or nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) were included. Patients were stratified by ART drug [ATV/rtv, lopinavir (LPV/rtv), efavirenz (EFV), nevirapine (NVP), and other PIs], HCV genotype (1/4 and 2/3), and IL28B genotype (CC and non-CC). The Kruskal-Wallis test and chi-squared test were used to compare continuous and categorical variables, respectively. Multivariate analysis consisted of a stepwise linear regression analysis. Six hundred and forty-nine HIV/HCV-coinfected patients were included. HCV genotype 1/4 patients who received ATV had higher HCV RNA levels [6.57 (5.9-6.8) log IU/ml] than those who received LPV [6.1 (5.5-6.5) log IU/ml], EFV [6.1 (5.6-6.4) log IU/ml], NVP [5.8 (5.5-5.9) log IU/ml], or other PIs [6.1 (5.7-6.4) log IU/ml] (p=0.014). This association held for the IL28B genotype (CC versus non-CC). The association was not found in patients carrying HCV genotypes 2/3. The linear regression model identified the IL28B genotype and ATV use as independent factors associated with HCV RNA levels. ATV-based therapy may be associated with a higher HCV RNA viral load in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients

    Infecciones orofaciales de origen odontogénico

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    La naturaleza polimicrobiana de las infecciones odontógenas así como la heterogeneidad de los cuadros clínicos asociados son consecuencia de la diversidad de la microbiota bucal y de la complejidad anatómica y funcional de la cavidad oral. Así mismo, estos procesos pueden dar lugar a múltiples complicaciones que pueden limitarse a afecciones locales o derivar hasta compromisos sistémicos. En el tratamiento farmacológico de estas infecciones es crucial la elección del antibiótico y la pauta posológica más eficaces. La farmacodinamia proporciona los parámetros que hacen posible valorar como varía la actividad de los antibióticos en función del tiempo. Como norma general, en el manejo inicial de las infecciones orofaciales en el adulto, incluidas las infecciones odontógenas, se utilizará amoxicilina/ac. Clavulánico en dosis de 875 mg de amoxicilina y 125 mg de ac. clavulánico pautado cada 8 horas. El cumplimiento terapéutico es clave para evitar la aparición de resistencias, por lo que se ha de maximizar la aceptación por parte de los pacientes. En este sentido se ha demostrado que la nueva presentación de 2000/125 mg de Augmentine Plus pautado cada 12 horas tanto en profilaxis como tratamiento disminuye significativamente la tasa de complicaciones infecciosas derivada de la extracción del tercer molar.The polymicrobial nature of the odontogenic infections as well as the variety of associated conditions are a consequence of the diversity of the buccal microbiota and the anatomical and functional complexity of the oral cavity. In addition to this, all these processes can give way to multiple complications which range from the local to the systemic level. The appropriate choice of antibiotic and posology is crucial in the successful management of these infections. Pharmacodynamics provides those parameters that make it possible to assess how antibiotics activity varies in time. As a general rule, the first step in the initial management of orofacial infections in adults, included odontogenic infections, will be the administration of 875 mg of amoxicillin and 125 mg of clavulanic every 8 hours. Therapeutic compliance is paramount to avoid resistance, therefore patient's acceptance must be sought. In this sense, it has been proved that Augmentine Plus (2000/125) every twelve hours both as profylaxis and as treatment significantly decreases the rate of infective complications associated to extraction of the third molar

    Identification of the water stress level in olive trees during pit hardening using the trunk growth rate indicator.

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    Water scarcity is generating an increasing interest in deficit irrigation scheduling. The trunk diameter fluctuations are daily cycles that have been suggested as tools for irrigation scheduling. The trunk growth rate (TGR) was suggested as the best indicator for olive trees during pit hardening. The aim of this work is to clarify how the TGR could be used to identify water stress levels. The experiment was performed during the 2017 season, in a commercial, super-high-density orchard in Carmona (Seville, Spain). Four different irrigation treatments were performed according to midday stem water potential values and TGR. The data obtained were very variable and both indicators presented a wide range of water status throughout the season. The maximum trunk diameter data clearly showed the pattern of the trees water status but the comparison between treatments and the identification of the water stress level was not possible. The average TGR was linked to the midday stem water potential, but with a minimum amount of data. Irrigation scheduling based on the average TGR was difficult because of the great increases in some daily TGR values. For clarity, the pool of data was grouped by midday stem water potential. These water stress levels were characterized using the weekly frequency of TGR values. The increase of water stress reduced the frequency of values between -0.1 and 0.3mm day-1 from 60% to less than 25%. Moderate water stress levels increased the percentage of values lower than -0.3mm day-1 from 7% to 37%. The most severe water stress conditions increased the TGR values between -0.3 and -0.1mm day-1 from 16% up to 22%.IRNASINSTITUTO DE LA GRASACSI

    Regulated deficit irrigation in table olive trees during a sensitive period

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    Olive tree is one of the most important irrigated fruit at Spain (around 400.000 ha). The water needs in olive orchard are greater than the water availability. Therefore, deficit conditions are common at the field. The aim of this work is to study a regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) scheduling based on midday stem water potential (Y) that limits irrigation before harvest. The experiment was performed at La Hampa experimental farm (Coria del río, Seville, Spain) in 45 years-old olive (cv Manzanillo). Three irrigation treatments in a complete randomized block design were performed during 2014.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), (AGL2013-45922-C2-1-R).Peer Reviewe

    Seeding and Growth of β-Amyloid Aggregates upon Interaction with Neuronal Cell Membranes

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    In recent years, the prevalence of amyloid neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has significantly increased in developed countries due to increased life expectancy. This amyloid disease is characterized by the presence of accumulations and deposits of β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) in neuronal tissue, leading to the formation of oligomers, fibers, and plaques. First, oligomeric intermediates that arise during the aggregation process are currently thought to be primarily responsible for cytotoxicity in cells. This work aims to provide further insights into the mechanisms of cytotoxicity by studying the interaction of Aβ aggregates with Neuro-2a (N2a) neuronal cells and the effects caused by this interaction. For this purpose, we have exploited the advantages of advanced, multidimensional fluorescence microscopy techniques to determine whether different types of Aβ are involved in higher rates of cellular toxicity, and we measured the cellular stress caused by such aggregates by using a fluorogenic intracellular biothiol sensor. Stress provoked by the peptide is evident by N2a cells generating high levels of biothiols as a defense mechanism. In our study, we demonstrate that Aβ aggregates act as seeds for aggregate growth upon interacting with the cellular membrane, which results in cell permeability and damage and induces lysis. In parallel, these damaged cells undergo a significant increase in intracellular biothiol levels.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades CTQ2014-56370-R CTQ2017-86568-R CTQ2017-86125-PSpanish Agencia Estatal de InvestigacionEuropean Union (EU

    Crecimiento del biofouling en intercambiadores de calor-condensadores refrigerados con agua de mar

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    [ES] El objetivo de este experimento es el estudio del crecimiento del biofouling en intercambiadores de calor. Para ello se ha diseñado y construido una planta piloto en la cual cada uno de los tubos funciona como sistema independiente. En cada uno de los tubos se controlan parámetros como presión, temperatura y caudal, que definen indirectamente la capa de biofouling depositada en el interior del tubo. El seguimiento de estos parámetros permitirá establecer los valores de la resistencia a la transmisión de calor, resistencia friccional y velocidad del fluido.Eguía López, E.; Vidart, TF.; Bezanilla, JA.; Amieva Del Val, JJ.; Otero González, FM.; Río Calonge, B.; Girón Portilla, MA. (1996). Crecimiento del biofouling en intercambiadores de calor-condensadores refrigerados con agua de mar. Ingeniería del Agua. 3(4):45-56. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.1996.2708SWORD455634Characklis, W. G. y Marshall, K. C. (1990). Biofilms, Wiley Series in Ecological and Applied Microbiology.Chenoweth, J. M. (1990) Final Report of the HTRI/TEMA Joint Committee to Review the Fouling Section of the TEMA Standards, Heat Transfer Engineering. 1 1, N°1, 73-107.Chow, W. (1985). Condenser Biofouling Control: The State of Art, Electrical Research Power Institute. 1-11.Flemming, H. C. (1990) Biofouling in Water Treatment, Proceedings of the International Workshops on Industrial Biofouling and Biocorrosion, Stuttgart, 47-80.Knox-Holmes, B. (1993) Biofouling Control with Low Levels of Copper and Chlorine, Biofouling, 7, 157-166.LeBleu, J. B. (1990) Protective Coatings for Cooling Water Systems in Southern Coastal Power Plants, Journal of Protective Coatings & Linings, 20-25.Lewis, J. R. y Mercer, A. D. (1984) Corrosion and Marine Growth on Offshore Structure, Ellis Horwood Limeted.Nosetani, T.; Hotta, Y.; Sato, S.; Onda K.; Nakamura, T. y Kato, Y. (1989). In-Situ Evaluation of Enhanced Heat Transfer Tubes for Surface Condenser (SC Tubes), National Heat Transfer Conference Philadelphia, 31, N° 1, 54-64.Sengupta, S.; Lira, R.; Poteat, L; Mussaili, Y. & Chow, W. (1987) Experimental Test Facility For Evaluating Marine Biofouling in Condensers: Test with Targeted Chlorination, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, 86, 15-22.Somerscales, E. F. C. y Kassemit, M. (1987) Fouling Due to Corrosion Products Formed on a Heat Transfers Surface, Journal of Heat Transfer, 109, 267-271.Tatnall, R. E. (1990) Case Histories: Biocorrosion, Proceedings of the International Workshops on Industrial Biofouling and Biocorrosion, Stuttgart, 165-185.Tijhuis, L. (1989) The Biofilm Airlift Suspension Reactor, Department of Biochemical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

    Programación del riego deficitario controlado en aceituna de mesa empleando la dendrometría

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    La agricultura de riego es actualmente el mayor consumidor de agua en el mundo (Fereres y Evans 2006)). En muchas zonas áridas y semiáridas la escasez de recursos hídricos junto con la creciente demanda de agua para otros usos están imponiendo una fuerte presión para limitar su disponibilidad en la agricultura, un ejemplo muy claro es el caso de la agricultura Mediterránea. La optimización de este recurso natural se puede obtener a varios niveles pero posiblemente el menos estudiado y, con seguridad, el menos empleado a nivel comercial sea la programación del riego deficitario. Todavía es escasa la implantación de técnicas que realicen una toma de decisiones de riego de forma continua y telemática. El olivar, como cultivo tradicional y, muy recientemente, de regadío es un buen ejemplo

    Attitudes and burden in relatives of patients with schizophrenia in a middle income country

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    BACKGROUND: Most studies of family attitudes and burden have been conducted in developed countries. Thus it is important to test the generalizability of this research in other contexts where social conditions and extended family involvement may be different. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the attitudes of caregivers and the burden they experience in such a context, namely Arica, a town located in the northernmost region of Chile, close to the border with Peru and Bolivia. METHODS: We assessed attitudes towards schizophrenia (including affective, cognitive and behavioural components) and burden (including subjective distress, rejection and competence) in 41 main caregivers of patients with schizophrenia, all of whom were users of Public Mental Health Services in Arica. RESULTS: Attitude measures differed significantly according to socio-demographic variables, with parents (mainly mothers) exhibiting a more negative attitude towards the environment than the rest of the family (t = 4.04; p = 0.000).This was also the case for caregivers with a low educational level (t = 3.27; p < 0.003), for the oldest caregivers (r = 0.546; p = 0.000) and for those who had spent more time with the patient (r = 0.377; p = 0.015). Although attitudes had significant association with burden, their explanatory power was modest (R2 = .104, F = 4,55; p = .039). CONCLUSIONS: Similar to finding developed countries, the current study revealed a positive and significant relationship between the attitudes of caregivers and their burden. These findings emphasize the need to support the families of patients with schizophrenia in this social context

    Monocyte and Lymphocyte Activation and Regulation in Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Therapy Effects

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    Analysis of gut barrier status, monocyte and lymphocyte activation and T regulatory (Treg) cells at diagnosis before and after therapy, in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Analysis of differential effects of interferon beta (IFN-β), glatiramer acetate (GA) and natalizumab. Thirty-five patients with untreated MS were included. Gut barrier status (serum concentrations of intestinal fatty acid binding protein), monocyte (serum levels of soluble CD14, soluble CD163 and interleukin 6) and T lymphocyte activation (CD4 + DR+ and CD8 + DR+) and Treg (CD4 + CD25highFoxP3+) cells were analyzed. Patients with clinical isolated syndrome and relapsing-remitting forms were treated with IFN-β or GA, and immune characteristics were reevaluated following up after 6 months. A sample of 56 stable RR MS patients, in treatment with IFN-β, GA or natalizumab, and 50 healthy individuals were included as controls. Gut barrier status was similar in MS patients and healthy controls. Untreated patients with relapsing-remitting and primary progressive patterns of MS showed increased serum levels of soluble CD14. At baseline, significant increases in activated T lymphocytes and Treg were detected in patients. A significant decrease of CD4 + DR+, CD8 + DR+, and Treg percentages after 6 months of therapy was observed. In previously treated patients, IFN-β, GA, or natalizumab therapies were associated with a comparable cell proportion of activated lymphocytes and Treg. MS patients have a baseline state characterized by monocyte and lymphocyte activation, not related with gut barrier lesion. An increase in Treg number, correlated with activated T CD8+ lymphocytes, was detected. Treatment with IFN-β, GA or natalizumab was associated with a comparable decrease in activated lymphocytes and Treg.This work was supported by a Grant from Neurología, Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica de Cádiz. MCGO was the recipient of this Grant

    N-Methyl-β-carboline alkaloids: structuredependent photosensitizing properties and localization in subcellular domains

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    N-Methyl-β-carboline (βC) alkaloids, including normelinonine F (1b) and melinonine F (2b), have been found in a vast range of living species playing different biological, biomedical and/or pharmacological roles. Despite this, molecular bases of the mechanisms through which these alkaloids would exert their effect still remain unknown. Fundamental aspects including the photosensitizing properties and intracellular internalization of a selected group of N-methyl-βC alkaloids were investigated herein. Data reveal that methylation of the βC main ring enhances its photosensitizing properties either by increasing its binding affinity with DNA as a biomolecular target and/or by increasing its oxidation potential, in a structure- dependent manner. As a general rule, N(9)-substituted βCs showed the highest photosensitizing efficiency. With the exception of 2-methyl-harminium, all the N-methyl-βCs investigated herein induce a similar DNA photodamage profile, dominated largely by oxidized purines. This fact represents a distinctive behavior when comparing with N-unsubstituted-βCs. On the other hand, although all the investigated compounds might accumulate mainly into the mitochondria of HeLa cells, methylation provides a distinctive dynamic pattern for mitochondrial uptake. While rapid (passive) diffusion is most probably reponsible for the prompt uptake/release of neutral βCs, an active transport appears to mediate the (reatively slow) uptake of the quaternary cationic βCs. This might be a consequence of a distinctive subcellular localization (mitochondrial membrane and/or matrix) or interaction with intracellular components. Biomedical and biotechnological implications are also discussed herein.ANPCyT PICT-2015-0374 2016-0370 2018-3193Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness CTQ201785658-R CTQ2014-55474-C2-2-