131 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan secara deskriptif-yuridis-normatif. pendekatan penelitian hukum yang digunakan dalam penelitian hukum ini akan menggunakan beberapa pendekatan, diantaranya, statute approach, conceptual approach, analytical approach, comparative approach, historical approach, philosopical approach. Adapun jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yaitu bahan-bahan pustaka, berupa bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tertier. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan mengelompokan dan mengsistematisir data yang ada kemudian, data yang diolah tersebut diinterpretasi dengan menggunakan cara penafsiran hukum dan konstruksi hukum yang lasim dalam ilmu hukum, dan selanjutnya data itu dianalisis secara yuridis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah dan masyarakat Indonesia melalui berbagai kebijakan dan hukum telah berkomitmen untuk menjamin dan melindungi masyarakat adat dan hak-hak tradisionalnya atas tanah, wilayah, dan sumber daya alam melalui berbagai produk hukum perundang-undangan nasional, mulai dari UUD 45 dengan diamandemennya pasal-pasal yang berkaitan dengan hak-hak masyarkat adat serta hak-hak tradisional lainnya sampai pada produk hukum daerah berupa peraturan daerah dan peraturan gubernur. Lebih daripada itu semua, ketentuan hukum internasional dan hukum nasional telah merumuskan norma-norma hukum terhadap pengaturan hak-hak masyarakat adat atas tanah, wilayah, dan sumber daya alam menjadi objek atau erat kaitannya dengan bidang hukum hak asasi manusia secara keseluruhannya. Akan tetapi, pada kenyataannya dengan dibentuknya norma-norma hukum baru yang mengatur tentang hak-hak masyarakat adat atas tanah, wilayah, dan sumber daya alam, maka berbagai produk hukum internasional dan hukum nasional sangat mempengaruhi pemberlakauan instrumen-instrumen hukum nasional yang telah ditetapkan terlebih dahulu.Kata Kunci: Kedudukan, Tanah Ulayat, Adat, Minangkabau

    A Special Slab-Wall Connection in Post-Tensioned Concrete

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    Post tensioned concrete is a widely used method in the construction of the slab of high-rise buildings, podium (transferred) slab of wood-framed structures, bridges and so on. The effects of slab shortening due to concrete shrinkage and post-tensioning compression should be considered in the design of the structure. Various connections, between slab and wall, are used in the industry. However, the behavior of a special connection which consists of steel reinforcement dowels wrapped with compressible material has not been investigated. This research study investigates a case that requires a permanent slip detail in which the dowel between the shear wall and slab is wrapped with a compressible foam in different conditions. A unique testing rig has been established at the Kennesaw State University (KSU) Marietta Campus to apply lateral load to the poured concrete specimens that contain the foam-wrapped steel dowel (rebar), which extends into a poured concrete slab. A set of experiment was performed using a hydraulic jack, and load and displacement sensors. In the first specimen, both vertical and horizontal part of the rebar were wrapped. The result indicated that the wrapped bars still provide nearly 9,000-lb resistance before the 1 inch gap is closed. The specimen resisted a maximum of approximately 15 kips force ultimately. In the second specimen, the horizontal (hook part) of the reinforcement was unwrapped, allowing a bond between concrete and steel. The connection in this specimen behaved considerably different than the connection of the first set. The specimen resisted a maximum of approximately 39 kips. This reveals a remarkable aspect of this connection type. Further experiments are required, and planned, to be carried out to fully investigate and analyze this phenomenon

    Review of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of Concrete Reinforced Materials

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    As a heterogeneous and generally anisotropic material with both brittle and ductile failure modes, concrete is a difficult material to simulate using finite element models. Coupled with discrete reinforcement interactions and different material properties depending on strain degradation, many different numerical models are available for accurately representing concrete with varying tradeoffs. This study provides a review of general Finite Element Analysis (FEA) techniques and methodologies, how concrete and reinforced concrete are unique, and examples of accurate modeling to assist in further understanding this subject. Finite element modeling of concrete and reinforced concrete structures offers considerable complexity due to concrete’s composite structure and a large difference in its compressive and tensile strengths. The two preeminent methods of solving concrete systems are the Smeared Crack Method (SCM) and the Concrete-Damaged Plasticity (CDP) model. The powerful program Abaqus, used in this study, is capable in utilizing these models in the concrete analysis. The SCM and the CDP model both offer a method of simulating concrete complex behavior in finite element analysis software packages, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. While the SCM is well suited to non-cyclic loading and is less computationally intensive, it is often unstable without careful consideration of reinforcement. The CDP model is more computationally intensive and requires a larger amount of test data to yield accurate results, but it models the behavior of concrete under repeated load cycles and is well suited to simulating seismic loads and fatigue-like behavior, as well as accurate crack prediction. Overall, the field of concrete finite element analysis is still developing, and future advancements in the form of existing model refinements or entirely new models may still be possible. Keywords: Concrete, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Abaqus, Structures, Fatigue, Crac

    Buckling Analysis of 0pen-Top Bridge Trusses

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    Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a computerized method for determining the behavior of engineering elements under various loading and environmental conditions. Models can be comprehensively generated and sectioned into finite elements and the software can determine important stages such as buckling and failure of the structure. Computer based FEA offers significant benefits by cutting down cost and time to perform analysis on complex structures. In this research, the powerful software Abaqus is used to make models and perform buckling analyses for Half-Through trusses as specified by American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Standard Specifications. Some of the structures that can benefit from this analysis are steel pedestrian bridges. Using the analogy of beam on elastic foundation, Timoshenko, a pioneer in structural engineering, derived a mathematical equation for calculating the critical buckling load caused by the compressive load on the top chord, in terms of buckling length coefficient, rigidity of members and intensity of axial load. However, research on this topic is limited in the literature and further study is needed. The goal of this research is to enhance, to expand, and to examine the behavior of trusses in detail. The task includes performing analysis on the buckling of the top chord for out of plane instability of Half-Through trusses with varying “n-panels”, and varying L, length of top chord, and H, height of vertical member of the truss. This paper attempts to find factors influencing the critical buckling of top chord of trusses. It is also intended to continue this study in a second phase by constructing structural system prototypes in the laboratory. Each structural system will be tested, and the results from laboratory testing will be compared with the results from an identical computer simulation to further validate the computer-based modeling procedures. Keywords: Structures, Analysis, Buckling, Half-Through Trusses, Timoshenko, AASHTO, Abaqu

    #39 - Lateral Force Transfer in Post‐Tensioned Slab to Shear Wall

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    The Georgia Undergraduate Research Conference- GURG 2019 Abstract In post-tensioned concrete construction used for high-rise buildings, bridges and so on, the effects of slab shortening due to concrete shrinkage and post-tensioning compression should be considered in the design of the structure, otherwise cracking will develop. Various connection details are used in the industry to mitigate the cracking. One permanent Release-Connection involves wrapping the vertical dowel that connects the slab and wall with a compressible material for the portion that is in the slab. The behavior of this connection has not been investigated in the literature. The current research aims to evaluate the capacity of this permanent release detail to transfer shear forces, when the wall and diaphragms that are released are part of the lateral force resisting system. In order to analyze the observations of previously performed full-scale tests, extra information (data) was required. To obtain this data, it was decided to stablish a testing-rig on Marietta campus, Kennesaw State University (KSU) and get undergraduate students involved to perform experiments. Several tests were performed on four specimens and valuable results were obtained. In construction applications, it is assumed that the friction between the two layers separated with a bond breaker is zero, and the compressive material would not provide resistance under lateral loading. This study, however, indicated that a friction coefficient (”) of approximately 0.4 can be developed between two surfaces despite having a bound breaker, and that the compressible material has a potential to resist some lateral loads. The results of this study will help to better evaluate the behavior of this type of Release-Connection and will result in an enhanced design of post-tensioned slabs that can reduce the cracking of the concrete. Keywords: Concrete; Post-tensioned; Shrinkage; Cracking; Release-Connection, Frictio

    The effects of silver nanoparticles on antimicrobial activity of ProRoot mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and calcium enriched mixture (CEM)

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    Background: Although, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and new experimental cement (CEM) are good root filling cements, but had no or low antimicrobial activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of addition of silver nanoparticles (SNP) to these two cements on antimicrobial effects against five most dental infection related microorganisms. Material and Methods: Two suspensions of 100 and 200 ppm of SNP were prepared and 180 ÎŒl of microbial suspension with 1.5 × 10 8 CFU/ml of each respected microorganisms were re-suspended in deionized water or each of SNP suspensions. After that, 60 ÎŒg of MTA and CEM were added to each tube. In one tube, the mixture of all above mentioned microorganisms were added as a source of microorganism. Colonies were counted after 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours intervals of incubation at 35°C on blood agar for evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy. Results: MTA and CEM had antibacterial activities on all microorganisms’ strains except for Enterococcus faecalis and mixture group. MTA had better antibacterial activity than CEM but the difference was not significant ( p >0.05). The combination of SNP with two cements resulted in significantly higher antimicrobial activities ( p <0.05). Also, there was no statistically significant difference between two SNP concentrations ( p >0.05). Conclusions: Mixture of MTA and CEM with different concentrations of SNP significantly increased the antibacterial activit

    Kewajiban Manusia menjaga Kelestarian Lingkungan Hidup (Kajian Tematik Ayat-ayat Alqur’an dan Hukum Positif).

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    Kerusakan lingkungan hidup suatu yang susah dicegah di Negara kita dan sudah lazim dilakukan oleh para orang-orang. Kerusakan lingkungan hidup di lihat dari terjadinya seperti, pencemaran air, pencemaran udara, pencemaran tanah dan pencemaran suara. Oleh karenanya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kajian ayat-ayat dalam Alqur’an dan hukum positif serta kriteria orang-orang dan kondisi diperbolehkan menjaga kelestarian lingkungan hidup menurut aturan Alqur’an dan hukum positif untuk memperoleh jawaban atas permasalahan aturan menjaga kelestarian lingkungan. Kebutuhan terhadap lingkungan tersebut penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif-komparatif Berdasarkan metode pengumpulan data maka penelitian ini di katagorikan sebagai penelitian library research (kajian kepustakaan). Berdasarkan kajian yang telah dilakukan, bahwa didalam aturan Alqur’an membuat kerusakan lingkungan di jelaskan pada dasarnya hukumnya dilarang. Namun ada perbedaan sanksi terhadap kerusakan lingkungan. Dalam aturan Alqur’an bagi yang berbuat kerusakan lingkungan Allah SWT memberikan azab kepada lingkungan sekitar dan tidak memandang siapa yang berbuat atau merestuinya. Sedangkan dalam hukum positif bagi yang berbuat kerusakan akan mendapatkan sanksi kepada yang terkait saja seperti, pembayaran administratif, menghentikan kegiatan sementara dan pencabutan izin usaha, sehingga akibatnya Allah menciptakan yakni merasakan sedikit kepada mereka bagian dari akibat perbuatan dosa dan pelanggaran mereka, agar mereka kembali ke jalan yang benar

    Induction of protective immune responses in mice by double DNA vaccine encoding of Brucella melitensis Omp31 and Escherichia coli Eae genes

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    Purpose: To investigate the efficacy of a double DNA vaccine encoding of Brucella melitensis omp31 gene and of Escherichia coli eae gene in inducing protective immune response in a mouse model.Methods: After performing PCR assays and cloning both the eae and omp31 genes, the generated DNA vaccines were intramuscularly injected into BALB/c mice. Purified proteins and transformed cell lysates were identified by western blot and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).Results: pcDNA3-omp31-eae provokes a significant, high level of protection in BALB/c mice against challenges with E. coli and B. melitensis. Titers ranging from 90:160 to 2,570:5,110 were detected 60 days after vaccination. Notably, rOmp31 and rEae proteins significantly induced the production of IFN-Îł in cells from pcDNA3-omp31-eae-immunized mice (p &lt; 0.05 in both groups) and only low levels of IL-10 were found in all groups. The lymphocytes from mice immunized with pcDNA3-omp31-eae had an apparent T cell proliferative response to rOmp31 and rEae proteins (p &lt; 0.01) with a stimulation index of 14.90.Conclusion: The novel pcDNA3-omp31-eae construct can be used as a DNA vaccine to prevent E. coli and B. melitensis infections in future studies.Keywords: Multiple DNA vaccine, Omp31 gene, Brucella melitensis, Eae gene, Escherichia coli, Protective immune respons


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    Kebijakan privatisasi terhadap badan-badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) telah menjadi kelaziman di berbagai negara di seluruh dunia dewasa ini. Alasan utama dilakukannya privatisasi tersebut adalah demi mengefisienkan kinerja BUMN sehingga dapat mencapai target pendiriannya yakni pemenuhan pelayanan umum bagi masyarakat dan profit bagi negara. Akan tetapi, kebijakan demikian itu tidak jarang mendapatkan penolakan oleh karena kekhawatiran menjadi minimnya peran negara dan terlampau dominannya peran swasta yang mengacu kepada sistem pasar yang bebas sehingga kepentingan masyarakat menjadi tidak terjamin. Penelitian ini merupakan penilian normative/kepustakaandengan menggunakan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statue approach) dan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalahuntuk memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif perihal kebijakan privatisasi BUMN di Indonesia, baik dari perspektif sejarah maupun hukum positif yang berlaku

    Helicobacter pyloriisolated from Iranian drinking water:vacA,cagA,iceA,oipAandbabA2genotype status and antimicrobial resistance properties

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    Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om blivande förskollĂ€rare utbildas i konflikthantering, hur denna utbildning formuleras samt om genus problematiserats i relation till konflikthanteringsundervisningen. Detta genom att granska utbildningsplaner, kursplaner och kurslitteratur frĂ„n fem universitet i Sverige som erbjuder en förskollĂ€rarutbildning. De frĂ„gestĂ€llningar studien hade som utgĂ„ngspunkt var i vilken utstrĂ€ckning konflikthantering förekommer i förskollĂ€rarutbildningen, hur innehĂ„llet i dessa kurser presenteras och om genusproblematiserats i relation till konflikthantering. Resultatet av studien visade att fyra av fem granskade universitet erbjöd en kurs i konflikthantering inom förskollĂ€rarutbildningen och presenterar konflikthantering som ett omrĂ„de inom den utbildningsvetenskapliga kĂ€rnan, vilken upptar 60 högskolepoĂ€ng (hp). Konflikthanteringen upptar enligt min granskning 7,5-10 hp av en förskollĂ€rares totala 210hp. Inom dessa kurser ingĂ„r moment av genus, men det framgick inte vilken relation genus hade till kurernas övriga innehĂ„ll. Hur konflikteruppkommer skulle enligt kursplanerna bl.a bearbetas i relation till normer, makt och diskriminering. BĂ„de kurslitteratur och förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt gick att hĂ€rleda till teorin om alternativ konfliktlösning, dĂ€r den subjektiva uppfattningen Ă€r i fokus. Genus benĂ€mndesenbart som enskilt moment i den kursplan som presenterades frĂ„n LinnĂ©universitetet. Övriga universitet lyfte uttryckligen inte genus och granskning av kurslitteratur visade att det enbart var UmeĂ„ universitets bok med genusperspektiv som integrerat genus och konflikthantering. En slutats som dras i studien var att den separation mellan fokus pĂ„ konflikt och fokus pĂ„genus i de granskade kurserna kunde tĂ€nkas lĂ€mna ett ansvar till varje enskild lĂ€rarstudent att reflektera kring hur dessa tvĂ„ omrĂ„den pĂ„verkar varandra. Detta gör att den blivande förskollĂ€rarens förmĂ„ga att betrakta konflikter ur ett genusperspektiv blir styrande i huruvida pojkar och flickor bemöts pĂ„ ett likvĂ€rdigt vis i konfliktsituationer
