7,829 research outputs found

    Design study of a thermocouple power sensor as a monolithic fin-line

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    Making traceable power measurements above 110 GHz using current measurement technologies is challenging. We investigate a design of power sensor consisting of a thermocouple-based integrated circuit (IC) mounted as a finline component in WR-6 waveguide. The design is original in that it contains an antenna, terminating resistor and thermocouples on-chip. We detail the design and report results from simulations and measurements made on a two-port 16:1 scale model. Our design of scale model provides both insertion and reflection loss measurements. Electromagnetic simulation and easily-calibrated model measurements confirm that the short antenna fins feasible on a monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) can achieve acceptable specifications. The design proves to be relatively insensitive to the value of the terminating resistance or the size of the antenna fins

    The energy efficiency of 8-bit low-power microcontrollers

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    We have measured the energy cost of processing, sleeping, non-volatile memory writes and ADC measurements of six 8-bit microprocessors from three manufacturers. These measurements compare the chips directly to one another and reveal ideal operating points which can be used to reduce energy consumption

    Scaling of Electrode-Electrolyte Interface Model Parameters In Phosphate Buffered Saline

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    We report how the impedance presented by a platinum electrode scales with the concentration of phosphate buffered saline (PBS). We find that the constant phase element of the model scales with approximately the log of concentration, whereas the resistivity is inversely proportional. Using a novel DC measurement technique we show that the Faradaic response of a platinum electrode, and thus the safe exposure limit, does not scale with concentration below 900mV overpotential across a pair of electrodes. We compare objective measurements made in saline to those made in the spinal cavity of live sheep. We comment upon the appropriateness of using PBS as a substitute for living sheep

    Feasibility of Harvesting Power To Run A Domestic Water Meter Using Streaming Cell Technology

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    We investigate the possibility of using streaming cells as a means of harvesting energy from the town water supply. We measure the electrical power developed from streaming cells using tap water as a working fluid. We estimate the amount of energy available from a typical domestic household based on water usage data. We estimate the amount of energy required to operate a simple data logger and transmitter. From these estimates we calculate the required efficiency and physical form of a streaming cell energy converter. We comment on the feasibility of using streaming cell technology as a means of harvesting energy from a domestic water supply

    Choosing the right microcontroller: A comparison of 8-bit Atmel, Microchip and Freescale MCUs

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    When choosing a microcontroller there are many options, so which platform should you choose? There is little independent information available to help engineers decide which platform might best suit their needs and most designers tend to stick with the brand with which they are familiar. This is a difficult question to answer without bias if the people conducting the evaluations have had previous experience with MCU programming predominantly on one platform. This article draws on a case study. We built three “Smart” Sprinkler Taps, small, self-contained irrigation controllers, differing only in the microcontroller unit (MCU) on the inside. We compare cost, development software quality and hardware performance from the perspective of a new user to each of the platforms

    Detection of Natural Oil Seeps in the Atlantic Ocean Using MODIS

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    Natural oil seepage is the release of crude oil into the ocean from fissures in the seabed. Oil seepage is a major contributor to the total amount of oil entering the world s oceans. According to a 2003 study by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 47 percent of oil entering the world s oceans is from natural seeps, and 53 percent is from human sources (extraction, transportation, and consumption). Oil seeps cause smooth oil slicks to form on the water s surface. Oil seeps can indicate the location of stores of fossil fuel beneath the ocean floor. Knowledge of the effect of oil seepage on marine life and marine ecosystems remains limited. In the past, remote sensing has been used to detect oil seeps in the Gulf of Mexico and off of the coast of southern California. This project utilized sun glint MODIS imagery to locate oil slicks off of the Atlantic coast, an area that had not previously been surveyed for natural oil seeps using remote sensing. Since 1982, the Atlantic Ocean has been closed to any oil and gas drilling. Recently, however, the U.S. Minerals Management Services (MMS) has proposed a lease for oil and gas drilling off the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina. Determining the location of seepage sites in the Atlantic Ocean will help MMS locate potential deposits of oil and natural gas, thereby reducing the risk of leasing areas for petroleum extraction that do not contain these natural resources

    The Regularizing Capacity of Metabolic Networks

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    Despite their topological complexity almost all functional properties of metabolic networks can be derived from steady-state dynamics. Indeed, many theoretical investigations (like flux-balance analysis) rely on extracting function from steady states. This leads to the interesting question, how metabolic networks avoid complex dynamics and maintain a steady-state behavior. Here, we expose metabolic network topologies to binary dynamics generated by simple local rules. We find that the networks' response is highly specific: Complex dynamics are systematically reduced on metabolic networks compared to randomized networks with identical degree sequences. Already small topological modifications substantially enhance the capacity of a network to host complex dynamic behavior and thus reduce its regularizing potential. This exceptionally pronounced regularization of dynamics encoded in the topology may explain, why steady-state behavior is ubiquitous in metabolism.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Theory and Application of Dissociative Electron Capture in Molecular Identification

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    The coupling of an electron monochromator (EM) to a mass spectrometer (MS) has created a new analytical technique, EM-MS, for the investigation of electrophilic compounds. This method provides a powerful tool for molecular identification of compounds contained in complex matrices, such as environmental samples. EM-MS expands the application and selectivity of traditional MS through the inclusion of a new dimension in the space of molecular characteristics--the electron resonance energy spectrum. However, before this tool can realize its full potential, it will be necessary to create a library of resonance energy scans from standards of the molecules for which EM-MS offers a practical means of detection. Here, an approach supplementing direct measurement with chemical inference and quantum scattering theory is presented to demonstrate the feasibility of directly calculating resonance energy spectra. This approach makes use of the symmetry of the transition-matrix element of the captured electron to discriminate between the spectra of isomers. As a way of validating this approach, the resonance values for twenty-five nitrated aromatic compounds were measured along with their relative abundance. Subsequently, the spectra for the isomers of nitrotoluene were shown to be consistent with the symmetry-based model. The initial success of this treatment suggests that it might be possible to predict negative ion resonances and thus create a library of EM-MS standards.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Large-scale structure of brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) populations in England: effects on rodenticide resistance

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    The brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) is a relatively recent (<300 years) addition to the British fauna, but by association with negative impacts on public health, animal health and agriculture, it is regarded as one of the most important vertebrate pest species. Anticoagulant rodenticides were introduced for brown rat control in the 1950s and are widely used for rat control in the UK, but long-standing resistance has been linked to control failures in some regions. One thus far ignored aspect of resistance biology is the population structure of the brown rat. This paper investigates the role population structure has on the development of anticoagulant resistance. Using mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA, we examined 186 individuals (from 15 counties in England and one location in Wales near the Wales–England border) to investigate the population structure of rural brown rat populations. We also examined individual rats for variations of the VKORC1 gene previously associated with resistance to anticoagulant rodenticides. We show that the populations were structured to some degree, but that this was only apparent in the microsatellite data and not the mtDNA data. We discuss various reasons why this is the case. We show that the population as a whole appears not to be at equilibrium. The relative lack of diversity in the mtDNA sequences examined can be explained by founder effects and a subsequent spatial expansion of a species introduced to the UK relatively recently. We found there was a geographical distribution of resistance mutations, and relatively low rate of gene flow between populations, which has implications for the development and management of anticoagulant resistance