125 research outputs found

    La primera recepció de l'haikú en la literatura catalana /

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    Aquest article estudia la recepció que tingué en la literatura catalana del primer terç del segle XX la forma més breu de la poesia lírica japonesa, l'haikú. La recepció s'inicià a les pàgines de 'La Veu de Catalunya': un article de Josep Carner publicat el 1906 oferí una explicació de la forma i una mostra de traduccions a partir d'una font francesa (Paul-Louis Chouchoud), i fou immediatament comentat per Eugeni d'Ors. Després, pels volts de 1920, es produí una revifalla en l'interès per l'haikú, que també es féu eco del que s'esdevenia a la literatura francesa

    La primera recepció de l’haiku en la literatura catalana

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    Aquest article estudia la recepció que tingué en la literatura catalana del primer terç del segle XX la forma més breu de la poesia lírica japonesa, l'haikú. La recepció s'inicià a les pàgines de 'La Veu de Catalunya': un article de Josep Carner publicat el 1906 oferí una explicació de la forma i una mostra de traduccions a partir d'una font francesa (Paul-Louis Chouchoud), i fou immediatament comentat per Eugeni d'Ors. Després, pels volts de 1920, es produí una revifalla en l'interès per l'haikú, que també es féu eco del que s'esdevenia a la literatura francesa

    Radial displacement of a fluid annulus in a rotating Hele-Shaw cell

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    The radial displacement of a fluid annulus in a rotating circular HeleShaw cell has been investigated experimentally. It has been found that the flow depends sensitively on the wetting conditions at the outer interface. Displacements in a prewet cell are well described by Darcy"s law in a wide range of experimental parameters, with little influence of capillary effects. In a dry cell, however, a more careful analysis of the interfacemotion is required; the interplay between a gradual loss of fluid at the inner interface, and the dependence of capillary forces at the outer interface on interfacial velocity and dynamic contact angle, result in a constant velocity for the interfaces. The experimental results in this case correlate in the form of an empirical scaling relation between the capillary number Ca and a dimensionless group, related to the ratio of centrifugal to capillary forces, which spans about three orders of magnitude in both quantities. Finally, the relative thickness of the coating film left by the inner interface is obtained as a function of Ca

    Study of thermoelastic growth during martensitic transformations

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    The possibility of local elastic instabilities is considered in a first¿order structural phase transition, typically a thermoelastic martensitic transformation, with associated interfacial and volumic strain energy. They appear, for instance, as the result of shape change accommodation by simultaneous growth of different crystallographic variants. The treatment is phenomenological and deals with growth in both thermoelastic equilibrium and in nonequilibrium conditions produced by the elastic instability. Scaling of the transformed fraction curves against temperature is predicted only in the case of purely thermoelastic growth. The role of the transformation latent heat on the relaxation kinetics is also considered, and it is shown that it tends to increase the characteristic relaxation times as adiabatic conditions are approached, by keeping the system closer to a constant temperature. The analysis also reveals that the energy dissipated in the relaxation process has a double origin: release of elastic energy Wi and entropy production Si. The latter is shown to depend on both temperature rate and thermal conduction in the system

    Multifractal intermittency in granular flow through bottlenecks

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    We experimentally analyze the intermittent nature of granular silo flow when the discharge is controlled by an extracting belt at the bottom. We discover the existence of four different scenarios. For low extraction rates, the system is characterized by an on-off intermittency. When the extraction rate is increased the structure functions of the grains velocity increments, calculated for different lag times, reveal the emergence of multifractal intermittency. Finally, for very high extraction rates that approach the purely gravitational discharge, we observe that the dynamics become dependent on the outlet size. For large orifices the behavior is monofractal, whereas for small ones, the fluctuations of the velocity increments deviate from Gaussianity even for very large time lags

    The origin of hysteresis and memory of two-phase flow in disordered media

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    Cyclic fluid-fluid displacements in disordered media feature hysteresis, multivaluedness, and memory properties in the pressure-saturation relationship. Quantitative understanding of the underlying pore-scale mechanisms and their extrapolation across scales constitutes a major challenge. Here we find that the capillary action of a single constriction in the fluid passage contains the key features of hysteresis. This insight forms the building block for an ab initio model that provides the quantitative link between the microscopic capillary physics, spatially-extended collective events (Haines jumps) and large-scale hysteresis. The mechanisms identified here apply to a broad range of problems in hydrology, geophysics and engineering

    Experimental study of stable imbibition displacements in a model open fracture. I. Local avalanche dynamics

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    We report the results of an experimental investigation of the spatiotemporal dynamics of stable imbibition fronts in a disordered medium, in the regime of capillary disorder, for a wide range of experimental conditions. We have used silicone oils of various viscosities μ and nearly identical oil-air surface tension and forced them to slowly invade a model open fracture at different constant flow rates v. In this first part of the study we have focused on the local dynamics at a scale below the size of the quenched disorder. Changing μ and v independently, we have found that the dynamics is not simply controlled by the capillary number Ca ∼ μv. Specifically, we have found that the wide statistical distributions of local front velocities, and their large spatial correlations along the front, are indeed controlled by the capillary number Ca. However, local velocities exhibit also very large temporal correlations, and these correlations depend more strongly on the mean imposed velocity v than on the viscosity μ of the invading fluid. Correlations between local velocities lead to a burstlike dynamics. Avalanches, defined as clusters of large local velocities, follow power-law distributions both in size and duration with exponential cutoffs that diverge as Ca → 0, the pinning-depinning transition of stable imbibition displacements. Large data sets have led to reliable statistics, from which we have derived accurate values of critical exponents of the relevant power-law distributions. We have investigated also the dependence of their cutoffs on μ and v and related them to the autocorrelations of local velocities in space and time

    Capillary jumps of fluid-fluid fronts across an elementary constriction in a model open fracture

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    We study experimentally the quasistatic displacement of an oil-air front across a localized constriction in a model open fracture. The front experiences capillary jumps at one end of the constriction in both imbibition and drainage, leading to a microscale pressure-saturation hysteresis cycle. At the other end the front is reversibly pinned. A condition of local mechanical equilibrium between the restoring elasticity of the front and the distortion produced by the local change in aperture captures all we measure quantitatively, in terms of material and geometrical properties only