247 research outputs found

    Los judíos del Rey: conflicto y coexistencia en la Inglaterra de Enrique III (1216-1272)

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    En un volumen consagrado al tema de los grupos identitarios y las dinámicas de la delimitación de las distintas comunidades, resulta imprescindible dedicar un capítulo a los judíos de Inglaterra. ¿Por qué interesarse en los judíos de Inglaterra? De una parte sobre ellos existe un gran volumen de documentación, haciendo de ellos una de las comunidades mejor documentadas de Europa. También resulta sobresaliente la estrecha relación de la comunidad judía con el poder real. Desde su llegada poco después de 1066 en el periodo de Guillermo el Conquistador, hasta su expulsión por Eduardo I en 1290, los judíos estuvieron asociados al rey, para lo mejor y para lo peor. A pesar de la estrecha relación existente entre los judíos y el rey no solo en Inglaterra, sino en Francia y en los Reinos Ibéricos se debe señalar que el poder real estuvo todo el tiempo en concurrencia con otros poderes - concretamente con sus grandes vasallos- por el control de la comunidad judía y los ingresos que esta producía

    Identité et statut minoritaire dans les traditions légales: Deux exemples (XIIe-XIIIe siècles)

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    From one end of the Mediterranean to the other, in the Middle Ages, there are religious minorities: Jews and Christians in Muslim countries and significant Jewish communities in Byzantium and Latin Europe, as well as in some Muslim Christian kingdoms. While numerous studies have examined the place of minorities within these societies, this article discusses two examples of a less studied subject: how legal authorities for these minority communities see their social inferiority. Our first example focuses on the perspective of a Muslim mufti on residence of Muslims in Norman Sicily. The second example comes from Pope Gregory IX and his confessor, the canonist Raymond Penyafort, who rule on legal issues posed by Christians living in Tunis in the thirteenth century.D'un bout de la Méditerranée à l'autre, au moyen âge, on trouve des communautés religieuses minoritaires : juifs et chrétiens en pays musulmans et d'importantes communautés juives en Byzance et dans l'Europe latine, ainsi que des musulmans dans certains royaumes chrétiens. Si de nombreuses études ont examiné la place que l'on réservait, dans ces sociétés, aux minoritaires, cet article examine deux exemples d'un aspect bien moins étudié du sujet: comment les juristes des communautés minoritaires voient leur infériorité sociale. Notre premier exemple porte sur le point de vue d'un mufti musulman sur la légalité du séjour des musulmans en Sicile normande. Le deuxième, la vision du pape Grégoire IX et de son confesseur, le canoniste Raymond de Penyafort, sur des problèmes légaux posés par le séjour de chrétiens à Tunis au XIIIe siècle

    Graeculus dixit: Byzantium as Intermediary between Islam and Latin Europe?

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    Reading God´s will in the stars. Petrus Alfonsi and Raymond de Marseille defend the new Arabic Astrology

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    Pedro Alfonso y Raimundo de Marsella intentaron justificar la teorfa y la pnictica de la astrologfa en medio de un clima de escepticismo y de oposici6n. Ambos defendieron con firmeza el arte de la adivinacion celeste, afirmando que forma parte del plan racional trazado por Dios para el Universo. Atacaron a sus oponentes (los practicantes de la astrologfa inferior y el clero opuesto a Ia astrologfa), llamandolos ciegos, pervertidos y bestias inacionales. Sus discusiones contribuyeron a en tender Ia importancia de la recepci6n de la ciencia arabe en la Europa latina durante el siglo XII y a que se apelase cada mas a la raz6n.Petrus Alfonsi and Raymond of Marseille both attempt to justify the theory and practice of astrology in the face of considerable skepticism and opposition. They aggressively defend the art of celestial divination, affirming that it is part of God's rational plan for the universe. They attack their opponents (both practitioners of inferior astrology and clerical opponents of astrology) as (inter alia) blind, perverse, inational beasts. Their polemics shed light on the reception of Arabic, science in Latin Europe in the first half of the twelfth century and on the invocation of "reason" (ratio) as an increasingly popular rhetorical weapon

    Mirror of Chivalry: Salah al-Din in the Medieval European Imagination

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    This collective volume is the result of the Second Annual Conference on Cross-Cultural Encounters in the Mediterranean held at the American University in Cairo, 5-7 May, 1996. The contributors, David R. Blanks, John Victor Tolan, Nabil I. Matar, John Rodenbeck, Thabit Abdullah, E.M. Sartain, Omaima Abou-Bakr, and Nadia M. El-Cheik, take an interdisciplinary approach, drawing from sociology, anthropology, political science, history, and literature, in medieval their examination of past attitudes, in particular images of the \u27Other\u27 in medieval Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, in order to trace the origins of modern stereotypes. The essays are divided into three groups: Western images of Islamic culture, Muslim images of Europe, the Arabs and the Byzantines.https://fount.aucegypt.edu/faculty_book_chapters/1950/thumbnail.jp

    Irven Resnick (trad.), Peter the Venerable. Against the Inveterate Obduracy of the Jews

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    Le présent livre est une traduction anglaise du tract anti-juif de Pierre le Vénérable, Abbé de Cluny, Adversus Iudeorum inveteratam duritiem, avec introduction, notes et indices. Si le texte fait partie d’une longue tradition de tracts polémiques anti-juifs dans le Moyen Âge latin, il s’en distingue de plusieurs manières. Ces textes sont souvent écrits sous forme de dialogue entre un juif et un chrétien ; ici il s’agit plutôt d’un monologue, voire d’une diatribe anti-juive. De surcroît, Pier..


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    Justice Murphy would have observed his tenth anniversary on the Supreme Court on February 5, 1950. Just as some of us who were privileged to serve as his law clerks were beginning to think of plans to honor him on that occasion, the news of his death came to stun us. So instead we pay homage to his memory by relating some of the manifold aspects of the character of this most noble man


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    The epidemiology of chronic kidney disease in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Amid rapid urbanisation, the HIV epidemic, and increasing rates of non-communicable diseases, people in sub-Saharan Africa are especially vulnerable to kidney disease. Little is known about the epidemiology of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in sub-Saharan Africa, so we did a systematic review and meta-analysis examining the epidemiology of the disease. Methods We searched Medline, Embase, and WHO Global Health Library databases for all articles published through March 29, 2012, and searched the reference lists of retrieved articles. We independently reviewed each study for quality. We used the inverse-variance random-eff ects method for meta-analyses of the medium-quality and highquality data and explored heterogeneity by comparing CKD burdens across countries, settings (urban or rural), comorbid disorders (hypertension, diabetes, HIV), CKD defi nitions, and time. Findings Overall, we included 90 studies from 96 sites in the review. Study quality was low, with only 18 (20%) medium-quality studies and three (3%) high-quality studies. We noted moderate heterogeneity between the mediumquality and high-quality studies (n=21; I²=47·11%, p<0·0009). Measurement of urine protein was the most common method of determining the presence of kidney disease (62 [69%] studies), but the Cockcroft-Gault formula (22 [24%] studies) and Modifi cation of Diet in Renal Disease formula (17 [19%] studies) were also used. Most of the studies were done in urban settings (83 [93%] studies) and after the year 2000 (57 [63%] studies), and we detected no signifi cant diff erence in the prevalence of CKD between urban (12·4%, 95% CI 11–14) and rural (16·5%, 13·8–19·6) settings (p=0·474). The overall prevalence of CKD from the 21 medium-quality and high-quality studies was 13·9% (95% CI 12·2–15·7). Interpretation In sub-Saharan Africa, CKD is a substantial health burden with risk factors that include communicable and non-communicable diseases. However, poor data quality limits inferences and draws attention to the need for more information and validated measures of kidney function especially in the context of the growing burden of noncommunicable diseases


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    Studi ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari bagaimana peningkatan kemampuan inkuiri, penguasaan konsep dan sikap peduli lingkungan siswa melalui penerapan pembelajaran inkuiri dengan memanfaatkan ekosistem mangrove sebagai sumber belajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen semu dengan desain the static group pretest-posttest. Sejumlah siswa kelas X (N= 46) terlibat sebagai subjek penelitian yang diambil dengan simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes kemampuan inkuiri, tes penguasaan konsep, tes penguasaan konsep literasi lingkungan, observasi, dan penyebaran skala sikap. Teknik pengolahan data melalui uji normalitas dan homogenitas, perhitungan N-gain, uji hipotesis dengan bantuan program SPSS versi 16. Hasil analisis data pretest dan posttest menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada peningkatan kemampuan inkuiri, penguasaan konsep dan sikap peduli lingkungan siswa antara kelas kontrol dengan kelas eksperimen. Dengan demikian pembelajaran inkuiri dengan memanfaatkan ekosistem mangrove sebagai sumber belajar dapat membantu siswa meningkatkan kemampuan inkuiri, penguasaan konsep dan sikap peduli lingkungan siswa. Selain itu hasil tes literasi lingkungan pada kelas eksperimen sebesar 32% sedangkan pada kelas kontrol 29%. Dengan demikian literasi lingkungan siswa pada kelas yang melakukan pembelajaran inkuiri dengan memnafaatkan ekosistem mangrove sebagai sumber belajar memiliki persentase yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kelas yang melakukan pembelajaran konvensional. Siswa dan guru memberikan tanggapan yang positif terhadap pembelajaran inkuiri dengan memanfaatkan ekosistem mangrove sebagai sumber belajar. ;---This study aimed to learn how enhancing inquiry ability, concept and environment attitude through implementation of inquiry learning by using mangrove ecosystem as a learning resource. This study used a quasi-experimental with the static group pretest-posttest design. A number of students of class X (N = 46) was involved as research subjects taken by purposive sampling. Data collected through inquiry ability tests, concepts tests, attitude scale, environmental literacy test and observation. Data processing techniques through normality and homogeneity tests, N-gain calculation, and hypothesis test with SPSS version 16. Results of data analysis showed a significant difference in the improvement of the between control class and the experimental class. Thus the inquiry learning by utilizing the mangrove ecosystem as a source of learning can help students improve the inquiry ability, concepts and environmental attitudes. The environmental literacy test results was 32% in the experimental class and 29% in the control class. Thus the environmental literacy of students in classes that do inquiry learning by utilizing mangrove ecosystem as a learning resource has a better percentage than the classes that perform conventional learning. Students and teachers also give a positive response to the lesson activities