23 research outputs found

    Epigenetic Silencing of Spermatocyte-Specific and Neuronal Genes by SUMO Modification of the Transcription Factor Sp3

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    SUMO modification of transcription factors is linked to repression of transcription. The physiological significance of SUMO attachment to a particular transcriptional regulator, however, is largely unknown. We have employed the ubiquitously expressed murine transcription factor Sp3 to analyze the role of SUMOylation in vivo. We generated mice and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) carrying a subtle point mutation in the SUMO attachment sequence of Sp3 (IKEE553D mutation). The E553D mutation impedes SUMOylation of Sp3 at K551 in vivo, without affecting Sp3 protein levels. Expression profiling revealed that spermatocyte-specific genes, such as Dmc1 and Dnahc8, and neuronal genes, including Paqr6, Rims3, and Robo3, are de-repressed in non-testicular and extra-neuronal mouse tissues and in mouse embryonic fibroblasts expressing the SUMOylation-deficient Sp3E553D mutant protein. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments show that transcriptional de-repression of these genes is accompanied by the loss of repressive heterochromatic marks such as H3K9 and H4K20 tri-methylation and impaired recruitment of repressive chromatin-modifying enzymes. Finally, analysis of the DNA methylation state of the Dmc1, Paqr6, and Rims3 promoters by bisulfite sequencing revealed that these genes are highly methylated in Sp3wt MEFs but are unmethylated in Sp3E553D MEFs linking SUMOylation of Sp3 to tissue-specific CpG methylation. Our results establish SUMO conjugation to Sp3 as a molecular beacon for the assembly of repression machineries to maintain tissue-specific transcriptional gene silencing

    Challenges in Biological X-ray Microanalysis in the AEM

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    Human Male Infertility Associated with Mutations in NR5A1 Encoding Steroidogenic Factor 1

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    One in seven couples worldwide are infertile, and male factor infertility accounts for approximately 30%–50% of these cases. Although many genes are known to be essential for gametogenesis, there are surprisingly few monogenic mutations that have been conclusively demonstrated to cause human spermatogenic failure. A nuclear receptor, NR5A1 (also called steroidogenic factor 1), is a key transcriptional regulator of genes involved in the hypothalamic-pituitary-steroidogenic axis, and it is expressed in the steroidogenic tissue of the developing and adult human gonad. Mutations of NR5A1 have been reported in 46,XY disorders of sex development and in 46,XX primary ovarian insufficiency. To test the hypothesis that mutations in NR5A1 cause male infertility, we sequenced NR5A1 in 315 men with idiopathic spermatogenic failure. We identified seven men with severe spermatogenic failure who carried missense mutations in NR5A1. Functional studies indicated that these mutations impaired NR5A1 transactivational activity. We did not observe these mutations in more than 4000 control alleles, including the entire coding sequence of 359 normospermic men and 370 fertile male controls. NR5A1 mutations are found in approximately 4% of men with otherwise unexplained severe spermatogenic failure