194 research outputs found

    Simulation of cognitive behaviour in computer games

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    Demo of Gaze Controlled Flying

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    Development of a control paradigm for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) is a new challenge to HCI. The demo explores how to use gaze as input for locomotion in 3D. A low-cost drone will be controlled by tracking user’s point of regard (gaze) on a live video stream from the UAV

    Smooth-pursuit performance during eye-typing from memory indicates mental fatigue

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    Mental fatigue is known to occur as a result of activities related to e.g. transportation, health-care and military operations. Gaze tracking has wide-ranging applications, with the technology becoming more compact and processing power reducing. Though numerous techniques have been applied to measure mental fatigue using gaze tracking, smooth-pursuit movement, a natural eye movement generated when following a moving object with gaze, has not been explored with relation to mental fatigue. In this paper, we report the results from a smooth-pursuit movement based eye-typing experiment with varying task difficulty to generate cognitive load, performed in the morning and afternoon by 36 participants. We have investigated the effects of time-on-task and time of day on mental fatigue using self-reported questionnaires and smooth-pursuit performance, extracted from the gaze data. The self-reported mental fatigue increased due to time-on-task, but the time of day did not have an effect. The results illustrate that smooth-pursuit movement performance declined with time-on-task, with increased error in the gaze position and an inability to match the speed of the moving object. The findings exhibit the feasibility of mental fatigue detection using smooth-pursuit movements during an eye-interactive task of eye-typing

    Low Cost and Flexible UAV Deployment of Sensors

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    This paper presents a platform for airborne sensor applications using low-cost, open-source components carried by an easy-to-fly unmanned aircraft vehicle (UAV). The system, available in open-source , is designed for researchers, students and makers for a broad range of exploration and data-collection needs. The main contribution is the extensible architecture for modularized airborne sensor deployment and real-time data visualisation. Our open-source Android application provides data collection, flight path definition and map tools. Total cost of the system is below 800 dollars. The flexibility of the system is illustrated by mapping the location of Bluetooth beacons (iBeacons) on a ground field and by measuring water temperature in a lake

    Viden-indhentning og -modellering:: Et nyt arbejdsomrĂĄde for psykologer?

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    The acquisition, formalization and representation of expert knowledge in computer programs is a rapidly expanding field in the wake of computer technology developments. In the following it will be pointed out that this work to a large extent is based ontheories of human cognition and applies psychological methods such as interview, observation, experiments and protocol analysis. Experiences from modelling of the knowledge and reasoning by machinists concerning the state of the process in a power plantshow how these methods can be used in developing expert programs. This illustrates the fact that you do not have to be a computer expert to start working on such a project.Indhentning, formalisering og repræsentation af ekspertviden i edb-programmer er et stærkt ekspanderende område i kølvandet på computer-udviklingen. Det vil her blive fremhævet, hvorledes dette arbejde i stor udstrækning er baseret på teorier om den menneskelige kognition og anvender psykologiske metoder som interviews, observationer, eksperimenter og protokolanalyse. Erfaringerne fra en videnmodellering af maskinmestres ræsonnementer over anlægstilstande på et kraftværk illustrerer, hvorledes disse metoder kan bruges til udviklingen af ekspertprogrammer, og at man ikke behøver at være edb-ekspert for at kunne gå i gang med et sådant projekt
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