148 research outputs found

    Model Elevasi Digital untuk Mendeteksi Kerusakan Terumbu Karang di Taman Wisata Alam Laut Kapoposang, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Coral reefs in the last few decades has decreased the quality dramatically. One of the affected locations were Underwater Ecotourism Area of Kapoposang, Pangkep Regency. Various rehabilitation efforts have been done, but not yet effective. One of the reason is the lack of information on the coral distribution based on water depth. The purpose of this research is to create a digital model of distribution of coral reefs based on water depth. The model can then be implemented in the coral rehabilitation project in order to increase the efficiency of the project.The study used Satellite Imagery SPOT 5 with 10 metres resolution along with water depth data. It was found 5 substrat coverage, namely life coral, rubble, death coral, seagrass, and sand. Result of this study also showed that coral reefs in Underwater Ecotourism Area of Kapoposang has been decreased in quantity and quality which only has 25- 40% coverage of life coral. Most of the damaged found in the shallow water (0 ??? 10 metres) of that area


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    Padang lamun merupakan suatu ekosistem pesisir yang memiliki produktivitas hayati tinggi. Secara ekologis berperan sebagai daerah asuhan, daerah mencari makan dan tempat berlindung berbagai jenis biota laut. Banyak diantara biota laut tersebut memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi sebagai komoditas ekspor seperti udangd an ikan kerapu Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama dua bulan mulai Oktober hingga November 2001 bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi, kondisi dan potensi padang lamun sebagai daerah asuhan berbagai jenis biota laut (ikan dan avertebrata) juga sebagai habitat makro alga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima jenis lamun di perairan Pulau Tanakeke, yaitu: Thalassia hemprichii, Halodule uninervis, Halophila minor, dan Syringodium isoetifolium. Vegetasi lamun jenis-jenis tersebut terdapat dalam  suatu komunitas campuran antara dua atau empat jenis yang membentuk suatu hamparan padang lamun yang sangat luas.Suatu sisi yang terlindung karena membentuk teluk dari Pulau Tanakeke memiliki kelimpahan dan persen penutupan lamun yang tinggi namun jumlah spesies yang rendah, sementara pada sisi-sisi yang menghadap ke laut lepas (relatif terbuka) yaitu stasiun III dan IV memiliki kelimpahan dan persen penutupan yang rendah namun komposisi jenis penyusunnya beragam. Potensi padang lamun sebagai daerah asuhan berbagai jenisbiota laut dalam penelitian ini dikategorikan tingi yg ditunjukkan oleh banyaknya juvenil biota laut yang ditemukan hidup di daerah padang lamun Pulau Tanakeke. Diantaranya terdapat 14 jenis juvenil ikan, lima jenis juvenil udang, 10 jenis juvenil kepiting, 17 jenis makroalga dan tiga kelas molluska.Kata kunci: avertebrata, daerah asuhan dan padang lamun

    Scenario of Scleractinian Larva Dispersal in Sulawesi Waters From A Hydrodynamic Modeling Perspective

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    Scleractinian coral such as Lobophyllia corymbosa that reproduce by external fertilization have an extended planktonic phase in their life cycle during which they "drift" in the water column. This life cycle phase is an advantage in itself because it increases the capacity of propagules to disperse far from their place of origin. In this hydrodynamic model study, secondary data on bathymetry and tides for the western monsoon period (represented by November 2017) were input into the Surface Water Modelling System SMS 8.1 to simulate the surface current circulation model. In running this program there are 2 important stages, namely GFGEN (Geometry File Generation) and RMA2 (Resources Management Associates-2). The simulation of surface current direction during the west monsoon, which is the reproductive period of L. corymbosa in Indonesia, shows the complexity and distraction of current vectors that occur in the coastal waters around Sulawesi Island. The model results indicate the possibility of spatial and temporal biological networks forming in waters around Sulawesi. The current patterns forming in Sulawesi waters during the west monsoon tend to circulate from north to south due to the higher volume of water mass originating from the Pacific Ocean flowing to the southern part of Sulawesi which is also the entry point for the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF). The larval dispersion model scenario produced for each location (Manado, Toli-Toli, Palu, Mamuju, Spermonde, Sinjai, Wakatobi, and Luwuk Banggai) tended to follow the water movement patterns, with most propagules leaving the location where they were spawned

    Fenomena Bleaching Karang Tahun 2009 di Pulau Badi Selat Makassar (Coral Bleaching Event on 2009 in Badi Island Makassar Strait)

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    Bleaching event is loss of zooxanthella from the marine organisms tissue, as a caused by enviromental stress. Coral bleaching fenomenom was observed on May and June 2009 in Badi Island on Makassar Strait, Indonesia . The method used in this study is identified the photos coral colonies which bleaching infected were photographed with a Ixus Digital Canon 75 camera in an underwater housing. The results showed that the bleaching corals are caused by temperature anomaly above 1,24oC higher than annually temperature 29,09oC. This phenomenom were occurred on end of May 2009. The bleaching coral species were dominanated by Pocillopora domicornis, , Acropora spp, Porites lobata, , Goniopora lobata, Favia spp, Goniastrea dan Fungia and so coral transplant from Acropora loripes. The bleached corals are not only found in hard corals, but also in species of soft corals and coral reef zooxanthellae symbiosis invertebrates. The average areas of bleached colonies were 69 ?? 26%, there were some parts of the colonies had died and several tissues were bleached but still alive. Approximately 5 ??? 20% of colonies were found had died and conversely, there were 75% of the total colonies were still alive but in bleaching progress

    Calcification, photosynthesis and nutritional status of the hermatypic coral Porites lutea: contrasting case studies from Indonesia and Thailand

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    In situ incubation experiments, complemented by tissue analyses, were conducted with the coral Porites lutea at four sites featuring contrasting environmental conditions: two shallow (3m) reefs in Spermonde Archi-pelago (Indonesia) subjected to coastal pollution (Lae Lae, LL) and oligotrophic waters (Bonebatang, BBA), respectively; a deep (20m, KR-D) and a shallow (7m, KR-S) reef at off-shore Ko Racha (KR) in the Andaman Sea (Thailand) subjected to pulsed upwelling. Mean tem-perature varied only little (29-30°C). While most tis-sue parameters responded to light and nutrient changes as ex-pected, metabolic rates revealed surprising patterns: 3-fold elevated calcification occurred at KR-S compared to all other sites despite reduced gross photosynthesis. Fur-ther-more, equal photosynthesis occurred in 7 and 20m depth at KR, despite a 5-fold reduction in light intensity, which could not be solely ascribed to photo-acclimation processes, such as increased cell-specific chlorophyll a in 20m depth. These findings support the notion of a highly flexible species and indicate that this might partly be ascribed to a strong variation in the internal turnover of oxygen and nutrients between coral host and zooxanthellae, meaning a strong variation in the rates of energy ac-quisition. Those differences are particularly difficult to determine in situ, but require greater attention in the future in order to enhance our understanding of metabolic pro-cesses and acclimatization abilities


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    Menurunnya pendapatan nelayan yang disebabkan oleh terjadinya Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan terlibatnya istri nelayan dalam aktivitas produktif yang dapat membantu perekonomian keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas produktif keluarga nelayan miskin, strategi adaptasi perempuan dalam keluarga miskin, perubahan sosial yang terjadi dalam keluarga, serta bantuan pemerintah dalam menghadapi masa pandemi Covid-19. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi sebagai metode pengumpulan datanya. Adapun teknik keabsahan datanya menggunakan teknik triangulasi dengan tahapan analisis data yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, serta verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa aktivitas produktif rumah tangga nelayan miskin pada perempuan mengalami perubahan sebelum dan saat pandemi, dimana sebelum pandemi 80% informan hanya berfokus pada pekerjaan domestik rumah tangga, namun saat pandemi 80% informan terlibat dalam aktivitas produktif. Adapun strategi adaptasi penghidupan istri nelayan yang ditemui yaitu berdagang, bekerja (honorer), mengolah ikan, membantu berkebun, mengelola keuangan rumah tangga, meminta bantuan pihak lain, dan memanfaatkan bantuan pemerintah. Perubahan sosial dalam keluarga miskin yang terjadi adalah perubahan dalam personal, dimana perempuan yang sebelumnya hanya berfokus pada pekerjaan domestik mulai terlibat dalam aktivitas produktif, selain itu suami yang awalnya kurang terlibat dalam mendampingi anak belajar di rumah mulai terlibat dalam pendampingan belajar anak. Adapun persentase informan yang memperoleh bantuan dari pemerintah yaitu sebanyak 50%. Jenis bantuan tersebut yaitu, BST, PKH, Bantuan Honorer Guru, dan Sembako Vaksin.Menurunnya pendapatan nelayan yang disebabkan oleh terjadinya Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan terlibatnya istri nelayan dalam aktivitas produktif yang dapat membantu perekonomian keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas produktif keluarga nelayan miskin, strategi adaptasi perempuan dalam keluarga miskin, perubahan sosial yang terjadi dalam keluarga, serta bantuan pemerintah dalam menghadapi masa pandemi Covid-19. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi sebagai metode pengumpulan datanya. Adapun teknik keabsahan datanya menggunakan teknik triangulasi dengan tahapan analisis data yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, serta verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa aktivitas produktif rumah tangga nelayan miskin pada perempuan mengalami perubahan sebelum dan saat pandemi, dimana sebelum pandemi 80% informan hanya berfokus pada pekerjaan domestik rumah tangga, namun saat pandemi 80% informan terlibat dalam aktivitas produktif. Adapun strategi adaptasi penghidupan istri nelayan yang ditemui yaitu berdagang, bekerja (honorer), mengolah ikan, membantu berkebun, mengelola keuangan rumah tangga, meminta bantuan pihak lain, dan memanfaatkan bantuan pemerintah. Perubahan sosial dalam keluarga miskin yang terjadi adalah perubahan dalam personal, dimana perempuan yang sebelumnya hanya berfokus pada pekerjaan domestik mulai terlibat dalam aktivitas produktif, selain itu suami yang awalnya kurang terlibat dalam mendampingi anak belajar di rumah mulai terlibat dalam pendampingan belajar anak. Adapun persentase informan yang memperoleh bantuan dari pemerintah yaitu sebanyak 50%. Jenis bantuan tersebut yaitu, BST, PKH, Bantuan Honorer Guru, dan Sembako Vaksin


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    Artikel ini sdh diterbitkan di Jurnal Torani Vol 15 edisi Desember 2005Some studies have explored coral sexual reproduction behaviour, but not such studies being reported from Indonesia. This research was intended to investigate the spawning behaviour of Acropora nobilis and Pocillopora verrucosa at Barranglompo Island, Makassar. Divings were made at night to record spawning behaviour directly (in situ observation) through one moon cycle. The results showed that both species were known as simultaneously hermaphrodite spawners, however they performed different spawning behaviour. A. nobilis released its gametes in one package of egg-sperm bundles, whereas P. verrucosa released freely and separately between eggs and sperms in 3 patterns: (i) polyp which solely released sperms; (ii) polyp which solely released eggs; and (iii) polyp which released both sperms and eggs

    Innovative Policy for Socio-Economic Development in Nunukan's Coastal Border Communities, North Kalimantan

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    Innovation policy plays a crucial role in national development, productivity enhancement, and well-being. However, the social and economic conditions of individuals residing in coastal regions bordering other areas are generally far inferior to those of their neighbors. This study aimed to evaluate the government’s introduced policy innovations to improve the socioeconomic circumstances of these coastal border communities. The methodological approach used in this study was both qualitative and explanatory. The research location was in North Kalimantan Province, precisely in the coastal area on the border of the Nunukan Regency. The findings indicate that the implementation of innovative policies for socio-economic development is not yet optimal, especially when viewed through the lens of the internal instruments required to realize policy innovation. For the effective development of the social economy in these areas, policies must be participatory and adaptive in design, capable of creating a comprehensive policy strategy to boost the well-being of society. Keywords: policy innovation, development social economy, border are

    Increasing Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Temperature on Growth and Histopathology of Tropic Macroalgae Halimeda SP

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    The increasing CO2 concentration and temperature affected growth, chlorophyll content, calcium content, and histological tissue of tropical macroalgae Halimeda sp. The study was conducted to examine the interaction effect of the increased CO2 concentration and temperature on growth, chlorophyll-a content, calcium content, and histological tissue of tropical macroalgae Halimeda sp in a laboratory. Research was set with a completely randomized factorial design at 3 levels of factors (A) the CO2 concentration: 385 ppm (ambient), 750 ppm (medium), 1000 ppm (high), and 3 levels of factor (B) the temperature: 30oC, 32oC, 34oC. Microcolony of macroalgae Halimeda sp were selected and obtained from the Lae-lae island then growing in the aquarium 30 x 30 x 45 cm3. Biological parameters observed were growth rate (total, specific and relative), chlorophyll-a content, calcium content, and histopathology tissue. The results showed that the increased of CO2 concentration and temperature negatively affected on the growth of Halimeda sp, reduced of the growth rate, the chlorophyll-a content, calcium content and damaged to histopatology tissue of the Halimeda sp at trophical macroalgae
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