33 research outputs found

    Panchromatic radiative transfer modeling of stars and dust in the Sombrero galaxy

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    We present a detailed study of the dust energy balance in the Sombrero galaxy M104. From a full radiative transfer analysis, including scattering, absorption and thermal re-emission, we construct models that can reproduce images at optical/near-infrared wavelengths, the observed stellar SED and the minor axis extinction profiles in the V and R_C band. A standard model, that contains only an old stellar population to heat the dust, underestimates the observations of dust emission at infrared wavelengths by a factor of ~ 3. Supplementing this basic model with a young stellar component of low star formation activity in both the inner disk (SFR ~ 0.21 Msun/yr) and dust ring (SFR ~ 0.05 Msun/yr), we are capable of solving the discrepancy in the dust energy budget of the Sombrero galaxy at wavelengths shortwards of 100 \mum. To account for the increased FIR/submm emission beyond 100 \mum, we propose a additional dust component distributed in quiescent clumps. This model with a clumpy dust structure predicts three-quarters of the total dust content (~ 2.8 x 10^7 Msun) to reside in compact dust clouds with no associated embedded sources. Although the assumption of a clumpy dust structure in the Sombrero galaxy is supported by high-resolution optical data, we cannot rule out the possibility that dust grains with a higher dust emissivity account for part of the discrepancy in the energy budget at submm wavelengths.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Regulation der Genexpression von MYCN in humanen Neuoblastomzellen durch Transkriptionsfaktoren der E2F-Familie

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    Seit fast 30 Jahren ist bekannt, dass die Amplifikation und Expression des Onkogens MYCN in Neuroblastomen mit einer sehr ungünstigen Prognose für die Patienten einhergeht. Dennoch liegen die Mechanismen der Genregulation von MYCN weiterhin größtenteils im Dunkeln. Die Präsenz potentieller Bindungsstellen für E2F-Proteine im Promotor des MYCN-Gens sowie Zellkulturexperimente lieferten Hinweise auf eine Rolle der Transkriptionsfaktoren der E2F-Familie in der Regulation der N-myc-Expression. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Beantwortung der Frage, ob E2F-Proteine notwendig sind, um eine primär hohe Expression von N-myc in Neuroblastomzellen mit Amplifikation des Onkogens aufrechtzuerhalten, und ob sie hinreichend sind, um die Transkription von MYCN in Zellen ohne endogene Expression von N-myc einzuleiten. Durch Überexpression des Tumorsuppressorproteins p16, welches zu einer Inaktivierung endogener E2F-Proteine führt, konnte die MYCN-mRNA-Menge in Neuroblastomzellen deutlich gesenkt werden. Vergleichbare Resultate wurden durch Expression von dominant negativem E2F-1 erzielt. Da in einigen Studien gezeigt werden konnte, dass Myc-Proteine ihrerseits E2F-Gene aktivieren können, nehmen wir an, in aggressiven Neuroblastomen könnte eine positive Rückkopplungsschleife zwischen E2F-Transkriptionsfaktoren auf der einen und N-myc auf der anderen Seite existieren, die die gesteigerte Aktivität des MYCN-Onkogens aufrechterhält. Stabil transfizierte E2F-ER-Fusionsproteine waren jedoch nicht in der Lage, das endogene MYCN-Gen in Neuroblastomzellen ohne Expression von N-myc anzuschalten. E2F-Proteine werden folglich für das volle Ausmaß der starken Expression von N-myc in Neuroblastomen benötigt, sind aber nicht ausreichend, um das Onkogen MYCN in Zellen ohne endogenes N-myc zu aktivieren. In der Zukunft könnte durch Verhinderung der Bindung von E2F-Proteinen an den MYCN-Promotor oder durch gentherapeutische Ansätze, die z.B. mittels viraler Infektion den Signalweg zwischen p16 und E2F rekonstruieren, die Expression von N-myc in Neuroblastomen gesenkt werden, so dass die Aggressivität der Tumore reduziert und die individuelle Prognose der Patienten verbessert werden könnte

    Herschel observations of edge-on spirals (Heroes) IV. Dust energy balance problem

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    We present results of the detailed dust energy balance study for the seven large edge-on galaxies in the HEROES sample using three-dimensional (3D) radiative transfer (RT) modelling. Based on available optical and near-infrared (NIR) observations of the HEROES galaxies, we derive the 3D distribution of stars and dust in these galaxies. For the sake of uniformity, we apply the same technique to retrieve galaxy properties for the entire sample: we use a stellar model consisting of a Sérsic bulge and three double-exponential discs (a superthin disc for a young stellar population and thin and thick discs for old populations). For the dust component, we adopt a double-exponential disc with the new THEMIS dust-grain model. We fit oligochromatic RT models to the optical and NIR images with the fitting algorithm fitskirt and run panchromatic simulations with the skirt code at wavelengths ranging from ultraviolet to submillimeter. We confirm the previously stated dust energy balance problem in galaxies: for the HEROES galaxies, the dust emission derived from our RT calculations underestimates the real observations by a factor 1.5-4 for all galaxies except NGC 973 and NGC 5907 (apparently, the latter galaxy has a more complex geometry than we used). The comparison between our RT simulations and the observations at mid-infrared-submillimetre wavelengths shows that most of our galaxies exhibit complex dust morphologies (possible spiral arms, star-forming regions, more extended dust structure in the radial and vertical directions). We suggest that, in agreement with results from the literature, the large- and small-scale structure is the most probable explanation for the dust energy balance problem

    HERschel Observations of Edge-on Spirals (HEROES). IV. Dust energy balance problem

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    We present results of the detailed dust energy balance study for the seven large edge-on galaxies in the HEROES sample using 3D radiative transfer (RT) modelling. Based on available optical and near-infrared observations of the HEROES galaxies, we derive the 3D distribution of stars and dust in these galaxies. For the sake of uniformity, we apply the same technique to retrieve galaxy properties for the entire sample: we use a stellar model consisting of a S\'ersic bulge and three double-exponential discs (a superthin disc for a young stellar population and thin and thick discs for old populations). For the dust component, we adopt a double-exponential disc with the new THEMIS dust-grain model. We fit oligochromatic radiative transfer (RT) models to the optical and near-infrared images with the fitting algorithm FitSKIRT and do panchromatic simulations with the SKIRT code at wavelengths ranging from ultraviolet to submillimeter. We confirm the previously stated dust energy balance problem in galaxies: for the HEROES galaxies, the dust emission derived from our RT calculations underestimates the real observations by a factor 1.5-4 for all galaxies except NGC 973 and NGC 5907 (apparently, the latter galaxy has a more complex geometry than we used). The comparison between our RT simulations and the observations at mid-infrared-submillimeter wavelengths shows that most of our galaxies exhibit complex dust morphologies (possible spiral arms, star-forming regions, more extended dust structure in the radial and vertical directions). We suggest that, in agreement with the results from Saftly et al. (2015), the large- and small-scale structure is the most probable explanation for the dust energy balance problem.Comment: 53 pages, 31 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Herschel Exploitation of Local Galaxy Andromeda (HELGA) III: The Star Formation Law in M31

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    We present a detailed study of how the Star Formation Rate (SFR) relates to the interstellar medium (ISM) of M31 at ~140pc scales. The SFR is calculated using the far-ultraviolet and 24um emission, corrected for the old stellar population in M31. We find a global value for the SFR of 0.25+/-0.05Msun/yr and compare this with the SFR found using the total far-infrared (FIR) luminosity. There is general agreement in regions where young stars dominate the dust heating. Atomic hydrogen (HI) and molecular gas (traced by carbon monoxide, CO) or the dust mass is used to trace the total gas in the ISM. We show that the global surface densities of SFR and gas mass place M31 amongst a set of low-SFR galaxies in the plot of Kennicutt (1998b). The relationship between SFR and gas surface density is tested in six radial annuli across M31, assuming a power law relationship with index, N. The star formation law using total gas traced by HI and CO gives a global index of N=2.03+/-0.04, with a significant variation with radius; the highest values are observed in the 10kpc ring. We suggest that this slope is due to HI turning molecular at ~10Msun/pc2. When looking at H2 regions, we measure a higher mean SFR suggesting a better spatial correlation between H2 and SF. We find N~0.6 with consistent results throughout the disk - this is at the low end of values found in previous work and argues against a superlinear SF law on small scales.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Efficient 3D NLTE dust radiative transfer with SKIRT

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    We present an updated version of SKIRT, a 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code developed to simulate dusty galaxies. The main novel characteristics of the SKIRT code are the use of a stellar foam to generate random positions, an efficient combination of eternal forced scattering and continuous absorption, and a new library approach that links the radiative transfer code to the DustEM dust emission library. This approach enables a fast, accurate and self-consistent calculation of the dust emission of arbitrary mixtures of transiently heated dust grains and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, even for full 3D models containing millions of dust cells. We have demonstrated the accuracy of the SKIRT code through a set of simulations based on the edge-on spiral galaxy UGC 4754. The models we ran were gradually refined from a smooth, 2D, LTE model to a fully 3D model that includes NLTE dust emission and a clumpy structure of the dusty ISM. We find that clumpy models absorb UV and optical radiation less efficiently than smooth models with the same amount of dust, and that the dust in clumpy models is on average both cooler and less luminous. Our simulations demonstrate that, given the appropriate use of optimization techniques, it is possible to efficiently and accurately run Monte Carlo radiative transfer simulations of arbitrary 3D structures of several million dust cells, including a full calculation of the NLTE emission by arbitrary dust mixtures.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    A stubbornly large mass of cold dust in the ejecta of Supernova 1987A

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    We present new Herschel photometric and spectroscopic observations of Supernova 1987A, carried out in 2012. Our dedicated photometric measurements provide new 70 micron data and improved imaging quality at 100 and 160 micron compared to previous observations in 2010. Our Herschel spectra show only weak CO line emission, and provide an upper limit for the 63 micron [O I] line flux, eliminating the possibility that line contaminations distort the previously estimated dust mass. The far-infrared spectral energy distribution (SED) is well fitted by thermal emission from cold dust. The newly measured 70 micron flux constrains the dust temperature, limiting it to nearly a single temperature. The far-infrared emission can be fitted by 0.5+-0.1 Msun of amorphous carbon, about a factor of two larger than the current nucleosynthetic mass prediction for carbon. The observation of SiO molecules at early and late phases suggests that silicates may also have formed and we could fit the SED with a combination of 0.3 Msun of amorphous carbon and 0.5 Msun of silicates, totalling 0.8 Msun of dust. Our analysis thus supports the presence of a large dust reservoir in the ejecta of SN 1987A. The inferred dust mass suggests that supernovae can be an important source of dust in the interstellar medium, from local to high-redshift galaxies.Comment: ApJ accepted, 8 page

    A stubbornly large mass of cold dust in the ejecta of Supernova 1987A

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    We present new Herschel photometric and spectroscopic observations of Supernova 1987A, carried out in 2012. Our dedicated photometric measurements provide new 70 mu m data and improved imaging quality at 100 and 160 mu m compared to previous observations in 2010. Our Herschel spectra show only weak CO line emission, and provide an upper limit for the 63 mu m [O-I] line flux, eliminating the possibility that line contaminations distort the previously estimated dustmass. The far-infrared spectral energy distribution (SED) is well fitted by thermal emission from cold dust. The newly measured 70 mu m flux constrains the dust temperature, limiting it to nearly a single temperature. The far-infrared emission can be fitted by 0.5 +/- 0.1M(circle dot) of amorphous carbon, about a factor of two larger than the current nucleosynthetic mass prediction for carbon. The observation of SiO molecules at early and late phases suggests that silicates may also have formed and we could fit the SED with a combination of 0.3M(circle dot) of amorphous carbon and 0.5M(circle dot) of silicates, totalling 0.8M(circle dot) of dust. Our analysis thus supports the presence of a large dust reservoir in the ejecta of SN 1987A. The inferred dust mass suggests that supernovae can be an important source of dust in the interstellar medium, from local to high-redshift galaxies