944 research outputs found

    Motives Driving Functional Food Consumption among Portuguese Students

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    Although Functional Foods are the fastest growing segment of the global food market, motives driving consumption remain somewhat unexplored. Literature points towards personal values as a vital theoretical concept to consider in motivational research, but requiring a mediating construct for measurement, with lifestyle succesfully tested for this effect. Furthermore, authors suggest that individuals are motivated by the self-relevant consequences of consumption and the ability to link them with product attributes and personal values. Exploratory qualitative work has been undertaken to elicit such beliefs, concerning University students’ perception of functional foods. Laddering interviews and focus group were used, establishing whole grain cereals, antioxidant fruit juices and probiotic yoghurts as the most popular products. The conceptual framework was afterwards tested, via questionnaire submission to a sample of 596 students, examining Food-Related Lifestyles (FRL) and those product-related beliefs as possible consumption motives. Five FRL segments were identified, with empirical confirmation of segment membership being determinant only for cereal consumption. Conversely, findings indicate a strong association between beliefs and consumption frequency for all products. The study revealed that Portuguese students are only ready to adopt functional cereals and juices if both their well-being and pleasure needs are satisfied, as health claims alone do not seem enough to guarantee preference. For yoghurts, on the other hand, results suggest that loyal consumers strive for an independent lifestyle and look for convenient foods that can help them to take care of their own health. Implications for food companies, academic contributions and future directions are also offered.Apesar dos Alimentos Funcionais constituirem actualmente o segmento de maior crescimento no sector alimentar, as motivações inerentes ao seu consumo permanecem por explorar. A revisão bibliográfica indica os valores pessoais como um conceito teórico essencial na área motivacional, tendo os Estilos de Vida sido testados com sucesso como permitindo a sua mensuração. Adicionalmente, diversos autores têm defendido que os indivíduos são motivados por crenças àcerca da relação entre atributos do produto, consequências do seu consumo e valores pessoais. Um estudo exploratório foi realizado junto de estudantes universitários, de forma a apurar as suas crenças mais frequentes relativas aos Alimentos Funcionais, recorrendo a entrevistas laddering e focus group. Identificaram-se os cereais integrais, sumos antioxidantes e iogurtes com ácidos activos como os produtos mais populares neste grupo. Posteriormente, foi testado o modelo conceptual, junto de uma amostra com 596 estudantes, propondo o segmento de Estilo de Vida Alimentar e crenças sobre a Atractividade do Produto como possíveis determinantes de consumo. Cinco segmentos foram identificados, confirmando-se uma correlação estatisticamente significativa apenas com o consumo de cereais. Por outro lado, os resultados indiciam uma correlação forte entre atractividade e consumo, para os três produtos. O estudo quantitativo revela que os estudantes Portugueses só adoptam hábitos de consumo frequente de cereais e sumos funcionais, quando acreditam que quer as suas necessidades de prazer, quer de bem-estar podem ser satisfeitas. Relativamente aos iogurtes, os consumidores mais frequentes parecem aspirar a um estilo de vida independente, procurando produtos alimentares que os ajudem a tomar conta de si próprios. Por último, são apresentadas implicações para a indústria alimentar, bem como contributos para futuras investigações académicas

    Regionalist projects of Rogério de Azevedo

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    In the work of the architect Rogério de Azevedo – mostly realised from end of twenties to forties – the regionalist option was always present. Sometimes by his own initiative, sometimes as an answer to the rules of governmental programmes. Regardless of the condition of the State to work with regional types to built in series, supposedly respectful of local sensitivities, the constraints and technical materials led the architect to adopted techniques and appropriate languages, in a personal interpretation, were modernism and vernacular are mixed. Here a decisive factor is the counterpoint between the project for the city and the project for the rural environment. If in some cases the State order was determinant, in others, particularly in projects of late twenties and early forties, the architect and his vision of the relationship between the placements, the materials available and expressive values that inform his work, are the reason of being of his works.Este texto foi co-financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P. (PIDDAC) e pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional – FEDER, através do COMPETE – Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade (POFC), no âmbito do projecto "Fotografia, Arquitectura Moderna e a «Escola do Porto»: Interpretações em torno do Arquivo Teófilo Rego" (PTDC/ATP-AQI/4805/2012

    Collages and photomontages in architectural representation. The photographic works of Teófilo Rego

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    Graphically manipulated photographs were frequently used to illustrate the impact of the projected building on the existing cityscape or landscape, in particular, in those cases, where the projects had a monumental scale. We discouvered two sorts of documents at Teófilo Rego Archive: on the one hand, the collages and photomontages made by architects and photographed by Teófilo Rego; on the other hand, collages and photomontages made by Teófilo Rego at the commission of architects, a work whose depth seems to indicate the collaboration, a free, curious and imaginative spirit of research and the deepening of the formal and expressive hypothesis proportionated by the commission. In the second group are included the photographs of four projects of the International Competition for the monument to the Infante D. Henrique in Sagres, 1954/1957. The photomontages and collages contained in the specification and in the draft’s process submitted by João Andresen, and the photomontages of the projects by Nadir Afonso and Manuel da Silva Passos Junior must have been a form of project impact statement from their authors, and certainly represent a period of great creativity as concerns Teófilo Rego. All photomontages by Teófilo Rego are constructed images, the result of a rational being, but are also emotional. As his gaze approaches the models, the images become abstract, and deviate from a possible illusion of reality. Whereas the compositions on the territory and the monument demanded a certain expressive naturalism more than realism, it is the geometric abstraction of architectural form that prevails in the close-ups.This text was co-funded with FEDER funds by the Operational Competitiveness Programme – COMPETE and national funds by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the project Photography, Modern Architecture and the “School of Oporto”: Interpretations Around Teófilo Rego Archive (PTDC/ ATP-AQI/4805/2012 - FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028054


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    This paper studies the cartographic products associated with the Tiete River Exploration Report, (1905) published by the Geographical and Geological Committee of the São Paulo Province. The expedition, from the Bar of the Jacaré-Guassú River to the Paraná River, led to the mapping of the Tietê River, which, along with others, is part of the efforts made by this state agency so that there was no longer a great region called "Unknown hinterland inhabited by Indians" in the official map of the Province of Sao Paulo. The purpose was not only to map, but also to raise the mineral resources, the geology, focused on the types of soil and its agricultural potential, and the navigability of rivers for transporting people and goods. The data obtained are studied (altitudes, longitudes, magnetic declination), surveys paths, equipment used, work methodology and the Cartography produced: General Map, Partial Maps, Profile, Cross Sections and other

    Rogério de Azevedo’s Regionalist Drift

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    The work of architect Rogério de Azevedo—mostly built between the late 1920s and the 1940s—always included the recourse to regionalism, whether as a response to government programs or as the architect’s own initiative. Decisive for him was the between the city project the rural project Despite the State’s ability to work with regional types that could be constructed in series, purportedly in line with local sensitivities, a number of constraints and technical led the architect to adopt techniques and to appropriate languages into a singularly personal interpretation in which the modern and the vernacular are combined. If in some cases State order was determinant, in others, particularly in projects of the late 1920s and early 1940s, the architect and his vision of the relationship between the placements, of the available materials and the expressive values that inform his work, are the reason of being of his works.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O portefólio e a aprendizagem no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    O processo de autorregulação não se desenvolve nos alunos de forma espontânea. Neste sentido, é necessário preparar o trabalho com os alunos, a fim de se conseguir uma autorregulação eficaz e uma apropriação do significado dos objetivos de aprendizagem. No âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico realizei um estudo com o objetivo de compreender o contributo do Portefólio, enquanto instrumento (auto) regulador da aprendizagem. Assim as nossas hipóteses de trabalho consistiram em analisar como se negociou com os alunos o processo de construção e como foi dinamizado e utilizado o portefólio, em sala de aula. Com esta análise procurámos perceber também como é que os alunos evoluíram neste percurso em termos da sua apropriação deste instrumento para o desenvolvimento das suas aprendizagens. A metodologia adotada inscreve-se numa abordagem qualitativa com um design próximo da investigação-ação. Os dados foram recolhidos através da observação, inquérito através de entrevistas e questionário e ainda através de análise documental dos portefólios dos alunos. Para a análise de dados utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo, em que as categorias se foram construindo no decurso do trabalho.Os resultados mostram que a apropriação de um trabalho novo é gradual e que a utilização do portefólio, enquanto instrumento de autorregulação, contribui para o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de aprendizagens que se relacionam com as áreas curriculares, mas também com a autonomia. O estudo também mostra que o portefólio assume-se como um instrumento por excelência para a atribuição de feedback, que também possibilita que os alunos melhorem o seu desempenho.Abstract The process of self-regulation does not develop in the students in a spontaneous way. In this sense, it is necessary to prepare students to work in order to achieve effective self-regulation, and ownership of the meaning of the learning objectives. In the context of Masters in Preschool and Primary Teaching Education we conducted a study aimed at understanding the contribution of the Portfolio as an instrument (self) control of learning. So our working hypotheses consisted of examining how students have negotiated with the construction process and how it was used and developed the portfolio in the classroom. With this analysis we also try to understand how students progressed in this path in terms of their appropriation of this tool for the development of their learning. The methodology is part of a qualitative approach with a design close to the action research. Data were collected through observation, investigation through interviews and questionnaire and also through documentary analysis of portfolios of students. For data analysis we used the content analysis, where the categories are gone during the building work. The results show that ownership of a new work is gradual and that the use of the portfolio as a tool for self-regulation contributes to the development of a set of learning that relate to curriculum areas, but also with autonomy. The study also shows that the portfolio is assumed as an instrument par excellence for the assignment feedback, which also enables students to improve their performanc

    Numerical modelling for safety examination of existing concrete bridges

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Civil. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    B-type natriuretic peptide predicts long-term prognosis in a cohort of critically ill patients

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    B-type natriuretic peptide is an important prognostic marker in heart failure. However, there are limited data for its value in non-cardiac intensive care unit patients, namely regarding long-term prognosis. We investigated the long-term prognostic value of BNP in a cohort of critically ill patients. This was a prospective and observational study, conducted in a tertiary university hospital 20-bed intensive care unit. We included 103 mechanically-ventilated patients admitted for a non-cardiac primary diagnosis; B-type natriuretic peptide samples were obtained on admission. A mean 14 (3–30) month follow up was available in 96.1% of patients who were discharged from hospital. Mean age was 60.7±19.0 years and mean APACHE II score was 16.2±7.2. APACHE II score and renal dysfunction increased with rising B-type natriuretic peptide, with more than 60% of patients having B-type natriuretic peptide levels of 100 pg/mL or over; echocardiography-derived left ventricular ejection fraction was lower in patients with higher B-type natriuretic peptide (P < 0.001). Long-term survivors had lower median B-type natriuretic peptide values (117.5[2–1668] pg/mL) compared with intensive care unit non-survivors (191.0[5–4945] pg/mL), P<0.001. After adjustment to APACHE II score, B-type natriuretic peptide levels of 300 pg/mL or over were independently associated with long-term mortality (odds-ratio 4.1 [95% CI 1.45–11.5], P=0.008). We conclude that in an unselected cohort of intensive care unit patients, admission B-type natriuretic peptide is frequently elevated, even without clinically apparent acute heart disease, and is a strong independent predictor of long-term mortality

    Rol de la Cerámica en la Afirmación Social de los Moches del Valle de Santa

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    From the perspective that the Moche dominated and restructured at the socio-political level the Santa Valley during Phase IV (AD 450-800), a new Moche society emerged as a Province of the expansionist Southern Moche State. New radiocarbon dates support a strong Moche presence lasting more than three centuries, and the high density of typical ceramic on sites of this phase indicates without any doubt the intensive production and promotion of the Moche style in the Santa Valley. Political control allowed the development of a local Moche identity in Santa. Th e relations between the center, Huacas de Moche, and the periphery, the Santa Valley, will be discussed regarding the production and distribution of domestic and decorated ceramics. We will also try to understand the locally produced ceramic and the socio-political indicators of the stratifi ed Moche society established in Santa by looking at ceramic production centers and at the fi rst results of paste analysis with neutron activation.Key words: Moche, expansion, ceramic, cultural identity.Desde la perspectiva que los moches dominaron y reestructuraron sociopolíticamente el valle de Santa durante la fase IV (450-800 años d.C.), una nueva sociedad Moche se constituyó como provincia del estado expansionista Moche Sur. Nuevas fechas radiocarbónicas confi rman una presencia dominante moche que duró más de tres siglos y la densidad de la cerámica típica en los sitios de la fase IV indican sin duda la producción masiva y la promoción del estilo Moche en el valle de Santa. El control político permitió el desarrollo de una identidad moche en Santa. Las relaciones entre el centro -el sitio Huacas de Moche- y la periferia -el valle de Santa- se discuten a partir de la producción y la distribución de la cerámica doméstica y decorada. Además, intentamos comprender la alfarería local en términos de indicadores sociopolíticos de la sociedad estratifi cada Moche asentada en este valle, indicando los sitios de producción cerámica y los resultados de una primera fase de análisis de pastas por activación neutrónica.Palabras claves: Moche, expansión, cerámica, identidad cultural


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    This article presents a proposal for using digital cartography applied to the comparative analysis of a series of 13 historical maps of São Paulo city. The analysis sought to establish links between the rail transport infrastructure and the process of structuring the city of São Paulo between 1870 and 1930. Therefore, we produced thematic maps from a selection of historical maps of the city and the following were identified: urban sprawl, existing neighborhoods, planned housing developments, paths design, railways and streetcars. It proved to be a practical way for digital cartography to be supported by Geographic Information Systems made more agile for handling, visualization and overlapping information in different historical maps, facilitating the comparative analysis process of the structuring role of paths and trails in the formation of the urban area, the work hypothesis verified at the end of the article