101 research outputs found

    Formic acid oxidation over hierarchical porous carbon containing PtPd catalysts

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    The use of high surface monolithic carbon as support for catalysts offers important advantage, such as elimination of the ohmic drop originated in the interparticle contact and improved mass transport by ad-hoc pore design. Moreover, the approach discussed here has the advantage that it allows the synthesis of materials having a multimodal porous size distribution, with each pore size contributing to the desired properties. On the other hand, the monolithic nature of the porous support also imposes new challenges for metal loading. In this work, the use of Hierarchical Porous Carbon (HPC) as support for PtPd nanoparticles was explored. Three hierarchical porous carbon samples (denoted as HPC-300, HPC-400 and HPC-500) with main pore size around 300, 400 and 500 nm respectively, are used as porous support. PtPd nanoparticles were loaded by impregnation and subsequent chemical reduction with NaBH4. The resulting material was characterized by EDX, XRD and conventional electrochemical techniques. The catalytic activity toward formic acid and methanol electrooxidation was evaluated by electrochemical methods, and the results compared with commercial carbon supported PtPd. The Hierarchical Porous Carbon support discussed here seems to be promising for use in DFAFC anodes.Fil: Baena Moncada, Angélica María. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Morales, Gustavo Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Barbero, César Alfredo. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Planes, Gabriel Angel. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Florez Montano, Jonathan. Universidad de la Laguna; EspañaFil: Pastor, Elena. Universidad de la Laguna; Españ

    Análisis de posibles cambios a través del tiempo en la ocurrencia, intensidad y magnitud de la precipitación para tormentas extremas sobre la ciudad de Bogotá

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    Se analizaron varios índices de precipitaciones extremas basados en los datos de precipitaciones observadas en 21 estaciones meteorológicas operadas por el Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM), a la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca (CAR) y a la Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá (EAAB-ESP) sobre la ciudad de Bogotá, entre los años de 1982 y 2013. Se trabajaron 13 índices de precipitación extrema propuestos por la Junta CCI/CLIVAR/ CMOMM ETCCDI. En el análisis se evaluaron las tendencias de estos índices a lo largo del periodo de estudio por 4 métodos (2 paramétricos y 2 no paramétricos). Adicionalmente, se examinaron las frecuencias de las precipitaciones para el periodo de análisis, empleando varias distribuciones probabilísticas, de las cuales las que mejor se ajustaron fueron la distribución Gumbel y la Log-Pearson. El resultado más importante del análisis del estudio es que se evidencia una clara tendencia en el crecimiento de las tormentas extremas sobre la ciudad de Bogotá, con una mayor relevancia en las precipitaciones que se encuentran en el rango de 20 a 30 mm/día.Abstract The project here reported has analyzed extreme precipitation values based on rainfall data observed in 21 meteorological stations operated by the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM), the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca (CAR) and the Bogota Water Utility Company (EAAB-ESP) during the period 1982 to 2013. This study has focused on the analysis of 13 extreme precipitation indeces proposed by the meeting CCI / CLIVAR / CMOMM ETCCDI. Also trends on these indeces were assessed during this period through the implementation of 4 methods (2 parametric and 2 non-parametric). Furthermore, precipitation frequencies were examined during the selected analysis period using several probability distributions, from which the ones with the best performance were the Gumbel and the Log- Pearson distributions. The more important result, there is an evident increase in the extreme precipitations tendency over the Bogotá city, with larger relevance on the events in the range of 20 to 30 mm / day.Maestrí

    Identificación de zona conducible de carretera mediante visión y Deep Learning

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    En este trabajo se plantea detectar las líneas de carretera y zonas conducibles de los carriles por los que circula un vehículo. Para ello se utilizará la librería YOLOP, un modelo de Deep Learning, o aprendizaje profundo, disponible en GitHub. Durante la realización de este trabajo de fin de grado, se irá probando el funcionamiento del modelo en local, se creará un nuevo Dataset basado en imágenes del simulador CARLA para poder realizar un entrenamiento del modelo y por último se creará finalmente una interfaz web para poner a disposición de cualquier usuario el probar el modelo.This paper aims to detect the different drivable lines and areas of the road where vehicle is moving. For this purpose, YOLOP library will be used, a model of Deep Learning, available on GitHub. Along with this Degree’s Final Thesis, the model is going to be tested locally, a new Dataset based on images of the CARLA simulator will be created to be able to carry out a training of the model and finally a Web interface will be created to make it available to any user for testing purposes.Grado en Ingeniería de Computadore


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    La Comisión Especial Interinstitucional Proyecto Puerto Transferencia Internacional Carga En Puerto Manta (CEIPPTICEPM) presidida por el alcalde de la ciudad de Manta, contrató a una empresa de origen Mexicana especializada en puertos denominada PREDESAEC para llevar adelante los estudios mencionados. Una vez definida por PREDESAEC las diversas áreas que van a constituir el nuevo puerto de la ciudad de Manta, se dividieron de la siguiente forma: Área de muelles: inicialmente con 5 grúas tipo QC con una demanda de 2.2 MVA cada una. Área de Reefers : capacidad de almacenamiento de 660 contenedores refrigerados Área de talleres Área de almacenamiento de contenedores. Áreas de oficinas administrativas Vías de circulación Área para la subestación. Definidas las áreas, se planteó la necesidad de establecer las demandas para cada una de las áreas a servir y la manera más económica de la distribución de la energía. Por su alta demanda fue necesaria la instalación de una subestación de 69/13.8 KV. Se definieron que las mayores demandas que son las grúas tendrán alimentadores por cada par de grúas y patio de reefers serían servidos por alimentadores individuales. Para las demás áreas se establecieron centros de distribución de carga en las cercanías.The Interagency Task Commission Draft International Cargo Transfer Port In Puerto Manta (CEIPPTICEPM) chaired by the mayor of the city of Manta, hired a Mexican company specializing in home ports called PREDESAEC to carry out these studies. Once defined by PREDESAEC the various areas that will constitute the new port city of Manta, were divided as follows: Dock area initially 5 cranes QC guy with a demand off 2.2 MVA each. Area Reefers: storage capacity of 660 refrigerated containers Workshop area Container storage area. Areas of administrative offices Roads Substation area. Defined areas, the need for the demands for each of the areas to serve and the most economical way of energy distribution was raised. High demand for installing a substation 69 / 13.8 KV was required. They defined that higher demands are cranes have feeders for each pair of cranes and yard reefers would be served by individual feeders. For other areas load distribution centers were established nearby

    Cumplimiento del llenado de la hoja de solicitud, registro, monitoreo de transfusión sanguíneas en pacientes pediátricos sometidos a cirugía cardiovascular en el Hospital Infantil Manuel de Jesús Rivera La mascota Junio – Noviembre del 2018

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    La terapia transfusional, uno de los mayores logros de la medicina moderna, ha permitido disminuir la mortalidad y prolongar y mejorar la calidad de vida de muchas personas con diferentes trastornos. Su práctica sigue siendo un problema, debido a que no existe un verdadero consenso acerca de sus indicaciones y el llenado correcto de la hoja de solicitud, registro y monitoreo de transfusiones sanguíneas en el Hospital Infantil Manuel de Jesús Rivera. El estudio es descriptivo, retrospectivo de corte transversal con el objetivo de evaluar el cumplimiento del llenado de la hoja de solicitud, registró y monitoreo de transfusiones sanguíneas en pacientes pediátricos sometidos a cirugía cardiovascular junio-noviembre del año dos mil diez y ocho con una muestra de sesentas expedientes clínicos, los resultados obtenidos indicaron que la edad infante sobresale con un 41.67%, es predomínate el sexo femenino con 53.33%, el llenado la hoja de solicitud, registro y monitoreo fue en su mayoría correcta con 58.33%, en la mayor parte de los pacientes no presentaron reacciones adversas ,el tipo sanguíneo más transfundido fue el O positivo con un 66.67% , a su vez el hemocomponente con mayor demanda fue el paquete globular con un 50

    Measuring the speed of light and the moon distance with an occultation of Mars by the Moon: a Citizen Astronomy Campaign

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    In July 5th 2014 an occultation of Mars by the Moon was visible in South America. Citizen scientists and professional astronomers in Colombia, Venezuela and Chile performed a set of simple observations of the phenomenon aimed to measure the speed of light and lunar distance. This initiative is part of the so called "Aristarchus Campaign", a citizen astronomy project aimed to reproduce observations and measurements made by astronomers of the past. Participants in the campaign used simple astronomical instruments (binoculars or small telescopes) and other electronic gadgets (cell-phones and digital cameras) to measure occultation times and to take high resolution videos and pictures. In this paper we describe the results of the Aristarchus Campaign. We compiled 9 sets of observations from sites separated by distances as large as 2,500 km. We achieve at measuring the speed of light in vacuum and lunar distance with uncertainties of few percent. The goal of the Aristarchus Campaigns is not to provide improved values of well-known astronomical and physical quantities, but to demonstrate how the public could be engaged in scientific endeavors using simple instrumentation and readily available technological devices. These initiatives could benefit amateur communities in developing countries increasing their awareness towards their actual capabilities for collaboratively obtaining useful astronomical data. This kind of exercises would prepare them for facing future and more advanced observational campaigns where their role could be crucial.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables. An abridged and more general version of this paper was accepted for publication in Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal (http://www.capjournal.org

    Solución de necesidades específicas con GNU/LINUX

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    Este documento contiene los procedimientos para la instalación, configuración y administración de los siguientes servicios: DHCP Server, DNS Server, Controlador de Dominio, Proxy no transparente, Cortafuegos o Firewall, File Server y Print Server y VPN. Todos ellos instalados bajo la plataforma de Linux Zentyal 6.42. Podemos observar, que los procedimientos no solo son explicados teóricamente ya que se realizaron en las dos modalidades, teóricopráctico como se evidencia a través de las imágenes que cada uno aportó y tomó al momento de realizar la práctica o ejercicio de cada uno de los procedimientos.This document contains the procedures for the installation, configuration and administration of the following services: DHCP Server, DNS Server, Domain Controller, Non-transparent Proxy, Firewall or Firewall, File Server and Print Server and VPN. All of them installed under the Linux Zentyal 6.42 platform. We can observe that the procedures are not only explained theoretically since they were carried out in both modalities, theoretical-practical as evidenced by the images that each one contributed and took at the time of carrying out the practice or exercise of each of the procedures

    An integrative identification guide to the Hydrozoa (Cnidaria) of Bocas del Toro, Panama

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    This work is the first attempt to assess the biodiversity of the Hydrozoa in the Archipiélago de Bocas del Toro (Panamá, Caribbean Sea) using morphology and molecular taxonomy, and to produce field identification tools to help future identification and monitoring efforts in the area. We sampled, identified, vouchered, and barcoded 112 specimens of Hydrozoa from shallow coastal waters (0–22 m depth) in the Archipiélago de Bocas del Toro. The specimens belong to 70 taxa, of which 53 were identified at the species level, and 17 were identified at the genus or family level. We produced 64 sequences of the large ribosomal subunit of the mitochondrial RNA (mt lsu-rRNA, 16S), the genetic marker generally used for barcoding Hydrozoa. We updated the local checklist that now comprises 118 species, and produced 87 detailed taxon identification tables that display species descriptions augmented with pictures, geographic distribution (worldwide and in Bocas del Toro), GenBank accession numbers for the 16S mitochondrial gene, and a synopsis of the families they belong to

    MAB2.0 project: Integrating algae production into wastewater treatment

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    Different species of microalgae are highly efficient in removing nutrients from wastewater streams and are able to grow using flue gas as a CO2 source. These features indicate that application of microalgae has a promising outlook in wastewater treatment. However, practical aspects and process of integration of algae cultivation into an existing wastewater treatment line have not been investigated. The Climate-KIC co-funded Microalgae Biorefinery 2.0 project developed and demonstrated this integration process through a case study. The purpose of this paper is to introduce this process by phases and protocols, as well as report on the challenges and bottlenecks identified in the case study. These standardized technical protocols detailed in the paper help to assess different aspects of integration including biological aspects such as strain selection, as well as economic and environmental impacts. This process is necessary to guide wastewater treatment plants through the integration of algae cultivation, as unfavourable parameters of the different wastewater related feedstock streams need specific attention and management. In order to obtain compelling designs, more emphasis needs to be put on the engineering aspects of integration. Well-designed integration can lead to operational cost saving and proper feedstock treatment enabling algae growth