158 research outputs found

    A propósito del "trinomio imperfecto" políticas públicas, planeación y territorio: algunas reflexiones sobre el desarrollo de un esquema para el análisis de las políticas públicas en el territorio fundamentado en la interdeterminación entre territorio, territorialidad y territorialización de las políticas públicas

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    Este artículo no tiene como propósito presentar un “primer balance” de los avances que ha tenido el Grupo de investigación PU sobre el desarrollo del esquema para el análisis de las políticas públicas en el territorio fundamentado en la interdeterminación entre territorio, territorialidad y territorialización de las políticas públicas o “sistema socio territorial” de Monnet (Jolly, 2012), sino presentar algunas reflexiones a partir de los mismos. Recuerda los nueve “consideraciones” o ideas fundamentales de la propuesta de esquema y su relación con el esquema de análisis de las políticas públicas en el territorio (Jolly, 2007) y con la planeación, y presenta avances y resultados conceptuales e instrumentales de las utilizaciones de esta propuesta realizados por miembros del Grupo y las perspectivas e interrogantes que plantean el desarrollo del esquema en cuanto a sus aspectos analíticos y a sus utilizaciones normativas e instrumentales como manera de entender mejor las complejas interrelaciones entre políticas públicas, planeación y territorio y responder así a los retos de la territorialización de la acción pública “desde abajo y del “despliegue territorial” de las políticas públicas formuladas “desde arriba”.This paper does not aims to present an “initial assessment” of the progress that has been PU research group (in terms of the development of the scheme for the analysis of public policies in the territory based on the interdeterminacion between territory, territoriality and territorialization of public policies ("territorial social system" of Monnet) (Jolly, 2012), but to offer some reflections from them. Remembers the nine “considerations” or fundamental ideas of the proposed scheme and its relationship with scheme analysis of public policies in the territory (Jolly, 2007) and with the planning and presents conceptual and instrumental advances and results of the uses of this proposal that have been members of the group and perspectives and questions posed by the development of the scheme in terms of its analytical aspects and their policy uses and instruments as a way to better understand the complex interrelationships between public policies, planning and territory to meet the challenges of the territorialization of public action bottom up and the territorial deployment top down.Peer Reviewe

    Políticas públicas, planeación y territorio: un “trinomio imperfecto”: sobre algunos avances investigativos para el análisis de las políticas públicas urbanas a partir de los “Tres M” (Muller, Matus y Monnet)

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    Esta ponencia tiene como propósito presentar algunos avances investigativos que ha tenido el Grupo de investigación PU en cuanto a la misteriosa solución de la relación del “trinomio imperfecto” que conforma el conjunto Políticas públicas, planeación y territorio. Después de presentar los “Tres M”- Muller, Monnet y Matus-, es decir, los tres autores que simbolizan las tres bases conceptuales sobre las cuales descansan las investigaciones, presenta avances y resultados conceptuales e instrumentales de las utilizaciones de esta propuesta realizados por algunos miembros del Grupo. Concluye con los aportes de estos avances investigativos para entender, formular e implementar políticas públicas urbanas como lo propone la recién aprobada “Agenda urbana” adoptada en la Declaración firmada al finalizar la. Tercera Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Hábitat y Desarrollo Sostenible (Hábitat III) tenida en Quito (Ecuador) en octubre de 2016.This paper aims to present some research developments that has had the PU research group in terms of the mysterious solution of the relationship of the “Imperfect Trinomial" that makes up the set public policy, planning and territory. After presenting the "Three M" - Muller, Monnet and Matus-, i.e., the three authors that symbolize the three conceptual bases on which rest the investigations, it presents progress and conceptual and instrumental results of the uses of this proposal made by some members of the Group. It concludes with the contributions of these research advances to understand, develop and implement urban and territorial policies as it proposes the newly approved "Agenda urban" adopted in the Declaration signed to the end of it. Third Conference of UN Habitat and Sustainable Development (Habitat III) held in Quito (Ecuador) in October 2016

    La puesta en marcha de la descentralización y los retos de la territorialización de la acción pública en Colombia

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    En este artículo, el autor analiza la puesta en marcha del proceso de descentralización desde la aprobación de la Constitución de 1991 y hasta 2002 a través del análisis sucinto, tanto de la actividad normativa del gobierno y/o del Congreso (una cincuentena de normas) como de las 22 sentencias de las altas cortes, dedicadas a la descentralización y/o la autonomía de las entidades territoriales. Esta lectura permite, de manera directa o indirecta, leer los retos que plantea la territorialización de la acción pública, así como los choques de los referenciales que se afrontan

    De la supremacía del automóvil a la supremacía del peatón: una aproximación conceptual al espacio público desde la definición de un programa funcional

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    El actual reto de la movilidad urbana en los países latinoamericanos es garantizar la oferta de espacio públicos adaptados a las todas formas de desplazamiento, pues el enfoque tradicional de la planificación de la movilidad, caracterizada por la visión sesgada de los abordajes de la misma desde el divorcio entres urbanistas y especialistas en transporte, ha promovido la ocupación masiva del espacio público y la exclusión de otros modos de desplazamiento, como el caminar. En respuesta, es necesario plantear estudios que partan de reflexiones en torno a la movilidad peatonal y a los vacíos del escenario normativo e instrumental para su promoción desde la gestión y ordenación del espacio público. El presente documento corresponde a la disertación teórica realizada desde la perspectiva de diferentes autores, orientada a asumir un enfoque alternativo para la planificación de la movilidad, estructurar un concepto de movilidad y establecer lineamientos para obtener las reflexiones mencionadas.The challenge of urban mobility in Latin American countries is to ensure the provision of public space adapted to all forms of movement, as the traditional approach to mobility planning, characterized by the skewed view of the approaches it from the enter divorce planners and transportation specialists, has promoted the massive occupation of public space and the exclusion of other modes of travel such as walking. In response, it is necessary to design studies departing from reflections on pedestrian mobility and empty the normative and instrumental scene for promotion from the management and planning of public space. This document corresponds to the theoretical dissertation conducted from the perspective of different authors, oriented to take an alternative approach to mobility planning, structuring a concept of mobility and establish guidelines for the reflections mentioned

    Parametric amplification and wavelength conversion in the 1040-1090 nm band by use of a photonic crystal fiber

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    International audienceHighly efficient parametric amplification and wavelength conversion have been demonstrated in the 1040-1090 nm band. A nonlinear photonic crystal fiber was used to provide the anomalous dispersion required for phase matching at 1 μm. A 40 dB maximum gain and +35 dB idler conversion efficiency have been achieved in the subnanosecond pulsed regime and by using a spectrally filtered supercontinuum source as a small signal

    Dysfonctionnement systémique de la différenciation ostéoblastique des cellules souches adipeuses des patients atteints de myélome multiple

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    International audienceMultiple myeloma is characterized by bone lesions linked to increased osteoclast and decreased osteoblast activities. In particular, the osteoblast differentiation of bone marrow-derived stem cells (MSC) is impaired. Among the potential therapeutic tools for counteracting bone lesions, adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) could represent an appealing source for regenerative medicine due to their similar characteristics with MSC. Our study is among the first giving detailed insights into the osteoblastogenic capacities of ASC isolated by fat aspiration from myeloma patients (MM-ASC) compared to healthy subjects (HD-ASC). We showed that MM-ASC and HD-ASC exhibited comparable morphology, proliferative capacity, and immunophenotype. Unexpectedly, although normal in adipocyte differentiation, MM-ASC present a defective osteoblast differentiation, as indicated by less calcium deposition, decreased alkaline phosphatase activity, and downregulation of RUNX2 and osteocalcin. Furthermore, these ASC-derived osteoblasts displayed enhanced senescence, as shown by an increased β-galactosidase activity and cell cycle inhibitors expression (p16 INK4A , p21 WAF1/CIP1 .), associated with a markedly increased expression of DKK1, a major inhibitor of osteoblastogenesis in multiple myeloma. Interestingly, inhibition of DKK1 attenuated senescence and rescued osteoblast differentiation, highlighting its key role. Our findings show, for the first time, Cells 2019, 8, 441 2 of 16 that multiple myeloma is a systemic disease and suggest that ASC from patients would be unsuitable for tissue engineering designed to treat myeloma-associated bone disease.Le myélome multiple est caractérisé par des lésions osseuses liées à une augmentation de l'activité ostéoclastique et à une diminution de l'activité ostéoblastique. En particulier, la différenciation ostéoblastique des cellules souches issues de la moelle osseuse (CSM) est altérée. Parmi les outils thérapeutiques potentiels pour contrer les lésions osseuses, les cellules souches dérivées de l'adipeux (CSA) pourraient représenter une source intéressante pour la médecine régénérative en raison de leurs caractéristiques similaires à celles des cellules MSC. Notre étude est l'une des premières à donner un aperçu détaillé des capacités ostéoblastogènes de l'ASC isolée par aspiration graisseuse chez les patients atteints de myélome (MM-ASC) par rapport aux sujets sains (HD-ASC). Nous avons montré que le MM-ASC et le HD-ASC présentaient une morphologie, une capacité proliférative et un immunophénotype comparables. De façon inattendue, bien que normal dans la différenciation adipocytaire, le MM-ASC présente une différenciation ostéoblastique défectueuse, comme l'indiquent la diminution des dépôts de calcium, la diminution de l'activité des phosphatases alcalines et la régulation négative de RUNX2 et de l'ostéocalcine. De plus, ces ostéoblastes dérivés de l'ASC présentaient une sénescence accrue, comme en témoigne l'augmentation de l'activité de la β-galactosidase et de l'expression des inhibiteurs du cycle cellulaire (p16 INK4A, p21 WAF1/CIP1 .), associée à une expression nettement accrue du DKK1, un inhibiteur majeur de l'ostéoblastogenèse dans les myélomes multiples. Il est intéressant de noter que l'inhibition du DKK1 a atténué la sénescence et sauvé la différenciation des ostéoblastes, soulignant son rôle clé. Nos résultats montrent, pour la première fois, que le myélome multiple est une maladie systémique et suggèrent que les cellules 2019, 8, 441 2 sur 16 ne conviennent pas au génie tissulaire conçu pour traiter les maladies osseuses associées au myélome

    Incidence and main factors associated with early unplanned hospital readmission among French medical inpatients aged 75 and over admitted through emergency units

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    Background: among elderly patients, readmission in the month following hospital discharge is a frequent occurrence which involves a risk of functional decline, particularly among frail subjects. While previous studies have identified risk factors of early readmission, geriatric syndromes, as markers of frailty have not been assessed as potential predictors. Objective: to evaluate the risk of early unplanned readmission, and to identify predictors in inpatients aged 75 and over, admitted to medical wards through emergency departments. Design: prospective multi-centre study. Setting: nine French hospitals. Subjects: one thousand three hundred and six medical inpatients, aged 75 and older admitted through emergency departments (SAFES cohort). Methods: using logistic regressions, factors associated with early unplanned re-hospitalisation (defined as first unplanned readmission in the thirty days after discharge) were identified using data from the first week of hospital index stay obtained by comprehensive geriatric assessment. Results: data from a thousand out of 1,306 inpatients were analysed. Early unplanned readmission occurred in 14.2% of inpatients and was not related with sociodemographic characteristics, comorbidity burden or cognitive impairment. Pressure sores (OR=2.05, 95% CI = 1.0-3.9), poor overall condition (OR = 2.01, 95% CI = 1.3-3.0), recent loss of ability for self-feeding (OR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.2-2.9), prior hospitalisation during the last 3 months (OR = 1.6, 95% CI = 1.1-2.5) were found to be risk factors, while sight disorders appeared as negatively associated (OR = 0.5, 95% CI = 0.3--0.8). Conclusions: markers of frailty (poor overall condition, pressure sores, prior hospitalisation) or severe disability (for self-feeding) were the most important predictors of early readmission among elderly medical inpatients. Early identification could facilitate preventive strategies in risk grou

    A transcriptomic analysis of human centromeric and pericentric sequences in normal and tumor cells

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    Although there is now evidence that the expression of centromeric (CT) and pericentric (PCT) sequences are key players in major genomic functions, their transcriptional status in human cells is still poorly known. The main reason for this lack of data is the complexity and high level of polymorphism of these repeated sequences, which hampers straightforward analyses by available transcriptomic approaches. Here a transcriptomic macro-array dedicated to the analysis of CT and PCT expression is developed and validated in heat-shocked (HS) HeLa cells. For the first time, the expression status of CT and PCT sequences is analyzed in a series of normal and cancer human cells and tissues demonstrating that they are repressed in all normal tissues except in the testis, where PCT transcripts are found. Moreover, PCT sequences are specifically expressed in HS cells in a Heat-Shock Factor 1 (HSF1)-dependent fashion, and we show here that another independent pathway, involving DNA hypo-methylation, can also trigger their expression. Interestingly, CT and PCT were found illegitimately expressed in somatic cancer samples, whereas PCT were repressed in testis cancer, suggesting that the expression of CT and PCT sequences may represent a good indicator of epigenetic deregulations occurring in response to environmental changes or in cell transformation

    Loss of independence in Katz's ADL ability in connection with an acute hospitalization: early clinical markers in French older people

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    Background: The preservation of autonomy and the ability of elderly to carry out the basic activities of daily living, beyond the therapeutic care of any pathologies, appears as one of the main objectives of care during hospitalization. Objectives: To identify early clinical markers associated with the loss of independence in elderly people in short stay hospitals. Methods: Among the 1,306 subjects making up the prospective and multicenter SAFEs cohort study (Sujet Agé Fragile: Évolution et suivi—Frail elderly subjects, evaluation and follow-up), 619 medical inpatients, not disabled at baseline and hospitalized through an emergency department were considered. Data used in a multinomial logistic regression were obtained through a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) conducted in the first week of hospitalization. Dependency levels were assessed at baseline, at inclusion and at 30days using Katz's ADL index. Baseline was defined as the dependence level before occurrence of the event motivating hospitalization. To limit the influence of rehabilitation on the level of dependence, only stays shorter than 30days were considered. Results: About 514 patients were eligible, 15 died and 90 were still hospitalized at end point (n=619). Two-thirds of subjects were women, with a mean age of 83. At day 30 162 patients (31%) were not disabled; 61 (12%) were moderately disabled and 291 severely disabled (57%). No socio-demographic variables seemed to influence the day 30 dependence level. Lack of autonomy (odds ratio (OR)=1.9, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.2-3.6), walking difficulties (OR=2.7, 95% CI=1.3-5.6), fall risk (OR=2.1, 95% CI=1.3-6.8) and malnutrition risk (OR=2.2, 95% CI=1.5-7.6) were found in multifactorial analysis to be clinical markers for loss of independence. Conclusions: Beyond considerations on the designing of preventive policies targeting the populations at risk that have been identified here, the identification of functional factors (lack of autonomy, walking difficulties, risk of falling) suggests above all that consideration needs to be given to the organization per se of the French geriatric hospital care system, and in particular to the relevance of maintaining sector-type segregation between wards for care of acute care and those involved in rehabilitatio