1,461 research outputs found

    Standard FITS template for simulated astrophysical scenes with the WFIRST coronagraph

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    The science investigation teams (SITs) for the WFIRST coronagraphic instrument have begun studying the capabilities of the instrument to directly image reflected light off from exoplanets at contrasts down to contrasts of ~10^-9 with respect to the stellar flux. Detection of point sources at these high contrasts requires yield estimates and detailed modeling of the image of the planetary system as it propagates through the telescope optics. While the SITs might generate custom astrophysical scenes, the integrated model, propagated through the internal speckle field, is typically done at JPL. In this white paper, we present a standard file format to ensure a single distribution system between those who produce the raw astrophysical scenes, and JPL modelers who incorporate those scenes into their optical modeling. At its core, our custom file format uses FITS files, and incorporates standards on packaging astrophysical scenes. This includes spectral and astrometric information for planetary and stellar point sources, zodiacal light and extragalactic sources that may appear as contaminants. Adhering to such a uniform data distribution format is necessary, as it ensures seamless work flow between the SITs and modelers at JPL for the goals of understanding limits of the WFIRST coronagraphic instrument.Comment: 8 pages, white pape

    Control interface concepts for CHARA 6-telescope fringe tracking with CHAMP+MIRC

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    Cophasing six telescopes from the CHARA array, the CHARA-Michigan Phasetracker (CHAMP) and Michigan Infrared Combiner (MIRC) are pushing the frontiers of infrared long-baseline interferometric imaging in key scientific areas such as star- and planet-formation. Here we review our concepts and recent improvements on the CHAMP and MIRC control interfaces, which establish the communication to the real-time data recording & fringe tracking code, provide essential performance diagnostics, and assist the observer in the alignment and flux optimization procedure. For fringe detection and tracking with MIRC, we have developed a novel matrix approach, which provides predictions for the fringe positions based on cross-fringe information.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, published in SPIE conference proceedings (http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.926559

    Phase Closure Nulling: results from the 2009 campaign

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    We present here a new observational technique, Phase Closure Nulling (PCN), which has the potential to obtain very high contrast detection and spectroscopy of faint companions to bright stars. PCN consists in measuring closure phases of fully resolved objects with a baseline triplet where one of the baselines crosses a null of the object visibility function. For scenes dominated by the presence of a stellar disk, the correlated flux of the star around nulls is essentially canceled out, and in these regions the signature of fainter, unresolved, scene object(s) dominates the imaginary part of the visibility in particular the closure phase. We present here the basics of the PCN method, the initial proof-of-concept observation, the envisioned science cases and report about the first observing campaign made on VLTI/AMBER and CHARA/MIRC using this technique.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the SPIE'2010 conference on "Optical and Infrared Interferometry II

    A molecular basis for selective antagonist destabilization of dopamine D3 receptor quaternary organization

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    The dopamine D3 receptor (D3R) is a molecular target for both first-generation and several recently-developed antipsychotic agents. Following stable expression of this mEGFP-tagged receptor, Spatial Intensity Distribution Analysis indicated that a substantial proportion of the receptor was present within dimeric/oligomeric complexes and that increased expression levels of the receptor favored a greater dimer to monomer ratio. Addition of the antipsychotics, spiperone or haloperidol, resulted in re-organization of D3R quaternary structure to promote monomerization. This action was dependent on ligand concentration and reversed upon drug washout. By contrast, a number of other antagonists with high affinity at the D3R, did not alter the dimer/monomer ratio. Molecular dynamics simulations following docking of each of the ligands into a model of the D3R derived from the available atomic level structure, and comparisons to the receptor in the absence of ligand, were undertaken. They showed that, in contrast to the other antagonists, spiperone and haloperidol respectively increased the atomic distance between reference α carbon atoms of transmembrane domains IV and V and I and II, both of which provide key interfaces for D3R dimerization. These results offer a molecular explanation for the distinctive ability of spiperone and haloperidol to disrupt D3R dimerization


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    With distance learning increasing in popularity across the country and the world, a review of the extant literature as it relates to distance learning and face-to-face learning is warranted. In particular, this paper examined distance learning, including a historical overview, prevailing themes in past research, and studies relating the importance of the community concept in distance education. Also analyzed were research studies in which the importance of culture and values were addressed. Subsequently, the rationale for the development of instruments to quantify values, including the Schwartz Value Scale (SVS), was provided. Growth in online education has created an environment where educators must meet new challenges while having little practical experience. Research, then, is – and will be – needed to guide future practice and pedagogy. Therefore, to provide institutions with much-needed information about the value profile of the distance-learning student, it is essential that research on student values is performed. This information could aid in the creation and implementation of programs aimed at increasing student success and decreasing student withdrawals. In sociological terms, then, distance-learning courses would meet the criteria set forth for societies: courses are groupings of individuals living or participating in a territorial space. Furthermore, courses contain formal, and develop informal, structures that regulate the allocation of rewards

    Diseño y Validación de un instrumento para la evaluación y priorización en los componentes Técnicos y financieros de los predios propuestos por los municipios, para participar en proyectos Bancos Municipales de Agua (BAMA) en la Jurisdicción de la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca CAR

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    Los Bancos municipales de agua (BAMA), hacen parte de las estrategias adelantadas por parte de la Corporación Autónoma de Cundinamarca (CAR), para mitigar los impactos ambientales generados por el cambio climático, la cual busca dotar a los municipios de estructuras de almacenamiento de agua de escorrentía superficial en un cauce definido durante las épocas de lluvias. Esto permite regular las fuentes de captación en épocas de lluvias y en épocas de sequía disponer de un volumen de agua para atender las necesidades propias de la región para actividades relacionadas con la agricultura, atención de incendios y suministro de agua para usos diferentes al consumo humano. La CAR invitó a los 104 municipios de su jurisdicción a participar en la postulación de predios para la construcción de este tipo de proyectos; sin embargo y debido a que la mayoría de los predios no cumplen con los requerimientos técnicos mínimos, existe la necesidad de establecer un procedimiento de evaluación que permita depurar los predios propuestos y priorizar aquellos que cumplen con los requerimientos mínimos que permitan la ejecución de un proyecto tipo BAMA. Para realizar dicha evaluación se propuso el análisis de los componentes Técnico, Ambiental, Social y Financiero, siendo como objeto de este proyecto de grado llevar a cabo la evaluación de los componentes Técnico y Financiero, los cuales se complementan con los Ambientales y Sociales, abordados en otro trabajo de grado (Ing. Barbara Rico). Una vez definido el procedimiento de evaluación de cada uno de los componentes se elaboró una herramienta que consolida la información y emite una puntuación, la cual fue validada con información de proyectos ya ejecutados buscando generar una escala de referencia y así su priorización con respecto a los componentes propuestos.#DiseñoValidaciónInstrumentoEvaluaciónComponentesTécnicosFinancierosPrediosPropuestosMunicipiosProyectos(BAMA)JurisdicciónCAR#ValidaciónInstrumentoEvaluaciónComponentesTécnicosFinancierosPrediosPropuestosMunicipiosProyectos(BAMA)#DiseñoValidaciónInstrumentoEvaluaciónTécnicosFinancierosPrediosPropuestosMunicipiosProyectos(BAMA)CARCundinamarcaThe municipal water banks (BAMA), are part of the strategies advanced by part of the Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca (CAR), to mitigate the impacts environmental issues generated by climate change, which seeks to provide municipalities with surface runoff water storage structures in a defined channel during the rainy seasons. This allows the catchment sources to be regulated in periods of rains and in times of drought have a volume of water to meet the needs of the region for activities related to agriculture, attention to fires and water supply for uses other than human consumption. The CAR invited the 104 municipalities of its jurisdiction to participate in the application of properties for the construction of this type of projects; however, and because most of the properties do not meet the minimum technical requirements, there is a need to establish an evaluation procedure that allows purging the proposed properties and prioritize those that meet the minimum requirements that allow the execution of a BAMA-type project. To carry out this evaluation, the analysis of the Technical, Environmental, Social and Financial components, being the object of this degree project to carry out the evaluation of the Technical and Financial components, which are complemented by the Environmental and Social ones, addressed in another work degree (Ing. Barbara Rico). Once the evaluation procedure for each One of the components developed a tool that consolidates the information and issues a score, which was validated with information from projects already executed seeking to generate a reference scale and thus its prioritization with respect to the proposed component

    The Circumstellar Environments of Young Stars at AU Scales

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    We review recent advances in our understanding of the innermost regions of the circumstellar environment around young stars, made possible by the technique of long baseline interferometry at infrared wavelengths. Near-infrared observations directly probe the location of the hottest dust. The characteristic sizes found are much larger than previously thought, and strongly correlate with the luminosity of the central young stars. This relation has motivated in part a new class of models of the inner disk structure. The first mid-infrared observations have probed disk emission over a larger range of scales, and spectrally resolved interferometry has for the first time revealed mineralogy gradients in the disk. These new measurements provide crucial information on the structure and physical properties of young circumstellar disks, as initial conditions for planet formation.Comment: to appear in Protostars and Planets V boo

    Recent developments in optical interferometry data standards

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    A working group on interferometry data standards has been established within IAU Commission 54 (Optical/ Infrared Interferometry). The working group includes members representing the major optical interferometry projects worldwide, and aims to enhance existing standards and develop new ones to satisfy the broad interests of the optical interferometry community. We present the initial work of the group to enhance the OIFITS data exchange standard, and outline the software packages and libraries now available which implement the standard

    Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of Sub-AU-Sized Regions of T Tauri and Herbig Ae/Be Disks

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    We present spatially resolved near-IR spectroscopic observations of 15 young stars. Using a grism spectrometer behind the Keck Interferometer, we obtained an angular resolution of a few milli-arcseconds and a spectral resolution of 230, enabling probes of both gas and dust in the inner disks surrounding the target stars. We find that the angular size of the near-IR emission typically increases with wavelength, indicating hot, presumably gaseous material within the dust sublimation radius. Our data also clearly indicate Brackett-gamma emission arising from hot hydrogen gas, and suggest the presence of water vapor and carbon monoxide gas in the inner disks of several objects. This gaseous emission is more compact than the dust continuum emission in all cases. We construct simple physical models of the inner disk and fit them to our data to constrain the spatial distribution and temperature of dust and gas emission components.Comment: 40 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
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