71 research outputs found
Feeling for the other with ease:prospective actors show high levels of emotion recognition and report above average empathic concern, but do not experience strong distress
Differences in empathic abilities between acting, dance, and psychology students were explored, in addition to the appropriateness of existing empathy measures in the context of these cohorts. Students ( N = 176) across Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom and Europe were included in the online survey analysis, consisting of the Reading the Mind in the Eyes (RME) test, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), the Empathy Quotient (EQ), and the E-drawing test (EDT), each measuring particular facets of empathy. Based on existing evidence and our understanding of the discipline practices, we predicted that acting students would perform the best at identifying people's emotional expressions but might lack other cognitive or affective empathy skills, particularly those related to emotional reactions. This cohort thus provides an opportunity to evaluate different empathy measures. While actors showed significantly higher RME scores than dancers, the difference between actors and psychologists was marginal. Moreover, actors' scores did not differ significantly on other empathy measures, such as their concern for others' emotional wellbeing or fantasy, both measured by IRI subscales. Psychology students scored highest in the IRI perspective taking subscale and the data supported anecdotal evidence that psychologists were more concerned for others' emotional wellbeing than dancers or actors. Dancers seemed the least concerned with others' perspectives and emotional states, which we explained through a somatosensory 'inward' focus required by their art form. Nevertheless, compared to the general population, our groups reported higher empathic abilities on all IRI subscales except for personal distress. Altogether, our study shows that the RME, the IRI, and the EDT vary in their susceptibility to different facets of empathic abilities in acting, dance, and psychology students whereas the EQ does not. Emotions can be expressed and perceived through language, facial expressions, or behavior. As many empathy tests focus on one type of signal they might miss other strategies. Where empathy tests are applied to individuals that have a predominance to read or respond to others in a particular way, as we showed through these three disciplines, they might not capture these empathic strategies. We thus propose that empathy tests must evolve by means of integrating varied forms of communication. </p
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari potensi antibakteri daun sirsak sebagai kandidat bahan pakan ayam pedaging. Peneitian ini merupakan informasi awal dalam menentukan arah penggunaan daun sirsak. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis kandungan fitokimia meliputi analisis proksimat, analisis van Soest, dan analisis skrin fitokimia untuk melihat potensi daun sirsak yang ada di lokasi penelitian. Komposisi kimia tepung daun sirsak dalam penelitian ini yang diperoleh dari analisis proksimat dan Van Soest. Kandungan zat-zat makanan daun sirsak terdiri dari 87.58% bahan kering, 8.93% abu, 16.9% protein, 28.36% serat kasar, 4.76% lemak kasar, 28.63% Beta-N, 2.09% Ca, dan 0.35% P. Kandungan energi bruto sebesar 4195 kkal/g. Hasil analisis Van Soest menunjukkan bahwa dalam daun sirsak terdapat 53.96% NDF (neutral detergent in-soluble fiber), 49.61% ADF (acid detergent insoluble fiber), 4.08% hemiselulosa, 34.71% selulosa, 14.64 lignin dan 0.25 silika. Hasil skrining fitokimia kualitatif dengan pelarut etanol menunjukkan bahwa pada daun sirsak terdapat metabolit sekunder berupa steroid, flavonoid, tannin, dan saponin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daun sirsak dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan penyusun ransum pada ternak ayam, dengan memperhatikan kandungan seratnya. Kandungan flavonoid dan saponin sebagai metabolit sekunder dapat diisolasi untuk dijadikan senyawa antioksidan potensial.Kata Kunci: Daun sirsak, Annona muricata Linn., fitokimi
Study was conducted to evaluate the effect of feed restriction and source of different crude fiber on carcass weight and commercial pieces of broiler with Cobb strain. Study was using 24 broilers with Cobb Strain. Restriction of 20 percent feed and different sources of crude fiber were applied to broilers at age of 21to 28 days old. Ration was fed ad libitum to broilers until birds reached age of42 days old. . This research was using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in Factorial pattern of 2x4 with 3 replications. As a factor A was restricted feeding consisted of without restrictions (A0), and 20 percents restricted ration (A1). A factor B was source of crude fiber consisted of commercial feed (B0), commercial feed with coffee hull meal (B1), commercial feed with rice bran (B2), and commercial feed with coconut pulp (B3). There were treatment combinations including A0B0, A0B1, A0B2, A0B3, A1B0, A1B1, A1B2 and A1B3. The variables measured were percentages of commercial pieces consist of breast, thigh, wing and brisket. The data analyzed used variance analysis. The honestly significance difference test was used to determine which one of treatment was significantly different from each other. The results showed that the combination treatment of feed restriction and source of crude fiber in feed gave a very significant different effect (P <0.05) on carcass weight of broiler with Cobb strain. Sources of fiber crude affected significantly (P<0.05) percentages of thigh, breast, brisket and live weight. Treatment of feed restriction affected significantly (P<0.05) percentage of wing. Restriction of 20 percents with coconut pulp as source of crude fiber produced better commercial carcass of broilers withCobb strain. Keywords: Feed restriction, crude fiber source, broiler commercial pieces, Cobb strai
Rhizome Yield of Sweet Flag ( Acorus calamus
A study was undertaken for two consecutive years to assess the possibility of optimizing rhizome yield of Acorus calamus L. (sweet flag) by shifting the time of planting (i.e., growing in rainy and autumn seasons), maintaining different spacings, and harvesting in different months. Significantly higher yields of A. calamus were recorded when seeded in autumn (13150 kg ha−1) than rainy (6570 kg ha−1) season. Harvesting of crop after 12 months gave maximum rhizome yields of 16470 kg ha−1 and 9370 kg ha−1 respectively during autumn and rainy seasons. A similar trend was also noticed in various yield components (i.e., length, width and weight of rhizome). Closer planting (20×20 cm, 30×20 cm) gave significantly higher rhizome yield (8620 kg ha−1, 8120 kg ha−1) than wider spacing 40×40 cm (7030 kg ha−1). This study illustrated the possibility of optimizing rhizome yield of A. calamus by manipulation in the time of planting and harvesting as well as maintaining proper plant spacing
Mapping ice cliffs on debris-covered glaciers using multispectral satellite images
Ice cliffs play a key role in the mass balance of debris-covered glaciers, but assessing their importance is limited by a lack of datasets on their distribution and evolution at scales larger than an individual glacier. These datasets are often derived using operator-biased and time-consuming manual delineation approaches, despite the recent emergence of semi-automatic mapping methods. These methods have used elevation or multispectral data, but the varying slope and mixed spectral signal of these dynamic features makes the transferability of these approaches particularly challenging. We develop three semi-automated and objective new approaches, based on the Spectral Curvature and Linear Spectral Unmixing of multispectral images, to map these features at a glacier to regional scale. The transferability of each method is assessed by applying it to three sites in the Himalaya, where debris-covered glaciers are widespread, with varying lithologic, glaciological and climatic settings, and encompassing different periods of the melt season. We develop the new methods keeping in mind the wide range of remote sensing platforms currently in use, and focus in particular on two products: we apply the three approaches at each site to near-contemporaneous atmospherically-corrected Pléiades (2 m resolution) and Sentinel-2 (10 m resolution) images and assess the effects of spatial and spectral resolution on the results. We find that the Spectral Curvature method works best for the high spatial resolution, four band Pléaides images, while a modification of the Linear Spectral Unmixing using the scaling factor of the unmixing is best for the coarser spatial resolution, but additional spectral information of Sentinel-2 products. In both cases ice cliffs are mapped with a Dice coefficient higher than 0.48. Comparison of the Pléiades results with other existing methods shows that the Spectral Curvature approach performs better and is more robust than any other existing automated or semi-automated approaches. Both methods outline a high number of small, sometimes shallow-sloping and thinly debris-covered ice patches that differ from our traditional understanding of cliffs but may have non-negligible impact on the mass balance of debris-covered glaciers. Overall these results pave the way for large scale efforts of ice cliff mapping that can enable inclusion of these features in debris-covered glacier melt models, as well as allow the generation of multiple datasets to study processes of cliff formation, evolution and decline
Pengaruh Ekstrak Kulit dan Jus Buah Delima Putih (Punica granatum L.) Terhadap Titer Antibodi Ayam Kampung Super yang Divaksin Newcastle Disease
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak kulit dan buah delima terhadap titer antibodi ayam kampung super yang divaksin Newcastle Disease. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Sampel terdiri dari 40 ekor ayam kampung super yang dibagi acak menjadi 4 kelompok perlakuan. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah K- tidak divaksin. K+, P1 dan P2 divaksin dengan ND Lasota. Kemudian setelah titer antibodi ayam rendah, K- diberikan aquadest steril, K+ diberikan CMC-Na 0,5 %, P1 diberikan ekstrak kulit delima (200 mg/kg BB), P2 diberikan jus buah delima (3 ml/kg BB). Sampel berupa serum di uji HI untuk mengetahui titer antibodi. Hasil rata-rata jumlah titer antibodi uji pertama pada K- yaitu (log 2) 1,10a±0,994, pada K+ yaitu (log 2) 4,60b±0,699, pada P1 yaitu (log 2) 5,90c±0,876, dan pada P2 yaitu (log 2) 7,20d±0,632. Dan pada uji kedua pada K- yaitu (log 2) 0,20a±0,422, pada K+ yaitu (log 2) 4,90b±0,876, pada P1 yaitu (log 2) 6,50c±0,707, dan pada P2 yaitu (log 2) 8,00d±0,816. Ada perbedaan yang nyata mengenai peningkatan titer antibodi pada masing-masing perlakuan. Berdasarkan hasil dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh ekstrak kulit dan jus buah delima terhadap titer antibodi ayam kampung super yang divaksin Newcastle Disease. Penelitian disarankan untuk menggunakan jus buah delima karena lebih efektif
Seroprevalensi Antibodi Newcastle Disease (ND) pada Itik di Desa Temuasri, Sempu, Banyuwangi
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeteksi titer antibodi ND pada itik di Desa Temuasri Kecamatan Sempu Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Deteksi antibodi ND diperiksa dengan uji Hemaglutinasi (HA) dan Hambatan Hemaglutinasi (HI). Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian non-eksperimental dengan metode survei deskriptif. Kegiatan penelitian ini mengambil 72 sampel darah itik di Desa Temuasri Kecamatan Sempu Kabupaten Banyuwangi dengan metode cross-sectional. Serum dipisahkan dari bekuan darah, kemudian serum dipindahkan ke dalam microtube. Sebelum melakukan uji HA dan uji HI, sampel harus diberi perlakuan dengan menggunakan Red Blood Cell (RBC) 100% dan diinaktifasi ke dalam waterbath pada 56oC selama 30 menit, tujuannya untuk menghilangkan aglutinin non-spesifik dan menonaktifkan reaksi non-spesifik serum. Uji HI positif ketika menunjukkan pengendapan eritrosit berbentuk titik pada dasar sumuran micoplate. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan 20 (27.77%) dari 72 sampel positif ND
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