969 research outputs found

    Multinationals and diffrsion of technology Between developed countries

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    This paper analyses the role played by foreign direct investment (FDI) as a mechanism through which technology flows between countries. After a short review of the existing literature it is observed that aggregate studies do not obtain evidence of the existence of technology spillovers amongst the OECD countries. These results oppose the presumption among many academics and policy-makers that FDI helps accelerate the process of economic development in host countries. The conclusion drawn is that spillovers have taken place, but that there is a problem of overlap between the variables used in these analyses which prevents their impact being captured properly.

    Giambattista Vico nel Tepozteco

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    El Autor relata su experiencia con el “Seminario Internacional” viquiano celebrado en octubre de 2007 en TepotzotlĂĄn (MĂ©xico), a las faldas del volcĂĄn Tepozteco.The Author recounts his experience with the vichian “Seminario Internacional” held in October 2007 in TepotzotlĂĄn (MĂ©xico), on the slope of the Tepozteco volcano.L’Autore intende qui ripercorrere la propria esperienza acquisita nell’ambito del “Seminario internacional” vichiano tenutosi nell’ottobre del 2007 a TepotzotlĂĄn (Messico), ai piedi del vulcano Tepozteco

    Estrategias de sentido comĂșn e ingenio

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    Las relaciones entre el sentido comĂșn -como categorĂ­a recurrente en la historia del pensamiento- y el ingenio -con sus relaciones tal y como plantea Vico- constituyen la estructura de la propuesta del autor.The paper is organised around the relationship between common sens -as a recurrent category in the history of thought- and ingenuity -with it's relationships, as they are considered by Vico-

    La crisis de la educaciĂłn y la edificante filosofĂ­a del humanismo retĂłrico de Giambattista Vico

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    El reconocimiento del valor y vigencia que ha adquirido en fechas recientes la filosofĂ­a de Giambattista Vico implica reconsiderar y hacer frente a las cosas de nuestro tiempo. En particular a la barbarie que las polĂ­ticas de desarrollo basadas e instrumentalizadas por el neoliberalismo y sus inaceptables efectos en el campo educativo en general obligan a proponer alternativas viables para hacerles frente. De este modo es interesante reflexionar sobre la propuesta de establecer un modelo educativo el cual sea a la vez el fundamento y principio de un giro sustantivo en el interĂ©s de reformular los tĂ©rminos de la nueva dignidad humana. De este modo lo que a aquĂ­ se expone es una breve reflexiĂłn en torno a la viabilidad de la preeminencia de la palabra en las adversas circunstancias actuales.The recent recognition of the value and validity of the philosophy of Giambattista Vico implies a reconsideration and confrontation with the problems of our times. In particular, the barbarity of development politics, which are based on—and instrumentalized by—neoliberalism and its unacceptable effects in the field of education in general force us to look for viable alternatives in order to confront them. For that reason, there is much interest in reflecting about the possibility of an educational model that serves as a ground and principle of a substantive drift in our conception of the new human dignity. In this way, a brief reflection is here exposed about the viability of the pre-eminence of the word in our unfavourable contemporary cir

    Sobre la polĂ­tica conciliatoria en Baltasar GraciĂĄn

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    [Resumen] El artĂ­culo presenta una interpretaciĂłn de la filosofĂ­a polĂ­tica de GraciĂĄn, en el contexto de los tĂłpicos polĂ­ticos de la RazĂłn de Estado, como fundamentalmente conservativa. El intento de conciliar las cosas humanas y las divinas guĂ­a las inquietudes filosĂłfico-polĂ­ticas del autor. La idea de que la empresa central del gobernante es preservar y conservar el Imperio, es aceptada por GraciĂĄn. Sin embargo, su originalidad radica en hacer del arte de gobernar la expresiĂłn de la capacidad y habilidad del polĂ­tico para gobernar utilizando positivamente las circunstancias.[Sommaire] L’article prĂ©sente une interprĂ©tation de la philosophie politique de GraciĂĄn, dans le contexte des topiques politiques de la Raison d’État, comme fondamentalement conservatrice. La tentative de concilier les choses humaines et les choses divines guide les inquiĂ©tudes philosophiques-politiques de l’auteur. L’idĂ©e de l’entreprise centrale du gouvernant de prĂ©server et de conserver l’Empire, est acceptĂ©e par GraciĂĄn. Cependant, son originalitĂ© consiste Ă  faire de l’art de gouverner l’expression de la capacitĂ© et l’habiletĂ© de l’homme politique pour gouverner en utilisant positivement les circonstances.[Abstract] The article presents an interpretation of GraciĂĄn’s political philosophy, in the context of the political topics of the Reason of State, fundamentally conservative. The attempt at harmonizing things “human and divine” guides the philosophical - political worries of the author. The idea that a leader’s main task of is to keep and preserve the Empire, is accepted by GraciĂĄn. Nevertheless, his originality lies in understanding the art of government as the politician’s skill and ability to rule making the most of the circumstances to his favour

    FilosofĂ­a de la protesta radical y filosofĂ­a de la protesta reflexiva en Baruch Spinoza

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    La gran paradoja del spinozismo se encuentra en el deseo por establecer los principios de una filosofĂ­a que aspira a la reforma de la naturaleza humana, y que acepta como evidencia la imposibilidad de llevar tal empresa a buen tĂ©rmino. Es un realismo radical lo que acentĂșa que invariablemente en polĂ­tica se tenga que decidir entre la protesta radical y la protesta reflexiva.The great paradox of spinozism is found in the desire to establish the principles of a philosophy that aspires to the reform of human nature, and that accepts as evidence the impossibility of carrying out such an enterprise. It's a radical realism that accentuates the politics' necessesity to choose between the radical protest and the reflexive protest

    International technology diffusion through imports and its impact on economic growth

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    This paper provides new evidence on the importance of international technology spillovers channelled by imports and its impact on economic TFP growth of the OECD countries. For this purpose we estimate a version of the growth model with endogenous technological change used in Benhabib and Spiegel (1994), which includes some modifications in order to capture the differences in the degree of success that countries have in benefiting from foreign technology spillovers. Our results suggest that domestic R&D and human capital stocks are critical for successful technology diffusion from abroad.

    Quantum chaos and nuclear mass systematics

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    The presence of quantum chaos in nuclear mass systematics is analyzed by considering the differences between measured and calculated nuclear masses as a time series described by the power law 1/ f^alpha. While for the liquid droplet model plus shell corrections a quantum chaotic behavior alpha approx 1 is found, errors in the microscopic mass formula have alpha approx 0.5, closer to white noise. The chaotic behavior seems to arise from many body effects not included in the mass formula.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, replaced to match the published versio


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    Primera Ha sido muy importante la evoluciĂłn de nuestra mĂĄxima figura jurĂ­dica: el amparo, mĂĄs de diez años pasaron para que evolucionara; de entre todas sus novedades la ampliaciĂłn del concepto de autoridad para los efectos del juicio de amparo es para mĂ­ una de las mĂĄs importantes, cabe señalar que no es lo mismo autoridad” que “autoridad para los efectos del amparo”. El juicio de amparo protege a las personas frente a normas generales, actos u omisiones por parte de los poderes pĂșblicos o de particulares en los casos señalados en la ley, asĂ­ se amplĂ­a el concepto de autoridad para efectos del amparo a partir de la Reforma Constitucional de 2011 y la nueva Ley de Amparo de 2 de abril de 2013.OBJETO DE ESTUDIO El objeto de estudio en el presente trabajo terminal lo es la ConstituciĂłn PolĂ­tica de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, asĂ­ como la Ley de Amparo, reglamentaria de los artĂ­culos 105 y 107 Constitucionales, en especĂ­fico el tema de la Defensa de Derechos Fundamentales en Contra de Actos de Particulares en MĂ©xico
