56 research outputs found

    Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD)

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    The goal of this senior design project is to produce an alternative to the current market of dental guards available that non-invasively treat Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD). TMJD occurs when there is an anterior dislocation of the articular disk in reference to the condyle. The focus of the design is to prevent patients that have been rehabilitated by a specialist from regressing due to bruxism. Bruxism is a condition where teeth grind, gnash, or clench involuntarily at any time of the day, especially during sleep time. Bruxism engages the Masseter, Temporalis, MedialPterygoid, and Lateral Pterygoid muscles to continuously be under involuntary movement which leads to the exhaustion of the muscles and jaw joints and therefore can provoke rehabilitated patients\u27 symptoms to worsen. The current market provides numerous types of dental guards that reduce the effect of bruxism on the excessive wear and damage of the teeth. Nonetheless, these dental guards do not prevent protrusion, protraction, retraction, or lateral or medial excursion. This is a current issue as the individual is exerting forces on their jaw with the grinding movement which causes the articular disk to slip. The design aims to produce a dental guard that can relieve the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) from pressure while it is under bruxism, preventing the patient’s symptoms from augmenting. The design process consists of 3D printing a two-piece dental guard out of Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) filament and elastic 50A resin. As for the early testing stage, the product will initially be tested on a skull model made of Polylactic acid (PLA) filament. Depending on the testing results, it could progressively lead to the phase of being approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to test on an experimental group. The requirements being considered while designing are safety, the effectiveness of relieving TMJ frompressure while it is under bruxism, comfortability, weight, time that it should be worn, and cost as dental guards are designed to degrade over time

    Estabelecidos em ação:: um caso de conquista e de manutenção de postos de poder

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Sociologia defendida no dia 03 de outubro de 2008,  sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. Caetano Ernesto Pereira de Araúj

    DESENVOLVIMENTO DE UMA DESCIDA DE ÁGUA MODULAR POR MEIO DE MODELO FISICO REDUZIDO : Development of a modular stepped chute through reduced physical model

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    Stepped chutes have long been used in works of different sizes of urban infrastructure, road drainage, spillways, and mine drainage. Mine waste dumps are structures for the disposal of materials with no economic value, extracted to release ore exploration. These deposits are formed by the ascending method, with banks at every ten meters of unevenness, which can reach, in total, up to 300 m of stacking. Their drainage systems use stepped chutes built on slopes defined by geotechnical design (usually 1V: 2H), followed by horizontal levels (berms) from three to eight meters in length. There are several design solutions for these drainage structures: reinforced concrete, smooth or stepped rectangular section chutes; concrete filled geocell, smooth trapezoidal section chutes; gabion, smooth or stepped, rectangular or trapezoidal chutes; etc. This study proposes an equation to design criteria surface drainage structures applied to mine waste dumps geometry. The results indicated that it is possible to treat the hole system as if formed by a single stepped chute and stilling basin system, optimizing design effort, reducing associated risks with erosion, and creating beacons for economic execution.Estruturas hidráulicas de dissipação de energia em degraus são há muito utilizadas em obras de diferentes portes como infraestrutura urbana, drenagem rodoviária e vertedouros de usinas. Na mineração, pilhas de estéril – estruturas de disposição de materiais sem valor econômico, extraídos para liberação do minério das cavas – são aterros formados pelo método ascendente, com bancos a cada dez metros de desnível, podendo atingir, somados, até 300 m de empilhamento. As descidas de água são construídas em taludes (1V:2H) padronizados pelo projeto geométrico geotécnico, seguidos de patamares horizontais (bermas) de três a oito metros de comprimento. Há várias soluções de projeto para essas estruturas de drenagem como seção retangular revestida em concreto armado, lisas ou em degraus, geocélula preenchida em concreto em seção trapezoidal, lisas e gabiões. Propõe-se neste estudo o desenvolvimento de um equacionamento que permita, empregando um modelo físico reduzido na escala 1:10, direcionar os critérios de projeto dessas estruturas de drenagem superficial aplicadas à geometria pré-fixada. Os resultados obtidos permitiram constatar que a partir de uma formulação adequada é possível tratar o sistema formado pela descida e bacia de dissipação, otimizando-se a fase de projeto, diminuindo-se os riscos associados à erosão e criando-se balizas para economicidade de execução

    Longwall Shield Recovery Using Mobile Roof Supports

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    Longwall mining has gained the reputation as being the safest extraction method in underground coal mines. However, one of the most difficult tasks associated with longwall mining is moving the face once a panel is completed. Based on Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) fatality reports since 1996, longwall face recovery operations have claimed the lives of 5 U.S. miners and have resulted in numerous injuries. Recovery operations can be hazardous because they involve moving large pieces of equipment in very confined spaces. They are also conducted in highly stressed ground conditions due to front abutment loads generated by panel extraction. Shield removal is the most hazardous operation during face recovery because miners are constantly exposed to the unpredictable gob edge. To protect the miners, one or more walking shields, cribbing and/or other supplemental roof and standing supports are typically employed as breaker line supports as each shield is removed. At the Harris No. 1 Mine in southern WV, mobile roof supports (MRS\u2019s) have been used in lieu of traditional walking shields on 17 face moves since 1997. MRS\u2019s are shield-like support units mounted on crawler tracks and are commonly used during room-and-pillar retreat mining operations. For longwall recovery, the two biggest advantages that MRS\u2019s have over traditional walking shields are that they are remotely controlled and are highly maneuverable. MRS\u2019s have contributed to safer shield recovery and shorter move times at the Harris No. 1 Mine. This paper will address both the safety and the operational issues associated with MRS usage during shield recovery. It will also discuss new developments, including the use of the inherently safer battery powered MRS\u2019s, which have been recently certified by the Mine Safety and Health Administration.2007736

    Indice de Mannhein en el abdomen agudo perforado en pacientes mayores de 65 años

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    RESUMEN Se presenta un estudio prospectivo y protocolizado de 98 enfermos mayores de 65 años, operados de urgencia por abdomen agudo perforado, en el Hospital Nacional de Clínicas durante el período comprendido de abril/2007 a abril/2013.El propósito fue determinar la morbi-mortalidad de esta entidad en los ancianos. Los principales afectados fueron mujeres entre 65 y 75 años. Se destaca como principal causa de intervención la afectación del colon en su totalidad. Las complicaciones sépticas y la insuficiencia renal, son los desórdenes que prevalecieron. Aplicación práctica del índice de peritonitis de Mannheim. El abdomen agudo perforado es un cuadro con alta tasa de mortalidad en el adulto mayor. Palabras Claves: Abdomen agudo perforado. Morbi-mortalidad. Índice de peritonitis de Mannheim.  ABSTRACT We present a prospective and protocolizeted study of 98 patients over 65 years, underwent emergency surgery for perforated acute abdomen in the Hospital Nacional de Clínicas during the period from April/2007 to April/2013.The purpose was to determine the morbidity and mortality of this entity in the elderly. Mainly affected were women between 65 and 75 years. The leading cause of intervention was the colonic involvement, in its entirety. Septic complications and renal failure are the disorders that prevailed. Practical application of Mannheim peritonitis index. The perforated acute abdomen is a picture with a high rate of mortality in the elderly. Key words: Perforative Acute abdomen. Morbidity and Mortality. Mannheim peritonitis index    </p

    Ionic liquid Stabilizing high‐efficiency tin halide perovskite solar cells

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    Tin halide perovskites attract incremental attention to deliver lead‐free perovskite solar cells. Nevertheless, disordered crystal growth and low defect formation energy, related to Sn(II) oxidation to Sn(IV), limit the efficiency and stability of solar cells. Engineering the processing from perovskite precursor solution preparation to film crystallization is crucial to tackle these issues and enable the full photovoltaic potential of tin halide perovskites. Herein, the ionic liquid n‐butylammonium acetate (BAAc) is used to tune the tin coordination with specific O…Sn chelating bonds and NH…X hydrogen bonds. The coordination between BAAc and tin enables modulation of the crystallization of the perovskite in a thin film. The resulting BAAc‐containing perovskite films are more compact and have a preferential crystal orientation. Moreover, a lower amount of Sn(IV) and related chemical defects are found for the BAAc‐containing perovskites. Tin halide perovskite solar cells processed with BAAc show a power conversion efficiency of over 10%. This value is retained after storing the devices for over 1000 h in nitrogen. This work paves the way toward a more controlled tin‐based perovskite crystallization for stable and efficient lead‐free perovskite photovoltaics.Natural Science Foundation of ChinaShanghai Synchrotron Radiation FacilityEuropean Research CouncilEuropean Union's Horizon 202

    Trinta anos de sintaxe gerativa no Brasil

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    Estabelecidos em ação : um caso de conquista e de manutenção de postos de poder

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Sociologia, 2008.Os conflitos existentes e as relações de força que se instituíram entre os servidores participantes do Projeto NOVO, uma medida de modernização da Previdência Social, é o objeto desta dissertação no sentido de desvendar os mecanismos que contribuíram para o acesso e a manutenção de um grupo de pessoas em postos de poder. O estudo, orientado com as noções de burocracia ideal de Weber e das relações de poder examinadas por Elias, mostra como o Projeto, ao longo das atividades de modelagem de processos, de construção de produtos e outros trabalhos, se tornou um terreno fértil de lutas. Isso se processou fundamentalmente, entre duas classes ali representadas ─ estabelecidos e outsiders ─ com adesão ou não de outras. Os conflitos se esgotaram com o monopólio de estabelecidos que passaram a atuar com autoridade legitimada pelo poder. Esse grupo, no período de 2002 a 2008, movimentou um conjunto de vinte cargos de direção e assessoramento superior e de quinze funções entre nove pessoas. Formada essa elite, os participantes migraram do PNOVO para outros dois novos projetos ─ o PGESTÃO e o PIM. A circularidade da interdependência e a análise empírica das múltiplas variáveis indicaram que os projetos foram mecanismos de sustentação de seus interesses para solidificar posições e reafirmar novas missões, com direções estratégicas distintas do contrato internacional celebrado entre o governo brasileiro e o Banco Mundial. A ação e movimento racional desse grupo confirmam a hipótese de que a conquista e a manutenção de postos de poder e de prestígio no serviço público estão fundadas no fortalecimento de um grupo, por meio do controle dos meios e dos postos de comando. Essa é uma conclusão do exame dos movimentos realizados pelos integrantes do grupo ─ os estabelecidos ─ minuciosamente analisados à luz das entrevistas, pelas observações da pesquisadora e pelo exame de farta documentação. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe existing conflicts and relations of power that were founded between public servants participants of Project Novo, a measure of modernization of Social Welfare in Brazil, is the object of this dissertation in order to unravel the mechanisms that contributed to access and maintenance of a group of people in positions of power. The study, focusing on the concepts of ideal bureaucracy of Weber and relations of power examined by Elias, shows how the Project, along with activities of processes modeling, products construction and other works, has become a breeding ground for fights. This took place mainly among two classes represented there ─ established and outsiders ─ with adhesion or not from others. The conflicts exhausted with the monopoly of established now to act with authority sanctioned by power. This group, in the period 2002 to 2008, handled a series of twenty positions of direction and advice and top fifteen functions between nine people. Formed this elite, participants PNOVO migrated to the other two new projects ─ the PGESTÃO and PIM. The circularity of interdependence and empirical analysis of multiple variables indicated that the projects were mechanisms in support of their interests to solidify positions and reaffirm new missions with distinct strategic directions from international contract signed between the Brazilian government and the World Bank. The rational action and movement of this group confirm the hypothesis that the achievement and maintenance of positions of power and prestige in public service are based on strengthening of a group, through the control of means and positions of command. This is a conclusion of the examination of the movements made by members of the group established ─ scrutinised in the light of the interviews, comments by the researcher and the examination of ample documentation

    Análise da Coerência Parcial Direcionada do Eletroencefalograma durante Estimulação Somatossensorial

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    &lt;p&gt;Partial Directed Coherence (PDC) is a strong mathematical method that gives the concept of Granger causality a frequency domain approach. This method can be used to identify coherence between more than only pairs of signals, decomposing their mutual interactions into "feedback" and "feedforward" aspects. The usage of PDC with multivariate autoregressive models (MAR) has already proved to be efficient in applications to the electroencephalogram (EEG) and can be used to determine causality and information flow between brain regions in different stimulation conditions. This work focuses on the study and analysis of PDC application to the EEG obtained without stimulating the patient (spontaneous EEG) and with somatosensory stimulation (SSEP - Somatosensory Evoked Potential) of the right posterior tibial nerve, aiming to compare both situations. PDC was applied to signals from C3, P3, Cz, Pz, C4, P4 derivations from the International 10-20 System, located near the somatosensory cortex, region where to expect the highest amplitude response while in stimulation. The results have shown that, when the patients are stimulated, there is more information flow (in a frequency range of 0 to 100Hz) from the left hemisphere of the brain cortex, contralateral to the stimulus, to the right hemisphere, ipsilateral to the stimulus, even when it is observed a greater potential in the right side, phenomenon known in literature as paradoxical lateralization.&lt;/p&gt