86 research outputs found

    Red social para la práctica cooperativa y competitiva del deporte

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    En el presente proyecto se mostrará el diseño e implementación de un sitio web utilizando Drupal 7. El proyecto será una red social de carácter deportivo llamada FriendSport, con la finalidad de poder contactar con gente que le interesen los mismos deportes, poder compartir contenido, formar grupos, además de otras funciones comunes de una red social como el sistema de amigos, publicaciones o chat. Primero se explicará que es Drupal y sus características, así como la justificación de por qué es una solución adecuada para este tipo de proyecto, cómo es su instalación y cómo funcionan sus módulos. Antes de empezar el proyecto definiremos los requisitos funcionales básicos que tendrá el sitio web que serán la guía para la implementación. Una vez detallados los requisitos funcionales y siguiendo su esquema, se explicará la implementación con las funcionalidades básicas del sitio. Con esta estructura hecha se detallarán los principales contenidos personalizamos que tendrá el sitio y que podrán crear los usuarios. Todo este proceso llevará desde la configuración de módulos creados por terceros, manejo de consultas SQL, creación de módulos propios para Drupal, diseño de la web y programación para el sitio utilizando la API de Drupal

    La okupación como herramienta de intervención social.

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    La okupación se ha convertido en una práctica que ha permitido a la población tomar conciencia sobre una de sus necesidades más básicas, el derecho a una vivienda. Pero también ha servido como herramienta para crear espacios de autoorganización y participación, donde se han creado contraculturas y alternativas reales de vida. Unir esta práctica al Trabajo Social y a la Investigación Militante puede generar una nueva forma de intervención social que permita repensar y establecer modelos de actuación que hasta ahora no se han realizado, los cuales involucren de forma directa a la población y generen en ella lazos de unión para conquistar todas las demandas que posean. Creando una sinergia entre las 3 se puede establecer un conocimiento y un hacer que abogue por el empoderamiento y la liberación de la ciudadanía, elementos base de la profesión del Trabajo Social.<br /

    No lo llames felicidad hasta que veas en qué para; una unidad didáctica sobre la ética clásica

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    Dada la imposibilidad de tener contacto con estudiantes durante el periodo de prácticas, el presente trabajo sustituye la memoria de las actividades realizadas durante este tiempo (que consistirían únicamente la elaboración de una unidad didáctica, guía de las sesiones que habría impartido en un desarrollo normal de los acontecimientos) por un desarrollo de los contenidos secuenciados en esta unidad didáctica que -junto a la exposición, también, de la metodología empleada para su tratamiento en el aula, y de algunas otras actividades realizadas especialmente en las asignaturas de los últimos meses (como el diseño de una programación didáctica, o de algunas de las actividades que incluimos)- permita dar cuenta de la forma que habrían adoptado en su puesta en práctica en las sesiones programadas. De esta manera, el texto se dedica una revisión de la teoría para adaptarla a al contexto de una clase de primero de bachillerato, en un ejercicio de didáctica de la filosofía que servirá para una justificación principalmente teórica de la unidad didáctica, y que al mismo tiempo resulta la visión más cercana que puedo ofrecer a la que habría sido mi práctica docente.<br /

    Optimal infrastructure selection to boost regional sustainable economy

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    The role of infrastructures in boosting the economic growth of the regions is widely recognized. In many cases, an infrastructure is selected by subjective reasons. Selection of the optimal infrastructure for sustainable economic development of a region should be based on objective and founded reasons, not only economical, but also environmental and social. In this paper is developed such selection through a hybrid method based on Delphi, analytical hierarchy process (AHP), and VIKOR (from Serbian, VIseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje). To do this, a panel of experts assesses both the infrastructures and the drivers for their selection. The method lets us to verify the consistency of answers from experts. In our case, AHP obtains preference values for each infrastructure using the eigenvector method. Meanwhile, the VIKOR method evaluates whether the proposed is the one that best fits the prevailing view, minimizing the regret to the most separate opinions. Thus, for La Costera (Spain), the region under study, this research work concludes that the thematic route is the optimal infrastructure.Martín Utrillas, MG.; Juan-Garcia, F.; Cantó Perelló, J.; Curiel Esparza, J. (2015). Optimal infrastructure selection to boost regional sustainable economy. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 22(1):30-38. doi:10.1080/13504509.2014.954023S3038221Adimassu, Z., Kessler, A., & Stroosnijder, L. (2012). Exploring co-investments in sustainable land management in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 20(1), 32-44. doi:10.1080/13504509.2012.740690Amador-Jimenez, L., & Willis, C. J. (2011). Demonstrating a correlation between infrastructure and national development. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 19(3), 197-202. doi:10.1080/13504509.2011.644639Arciniegas, G., & Janssen, R. (2012). Spatial decision support for collaborative land use planning workshops. Landscape and Urban Planning, 107(3), 332-342. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2012.06.004Barros, C. P., Butler, R., & Correia, A. (2010). The length of stay of golf tourism: A survival analysis. Tourism Management, 31(1), 13-21. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2009.02.010Brida, J. G., Deidda, M., & Pulina, M. (2014). Tourism and transport systems in mountain environments: analysis of the economic efficiency of cableways in South Tyrol. Journal of Transport Geography, 36, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.02.004Bryan, J., Munday, M., & Bevins, R. (2011). Developing a Framework for Assessing the Socioeconomic Impacts of Museums. Urban Studies, 49(1), 133-151. doi:10.1177/0042098010396242Canto-Perello, J., Curiel-Esparza, J., & Calvo, V. (2013). Criticality and threat analysis on utility tunnels for planning security policies of utilities in urban underground space. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(11), 4707-4714. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2013.02.031Castells, A., & Solé-Ollé, A. (2005). The regional allocation of infrastructure investment: The role of equity, efficiency and political factors. European Economic Review, 49(5), 1165-1205. doi:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2003.07.002Cavallaro, F., & Ciraolo, L. (2005). A multicriteria approach to evaluate wind energy plants on an Italian island. Energy Policy, 33(2), 235-244. doi:10.1016/s0301-4215(03)00228-3Cengiz, T., & Akbulak, C. (2009). Application of analytical hierarchy process and geographic information systems in land-use suitability evaluation: a case study of Dümrek village (Çanakkale, Turkey). International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 16(4), 286-294. doi:10.1080/13504500903106634Chang, Y.-C., Hsu, C.-J., Williams, G., & Pan, M.-L. (2008). Low cost carriers’ destination selection using a Delphi method. Tourism Management, 29(5), 898-908. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2007.11.004Chen, S.-J., & Hwang, C.-L. (1992). Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-46768-4Chow, T. E., & Sadler, R. (2010). The consensus of local stakeholders and outside experts in suitability modeling for future camp development. Landscape and Urban Planning, 94(1), 9-19. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2009.07.013Csapo, J. (2012). The Role and Importance of Cultural Tourism in Modern Tourism Industry. Strategies for Tourism Industry - Micro and Macro Perspectives. doi:10.5772/38693Curiel-Esparza, J., & Canto-Perello, J. (2012). Understanding the major drivers for implementation of municipal sustainable policies in underground space. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 19(6), 506-514. doi:10.1080/13504509.2012.732973Curiel-Esparza, J., & Canto-Perello, J. (2013). Selecting utilities placement techniques in urban underground engineering. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 13(2), 276-285. doi:10.1016/j.acme.2013.02.001Deng, H., Liu, T., & Zhao, J. (2011). Strategic measures for an integrated approach to sustainable development in Lijiang City. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 18(6), 559-562. doi:10.1080/13504509.2011.604105Dong, Y., Zhang, G., Hong, W.-C., & Xu, Y. (2010). Consensus models for AHP group decision making under row geometric mean prioritization method. Decision Support Systems, 49(3), 281-289. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2010.03.003Douglas, A. J., & Harpman, D. A. (1995). Estimating Recreation Employment Effects with IMPLAN for the Glen Canyon Dam Region. Journal of Environmental Management, 44(3), 233-247. doi:10.1006/jema.1995.0043Efstratiadis, A., & Hadjibiros, K. (2011). Can an environment-friendly management policy improve the overall performance of an artificial lake? Analysis of a multipurpose dam in Greece. Environmental Science & Policy, 14(8), 1151-1162. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2011.06.001Fallahpour, A. R., & Moghassem, A. R. (2012). Evaluating applicability of VIKOR method of multi-criteria decision making for parameters selection problem in rotor spinning. Fibers and Polymers, 13(6), 802-808. doi:10.1007/s12221-012-0802-8Fonseca, S., & Rebelo, J. (2010). Economic Valuation of Cultural Heritage: Application to a museum located in the Alto Douro Wine Region¿ World Heritage Site. PASOS Revista de turismo y patrimonio cultural, 8(2), 339-350. doi:10.25145/j.pasos.2010.08.024Forman, E., & Peniwati, K. (1998). Aggregating individual judgments and priorities with the analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 108(1), 165-169. doi:10.1016/s0377-2217(97)00244-0Ibret, B. U., Aydinozu, D., & Bastemur, C. (2012). A geographic study on the effects of coastal tourism on sustainable development: coastal tourism in Cide. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 20(2), 134-141. doi:10.1080/13504509.2012.743195Kang, D., & Park, Y. (2014). Review-based measurement of customer satisfaction in mobile service: Sentiment analysis and VIKOR approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(4), 1041-1050. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2013.07.101Kaya, T., & Kahraman, C. (2010). Multicriteria renewable energy planning using an integrated fuzzy VIKOR & AHP methodology: The case of Istanbul. Energy, 35(6), 2517-2527. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2010.02.051Kutut, V., Zavadskas, E. K., & Lazauskas, M. (2014). Assessment of priority alternatives for preservation of historic buildings using model based on ARAS and AHP methods. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 14(2), 287-294. doi:10.1016/j.acme.2013.10.007Larson, E. K., & Perrings, C. (2013). The value of water-related amenities in an arid city: The case of the Phoenix metropolitan area. Landscape and Urban Planning, 109(1), 45-55. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2012.10.008Liou, J. J. H., Tsai, C.-Y., Lin, R.-H., & Tzeng, G.-H. (2011). A modified VIKOR multiple-criteria decision method for improving domestic airlines service quality. Journal of Air Transport Management, 17(2), 57-61. doi:10.1016/j.jairtraman.2010.03.004Neo, H. (2001). Sustaining the unsustainable? Golf in urban Singapore. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 8(3), 191-202. doi:10.1080/13504500109470076Opricovic, S., & Tzeng, G.-H. (2007). Extended VIKOR method in comparison with outranking methods. European Journal of Operational Research, 178(2), 514-529. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2006.01.020Shen, K. Y., & Kou, X. J. (2013). Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of Golf. Advanced Materials Research, 726-731, 4069-4072. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.726-731.4069Solé-Ollé, A., & Sorribas-Navarro, P. (2008). The effects of partisan alignment on the allocation of intergovernmental transfers. Differences-in-differences estimates for Spain. Journal of Public Economics, 92(12), 2302-2319. doi:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2007.06.014Tanner, R. A., & Gange, A. C. (2005). Effects of golf courses on local biodiversity. Landscape and Urban Planning, 71(2-4), 137-146. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2004.02.004Težak, S., Zelenika, R., & Sever, D. (2012). Model of Sustainable Growth and Development of the Cableway Transport System in Slovenia. PROMET - Traffic&Transportation, 23(4), 253-264. doi:10.7307/ptt.v23i4.128Tsoutsos, T., Drandaki, M., Frantzeskaki, N., Iosifidis, E., & Kiosses, I. (2009). Sustainable energy planning by using multi-criteria analysis application in the island of Crete. Energy Policy, 37(5), 1587-1600. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2008.12.011Uyan, M. (2013). GIS-based solar farms site selection using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in Karapinar region, Konya/Turkey. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 28, 11-17. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2013.07.042Vaz, E. de N., Nijkamp, P., Painho, M., & Caetano, M. (2012). A multi-scenario forecast of urban change: A study on urban growth in the Algarve. Landscape and Urban Planning, 104(2), 201-211. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.10.007Xiang, W.-N., Stuber, R. M. B., & Meng, X. (2011). Meeting critical challenges and striving for urban sustainability in China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 100(4), 418-420. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.02.018Yürüdür, E., & Dicle, M. (2011). Settlements - natural environment relationships and tourism potential in Çamiçi (Tokat - Turkey). Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 208-215. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.05.125ZAVADSKAS, E. K., TURSKIS, Z., & TAMOSAITIENE, J. (2011). Selection of construction enterprises management strategy based on the SWOT and multi-criteria analysis. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 11(4), 1063-1082. doi:10.1016/s1644-9665(12)60096-xZhang, S. X., Pramanik, N., & Buurman, J. (2013). Exploring an innovative design for sustainable urban water management and energy conservation. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 20(5), 442-454. doi:10.1080/13504509.2013.820224Hashemkhani Zolfani, S., Aghdaie, M. H., Derakhti, A., Zavadskas, E. K., & Morshed Varzandeh, M. H. (2013). Decision making on business issues with foresight perspective; an application of new hybrid MCDM model in shopping mall locating. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(17), 7111-7121. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2013.06.04

    Applying an experimental design to improve the manufacturing process and properties of a novel sound absorber with recycled fibres from End-of-Life-Tyres

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    [EN] The present work analyses the acoustic properties of acoustic absorbent textile products obtained from the thermo-compression of recycled End-of-Life Tyres. The objective is to obtain products of greater added value from the waste of End-of-Life Tyres, which can become a substitute for the fibrous materials currently used as acoustic absorbents. Experimental design was used to determine the number of samples to be prepared and the manufacturing conditions to maximise acoustic absorption. Five factors were taken into account: material type, temperature, time, weight and compaction factor. The obtained results demonstrate the validity of the experimental design to select the manufacturing factors in order to improve the sound absorption of these textile waste products.Segura Alcaraz, JG.; Zamorano Cantó, M.; Miró Martínez, P.; Nadal Gisbert, AV.; Crespo, J. (2020). Applying an experimental design to improve the manufacturing process and properties of a novel sound absorber with recycled fibres from End-of-Life-Tyres. Journal of Industrial Textiles (Online). 50(1):13-22. https://doi.org/10.1177/1528083718819876S1322501Santini, A., Morselli, L., Passarini, F., Vassura, I., Di Carlo, S., & Bonino, F. (2011). End-of-Life Vehicles management: Italian material and energy recovery efficiency. Waste Management, 31(3), 489-494. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2010.09.015Sienkiewicz, M., Kucinska-Lipka, J., Janik, H., & Balas, A. (2012). Progress in used tyres management in the European Union: A review. Waste Management, 32(10), 1742-1751. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2012.05.010Bartl, A., Hackl, A., Mihalyi, B., Wistuba, M., & Marini, I. (2005). Recycling of Fibre Materials. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 83(4), 351-358. doi:10.1205/psep.04392Maderuelo-Sanz, R., Nadal-Gisbert, A. V., Crespo-Amorós, J. E., & Parres-García, F. (2012). A novel sound absorber with recycled fibers coming from end of life tires (ELTs). Applied Acoustics, 73(4), 402-408. doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2011.12.001Jimenez-Espadafor, F. J., Becerra Villanueva, J. A., García, M. T., Trujillo, E. C., & Blanco, A. M. (2011). Optimal design of acoustic material from tire fluff. Materials & Design, 32(6), 3608-3616. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2011.02.024Parres, F., Crespo-Amorós, J. E., Nadal-Gisbert, A., & Navarro, R. (2012). Mechanical and Thermal Properties Analysis of Polypropylene Reinforced with Polyamide Microfibre Obtained from Shredded Tyres. Polymers and Polymer Composites, 20(9), 817-822. doi:10.1177/096739111202000907Maderuelo-Sanz, R., Martín-Castizo, M., & Vílchez-Gómez, R. (2011). The performance of resilient layers made from recycled rubber fluff for impact noise reduction. Applied Acoustics, 72(11), 823-828. doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2011.05.004Castagnède, B., Aknine, A., Brouard, B., & Tarnow, V. (2000). Effects of compression on the sound absorption of fibrous materials. Applied Acoustics, 61(2), 173-182. doi:10.1016/s0003-682x(00)00003-7Lou, C.-W., Lin, J.-H., & Su, K.-H. (2005). Recycling Polyester and Polypropylene Nonwoven Selvages to Produce Functional Sound Absorption Composites. Textile Research Journal, 75(5), 390-394. doi:10.1177/0040517505054178Seddeq, H. S., Aly, N. M., Marwa A, A., & Elshakankery, M. (2012). Investigation on sound absorption properties for recycled fibrous materials. Journal of Industrial Textiles, 43(1), 56-73. doi:10.1177/1528083712446956Sun, Z., Shen, Z., Ma, S., & Zhang, X. (2013). Novel Application of Glass Fibers Recovered From Waste Printed Circuit Boards as Sound and Thermal Insulation Material. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 22(10), 3140-3146. doi:10.1007/s11665-013-0587-yRushforth, I. M., Horoshenkov, K. V., Miraftab, M., & Swift, M. J. (2005). Impact sound insulation and viscoelastic properties of underlay manufactured from recycled carpet waste. Applied Acoustics, 66(6), 731-749. doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2004.10.00

    Consumers´ behaviour in fast-food restaurants: a food value perspective from Spain

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to understand consumers’ behaviour in fast-food restaurants in Spain. To this end, the authors conducted a survey that combined a classification of food values, as proposed in the relevant literature, with a related model that links personal values to behaviour. Design/methodology/approach – A sample of 400 consumers was gathered from two different, leading fast-food chains operating in Spain. With these data, respondents were grouped through hierarchical cluster analysis and K-measures, and in accordance with Lusk and Briggeman’s (2009) food values and the food-related lifestyle model. The authors validated these clusters by means of ANOVA and discriminant analysis, which led to useful observations about inter-group differences in consumers’ habits, as well as their satisfaction, trust and loyalty. Findings – The results indicate that consumers can be clustered into three groups based their food values assessments: the “mainly utilitarian” group, the “mainly hedonic” group and the “ethical values” group. These groups not only demonstrate diverse habits, but also differ on key variables such as satisfaction, trust and loyalty. Practical implications – The authors offer several managerial recommendations for designing and developing segmentation strategies in the fast-food industry. Any such strategies should acknowledge that all consumer groups appear to value restaurants’ efforts to provide them with both hedonic and utilitarian benefits, although the extent varies across groups. Originality/value – Among the relevant literature, this research is the only one that examines the existence of distinct consumer groups based on their food values assessments. In addition, this paper analyses inter-group differences in terms of both diverse consumptions habits ( frequency of visits, expenditure, etc.) and key marketing variables (satisfaction, trust and loyalty)