22 research outputs found

    Functions, responsibility and authorityof human resources in the implementation of asecurity and safety management system at work

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    [Resumo] Un sistema de xestión da seguridade e a saúde no traballo necesita cumprir cuns requisitos xerais e particulares que permitan promover unha serie de boas prácticas para lograr os obxectivos da política aprobada pola organización. A avaliación e o control dos riscos non son unhas tarefas doadas e precisan duns medios materiais e humanos importantes. Na implementacióne operación do sistema de xestión xogan un papel fundamental os recursos humanos dedicados en exclusiva á seguridade e a saúde no traballo. Cómpre establecer o organigrama destes recursos e definir as funcións e responsabilidades de cada unha das áreas que comporán os ervizo de seguridade e saúde da empresa, que os estándares coñecidos non detallan. Neste artigo, partindo do coñecemento das técnicas preventivas, preténdese describir a estrutura dun servizo de prevención complexo, que poderá tomarse como modelo práctico.[Abstract] A security and safety management system in the workplace must fulfil a number of general and particular requirements that allow promoting good practices in order to achieve the objectives of the policy approved by the organization. Risk assessment and control is not an easy task; it requires significant material and human resources. In the implementation and operation of a management system the human resources devoted exclusively to security and safety in theworkplace play an essential role. It is necessary to establish the organization chart of theseresources and to define the functions and responsibilities of each of the areas composing the Security and Safety Service of the company that are not detailed in the known standards. In this work, based on the knowledge of preventive techniques, the structure of a complex prevention service is described. This structure can be used as a practical model

    Precautions to Consider Working with Mooring Capstans and Winches

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    [Resumo] Na actualidade prodúcense moitos accidentes durante as operacións de amarre dos buques. O deseño das máquinas e os cabrestantes de amarre xoga un papel importante á hora de reducilos. Adicionalmente, a situación do persoal sobre as cubertas dos buques é outro factor que axudará á redución dos accidentes acontecidos a bordo.[Abstract] In recent years, many accidents are occurring during mooring operations of vessels. The capstan and winches design and the crew situation on the deck of ships are two factors that may reduce the number of accidents inboard


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    As piracy continues to pose a threat to the shipping industry, a number of measures for protecting ships, cargo and crew will need to be implemented. Along with other steps, such as deploying military rescue teams, securing the crew within a ship’s citadel has proved to be a highly effective form of self-protection against hostage-taking by pirates. From a design standpoint, aspects that should be considered include the location and dimensions of the citadel, the maximum time crew can stay within it and the specific requirements for various elements of the ship or citadel equipment. Exploiting data on pirate attacks recently occurring in High Risk Areas, this article analyses the design and use of the citadel as a self-protection measure against piracy. As a conclusion, various requirements for these structures are recommended

    The Influence of Climate Parameters on Maintenance of Wind Farms: A Galician Case Study

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    [Abstract] There are different monitoring procedures in wind farms with two main objectives: (i) to improve energy production by the capability of the national electrical network and (ii) to reduce the stooped hours due to preventive and or corrective maintenance activities. In this sense, different sensors are employed to sample in real-time the working conditions of equipment, the electrical production and the weather conditions. Despite this, just the anemometer measurement can be related to the more important errors of interruption of power regulation and anemometer errors. Both errors are related to gusty winds and contribute to more than 33% of the cost of a wind farm. The present paper reports some mathematical relations between weather and maintenance but there are no extreme values of each variable that let us predict a near failure and its corresponding loss of working hours. To achieve this, statistical analysis identifies the relation between weather variables and errors and different models are obtained. What is more, due to the difficulty and economic implications involving the implementation of complex algorithms and techniques of artificial intelligence, it is still a challenge to optimize this process. Finally, the obtained results show a particular case study that can be extrapolated to other wind farms after different case studies to adjust the model to different weather regions, and serve as a useful tool for weather maintenance


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    Classification Societies (SC) of ships listed in different chapters of the regulations, recommendations and requirements for the selection of mooring equipment on ships regarding quantification for each type of ship, the analysis of the materials used and tests to suffer the various elements of mooring equipment. This article relates to how it affects the implementation of the different regulations of the SC when providing a tugboat and a military vessel from its mooring and anchoring systems. The research results are obtained by performing a comparison between the demands imposed by the SC to civilian ships and warships


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    The physical principle that governs how ships are moored to a port has changed little over the years. Nevertheless, in recent decades, there have been developments in maritime transport towards increased vessel dimensions and operations in specialist terminals. These trends mean that offshore ports and mooring systems have to face more challenging conditions in terms of the waves, wind and drift current. At the same time, pier side port loading and unloading systems place demands on the mooring system, which must immobilise ships better. In this situation, the mooring system’s own equipment, such as lines, deck fittings and mooring winches, must also evolve to work alongside new port devices. It is also necessary to point out that changes in mooring will take place in subsequent years. These innovations in attaching the ship to the pier will be highlighted here as they mark a significant change in mooring and pier components

    Seguridad marítima: Asbestos en la industria marítima

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    En la última década la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) ha puesto de relieve el efecto negativo para la salud humana de la exposición al amianto. El proceso ha culminado con la modificación de los reglamentos pertinentes del Convenio SOLAS. Los cambios que entraron en vigor el 1 de enero de 2011 han prohibido la instalación de materiales que contengan asbesto en los buques. En este artículo se presta atención a la evolución de las regulaciones internacionales relacionadas con este. A bordo también se consideran la participación de las partes implicadas (armadores, astilleros, etc…) en el cumplimiento de estas normas, así como la presencia y el tratamiento de estos materiales.Over the last decade the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has highlighted the negative effect for human health of exposure to asbestos. The process they undertook has culminated in the amendment of the relevant SOLAS regulations. Changes came into force on January 1st, 2011; in these changes the new installation of asbestos containing materials (ACMs) on ships has been forbidden. This work analyses the evolution of the international regulations related to this change. The involvement of the implied parts (ship owners, shipyards, etc.) in the fulfillment of these standards, as well as the presence and treatment of these materials onboard are also considered


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    Classification Societies (SC) of ships listed in different chapters of the regulations, recommendations and requirements for the selection of mooring equipment on ships regarding quantification for each type of ship, the analysis of the materials used and tests to suffer the various elements of mooring equipment. This article relates to how it affects the implementation of the different regulations of the SC when providing a tugboat and a military vessel from its mooring and anchoring systems. The research results are obtained by performing a comparison between the demands imposed by the SC to civilian ships and warships

    Functions, responsibility and authority of human resources in the implementation of a security and safety management system at work.

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    ABSTRACT: A security and safety management system at work must fulfill a number of general and particular requirements that allow to promote good practices in order to achieve the objectives of the policy approved by the organization. Risk assessment and control is not an easy task; it requires significant material and human resources. In the implementation and operation of a management system the human resources devoted exclusively to security and safety at work play an essential role. It is necessary to establish the organization chart of these resources and to define the functions and responsibilities of each of the areas composing the Security and Safety Service of the company that are not detailed in the known standards. In this work, based on the knowledge of preventive techniques, the structure of a complex prevention service is described. This structure can be used as a practical model