2,779 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the present study was to determine if a relationship between what individuals chose as an acceptable workload and muscle effort existed. Additionally, physical capability limits for direct current right-angle power tool operation were established. A psychophysical methodology was utilized to examine 40 non-skilled female participants while performing a right-angle power tool fastening task on a simulated joint. A combination of two between subject variables were examined: joint orientation (horizontal and vertical planes) and joint hardness (hard and soft joints). Participants were evenly distributed into one of the four joint orientation-hardness groups via a minimization technique that reduced between group mean characteristics (i.e. height, weight, age, grip strength). Within each of these four groups, a combination of three fastening strategies (Automatic Tightening Control, Quick Step, and Turbo Tight) and three fastening frequencies (1/min, 3/min, and 5/min) were performed by each participant. The chosen target torque, forces experienced in all three orthogonal axes, and surface electromyography were gathered throughout the data collection. Separate mixed-design repeated analyses of variance were used to assess each of the dependent measures, with Tukey’s post hoc test comparisons as relevant (p\u3c0.05). Fastening strategy and frequency influenced the target torque and forces participants chose as an acceptable workload, which was also supported by the surface electromyography data. Participants chose significantly higher target torques with the Turbo Tight strategy, which was associated with lower peak force and force impulse in comparison to the other two strategies. Participants chose to accept lower target torques and forces as fastening frequency increased. Physical capability limits were calculated to accommodate 75% of the female working population, which will help reduce the risk of injury associated with right-angle power tool use in the automotive sector and elsewhere

    Confocal analysis of nervous system architecture in direct-developing juveniles of Neanthes arenaceodentata (Annelida, Nereididae)

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    Background: Members of Family Nereididae have complex neural morphology exemplary of errant polychaetes and are leading research models in the investigation of annelid nervous systems. However, few studies focus on the development of their nervous system morphology. Such data are particularly relevant today, as nereidids are the subjects of a growing body of "evo-devo" work concerning bilaterian nervous systems, and detailed knowledge of their developing neuroanatomy facilitates the interpretation of gene expression analyses. In addition, new data are needed to resolve discrepancies between classic studies of nereidid neuroanatomy. We present a neuroanatomical overview based on acetylated α-tubulin labeling and confocal microscopy for post-embryonic stages of Neanthes arenaceodentata, a direct-developing nereidid. Results: At hatching (2-3 chaetigers), the nervous system has developed much of the complexity of the adult (large brain, circumesophageal connectives, nerve cords, segmental nerves), and the stomatogastric nervous system is partially formed. By the 5-chaetiger stage, the cephalic appendages and anal cirri are well innervated and have clear connections to the central nervous system. Within one week of hatching (9-chaetigers), cephalic sensory structures (e.g., nuchal organs, Langdon's organs) and brain substructures (e.g., corpora pedunculata, stomatogastric ganglia) are clearly differentiated. Additionally, the segmental-nerve architecture (including interconnections) matches descriptions of other, adult nereidids, and the pharynx has developed longitudinal nerves, nerve rings, and ganglia. All central roots of the stomatogastric nervous system are distinguishable in 12-chaetiger juveniles. Evidence was also found for two previously undescribed peripheral nerve interconnections and aspects of parapodial muscle innervation. Conclusions: N. arenaceodentata has apparently lost all essential trochophore characteristics typical of nereidids. Relative to the polychaete Capitella, brain separation from a distinct epidermis occurs later in N. arenaceodentata, indicating different mechanisms of prostomial development. Our observations of parapodial innervation and the absence of lateral nerves in N. arenaceodentata are similar to a 19th century study of Alitta virens (formerly Nereis/Neanthes virens) but contrast with a more recent study that describes a single parapodial nerve pattern and lateral nerve presence in A. virens and two other genera. The latter study apparently does not account for among-nereidid variation in these major neural features

    Cronolaberintos: Aproximaciones al tiempo en la literatura y el cine

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    Metadados do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso: Cronolaberintos: Aproximaciones al tiempo en la literatura y el cine, pela discente: Jonathan Asdrúbal Valencia Londoño, sob Orientação de Bruno López Petzoldt do curso de Especialização em Literatura Latino-Americana (2011-2012) da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), no Repositório Institucional da UNILA (RI-UNILA)Cronolaberintos: Aproximaciones al tiempo en la literatura y el cin

    Lo que no tiene nombre. Manifestaciones del arte en la novela de Piedad Bonnett

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    Este artículo presenta en el libro Lo que no tiene nombre de la escritora colombiana Piedad Bonnet una suerte de paralelo entre el objeto verbal enunciado a través de la narración y el objeto plástico que abre cada capítulo o que, en algunos casos se referencia en él -- Para ello se abordan diferentes manifestaciones del arte que se encuentran diseminadas a lo largo del texto y que son analizadas desde su función de predecesoras de la narración, desde la teoría de la écfrasis y como constructo de la memoria y el recuerd

    Expression of Sympathetic Nervous System Genes in Lamprey Suggests Their Recruitment for Specification of a New Vertebrate Feature

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    The sea lamprey is a basal, jawless vertebrate that possesses many neural crest derivatives, but lacks jaws and sympathetic ganglia. This raises the possibility that the factors involved in sympathetic neuron differentiation were either a gnathostome innovation or already present in lamprey, but serving different purposes. To distinguish between these possibilities, we isolated lamprey homologues of transcription factors associated with peripheral ganglion formation and examined their deployment in lamprey embryos. We further performed DiI labeling of the neural tube combined with neuronal markers to test if neural crest-derived cells migrate to and differentiate in sites colonized by sympathetic ganglia in jawed vertebrates. Consistent with previous anatomical data in adults, our results in lamprey embryos reveal that neural crest cells fail to migrate ventrally to form sympathetic ganglia, though they do form dorsal root ganglia adjacent to the neural tube. Interestingly, however, paralogs of the battery of transcription factors that mediate sympathetic neuron differentiation (dHand, Ascl1 and Phox2b) are present in the lamprey genome and expressed in various sites in the embryo, but fail to overlap in any ganglionic structures. This raises the intriguing possibility that they may have been recruited during gnathostome evolution to a new function in a neural crest derivative

    The Developmental Organization of Regulatory States in the Sea Urchin Larva

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    Development is an inherently dynamic process where cell fate specification occurs continuously and in a progressive manner. Thus, a major focus in developmental biology is solving the gene regulatory networks (GRNs) that underlie specification of cell fates. GRNs specify new spatial domains of cells by controlling the expression of their changing regulatory states throughout development. Regulatory states are composed of combinations of expressed regulatory genes which encode transcription factors that form regulatory circuits which function to carry out the specific developmental tasks involved in cell fate specification. To investigate the differences of GRNs operating in the embryo and their change over development, we sought to identify and characterize the regulatory states present in multiple developmental stages of sea urchin embryogenesis. We performed a genome-wide survey and embryo-wide annotation of regulatory gene expression by whole mount in situ hybridization at five consecutive developmental time-points in order to determine regulatory states and their developmental trajectory. We determined at least 74 distinct regulatory states expressed in discrete developmental domains which coincide with larval morphological structures and show that their progenitor domains foreshadow the ensuing larval morphology. Among these domains, we identified bilateral ciliary photoreceptors in the larva which express a distinct regulatory state that include factors known in ciliary photoreceptor specification. We show that this photoreceptor regulatory state does not express the genes of the retinal determination network that specify eyes in both flies and vertebrates. In addition, we show that though the sizes of regulatory states are comparable over developmental time, no two regulatory states are equal, even those expressed in a given domain at previous or subsequent developmental time-points. Lastly, we found that similarities among regulatory states reflect a common developmental function but not necessarily a common developmental history. The results suggest that the combinations of transcription factors defining regulatory states are both spatially and temporally dynamic in their progressive specification of cell fates during development and that regulatory state expression is tightly associated with the developing morphology of the larva.</p

    Tool for Measuring the Influence of the Field of Knowledge on Entrepreneurial Intention among University Students

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    This paper aims to analyze a measurement tool allowing the identification of the differences that may exist between the factors and their relationships that affect the entrepreneurial intention of undergraduate students from related and non-business-related programs. This is to know what elements motivate to create a company for each group, and their degree of association, in order to design more effective educational strategies focused on their motivations. For this, a model was proposed, which was validated through the application of a self-administered questionnaire to undergraduate students of different careers, in Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (Medellín). It was found that personal attitudes have a stronger relationship with entrepreneurial intention in students of business-related programs, while perceived viability, perceived convenience, and entrepreneurial behavior have greater weight in students from non-affiliated programs. Thus, the courses focused on creativity in the first group, and the courses focused on the know-how in the second group would be more efficient in increasing the entrepreneurial intention

    Diseño de un Plan Estratégico de Comunicación para el Parque Nacional Yasuní, ubicado en el cantón Aguarico, provincia de Orellana, período 2017

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    El presente trabajo de titulación tiene como objetivo proponer el Diseño de un Plan Estratégico de Comunicación para el Parque Nacional Yasuní, ubicado en el Cantón Aguarico, Provincia de Orellana, periodo 2017, que permita fortalecer el turismo en la zona a través de la comunicación promocional. El tipo de investigación utilizada fue cuali-cuantitativa y de campo, siendo los implicados en esta investigación los turistas nacionales y extranjeros, a quienes se realizó una encuesta estructurada para determinar la situación actual del parque con respecto a sus factores tanto internos como externos, los datos obtenidos fueron analizados e interpretados permitiendo establecer los siguientes hallazgos: el parque nacional Yasuní no promociona sus atractivos turísticos adecuadamente ya que los turistas aseguran no haberse enterado de su oferta a través de medios de comunicación, existe una falta de cooperación entre las agencias turísticas y el parque, el mayor flujo de turistas se produce en los días feriados y vacaciones largas en los cuales aprovechan para viajar, el medio de información más utilizado por los turistas es el internet siendo principalmente las redes sociales. La propuesta de un Plan Estratégico de Comunicación incluye el llevar a cabo de manera sistemática: estrategias de material souvenir, estrategias en redes sociales, estrategias de contenido multimedia. Se recomienda la puesta en marcha de la propuesta, ya que su adecuada aplicación permitirá fortalecer el turismo en la zona a través de la comunicación promocional.The present graduation work deals with proposing a Communication Strategic Plan Design for the Yasuní National Park located in the Aguarico Canton, Orellana Province, 2017 period to strengthen tourism in the zone through the promotional communication. The used investigation type was qualitative-quantitative as well as field one, with the national and foreign tourists being implied, to whom a structured questionnaire was carried out to determine the park actual situation as to its factors both internal and external. The data were analyzed and interpreted, permitting to establish the following findings: the Yasuní National Park does not promote adequately its touring attractions because the tourists are not aware of the offer through the communication media; there is a cooperation lack between the touring agencies and the park; the highest flow of tourists is produced in the holydays and long vacations when they travel. The most used information means by the tourists is the internet through the social networks. The Communication Strategic Plan includes carrying out in a systematic way: souvenir material, strategies in social networks and multimedia content strategies. It is recommended to start the proposal, as its adequate application will permit to strengthen tourism in the zone through the promotional communication

    Principales factores que influyen en las complicaciones operatorias y post operatorias en el tratamiento de apendicitis aguda, Hospital Nacional Hipolito Unanue enero - julio 2016

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    Introducción La apendicitis aguda es tal vez la causa más frecuente de abdomen quirúrgico en el mundo, por lo tanto es necesario un tratamiento oportuno a fin de evitar complicaciones tanto operatorias como post operatorias consiguiendo disminuir la morbimortalidad, la severidad de la enfermedad y la estancia hospitalaria del paciente lo que significa una disminución exponencial en los costos de la enfermedad para el paciente y la institución y por ultimo una rápida recuperación y pronta incorporación a su vida cotidiana. Objetivo General Identificar los factores que influyen en las complicaciones operatorias y post operatorias en el tratamiento de apendicitis aguda en hospital nacional Hipólito Unanue durante el periodo Enero-julio del 2016. Método y Metodología Se realizó un estudio de tipo Observacional, Analítico, transversal, retrospectivo con una metodología cuantitativa y con la aplicación de una ficha de recolección de datos en 208 pacientes. Resultados El 50% presento apendicitis aguda complicada, hay una mayor incidencia del sexo masculino en generar apendicitis aguda complicada (68%) con un p= 0.12 (IC=95% 1.168-3,564), La media de la edad en la muestra es de 32,04 con un rango de 15-87 años, no hay relación significativa de la edad con apendicitis aguda complicada. La sintomatología más común es el dolor abdominal agudo con una incidencia del 100% de la muestra. La demora pre hospitalaria constituye un factor protector cuando se trata de una demora de 15- 48 horas presentado un p=0,008 (IC=95% 0,076-0,742) y un OR= 0,237. La pre medicación si constituye un factor de riesgo para apendicitis aguda complicada con un p=0,001, OR de 3.933 (IC 95% 2.182-7.092). No existe relación entre la apendicitis aguda complicada y las complicaciones post operatorias con la demora intrahospitalaria. El tiempo quirúrgico representa un factor protector, a menos tiempo quirúrgico (0-60 minutos) menor incidencia de complicaciones post operatorias (p=0,001, OR de 0,042 (IC 95% 0,018- 0,094). La complicación post operatoria más frecuente es la infección de herida operatoria con un 20,2% además los hallazgos patológicos nos pone en evidencia que la fase flemonosa (35,1%) es la más frecuente y hay una relación entre las complicaciones post operatorias y el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria, a menos complicaciones el paciente presenta menor tiempo de hospitalización P=0,001 con un OR: 0,017 (IC 95% 0,006-0,048). Conclusiones Los factores que influyen en las complicaciones de la apendicitis aguda son el pre medicación, la demora pre hospitalaria y el tiempo quirúrgico

    El arrendamiento financiero (leasing) y la gestión de las micro y pequeñas empresas (MYPES) textiles industriales del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho

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    El Arrendamiento Financiera (LEASING) y la Gestión de las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas (MYPE) textiles Industriales del Distrito de San Juan de Lurigancbo, es la Investigación que presento, la misma que tuvo por finalidad Identificar la relación entre el Arrendamiento Financiero y la gestión de las micro y pequeñas empresas textiles industriales del Distrito de San Juan de Ludgancho. El Arrendamiento Financiero se evaluó tomando en cuenta elementos como apalancamiento financiero, riesgo crediticio y normatividad, de acuerdo a Bravo, S. (2010), así mismo La Gestión Mype a través de los problemas como inaccesibilidad a los mercados, carencia de fínanclamlento, y ausencia de ciencia y tecnología, según Espineta, N, (2008). La metodología empleada fue observaáonal, documental y estadística, de estudio descriptivo correlaóonal, con diseño no experimental de corte transversal, la población considerada asciende a 184 micro y pequeños empresarios del Distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho conforme al sistema Integral de la Municipalidad, calculando una muestra de 125 elementos con la misma oportimidad de ser seleccionados cada uno por ser un maestreo aleatorio simple, utilizando encuestas como instrumento de medición con opciones múltiples de acuerdo a la escala de Likert, previo proceso de validación a través del juicio de expertos que respalda la Investigación, estimando la contabilidad con el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach y la Gii Cuadrada como prueba estadística para el análisis de correlación de hipótesis, para el procesamiento estadístico de datos se usó el programa SPSS versión 22, lo cual me permitió discutir, conducir y recomendar
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